HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1987 - 12/03 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
December 3. 1987
Donald P. Rodenbaugh, Mayor
Council Members•
Jerry Wilson
Bobby Glass
Jim Wolfe
Jim Pendleton
Jack Pennington
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the regular
session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor
Rodenbaugh at 7:39 p.m. on Thursday, December 3, 1987, in the
Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle,
Allen. Texas.
(Agenda Item II)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pennington and
seconded by Councilman Wilson, the Council voted six
(6) for and none (0) opposed to approve and adopt all
items on the Consent Agenda as recommended and as
A. Approval of City Council Minutes of November 18,
1987 - Called - Special Joint Meeting with the
Plano City Council.
B. Approval of City Council Minutes of November 19,
1987 - Regular Session.
C. Authorization to city staff to pay bills as-
sociated with the 1985 Capital Improvement
Program as follows:
1. Architectural Utilities $3,000.00
Project No. 50-042-1
Construction of Ford Park -
Phase II - Change Order No. 6
Period: November, 1987
2. TMC Foundation $43,200.00
Project No. 40-001-1
Construction of Police and Courts
Building - Application No. 1
Period: November 1 to 30, 1987
3. Bruce Geer $247.50
Project No. 40-001-2
Construction of Police and Courts
Building - Survey Work
Period: November, 1987
DECEMBER 3, 1987
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CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
4. Black and Veatch Engineers $3,000.00
Project No. 90-002-2
Construction of 2MG Water Tower -
Engineering Design and Services
Period: October, 1987
5. G. M. Geer $600.00
Project No. 40-001-2/
Project No. 55-001-2
Allen City Complex Addition Revised -
Topography Maps
Period: November 16, 1987
6. Graham Associates $240.00
Project No. 75-003-2
Construction of Jupiter Road
Contract Administration
Period: October 20, 1987
The motion carried.
End of Consent Agenda
Review Bids and Authorize Award
of a Contract for Replacement
Police Vehicles (Agenda Item III)
Police Chief Richard Carroll spoke before the Council
briefly on the groundbreaking ceremony on Friday, December 4, at
9:30 a.m., for the new police and courts building and distributed
to the Council a new brochure that had been developed by the
Police Department on the construction of the new building. This
brochure would be distributed during the ceremony.
Chief Carroll then advised the Council of the solicitation
of bids, receipt of bids, the bid opening held on November 18,
1987, and the tabulation of the bid results for three (3) 1988
replacement police vehicles. The three lowest bids that had been
received from the seven (7) dealers who submitted bids were:
Lone Star Dodge $12,700.00
Howard Thornton Ford $12,820.00
North Central Ford $12,830.49
Chief Carroll advised the Council that after reviewing the
bids received, the city staff contacted approximately ten other
police departments that are using or have used Dodges and advised
that the majority of them reported on the poor maintenance
records of the Dodge vehicles and problems incurred with the
front ends, transmissions and rear ends. Based on their
research, Chief Carroll advised that the city staff's recommenda-
tion was to reject the bid submitted by Lone Star Dodge and award
L the contract to Howard Thornton Ford of Frisco, Texas, in the
amount of $38,460 for three (3) police replacement vehicles.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pennington and
seconded by Councilman Pendleton, the Council voted six
(6) for and none (0) opposed to award the contract for
the purchase of the three police replacement vehicles
to Howard Thornton Ford of Frisco, Texas, in the amount
of $38,460, in accordance with the city staff's
recommendation, as stated. The motion carried.
