HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1987 - 09/03 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
Donald P. Rodenbaugh, Mayor
Council Members:
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Jerry Wilson
Bobby Glass
Jim Wolfe
Jim Pendleton
Jack Pennington
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
At 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 3, 1987, the Allen City
Council convened to hold a reception for candidates for the
upcoming appointments to the city's boards. City staff provided
presentations on the Parks and Recreation Board, Board of Adjust-
ment, and the Sign Control Board. Council Members met the candi-
dates, and members of the Council -appointed Interview Committee
scheduled interviews with candidates for the upcoming appointments.
The regular session of the Allen City Council was called
to order by Mayor Rodenbaugh at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 3,
1987, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One
Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
(Agenda Item II)
At the request of Ernie Hoback, Director of Public Works,
Consent Agenda Item IIC was removed for individual consideration.
At the request of Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, Consent Agenda Item IIF
was removed for individual consideration.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pennington and seconded
by Councilman Wilson, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve
and adopt all remaining items on the Consent Agenda as
recommended and as follows:
Approval of City Council Minutes of August 20, 1987 -
Regular Session.
Approval of City Council Minutes of August 27, 1987 -
Called - Special Meeting.
Set October 1, 1987, as the Public Hearing Date on
a Request to Establish Permanent Zoning of 3.553
Acres of "FP -SC" Flood Plain - Shopping Center,
Located South of F.M. 2170 and West of Angel Drive
as Requested by Joe Marchman & Associates.
Set October 1, 1987, as the Public Hearing Date on
a Request to Amend "PD-TH" Planned Development -
Town House No. 7 to Allow 6 foot Fences on Property
Adjacent to Common Greenbelt Areas on Property
Located South of Ridgemont and West of Collin Drive
as Requested by the Collin Square Homeowners Assoc.
motion carried.
End of the Consent Agenda
Page 2
Authorize Payment of Bills
Associated with the 1985 (Consent Agenda
Capital Improvement Program Item II -C)
Ernie Hoback, Director of Public Works, requested that
this agenda item be removed for individual consideration in
order that he could explain the final payment to Goodbrand
Construction, Inc., for the completion of the Stacy Road
Pump Station. Mr. Hoback distributed to the Council copies
of an information sheet which showed various dates of
construction completion on this project and explained why
the final payment had been deleted to the amount of $10,140.45.
Mr. Hoback pointed out that there were liquidated damages in
the amount of $4800 which resulted in the reduction in the
final payment and explained how the damages were determined.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and
seconded by Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted
7 - 0 to approve the following bills associated
with the 1985 Capital Improvement Program:
1. Goodbrand Construction, Inc. $ 10,140.45
Project No. 90-001-1A
Final Payment - Estimate No. 11
Construction of Stacy Road
Pump Station (Second Delivery
Period: 6/25/87 - 8/11/87
2. G. M. Geer, Engineer $ 1,085.00
Project No. 40-001-2/
Municipal Complex Infrastructure -
too Surveying Services c/o Black &
Veatch Engineers
Period: April, 1987
3. Professional Service Industries, $ 134.00
Project No. 90-002-6
Construction of 2 MG Elevated
Water Tower - Testing of
Period: 6/30/87 - 7/16/87
4. Game Time $ 1,003.22
Project No. 50-004-6
Equipment for Story Park
Playground - Swingsets
Period: 8/17/87
5. Game Time
Project No. 50-002-6
Equipment for Ford Park
Playground - Swingsets
Period: 8/17/87
6. SWA Group
Project No. 75-002-2
Construction of Main Street -
Phase II - Landscaping -
Professional Services -
Reimbursable Expenses
Period: 7/1/87 - 7/31/87
7. SVA Concrete
Project No. 50-004-1
Construction of Story Park
Period: 8/24/87
SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 Page 3
Authorize Payment of Bills
Associated with the 1985 (Consent Agenda
Capital Improvement Program (cont'd) Item II -C)
B. General Homes Corp. $ 15,088.37
Final Payment - Paving for
Malone Dr./Edelweiss Dr.
