HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1987 - 11/19 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
November 19, 1987
Donald P. Rodenbaugh, Mayor
Council Members:
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Jerry Wilson
Bobby Glass
Jim Wolfe
Jim Pendleton
Jack Pennington
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the regular
session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor
Rodenbaugh at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 19, 1987, in the
Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle,
Allen, Texas.
(Agenda Item II)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pennington and
seconded by Councilman Wilson, the Council voted 7 - 0
to approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as
recommended and as follows:
A. Approval of City Council Minutes of November 5,
1987 - Regular Session.
B. Authorization to city staff to pay bills as-
sociated with the 1985 Capital Improvement
Program as follows:
1. G. M. Geer $25.00
Project No. 40-001-2/
Project No. 55-001-2
Allen Municipal Infrastructure -
Field Notes
Period: October 1, 1987
2. Hidell Architects $18,626.01
Project No. 55-001-3
Construction of New Library
Facility - Architectural
Period: October, 1987
3. Alden Comfort Mills $1,067.40
Project No. 60-002-6
Bed Sets for Central Fire
Station Renovation
Period: October, 1987
NOVEMBER 19, 1987
Page 2
CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
Hidell Architects
Project No. 40-001-3
Construction of Police and
Courts Facility - Architectural
Period: October, 1987
Hydrostorage, Inc.
Project No. 90-002-1
Construction of and Materials
for 2MG Water Storage Tank -
Estimate No. 3
Period: October 25, 1987
Lectric Safety Lites
Project No. 75-001-6
Construction of Main Street -
Phase 1 - Reflector Buttons
Period: October 31, 1987
Graham Associates
Project No. 75-002-2
Construction of Main Street -
Phases II & III - Engineering
Period: October 20, 1987
Acquisition Associates
Project No. 75-002-5
Construction of Main Street -
Phases II & III - Right -of -Way
Acquisition - Document Transfers
Period: October 31, 1987
Project No. 50-005-6
Acquisition of Texins Rod
and Gun Club - Appraisal Services
Period: October 23, 1987
Evaluation Associates
Project No. 50-005-6
Acquisition of Texins Rod
and Gun Club - Appraisal Services
Period: October 27, 1987
SVA Concrete, Inc.
Project No. 50-004-1
Construction of Playgrounds at
Story and Ford Parks
Period: November 2, 1987
Black & Veatch Engineers
Project No. 40-001-2/
Project No. 55-001-2
Municipal Complex - Engineering
Period: October, 1987
NOVEMBER 19, 1987
Page 3
CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
C. Resolution No. 830-11-87(R): A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Allen, Texas, Designating the City
Manager to Act for and on Behalf of the City of Allen In Applying
to the United States Department of Education for Funding Through
the LSCA Title VI Grant Program, and Certifying That the City of
Allen Will Comply With the Regulations, Policies, Guidelines and
Requirements of Said Program.
The motion carried.
End of Consent Agenda
Administer Oath -of -Office to
Lisa Howell, Newly Appointed
Member to Place 6 of the Library Board (Agenda Item III)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council that Mrs.
Howell was unable to attend the Council meeting and had received
her oath -of -office this afternoon in the office of the City
Annual Report of the Parks
and Recreation Board (Agenda Item IV)
Don Proeschel, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board,
spoke before the Council on his annual report. His report
included comments on the special use facility planned in the
acquisition of the Toxins Rod and Gun Club; the construction of
Ford Park - Phase II; the success of the Senior Citizens
Programs; the Collin County Open Space Plan; the status of the
Sesquicentennial Park; the preparation of the department's policy
and procedure manual; the current plans regarding the joint usage
of AISD school gymnasiums by the city; summer programs; status of
Story Park; the Main Street landscaping project; the city -
sponsored athletics; the Parks and Recreation Department Annual
Budget, and the effects of purchasing the Allen Cemetery on the
budget; and the needs for other parks and recreation programs.
Mayor Rodenbaugh commended Chairman Proeschel on his report
and the work of the Parks and Recreation Board.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Ordinance No. 831-11-87: An Ordinance of
the City of Allen, Texas, Repealing Ordinance
No. 305 and Article IV, Chapter 8, of the
Code of Ordinances of the City of Allen,
Texas; Providing for the Regulation of Alarm
Systems Within the City of Allen; Providing
Procedures for the Approval and Registration
of Such Systems and Establishing Fees for Such
Registration; Authorizing Penalties for Exces-
sive False Alarms; Providing Definitions;
Providing a Severability Clause; and Providing
an Effective Date. (Agenda Item V)
Police Chief Richard Carroll spoke before the Council on the
revisions that had been made to the proposed alarm system
ordinance per the discussions held at the City Council meeting on
November 5, 1987. Chief Carroll distributed to the Council a
corrected page 3 of the new ordinance and advised that there had
been a typographical error on that page which had been corrected
with the new page.