DECEMBER 3, 1987
Page 3
Authorization to Award a Contract
with Sasaki Associates for Landscaping
Design of the Municipal Complex (Agenda Item IV)
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation, spoke
before the Council on the contract between Sasaki Associates and
Hidell Architects to prepare a master plan for the municipal
complex. Some of the amenities planned included the retention
ponds and the proposed "town square" area to be located between
the new police and courts building, the library building and the
eventual city hall building. Mr. Thornton advised that the
budget for this proposal is:
1. Pond Development $3,000 to $4,000
2. Town Square Development $5,000 to $6,000
Total: $8,000 to $10,000
Mr. Thornton then distributed to the Council a copy of a
letter from Saski Associates, Inc., to William H. Hidell, with
Hidell Architects, regarding the project description, scope of
services to include design review for Phase I and Phase II
detention basins and schematic design phase for the "town
square", and the fees and terms as outlined previously by Mr.
Mr. Thornton advised that it was the city staff's recommen-
dation that the City Council authorize the execution of the
contract with Saski Associates, Inc., for the landscaping design
for the municipal complex as outlined in the letter.
There was discussion by the Council with city staff on the
wording in the letter regarding "reimbursable expenses" as to
what did those expenses incur and that they were over and above
the contract amount. There was also discussion on the letter
being addressed to Hidell Architects and that Hidell Architects
were to execute the letter of agreement for these services. Mr.
Thornton advised that the landscaping design had been a part of
the original engineering contract with Hidell Architects and
Saski Association, Inc., was the landscaping design firm involved
with Hidell when the city originally awarded Hidell the architec-
tural contract for design for the municipal complex. The
proposed letter of agreement simply describes the scope of
services and the amount of the fees for those services in more
detail that the original contract.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pennington and
seconded by Councilman Glass, the Council voted five
(5) for and none (0) opposed, with Mayor Rodenbaugh
being out of the room, to authorize additional services
with Sasaki Associates through the contract with
William H. Hidell Architects, Inc., for the landscaping
design of the municipal complex. The motion carried.
Resolution No. 832-12-87(R): A
Resolution of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Reaffirming
the Joint Cooperation Between the
City of Allen and the Allen Independent
School District; and Directing the City
Manager to Develop a Joint Facility
Use Agreement. (Agenda Item V)
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation, spoke
before the Council on the proposed resolution reaffirming the
joint cooperation between the City of Allen and the Allen
DECEMBER 3, 1987
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Resolution No. 832-12-87(R)(cont'd) (Agenda Item V)
Independent School District (AISD). The resolution also directed
the city manager to work with the AISD TO develop an agreement
for the use of the facilities.
Mr. Thornton advised the Council that there had been
discussions between city staff and the school district on the
design of the oversized gym for Max O. Vaughn Elementary School
and he advised that the school district may go ahead and build
the oversized gym without the city's participation. The school
district has felt there is a need to develop the oversized gym in
every three or four school facilities that are built.
There was discussion by the Council with city staff on
whether this proposed resolution commits the city to provide
funding or commitments to agreements for joint use facilities
with the school district. There was further discussion on the
time frame for construction of the city's recreation center and
if the joint use facilities with the school district would
eliminate the possibility of having a gym at the recreation
center. There was further discussion by the Council on changing
some of the wording in the resolution to perhaps clarify the
matter. There was considerable discussion of whether to change
the wording of the resolution and what purpose the resolution had
and what position it would put the city in at this time.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pendleton and seconded
by Wilson, the Council voted six (6) for and none (0)
opposed to approve and adopt Resolution No. 832-12-87(R),
as captioned previously. The motion carried.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council of his feelings
on the spirit of cooperation that exists between the school
district and the city for joint cooperation and the comments to
that made by the school district board of trustees and the
superintendent and the uniqueness of this situation.
Appoint a Council Member as a
Representative to the Citizens'
Advisory Board of the Allen
Economic Alliance (Agenda Item VI)
Michael Stanger, Assistant to the City Manager, spoke before
the Council on the composition of the Economic Development
Alliance and the development of the Steering Committee consisting
of the City Manager of the City of Allen, President of the Allen
Chamber of Commerce, and the Superintendent of the Allen
Independent School District Board of Directors. He then advised
of the scheme of development of the citizens' steering committee
what boards would appoint their representatives and reviewed the
financial support from the main members and the supporting
There was discussion by the Council on the suggestion that
there was a need for more members of the city to serve on this
steering committee and really a need to have more members from
other entities serve on this steering committee. This would
increase the size of the committee from 25 or 35 to 50 or 60
members. There was considerable discussion on this suggestion
and the feasibility of it and being able to handle that number of
members being on the committee. It was pointed out again that
the Cable Television Company, Communications Services, needed to
be added to the list of members. In conclusion, it was deter-
mined that the number of members on the committee as originally
presented was sufficient.