Malachi Corporation $ 53,507.34
Project No. 60-002-1
Addition and Renovation of
Central Fire Station -
Application No. 5 -
Period: Thru: 7/25/87
10. Albert H. Halff Associates, Inc. $ 1,596.65
Project No. 75-002-2
Hydraulic modeling for Main
Street Bridge analysis -
Professional Services
Period: 8/19/87
11. Hidell Architects $ 1,040.00
Project No. 60-002-3
Addition and Renovation of
Central Fire Station -
Architectural Services
Period: July, 1987
12. Marriott Construction $124,780.60
Project No. 75-003-1
Construction of Jupiter Road -
Estimate No. 8
Period: 7/26/87
13. Malachi Corporation $ 52,719.84
Project No. 60-002-1
Addition and Renovation of
Central Fire Station
Application No. 5
Period: Thru: 7/25/87
Resolution No. 807-9-87(R):
A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of Allen, Texas,
Authorizing the City Manager to
Execute an Agreement Between the
City and the Southern Pacific
Transportation Company Concerning
Reconstruction of the Grade Cros-
sing at Main Street in the City of (Consent Agenda
Allen, Texas. Item II -F)
Mayor Pro Tem Farmer advised that he had requested that
this item be removed from the Consent Agenda for individual
consideration due to some questions he had on the agreement.
Mayor Pro Tem Farmer discussed with city staff if the Southern
Pacific Railroad Company had to do the maintenance work on
the railroad crossing or could someone else do the work; what
was the interpretation of paragraph 2 of the contract and did
it mean that the city would have to put up 80% of the cost of
the work before the work is initiated; and the fact that
paragraph 3 of the agreement stated that they would have one
year to complete this project, which seemed excessive.
There was further discussion by the Council with city
staff on the need to get this work completed in a timely
manner; how paragraph 2 should be interpreted and the need
for clarification on the wording and the fact that the city
SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 Page 4
(Consent Agenda
Resolution No. 807-9-87(R) (cont'd) Item No. II -F)
should not have to pay prior to the construction work being
done and especially the labor costs; if a determination had
been received from Southern Pacific Railroad on the McDermott
Road crossing, the indication from Southern Pacific that they
would like to close the Belmont crossing in exchange for the
McDermott crossing; if the Main Street crossing improvements
and the decision on the McDermott crossing should be combined
and pursued.
In further discussion, the Council directed that the
city staff obtain an interpretation of paragraph 2 of the
agreement and keep in mind the interest of the city and the
fact that the city should not have to pay for construction
work before it is completed.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
approve and adopt Resolution No. 807-9-87(R), as
captioned previously. The motion carried.
At this time, Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and
Recreation Department, appeared before the Council and advised
the Council that Trey Goodman, the Parks and Recreation Super-
visor, was leaving the employment of the city to work for the
City of Addison as their Recreation Supervisor. Mr. Thornton
recognized Trey Goodman and commended him for the work that he
had done while working for the city for five years. Mayor
Rodenbaugh and the Council also commended Mr. Goodman on his
work and relationship with the senior citizens group and the
children enrolled inthe various summer programs and wish him
the best in his new position.
Public Hearing: Request to Amend the
Use Regulations of
Planned Development No. 30
to Allow a Church by
Specific Use Permit in
Building B of the Green -
ridge Office Center
Location: Northwest Corner of
Ridgemont and S.H. 5
Requestor: Cushman and Wakefield
for First Presbyterian
Ordinance No. 808-9-87: An
Ordinance of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Amending
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
No. 366-10-81 of the City of
Allen, as Previously Amended in
Ordinance No. 573-12-84, by
Amending the Use and Area Regu-
lations of "PD" Planned Develop-
ment No. 30 so as to Allow a
Church by Specific Use Permit in
Building B of the Greenridge Of-
fice Center, an Office Development
Located in the Texet Addition to
the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Recorded in Cabinet C, Slot
582 of the Map Records of Collin
County, Texas; Providing for Amend-
ed Area and Use Regulations; Pro-
viding for a Penalty; Providing for
an Effective Date; and Providing for
Publication of the Caption.