NOVEMBER 19, 1987
Page 4
Ordinance No. 831-11-87 (cont'd) (Agenda Item V)
Chief Carroll advised the Council that the permit fee for
alarm system hookup to the console at the Police Department,
which had been in the first proposed ordinance, had been deleted
in the revised ordinance. Chief Carroll stated that the permit
fee administration was greater than the amount of the permit fee
The Council discussed with Chief Carroll the penalty clause
of the ordinance and when the maximum amount of the penalty had
been changed to $500.00 from $200.00.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wilson and seconded by
Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve and
adopt Ordinance No. 831-11-87, as captioned previously.
The motion carried.
Approval of a Memorandum of
Agreement Establishing an
Economic Development Alliance
and Approval of the Process for
Completing the Economic Deve-
lopment Strategy (Agenda Item VI)
City Manager Jon McCarty recognized individuals who were
present at the meeting regarding this agenda item. Those
individuals were E. T. Boon, President of the Allen Independent
School District Board of Trustees, and James Nelson, President of
the Allen Chamber of Commerce.
Michael Stanger, Assistant to the City Manager, spoke before
the Council on the plan for the creating of the strategy for the
economic development program and its implementation. Mr. Stanger
then reviewed with the Council the process flow chart that had
been developed, the appointment of the Alliance Steering
Committee, and the appointment of the Citizens' Advisory Board.
Mr. Stanger then reviewed the memorandum of agreement for
the Allen Economic Development Alliance and explained that it was
written in this type of format for flexibility. He then
reviewed the agencies that would be included in the Citizens'
Advisory Board appointments.
The Council reviewed with city staff the need to establish a
fiscal year for the agreement. Since the city was referenced as
the financial agent for the Alliance, it was recommended that the
fiscal year be established as the city's fiscal year from October
1 through September 30. The Council also discussed the organiza-
tional structure for the Steering Committee and who would be the
chairman, who would prepare the minutes of the meetings, etc. It
was pointed out that were was a need for flexibility in the
memorandum of agreement, but there also needed to be some
structure in certain areas in order for the function of the
committee to go forward. The Council pointed out that they see
the City Manager might be responsible in this area. There was
further discussion on the flow chart and the fact that "end" was
indicated on it rather than "beginning" of the program. Mr.
Stanger indicated that "end" meant the end of the strategy
planning and beginning of the implementation of the program.
The Council discussed with city staff as to when a member of the
Council would be appointed to the Citizens' Advisory Board and
city staff indicated that it would be either the first or second
Council meeting in December.
NOVEMBER 19, 1987
Page 6
Conrad Callicoatte spoke before the Council on the comments
in his letter regarding the need for the city to have an
inspector on the job full-time and the fact that he was concerned
with the fact that this company had not done work for a municipa-
lity on a major thoroughfare or had to deal with the traffic
problems or work adjacent to residential areas. Mr. Callicoatte
advised that after the meeting with the lowest bidder, these
items had been pointed out to them and he felt that they were now
aware of those situations and that those items could be handled.
His comments regarding the need for a full-time inspector on this
job was to insure that those types of problems would be handled
in an appropriate manner.
There was further discussion by the Council on their review
of the bid tabulation sheet and how much of a price differential
there was on the items that were bid and how inconsistent the
prices were. At this time, Councilman Jim Pendleton advised the
Council that circumstances did exist which indicated that the
contractor on this project might be purchasing pipe for this
contract from his employer, Gifford -Hill American. He advised
that he was not going to abstain from voting on this matter as
there was no conflict of interest, but provided this as a matter
of information to the Council.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve
the award of the bid for the relocation of the utilities
for the Main Street Project - Phases II and III to the
lowest bidder, being Southern Mechanical Plumbing, Inc.,
in the amount of $314,141, in accordance with the city
staff's recommendation, as stated. The motion carried.