DECEMBER 3, 1987
Appoint a Council Member as a
Representative to the Citizens
Advisory Board of the Allen
Economic Alliance (cont'd)
Page 5
(Agenda Item VI)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pennington and
seconded by Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted six (6)
for and none (0) opposed, to authorize Mayor Rodenbaugh
to appoint a Council Member to the Citizens' Advisory
Board of the Allen Economic Alliance. The motion
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised that he would appoint Council
Member Jerry Wilson to serve on this Citizens' Advisory Board of
the Allen Economic Alliance.
Allen Industrial Development Corporation (Agenda Item VII -A)
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council of the history
behind the establishing of the Allen Industrial Development
Corporation and his recent research of the by-laws and articles
of incorporation and the need to update these documents. He also
advised that the president of the corporation was no longer in
this area and another member advised Mr. McCarty that she could
no longer serve in that capacity. Mr. McCarty advised the
Council that he would be meeting with the General Counsel to work
on the referenced documents and would be bringing back recommen-
dations to the Council, if the Council so desired. It was the
consensus of the Council that city staff proceed with this work.
There was discussion by the Council on the tax laws and how
they effect this corporation and if there had been any update in
that area of concern.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Items of Interest to the Council
(Agenda Item VII -B)
City Manager Jon McCarty distributed to the Council a copy
of the presentation being made this evening by Bill Petty,
Director of Community Development, and Tom Glab, City Engineer,
to the Collin County Bond Committee for roads and bridges and
advised of the priorities that had been made by the Council -
appointed subcommittee. Mr. McCarty reviewed this document with
the Council and explained the projects as to construction
anticipated and the proposed funding methods.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council of the
Christmas Party for city employees to be held on Friday, December
4, at 7:00 p.m. and encouraged Council Members to attend.
Councilman Jim Wolfe distributed information to the Council
regarding the Crisis Center for Collin County and encouraged
Council Members to read this information and participate in the
program if they had a strong interest.
City Manager Jon McCarty distributed to the City Council
recommendations from the Steering Committee of the Allen
Substance Abuse Task Force, referenced page 2 of the recommenda-
tions and advised that more information would be forthcoming in
the future.
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Items of Interest to the Council (cont'd) (Agenda Item VII -B)
City Manager Jon McCarty reminded the Council of the
Christmas Party for the Council and the Boards and Commission
Members to be held on Tuesday, December 15, at 7:00 p.m. at the
Harvey Hotel in Plano and encouraged members of the Council to
With no further discussion, Mayor Rodenbaugh adjourned the
regular session of the Allen City Council into executive session
at 9:01 p.m. on Thursday, December 3, 1987.
Executive Session
(Agenda Item VIII)
In accordance with Article 6252-17, V.A.T.C.S., (Open
Meetings Law), Sections 2(e), 2(f), and 2(g), the Allen City
Council convened into Executive Session at 9:05 p.m. on Thursday,
December 3, 1987, in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal
Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas, in order to discussion
matters pertaining to personnel, property and legal.
The Executive Session was adjourned at 9:26 p.m.
Reconvene for Purposes of Adjournment (Agenda Item IX)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wilson and seconded by
Councilman Pennington, the Council voted six (6) for
and none (0) opposed to adjourned the regular session
of the Allen City Council at 9:28 p.m. on Thursday,
December 3, 1987. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 17th day of December,
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Marty Hendrix, C , CITY SECRETARY
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