(Agenda Item III -A)
Page 5
Public Hearing: Request to Amend the
Use Regulations of
Planned Development No. 30
to Allow a Church by
Specific Use Permit in
Building B of the Green -
ridge Office Center
Requester: Cushman and Wakefield
for First Presbyterian
Church (cont'd) (Agenda Item III -A)
Ordinance No. 808-9-87 (cont'd)
Mayor Rodenbaugh read the request into the record as
"Public Hearing to Consider a Request to Amend
the Use Regulations of Planned Development No. 30
to Allow a Church by Specific Use Permit in Building
B of the Greenridge Office Center Located at the
Northwest Corner of Ridgemont and S.H. 5 as Requested
by Cushman and Wakefield and Consider an Ordinance
Amending the Use Regulations in PD NO. 30."
Ernie Pare, representing the First Presbyterian Church
and Cushman and Wakefield, spoke before the Council on this
request to amend the use regulations in Planned Development
No. 30 in order to allow a church by a specific use permit
in that district.
Using a site plan of the district, Mr. Pare pointed out
the location in Building B of the Greenridge Office Center,
located at the northwest corner of Ridgemont and State Highway 5,
that the First Presbyterian Church wanted to use as their
facility for church services and church educational services.
Mayor Rodenbaugh opened the public hearing. No one
appeared to speak either for or against this request. Mayor
Rodenbaugh closed the public hearing.
The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their regular
meeting held on July 23, 1987, recommended to the City
Council approval of the request to amend the use regulations
in Planned Development No. 30 in order to allow a church
in this district by a specific use permit.
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator, spoke before the
Council on the clarification of this agenda item as compared
to the next agenda item. Mr. Keener advised that the action
on this item was to either approve or deny an amendment to
the use regulations of the planned development in order to
allow a church by specific use permit in this district. If
this agenda item is denied, then the next agenda item cannot
be approved.
Mr. Keener pointed out to the Council that Reverend Robert
Bullock was present at the meeting if there were any questions
regarding this item.
There was a brief discussion by the Council on this item.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Wilson, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
approve the request to amend the use regulations in
Planned Development No. 30, to allow a church in this
district by a specific use permit in accordance with
the Planning and Zoning Commission recommendations, as
stated; and to approve and adopt Ordinance No. 809-8-87,
as captioned previously. The motion carried.
Public Hearing: Request for a Specific
Use Permit with Site
Plan Approval for
Building B of the
Greenridge Office Center
Location: Northwest Corner of
Ridgemont and State
Highway 5
Requester: Cushman and Wakefield
for First Presbyterian
Ordinance No. 809-9-87: An
Ordinance of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Amending
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No.
366-10-81, as Previously Amended
by "PD" Planned Development No. 30
Ordinance No. 573-12-89, as Here-
tofore Amended, so as to Attach
as Exhibit "E" a Specific Use Permit
and Site Plan for a Church in Build-
ing B of the Greenridge Office Center,
an Office Center Located in Lot 1
Block A of the Texet Addition to the
City of Allen, Recorded in Cabinet C,
Slot 582 of the Map Records of Collin
County, Texas, Presently Delineated on
the Official Zoning Map as "PD"
Planned Development No. 30; Providing
for a Termination of Specific Use
Permit; Providing for a Penalty;
Providing for an Effective Date; Pro-
viding for Publication of the Caption.
Page 6
(Agenda Item III -B)
Mayor Rodenbaugh read the request into the record as
"Public Hearing to Consider a Request for a Specific Use
Permit with Site Plan Approval for Building B of the
Greenridge Office Center as Requested by Cushman and
Wakefield for the First Presbyterian Church on Property
Located at the Northwest Corner of Ridgemont and S.H. 5
and Consider an Ordinance Approving the Specific Use
Permit and Site Plan."
Mr. Ernie Paro, representing the First Presbyterian Church
and Cushman and Wakefield, spoke before the Council on the
church's request for a specific use permit in order to locate
their church facilities in Building B of the Greenridge Office
Mayor Rodenbaugh opened the public hearing. No one
appeared to speak either for or against this request. Mayor
Rodenbaugh closed the public hearing.
The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their regular
tw meeting held on July 23, 1987, recommended to the Council
approval of the request for a specific use permit for a
church with the stipulation that the specific use permit
expire with the tenancy of the First Presbyterian Church, or
two years, whichever comes first.