Approval of Bid for the
Relocation of Utilities for
the Main Street Project (cont'd) (Agenda Item VII)
10% Contingencies
Total Water
10% Contingencies
Total Sewer
Construction Staking & Contract
The Council discussed with city staff the comments
that had
been made in the agenda packet information and in the
received from the consulting engineer, Conrad Callicoatte,
Graham Associates, Inc., regarding the reference check
on the work that had been done by Southern Mechanical
Inc., the requirement for a performance bond and who
bonding company would be, and if the city staff still
confident in their recommendation.
Conrad Callicoatte spoke before the Council on the comments
in his letter regarding the need for the city to have an
inspector on the job full-time and the fact that he was concerned
with the fact that this company had not done work for a municipa-
lity on a major thoroughfare or had to deal with the traffic
problems or work adjacent to residential areas. Mr. Callicoatte
advised that after the meeting with the lowest bidder, these
items had been pointed out to them and he felt that they were now
aware of those situations and that those items could be handled.
His comments regarding the need for a full-time inspector on this
job was to insure that those types of problems would be handled
in an appropriate manner.
There was further discussion by the Council on their review
of the bid tabulation sheet and how much of a price differential
there was on the items that were bid and how inconsistent the
prices were. At this time, Councilman Jim Pendleton advised the
Council that circumstances did exist which indicated that the
contractor on this project might be purchasing pipe for this
contract from his employer, Gifford -Hill American. He advised
that he was not going to abstain from voting on this matter as
there was no conflict of interest, but provided this as a matter
of information to the Council.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve
the award of the bid for the relocation of the utilities
for the Main Street Project - Phases II and III to the
lowest bidder, being Southern Mechanical Plumbing, Inc.,
in the amount of $314,141, in accordance with the city
staff's recommendation, as stated. The motion carried.
NOVEMBER 19, 1987
Page 5
Approval of a Memorandum of
Agreement Establishing an
Economic Development Alliance
and Approval of the Process for
Completing the Economic Deve-
lopment Strategy (cont'd) (Agenda Item VI)
There was further discussion on the definition of the
community asset survey, what questions it contains and who would
be involved in completing it; the use of the words "not to
exceed" when referring to the pledge of funds by various entities
and the fact that the Alliance would except more if it were
offered; and that the cable television company should be included
in the list of agencies to be included in the Citizens' Advisory
At this time, James Nelson, President of the Allen Chamber
of Commerce, spoke before the Council on the establishing of the
Economic Development Alliance and the high interest of the
Chamber of Commerce in this process.
E. T. Boon, President of the AISD Board of Trustees, also
spoke before the Council regarding this matter and the interest
of the School District in this process.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wilson and seconded by
Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve
the memorandum of agreement establishing an Economic
Development Alliance and to approve the process for
completing the economic development strategy. The
motion carried.
Approval of Bid for the Relocation
of Utilities for the Main Street
(Agenda Item VII)
Ernie Hoback, Director of Public Works, spoke before the
Council on the solicitation of bids, receipt of bids, bid opening
held on October 20, 1987, and the tabulation of the bid results
for the relocation of the water and sewer utilities for the
improvements to Main Street - Phases II and III.
Mr. Hoback reviewed the bid tabulation sheet and advised of
the reference checks made on the lowest bidder and meeting with
the lowest bidder regarding the construction contract and
comments that had been received in the reference checks.
Mr. Hoback advised the Council that the city staff's
recommendation was to award the bid to the lowest bidder, being
Southern Mechanical Plumbing, Inc., in the amount of $314,141,
for the relocation of the water and sewer utilities for the
improvements to Main Street - Phases II and III.
Mr. Hoback reviewed briefly with the Council the following
budget on this project:
Engineering is included
in designing of Main Street
and McDermott Paving $35,000.00
NOVEMBER 19, 1987
Approval of Specifications
and Authorization to Solicit
Bids on the Asphalt Street
Rehabilitation Program
Page 7
(Agenda Item VIII)
Tom Glab, City Engineer, spoke before the Council on the
asphalt street rehabilitation program and identified the streets
to be included in the program.
Those streets include:
Thoreau Lane
Pebblebrook Drive
Rivercrest Boulevard
Roaring Springs Drive
Grassy Glen Drive
Melody Mall Drive
Leading Lane Drive
Hill Haven Drive
Hawthorne Drive
Hightrail Drive
Bush Drive
Highway 5 to Sandy Creek Drive
Sycamore Creek Dr. to Roaring Springs
Highway 5 to Sandy Creek Drive
Pebblebrook Dr. to Exchange Blvd.
