HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1988 - 01/07 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
JANUARY 7, 1988
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Council Members
Jerry Wilson
Bobby Glass
Jim Wolfe
Jim Pendleton
Jack Pennington
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the regular session of
the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 7:30 p.m. on
Thursday, January 7, 1988, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal
Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by Coun-
cilman Pendleton, the Council voted six (6) for and none (0)
opposed to approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as
recommended and as follows:
A. Approval of City Council Minutes of December 17, 1987 -
Regular Session.
B. Authorization to city staff to pay bills associated with the
1985 Capital Improvement Program as follows:
1. Marriott Construction $7,484.89
Project No. 75-003-1
Construction of Jupiter Road from Main
Street (F.M. 2170) to White Oak
Estimate No. 12
Period: 11/26/87 - 12/25/87
2. Professional Services Industries $201.00
Project No. 90-002-1
Construction of 2 MG Water Tower -
Testing Materials
Period: Thru 11/30/87
3. Hydrostorage $66,653.93
Project No. 90-002-1
Construction of 2 MG Water Tower -
Estimate No. 5
Period: 11/16/87 - 12/25/87
4. Black & Veatch $3,000.00
Project No. 90-002-2
Construction of 2 MG Water Tower -
Engineering Services - Design and
Period: Thru 12/10/87
JANUARY 7, 1988
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CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item
5. Black & Veatch
Project No. 90-002-2
Construction of 2 MG Water Tower -
Engineering Services - Resident
IL Engineer on Site
Period: Thru November, 1987
6. TMC Foundation
Project No. 40-001-1
Construction of Police & Courts Building
Application No. 2
Period: 11/30/87 - 12/31/87
7. Black & Veatch
Project No. 40-001-2/
Project No. 55-001-2
Design of Infrastructure - Municipal
Complex - Engineering Services
Period: Thru November, 1987
8. City of Allen Tax Assessor
Project No. 75-002-6
1987 Property Tax on Property Purchased
for Main Street Right -of -Way
Period: 1987 Billing
9. G. M. Geer
Project No. 40-001-2/
(` Project No. 55-001-1
IV Design of Infrastructure - Municipal
Complex - Field Work
Period: Thru 1/4/88
C. Schedule of Taxes Receivable as of October 31,
D. Authorization to the City Manager to Execute
a Contract
with Collin County for Consulting Services for
the State
Highway 121 Project.
E. Ordinance No. 833-1-88: An Ordinance of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Amending Comprehensive Zoning Or-
dinance No. 829-11-87 of the City of Allen, As Heretofore
Amended, So As To Establish Permanent Zoning To -Wit:
Tract No. 5, Containing Approximately 8.1 Acres of Land to
"GH" Garden Home Zoning, Being Part of a Tract of Land
Described in a Deed to Bessie Hunt, Recorded in Volume 966,
Page 462, of the Collin County Deed Records, Located in the
James T. Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 777, Collin County,
Texas; Providing for a Property Description; Providing for a
Land Use Plan; Providing for Exhibits "A", "B", and "C";
Regulating the Maximum Number of Dwelling Units; Providing
for a Penalty of Fine Not To Exceed the Sum of One Thous-
and Dollars ($1,000.00) for Each Offense; Providing for a
Severability Clause; and Providing for an Effective Date.
The motion carried
End of of Consentt
At this time, Mayor Farmer announced that the Allen City Council would
now adjourn into Executive Session at 7:35 p.m. in order to discuss matters
pertaining to personnel.
JANUARY 7, 1988
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(Agenda Item III)
In accordance with Article 6252-17, V.A.T.0-.S. (Open Meetings Law),
Sections 2(e), 2(f), and 2(g), the Allen City Council convened into Executive
Session at 7:38 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex,
One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas, in order to discuss matters pertaining to
personnel, i.e., appointment to the Mayor's Place, appointment to the vacancy
created in the Council with the Mayor's appointment, and reorganization in
the Parks and Recreation Department.
The Executive Session was adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
RECONVENE: Consider Items Related
to the Resignation of Mayor Rodenbaugh (Agenda Item IV)
The Allen City Council reconvened into regular session at 8:08 p.m. on
Thursday, January 7, 1988, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal
Elect a Mayor In Accordance with
Article II, Section 2.05 of City Charter (Agenda Item IV -A)
Mayor Pro Tem Farmer opened the floor for nominations to the Mayor's
Councilman Wolfe nominated Mayor Pro Tem Joe Farmer to the Mayor's
Place; and made the following motion:
MOTION: A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by Coun-
cilman Wilson that the nominations cease and that Mayor Pro
Tem Farmer be appointed by acclamation to the Mayor's Place to
fill the unexpired tern of office. The Council voted five (5) in
favor of the motion and none (0) opposed, with one (1) absten-
tion from Mayor Pro Tem Farmer. The motion carried.
Consider Filling a Vacancy on the
Council in Accordance with Article
II, Section 2.04 of the City Charter
Created by the Election of the Mayor (Agenda Item IV -B)
Mayor Farmer advised the Council that with his appointment to the
Mayor's Place there was now a vacancy created in Place No. 1 on the Coun-
cil, with a term of office which will expire with the election to be held the
first Saturday in May, 1989.
Mayor Farmer opened the floor for discussion or action on this item.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pennington and seconded by
Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted six (6) for and none (0)
opposed to direct that the vacancy be filled by appointment at
the Council meeting to be held on Thursday, January 21, 1988.
The motion carried.
Consider All Other Items Related
to the Election of the Mayor and
the Filling of the Council Vacancy -
Appointment of of Mater Pro Tem Tem (Agenda Item IV -C)
Mayor Farmer advised the Council that it was also necessary to appoint
a Mayor Pro Tem to fill the position until that position is annually voted on
by the Council per the city's charter after the upcoming City Council Elec-
tion. Mayor Farmer opened the floor for nominations to Mayor Pro Tem
JANUARY 7, 1988 Page 4
Consider All Other Items Related
to the Election of the Mayor and
the Filling of the Council Vacancy -
Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem (cont'd) (Agenda Item IV -C)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pennington and seconded by
Councilman Glass, the Council voted six (6) for and none (0)
opposed to appoint Councilman Jerry Wilson as Mayor Pro Tem.
The motion carried.
Contribution and Expenditure
Statement Filing (Agenda Item V-A)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix spoke before the Council on their filing of
contributions and expenditures statements as officeholders for the January 15
filing and advised of changes in the law and in the requirements for filings.
This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action
taken on this item.
Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item V -B)
As a matter of information, City Manager Jon McCarty distributed to the
Council an updated Extended Area Service chronology of events. Mr.
McCarty briefly reviewed this information and reminded the Council -appointed
Telephone Subcommittee of the upcoming trip to Austin to meet with Phillip
Holder, with the Public Utility Commission.
The Council briefly discussed the chronology and the need for the
subcommittee to meet prior to the trip.
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council of the upcoming
National League of Cities Conference to be held on March 19 through
March 22 in Washington D. C., and that if anyone was interested in attend-
ing, she had a brochure on the conference.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pendleton and seconded by
Councilman Glass, the Council voted six (6) for and none (0)
opposed to adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council
at 8:23 p.m. on Thursday, January 7, 1988. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 21st day of January , 1988.
4l.I /cc'.�
Joe Farmer,