The Council discussed with city staff the time limit of
two years or the vacancy of the building by the church and
who would be responsible for enforcing this requirement and
if this specific use permit would then be removed from this
location. The Council discussed with the church representative
Approval of the Engagement
Letter for Fiscal Year Audit
(Agenda Item IV)
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised the Council that members of the
Council -appointed Audit Committee had met with the Finance
Director, Charlotte Smith, to review and discuss the scope and
objectives of the engagement letter prepared by Peat Marwick
Main & Company for the fiscal year 1986 - 87 year end audit.
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised that there would be a fee of $17,000
for the annual audit, with an additional $1,000 to $2,000 for
an audit of the construction grant funds given to the city's
library. Based upon their review and discussions, Mayor
Rodenbaugh advised the Council that it was their recommendation
that the engagement letter be approved as presented so that
Peat Marwick can commence with the audit function.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pennington and
seconded by Councilman Wilson, the Council voted
7 - 0 to approve the engagement letter, as prepared
by Peat Marwick Main and Company, for the fiscal
year 1986 - 87 audit in accordance with the recom-
mendation of the Council -appointed Audit Committee.
The motion carried.
At this time, Councilman Wolfe pointed out to the Council
that since the city is in the process of changing and updating
their computer operations, it would be a good idea for them to
discuss this with the auditors and get their input and expertise
on the financial aspects of data processing and what direction
they feel the city needs to look into at this time.
Approval of Specifications
and Authorization to Solicit
Bids on the Relocation of
Utilities for Main Street,
Phases 2 and 3 Project (Agenda Item V)
Ernie Hoback, Director of Public works, spoke before the
Council on the specifications and authorization to solicit
bids for the relocation of utilities on Main Street, Phases 2 and 3.
Page 7
Public Hearing: Request for a Specific
Use Permit with Site
Plan Approval for
Building B of the
Greenridge Office Center
Requestor: Cushman and Wakefield
for First Presbyterian
Church (cont'd)
(Agenda Item III -B)
Ordinance No. 809-9-87 (cont'd)
if they had entered into a lease agreement
as of this time
and Mr. Paro indicated that the church had
not. The Council
then discussed with city staff what would
become of the specific
use permit at this location if the church
did not lease this
space. Tom Keener, Development Coordinator,
advised the Council
that the specific use permit would be null
and void since it
pertained to the occupancy of the building
by the First
Presbyterian Church.
MOTION: Upon a motion made be Councilman
Pendleton and
seconded by Councilman Wolfe, the
Council voted
7 - 0 to approve the request for
a specific use
permit by the First Presbyterian
Church in
Building B of the Greenridge Office
Center in
accordance with the Planning and
Zoning Commission
recommendation, as stated; and to
approve and
adopt Ordinance No. 809-9-87, as
previously. The motion carried.
Approval of the Engagement
Letter for Fiscal Year Audit
(Agenda Item IV)
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised the Council that members of the
Council -appointed Audit Committee had met with the Finance
Director, Charlotte Smith, to review and discuss the scope and
objectives of the engagement letter prepared by Peat Marwick
Main & Company for the fiscal year 1986 - 87 year end audit.
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised that there would be a fee of $17,000
for the annual audit, with an additional $1,000 to $2,000 for
an audit of the construction grant funds given to the city's
library. Based upon their review and discussions, Mayor
Rodenbaugh advised the Council that it was their recommendation
that the engagement letter be approved as presented so that
Peat Marwick can commence with the audit function.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pennington and
seconded by Councilman Wilson, the Council voted
7 - 0 to approve the engagement letter, as prepared
by Peat Marwick Main and Company, for the fiscal
year 1986 - 87 audit in accordance with the recom-
mendation of the Council -appointed Audit Committee.
The motion carried.
At this time, Councilman Wolfe pointed out to the Council
that since the city is in the process of changing and updating
their computer operations, it would be a good idea for them to
discuss this with the auditors and get their input and expertise
on the financial aspects of data processing and what direction
they feel the city needs to look into at this time.