Leading Lane to Hillside Lane
Main Street to Leading Lane
Greeting Gate Lane to Grassy Glen
Sunny Slope Dr. to Park Place
Windsor Drive to Jupiter Road
Highway 5 to Jupiter Road
Whisenant Drive to Exchange Boulevard
Mr. Glab then advised of the heat scarification process and
the potential that exists for the burning of curbside vegetation
during the process. He stated that the contractor will provide
for shielding of the vegetation either by watering down the
vegetation or wrapping with a protective material.
Mr. Glab then reviewed the budget for this project as
Asphalt Overlay: City
Total Allocation:
Amount Spent To Date:
Amount of Funds Available:
Mr. Glab advised that the estimated cost of this project was
$330,000. Mr. Glab advised that it was the city staff's
recommendation that the City Council approve the specifications
and authorize the receipt of bids.
The Council discussed with Mr. Glab the wording in the
specifications booklet on page 2 regarding the use of the words
"approved Surety company as acceptable according to the latest
list of companies holding .. ."and that this wordage should be
used also on page 16 in regards to the maintenance bond; on page
9, the need to be more specific in identifying who will be
responsible for restoring utilities that are cut off by contrac-
tor; the use of the words "working days" rather than "calendar
days" and what the determination is for working days.
There was further discussion on page 12 of the specifica-
tions booklet regarding the amount of coverage shown for the
public liability insurance and property damage liability
insurance and the need to double check those amounts to insure
that they are what is currently required. City Manager McCarty
advised that he would have the City Attorney review those
amounts. There was also discussion on the need to add wording
to "City Engineer" to include "his designee".
NOVEMBER 19, 1987
Approval of Specifications
and Authorization to Solicit
Bids on the Asphalt Street
Rehabilitation Program (cont'd)
Page 8
(Agenda Item VIII)
The Council discussed with city staff again about the moving
of vehicles parked on the street in order that the paving project
can proceed and what action the city employees will take in that
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pennington and seconded
by Councilman Pendleton, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
approve the bid specifications and authorize the
solicitation of bids for the asphalt street rehabilita-
tion program, in accordance with the city staff's
recommendations, as stated. The motion carried.
Drug Abuse Task Force
(Agenda Item IX -A)
City Manager Jon McCarty spoke before the Council on the
city's participation in the Drug Abuse Task Force and the
activities of the Task Force to date. Mr. McCarty advised that
he and the Chief of Police, Richard Carroll, were the city staff
involved in this newly created Task Force and that this Task
Force had replaced the previous program, Community Education
Advisory Council Task Force on Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention.
Mr. McCarty advised the Council that there would be a need for
funds for this Task Force to operate efficiently and that request
for funding may be forthcoming in the near future. Mr. McCarty
advised that he had provided the Council with the status report
to let them know of this organization, that the city was
involved, and the status of the organization to date.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Joint Plano/Allen Council
Meeting Recap
(Agenda Item IX -B)
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that this item
had been placed on the agenda if the Council wanted to discuss
any of the items that were discussed and reviewed during the
joint meeting of the Plano City Council and Allen City Council
held on Wednesday, November 18, 1987.
The Council briefly discussed comments that were made on
economic development and the need to proceed with trying to
obtain the Extended Area Service in order to make Allen even more
desirable to the metroplex area.
The Council commended the city staff on their presentations
at this meeting.
Collin County Bond Program
(Agenda Item IX -C)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before
the Council on the work being done by the city staff in order to
make a presentation to the Collin County Bond Committee regarding
the city's priority list of streets and thoroughfares to be
improved in the coming years.
Mr. Petty distributed to the Council a proposed list of
those street projects which showed the street, the accident count
in 1987, current traffic volumes, projected traffic volumes by
2010, number of miles to be improved, and the estimated cost for
construction. The list also included right -of -projects, and
support projects outside of the City of Allen.
NOVEMBER 19, 1987
Page 9
Collin County Bond Program (cont'd) (Agenda Item IX -C)
Due to the time factor in this matter, Mr. Petty advised the
There was considerable discussion by the Council with city
staff on the importance of this priority list, what the criteria
would be for establishing the priority, when the Collin County
Bond committee would be looking at this presentation, etc.
After the discussion on this item, Mayor Rodenbaugh asked
for volunteers to serve on this subcommittee with him. Mayor Pro
Tem Farmer advised that he would serve and Councilman Bobby Glass
advised that he would serve on the committee. After discussion
with city staff, a meeting date of Wednesday, November 25, at
6:00 p.m., was established.