Approval of Specifications
and Authorization to Solicit
Bids on the Relocation of
Utilities for Main Street,
Phases 2 and 3 Project (Agenda Item V)
Ernie Hoback, Director of Public works, spoke before the
Council on the specifications and authorization to solicit
bids for the relocation of utilities on Main Street, Phases 2 and 3.
Page 8
Approval of Specifications
and Authorization to Solicit
Bids on the Relocation of
Utilities for Main Street,
Phases 2 and 3 Project (cont'd) (Agenda Item V)
Mr. Hoback explained the original plans had been to relocate
all of the older water and sewer lines located under McDermott
before paving improvements commenced, however, it appeared to
be too costly. The city then had the consulting engineers
determine the cost for removal of all of the water and sewer
lines except for the 24" water line. Mr. Hoback explained to
the Council that in order to leave the 24" line under McDermott,
the city would have to take over maintenance of McDermott
(P.M. 2170) from the State Department of Highways and Public
Transportation and they have aqreed to this offer.
Mr. Hoback then distributed to the Council the following
budget for the relocation of utilities and reviewed it:
Engineering is included in Designing
of Main Street and McDermott Paving $ 35,000.00
Water Lines $213,182.00
158 Contingencies 37,620.00
Total $250,802.00
Sewer Lines $156,400.00
158 Contingencies $ 27,600.00
Total $184,000.00
Contruction Staking & Contract
Administration: $ 9,000.00
Mr. Hoback presented a drawing of the location of the new
water and sewer lines that will be located under the Cottonwood
Creek Bridge and explained to the Council the relocation of the
lines and the abandoning of old lines. He then reviewed drawings
of the location of lines on McDermott behind the old middle
school and advised of the location of the new lines and the
abandoning of old lines.
Mr. Hoback discussed with the Council the location of the
existing 24" water line under McDermott and reviewed how the
line runs under the street pavement and discussed how this line
will be maintained since the city will also have to maintain
the street.
The Council reviewed again the budget figures and discussed
with city staff and the consulting engineer, Conrad Callicoatte,
with Graham Associates, what was meant by the wording "construction
staking and contract administration" and what Graham Associates
job function was on this project after the engineering function
and if the wording was the appropriate terminology.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Pendleton, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
approve the specifications and authorize the solicitation
of bids on the relocation of utilities for Main Street,
Phases 2 and 3 Project. The motion carried.
Mayor Rodenbaugh recessed the regular session of the Allen
City Council at 8:21 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:35 p.m.
SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 Page 9
Consider an Ordinance Repealing
the Local Sales Tax Exemption on
Telecommunications (Agenda Item VI)
Michael Stanger, Administrative Assistant to the City
Manager, spoke before the Council on the proposed ordinance
that was originally presented at the City Council meeting
held on June 18, 1987. Mr. Stanger reviewed the ordinance
with the Council and provided background information on the
purpose of the ordinance and the list of telecommunications
services that were taxable under this statute. Mr. Stanger
pointed out to the Council the advantages of this additional
Mr. Stanger advised that the city staff's recommendation
was to adopt the proposed ordinance amending the city's sales
tax to include the telecommunications services.
The Council discussed with city staff how much the state
sales tax was raised in the last legislative session and when
the additional tax goes into effect; what other municipalities
have not adopted this tax, the timing on the adoption of this
ordinance and the fact that the city is involved in a request
for Extended Area Service, the fact that the city will be
collecting an additional 1C sales tax on all garbage collection,
and whether the city need to place this additional tax burden on
the residences. The Council also discussed the calculation of
the receipts from this tax and where the calculation came from.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pendleton and seconded
by Councilman Wilson, the Council voted 7 - 0 to deny
the adoption of the proposed ordinance. The motion
Authorization for Contracting
for Appraisal Services for Acquisition
of Park Facilities - Texas Rod and Gun Club (Agenda Item VII)
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation, spoke before
the Council on the need for appraisal services for the acquisiton
of park facilities as required by the state grant. The appraisal
services would be for the special use facility known as the
Texas Rod and Gun Club located on Allen Heights Road. Mr. Thornton
pointed out that two appraisals of the project are required.
Mr. Thornton advised the Council that the following quotes
for appraisal services had been received by the city staff:
John Dean
Marlin Blake
James Cullar
Robert Porcher
$4,500 to $5,000
$2,400 to $3,000
$3,000 to $3,500
21 Days
21 Days
21 to 30 Days
21 to 28 Days
Mr. Thornton advised the Council that city staff recommended that
the city contract with James Cullar and Robert Porcher for
appraisal services for the special use facility.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded
by Councilman Glass, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
authorize the execution of the contracts for appraisal
services for acquisition of the special use facility
with James Cullar in the amount of $2,400 to $3,000
for 21 to 30 days and with Robert Porcher in the
amount of $3,000 to $3,500 for 21 to 28 days, in
accordance with the city staff's recommendation, as
stated. The motion carried.
SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 Page 10
Accept the Computer Systems Phase I
Action Plan, Approve Specifications
and Authorize Solicitation of Bids (Agenda Item VIII)
Nelson Mak, the Data Processing Coordinator, spoke before
the Council on the contents of the Computer Systems Phase I
Action Plan and how it was to be used. Mr. Mak then advised
of the bid specifications and pointed out to the Council some
proposed changes to those documents and reviewed the changes
with the Council. Mr. Mak then reviewed the bid specifications
for the microcomputers and printers and advised the Council
that the city staff would be bidding five printers rather than
the four printers as shown in the document. Mr. Mak explained
that the bid specifications had been developed into three parts
so that they could be bid together or separately. Mr. Mak then
reviewed the calendar of dates for solicitation of bids, receipt
of bids and bid opening, the award of the bid by the Council,
the initial purchase of the computers and the set-up and im-
plementation of them.
Mr. Mak then reviewed the proposed budget for the computer
purchase as follows:
A. (10) microcomputer system units
@ $1,250 each $ 12,500.00
(9) 20 -megabyte hard disks
@ $350 each 3,150.00
(1) 40 -megabyte hard disks 800.00
(9) monochrome monitors and graphics
cards @ $190 each 1,710.00
(1) EGA color monitor with graphics card 710.00
B. (5) letter -quality printers
@ $1,395 each
(5) cut -sheet feeders
@ $350 each
C. (1) Apple MacIntosh II microcomputer
(1) Apple color RGB monitor
(1) Apple extended keyboard
(1) Apple laserwriter Plus Printer
(1) Apple Software
(Mac Write, Mac Paint, Mac Draw)
(1) Apple Talk Communications Kit 195.00
�r (2) Additional Toner Cartridges 155.00
TOTAL PART III $ 11,371.00
D. Other costs not associated with this bid:
(i) applications software for IBM $ 1,200.00
(word processing, spreadsheet, database)
(ii) computer supplies for one year 500.00
(floppy disks, paper, etc.)
TOTAL $ 40,660.00
SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 Page 11
There was further lengthy discussion on the implementation
process, the training process, and how the units will be used.
In further discussion, the Council directed that the city
staff work with Mayor Pro Tem Farmer in order to clarify some
areas of concern that were discussed during this meeting prior
to going out for bids.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Glass, the Council voted 7 - 0 to adopt
Phase I of the Action in order to implement the management
information system, to approve the specifications and
authorize the solicitation of bids for the computer
systems, in accordance with the city staff's recommendation,
as stated, with the understanding that the city staff
is to work with Mayor Pro Tem Farmer on clarification
of areas of concern as discussed during the Council
meeting. The motion carried.
Resolution No. 810-9-87(R):
A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Finding That a Gymnastics
Training Center is a New and
Unlisted Use and Declaring the
Appropriate Districts for Such
Use (Agenda Item IX)
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator, reiterated for the
Council a request that had been made for a new and unlisted use
of "gymnastics training center" made by Sandy Streeter through
the Paragon Group. Mr. Keener pointed out that this item had
been discussed at the Council meeting of August 20th, with the
direction made by the Council that the Planning and Zoning
Commission bring forth a recommendation for the Council's con-
sideration. Mr. Keener stated that originally this use was to
be included when the new updated zoning ordinance is approved,
however, the proponents advised that the training center needs
to operate on the same cycle as a school year and therefore
Accept the Computer Systems Phase I
Action Plan, Approve Specifications
and Authorize Solicitation of Bids (cont'd) (Agenda Item VIII)
Mr. Mak advised the Council that the city staff's recom-
mendation was that the City Council accept the Phase I Action
Plan, approve the specifications and authorize the solicitation
of bids.