Items of Interest (Agenda Item IX -D)
Mayor Pro Tem Farmer advised the Council that he had
attended a meeting with the Allen Independent School District, on
the Mayor's behalf, to discuss an event which will provide for
special recognition for the Escadrille and their winning of the
State Championship of the UIL Competition held recently in
Austin. Mayor Pro Tem Farmer advised that the special day had
been determined to be Sunday, December 6, and the city would
provide a proclamation for that event proclaiming that day as
recognition day for the Escadrille. The Council directed that
the city staff prepare the appropriate proclamation for this
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that he had
received a notice from Jimmie Honea, Chief Appraiser for the
Collin County Appraisal District, regarding the election of the
Directors and that the following individuals had been elected:
Dr. Leo Fitzgerald, Don Higgins, Larry Jackson, Jack Scott, Jr.
and Howard Thornton.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council of receipt of a
letter from the Southern Pacific Railroad Company regarding the
start of construction on the improvements to be made to the
crossing on Main Street.
City Manager advised the Council of the upcoming Christmas
Party for the city employees to be held on December 4, and
invited the Council Members to attend.
City Manager McCarty reminded the Council of the upcoming
groundbreaking ceremony to be held on Friday, December 4, at 9:30
a.m., for the new police and courts building, located at the
corner of Allen Drive and McDermott, and encouraged the Council
Members to attend.
�r The Council discussed briefly with city staff the status of
the work being done by the Police and Courts Building Subcommit-
tee and if they were still an active committee.
Executive Session (Agenda Item X)
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised the Council that there would not be
an Executive Session at this time. This agenda item was passed
Council that
there was
a need for the Council to establish a
to review
this list and work with city staff to
establish the
need for the
Council as
of these projects. There was also the
a whole to give the subcommittee
authority to
these priorities.
There was considerable discussion by the Council with city
staff on the importance of this priority list, what the criteria
would be for establishing the priority, when the Collin County
Bond committee would be looking at this presentation, etc.
After the discussion on this item, Mayor Rodenbaugh asked
for volunteers to serve on this subcommittee with him. Mayor Pro
Tem Farmer advised that he would serve and Councilman Bobby Glass
advised that he would serve on the committee. After discussion
with city staff, a meeting date of Wednesday, November 25, at
6:00 p.m., was established.
Items of Interest (Agenda Item IX -D)
Mayor Pro Tem Farmer advised the Council that he had
attended a meeting with the Allen Independent School District, on
the Mayor's behalf, to discuss an event which will provide for
special recognition for the Escadrille and their winning of the
State Championship of the UIL Competition held recently in
Austin. Mayor Pro Tem Farmer advised that the special day had
been determined to be Sunday, December 6, and the city would
provide a proclamation for that event proclaiming that day as
recognition day for the Escadrille. The Council directed that
the city staff prepare the appropriate proclamation for this
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that he had
received a notice from Jimmie Honea, Chief Appraiser for the
Collin County Appraisal District, regarding the election of the
Directors and that the following individuals had been elected:
Dr. Leo Fitzgerald, Don Higgins, Larry Jackson, Jack Scott, Jr.
and Howard Thornton.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council of receipt of a
letter from the Southern Pacific Railroad Company regarding the
start of construction on the improvements to be made to the
crossing on Main Street.
City Manager advised the Council of the upcoming Christmas
Party for the city employees to be held on December 4, and
invited the Council Members to attend.
City Manager McCarty reminded the Council of the upcoming
groundbreaking ceremony to be held on Friday, December 4, at 9:30
a.m., for the new police and courts building, located at the
corner of Allen Drive and McDermott, and encouraged the Council
Members to attend.
�r The Council discussed briefly with city staff the status of
the work being done by the Police and Courts Building Subcommit-
tee and if they were still an active committee.
Executive Session (Agenda Item X)
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised the Council that there would not be
an Executive Session at this time. This agenda item was passed
NOVEMBER 19, 1987
Page 10
�',.. � fit � �A►
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Marty Hendrix, C, CITY SECRETAR
MOTION: Upon a motion made by
Councilman Wolfe and
seconded by
Mayor Pro
Tem Farmer,
the Council voted 7 -
0 to
the regular
session of the Allen
City Council
at 9:43 p.m.
on Thursday, November 19, 1987.
The motion
These minutes
approved on
the 3rd day of
�',.. � fit � �A►
I Y \ ��
Marty Hendrix, C, CITY SECRETAR