There was considerable discussion by the Council with city
staff on the contents of the Action Plan and the bid documents,
and how the geographic information system and support equipment
for the Community Development Department will fit into this
plan or process; the use of the word "finance" in the action plan
document; the fact that the bid specifications precludes the IBM
unit from being purchased and if the city wants to purchase the
IBM unit then that is what they should bid and not put in 1008
compatible; if clones are what the city wants to purchase, then
the word IBM should not be used; why a color monitor is being
purchased and who will use it; how the Apple MacIntosh II will
be utilized; if the staff is trying to bid on computer supplies
in this bid; how estimates for supplies were figured and the fact
that the figures seemed unrealistic; bidding the 30 megabyte hard
disk rather than 20 in order to get more for the money; why the
city staff is trying to implement all of the units at one time
rather than get one department set up and on line; the question
of whether the city needs to purchase all of the 10 units at this
time; and if all of the departments will be able to utilize them
at this time.
There was further lengthy discussion on the implementation
process, the training process, and how the units will be used.
In further discussion, the Council directed that the city
staff work with Mayor Pro Tem Farmer in order to clarify some
areas of concern that were discussed during this meeting prior
to going out for bids.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Glass, the Council voted 7 - 0 to adopt
Phase I of the Action in order to implement the management
information system, to approve the specifications and
authorize the solicitation of bids for the computer
systems, in accordance with the city staff's recommendation,
as stated, with the understanding that the city staff
is to work with Mayor Pro Tem Farmer on clarification
of areas of concern as discussed during the Council
meeting. The motion carried.
Resolution No. 810-9-87(R):
A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Finding That a Gymnastics
Training Center is a New and
Unlisted Use and Declaring the
Appropriate Districts for Such
Use (Agenda Item IX)
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator, reiterated for the
Council a request that had been made for a new and unlisted use
of "gymnastics training center" made by Sandy Streeter through
the Paragon Group. Mr. Keener pointed out that this item had
been discussed at the Council meeting of August 20th, with the
direction made by the Council that the Planning and Zoning
Commission bring forth a recommendation for the Council's con-
sideration. Mr. Keener stated that originally this use was to
be included when the new updated zoning ordinance is approved,
however, the proponents advised that the training center needs
to operate on the same cycle as a school year and therefore
Page 12
Resolution No. 810-9-87(R) (cont'd) (Agenda Item IX)
asked if this new and unlisted use could be acted upon as soon
as possible. Mr. Keener advised the Council that the proponents
were present at the meeting if there were any questions that the
Council wished to pose to them.
Mr. Keener spoke before the Council on the proposed resolution
to include a "Gymnastics Training Center" as a new and unlisted
use within the definitions and schedule of uses of the city's
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. This new and unlisted use shall
be allowed by right in the districts of "LI" Light Industrial,
"SC" Shopping Center, "O" Office, and "PD" Planned Development.
Mr. Keener advised the Council that the Planning and Zoning
Commission had been in favor of this proposed resolution and had
recommended that this be an allowable use by right in "IT"
Industrial Technology, "CC" Commercial Corridor, and "GO" Garden
Office. Mr. Keener advised that those uses did not appear in the
resolution as they were not yet approved zoning districts in the
current ordinance.
There was discussion by the Council with city staff on
why this proposed new and unlisted use was to be allowed by
right in the districts of "GO" Garden Office and "0" Office,
since the building structures in those districts did not
seem compatible with this type of use. After further discussion,
it was the consensus of the Council to communicate to the Planning
and Zoning Commission that they did not want this new and
unlisted use in the "GO" Garden Office district.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pennington and seconded
by Councilman Pendleton, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
approve and adopt Resolution No. 810-9-87(R), as
captioned previously. The motion carried.
Review and Discuss the
Proposed 1987 - 88 Budget
(Agenda Item X)
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised the Council that this item would
be passed over at this time and would be brought back for
consideration after the executive session.
Appointments to Boards
(Agenda Item XI -A)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council of the
upcoming appointments to be made on the Parks and Recreation
Board, Board of Adjustment, and Sign Control Board. She also
advised of the number of data sheets that had been collected
and the turnout at the reception which was held prior to the
Council meeting. Ms. Hendrix pointed out to the Council that
the Council -appointed interview committee, consisting of
Councilman Glass and Councilman Pennington, would be conducting
interviews on Wednesday, September 9, and would be bringing
forth recommendations at the regular Council meeting to be
held on Thursday, September 17.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Meeting with the New State
Department of Highways and
Public Transportation Engineer
(Agenda Item XI -B)
City Manager Jon McCarty pointed out to the Council a
special luncheon to be held on Friday, September 11, 1987, at
the El Dorado Country Club, for the new District Engineer for
District 18, Mr. Arnold Oliver. Mr. McCarty encouraged Council
Members to attend. Council Members Jim Pendleton, Jim Wolfe,
and Bobby Glass stated that they would attend this function.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Page 13
Format for Capital Improvement
Program Bills on the Agenda (Agenda Item XI -C)
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that city
staff was in the process of changing the format for presentation
of the capital improvement program bills to the Council, however,
staff wanted a clarification on certain aspects of the changes.
There was a discussion by city staff with the Council
on the suggested format of just a list of the proposed bills
showing the amounts and other pertinent information. This
list was to be sent out in the Council's agenda packet. For
any late bills that arrived prior to the Council meeting, city
staff would prepare another list and present that list the night
of the Council meeting. The Council also discussed with city
staff if they actually had to see and approve all of these bills
and suggested that the city staff check further into this matter
and perhaps eventually just approve the final payment on contracts.
It was the consensus of the Council that the capital
improvement program bills be sent to the Council in the list
format both in their packet and for any late bills to be pre-
sented at the Council meeting.
Items of Interest to the
Council (Agenda Item XI -D)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix pointed out to the Council
the upcoming meeting of the Collin County Public Officials to
be held on Thursday, September 24, at the McKinney Holiday Inn.
Ms. Hendrix encouraged Council members to attend this
Councilman Jerry Wilson asked that the City Manager elaborate
on the invitation by J. C. Penney Company to have representatives
from the city travel to New York City and participate in a
"country fair" in order to provide information to interested
J. C. Penney employees who are trying to make a decision as to
whether to move to this area when the corporate offices relocate.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that two representatives
from the Chamber of Commerce, the City Manager, and the Superinten-
dent from the School District had been selected to participate in
this function, which would be held on Sunday, September 13 through
Wednesday, September 16. Mr. McCarty advised that this was an
opportunity to take handout materials, visual aids, etc., to
New York to encourage the employees to move to this area. He
advised that several of the surrounding communities were sending
representatives. The Council discussed the video that had been
prepared by the Chamber of Commerce, and other events that were
being held to encourage J. C. Penney employees to come to Texas
and the metroplex areas.
With no further discussion,
Mayor Rodenbaugh adjourned
the regular session of the Allen
City Council into Executive
Session at 10:55 p.m. on Thursday,
September 3, 1987.
Executive Session
(Agenda Item XII)
In accordance with Article
6252-17, V.A.T.C.S., (Open
Meetings Law), Sections 2e, 2f,
and 2g, the Allen City Council,
convened into Executive Session
at 11:00 P.M. on Thursday,
September 3, 1987, in the Conference
Room of the Allen Municipal
Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen,
Texas, in order to discuss
matters pertaining to personnel,
real estate negotiations and
legal issues.
The Executive Session was adjourned
at 11:50 p.m.
Reconvene into
Regular Session
Page 14
(Agenda Item XIII)
The Allen City Council reconvened into regular session at
11:53 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex.
i MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
�/ by Councilman Wilson, the Council adjourned the regular
session of the Allen City Council at 11:55 p.m. on
Thursday, September 3, 1987. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 17th day of SEPTEMBER