HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1988 - 07/07 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION JULY 7, 1988 Present- Joe Farmer, Mayor Council Members: Rex Womack Jerry Wilson, Mayor Pro Tem (arrived at 6:58 p.m.) Bobby Glass Jim Wolfe Jim Pendleton Gary Edstrom City Staff: Jon McCarty, City Manager Marty Hendrix, City Secretary WORKSHOP SESSION - 6:45 P.M. With a quorum of the Council Members present, the workshop session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 6:45 p.m. on Thursday, July 7, 1988, in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Other city staff in attendance included Charlotte Smith, Finance Director, and Bill Petty, Director of Community Development. Discussion of Consent Agenda and Regular Agenda Items (Agenda Item II) Mayor Farmer began the review of the Consent Agenda items. Councilman Pendleton pointed out Consent Agenda Item D, establishing a fee for sewer cleanout installation, and stated his concerns regarding the wording of paragraph IIA(3) in the proposed procedures for implementation of sewer system maintenance and installation of two-way cleanouts, in com- parison to the wording used in paragraph III of the document. He stated that he felt that paragraph III was too open-ended and needed some additional wording. There was discussion by the Council on this item and it was concluded that no additional wording was needed in that paragraph. Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item V, Oaths of Office to Newly Appointed and Reappointed Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Parks and Recreation Board and the Library Board. There was no discussion on this item. Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VI, Plaques of Appreciation to Outgoing Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Parks and Recreation Board and the Library Board. Mayor Farmer also advised that a certificate of appreciation would be presented to Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation, for his service to the city. Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VII, Introduction of Joel Blaylock, Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist. Mayor Farmer discussed with the City Manager if Mr. Blaylock was just to be introduced or if details of the program were going to be presented. City Manager McCarty advised that it was just to introduce Mr. Blaylock. Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VIII, Tabled Item: Tax Report. Mayor Farmer pointed out to the Council that there would need to be a motion to remove this item from the table for discussion. Charlotte Smith, Finance Director, spoke before the Council on the two reports she had prepared to provide tax collection information to the Council. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION JULY 7, 1988 WORKSHOP SESSION - 6:45 P.M. Page 2 Discussion of Consent Agenda and Regular Agenda Items (cont'd) (Agenda Item II) Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item IX, Consider a Recommendation from the Sign Control Board to Amend Ordinance No. 374-10-82, the City of Allen Sign Regulation Ordinance. Mayor Farmer requested that Bill Petty speak before the Council on this item. Mr. Petty advised that he would review the list of twelve amendments to the ordinance. The Council briefly discussed the recommendation to go from a five year permit on a freeway sign to one year permit. Mr. Petty stated that this amendment would bring the city's ordinance into compliance with state law. Mr. Petty pointed out to the Council the amendments that needed some special attention to discussion and which would be covered in more detail during the regular meeting. Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item X, Consider Approval of a Site Plan for the Birch Street Business Park Located in the Central Business District. The Council briefly discussed if there would be a presentation on this item. Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XI, Items Related to the 1988 - 89 Fiscal Year Budget, A - Calendar; B - Retreat Format; C - Certification of Debt Payments. City Manager McCarty advised that the Finance Director would be presenting items A and C and a report would be made by the Council's ad hoc committee on item B, the budget retreat format. Under Agenda Item XII -A, City Secretary Marty Hendrix reminded the Council of the photograph session to be held on Wednesday, July 13, at Rick Russell's Photography Studio, for the individual photos of city staff and the City Council. Ms. Hendrix also advised of the annual photograph of the Council to be made on July 21, prior to the regular meeting. Mayor Farmer reminded the Council of the training session to be held on Monday, July 11, to be conducted by representatives of "The Allen American" regarding tips for writing articles for the newspaper. Mayor Farmer moved down the agenda to reviewed Agenda Item XII -A, City Chat Schedule and Photographs. Mayor Farmer advised the Council that the first article in the new "City Chat" column in "The Allen American" had been printed incorrectly and advised how miscommunication had resulted in the printing of the policy and procedure for the preparing the "City Chat" articles rather than the article that the Mayor had written for this column. Mayor Farmer advised that he would be writing another article to begin the column. Mayor Farmer advised that the calendar of the proposed articles had been finalized by the city staff and would be presented to the Council each month so that they would be made aware of the articles that would be forthcoming. Mayor Farmer pointed out that the next scheduled article was to be written on Extended Area Service by Councilman Jim Wolfe. Then the next article would be on the substance and drug abuse program. Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XII -B, Contribution and Expenditure Statements for Office Holders. Mayor Farmer reminded the Council Members that the report of their contributions and expenditures during the last election were to be reported on the appropriate forms and delivered to the City Secretary by July 15. There was no discussion on this item. Mayor Farmer moved on to Agenda Item XII -C, Extended Area Service (EAS). Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Wilson advised that as Chairman of the Advertising Subcommittee of the Council's Telephone Committee, he had gotten some help and support from Karen Cage, an advertising employee of DLM, and she had suggested that the Council consider sending out the ballots in during the second week in September, when families have returned from vacations and children are back in school. Councilman Jim Wolfe advised the Council of the status of receipt of the final order and that it was due any day now. He pointed out to the Council the portion of the rules that allow a 15 -day waiting period after the order is issued for the telephone companies to appeal the order to the Public Utility ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION JULY 7, 1988 Page 3 WORKSHOP SESSION - 6:45 P.M. Discussion of Consent Agenda and Regular Agenda Items (cont'd) (Agenda Item II) Commission in order to receive another hearing. The Council discussed this further and if the telephone companies would proceed with that. City Manager McCarty advised that he and the City Secretary were going to Austin on Friday, July 15, to meet with the city's attorneys, with representa- tives from the telephone companies, and with representatives of the PUC General Counsel to discuss the procedure that had been established by the city staff for the balloting process. Mayor Farmer pointed out that an Executive Session had been scheduled in order to discuss the appointment to the vacancy on the Sign Control Board. At this time, Mayor Farmer advised the Council that a check had been received by the Economic Development Alliance in the amount of $1,500 from DLM for the EAS promotion. The City Manager stated that this brought the total amount of donations to $3,600. Mayor Farmer returned to Agenda Item XI, Items Related to the 1988-89 Fiscal Year Budget - Calendar, Retreat Format, and Certification of Debt Payments. Councilman Wolfe, Chairman of the ad hoc committee on the budget retreat plans and format spoke before the Council on the plans. He distributed to the Council the outline for the budget presentations, the location, rooms arrangements, the daily schedule of activities, social activities, etc. Mr. Wolfe pointed out that the retreat would begin on Thursday evening and continue through to Sunday afternoon. The Council discussed the proposed outline and Mayor Farmer asked if all of the input by the Council had been placed in this proposal. Mr. Wolfe indicated that those recommen- dations that had been received from Council Members had been incorporated into the outline document. Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Wilson advised that he had an item to present to the Council. He presented a sign that had been developed for the EAS campaign and explained to the Council how this sign will be used in the promotion. He also advised that stuffers, brochures, buttons, etc., were being developed and advised how they will be distributed. He pointed out that all of the advertising materials for EAS would be brought before the Council for their consensus approval before they are printed up if the time element allows. The Council discussed this suggestion and agreed with this approach. Future Agenda Items (Agenda Item III) Assistant to the City Manager, Michael Stanger, spoke to the Council about a future agenda item, that being the second phase of the computer plan for the upgrade of the city's IBM System 36 computer that would be brought forward at the August 4 Council Meeting. Items of Interest (Agenda Item IV) There were no items of interest to be discussed at this time. The workshop session was recessed into the regular session at 7:28 p.m. REGULAR SESSION - 7:30 P.M. With a quorum of the Council Members present, the regular session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 7, 1988, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION JULY 7, 1988 Page 4 CONSENT AGENDA (Agenda Item IV) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded by Councilman Glass, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as recommended and as follows: A. Approval of City Council Minutes of June 16, 1988 - Regular Session. B. Authorization to city staff to pay bills associated with the 1985 Capital Improvement Program as follows: 1. Bartex, Inc. $91,757.00 CIP Project No. 55-001-1 Construction of Library Building - Contractor - Application No. 1 Period: Thru June 22, 1988 2. Professional Services Industries, Inc. $102.00 CIP Project No. 40-001-2 Construction of Police and Courts Building - Testing/ Inspection Services Period: Thru May 31, 1988 3. Fulbright & Jaworski $3,727.98 Account No. 30-45030 Legal Services in Connection with 1988 General Obligation Bond Sale 4 Period: Thru June 30, 1988 4. On -Line Testing $404.00 CIP Project No. 55-002-6 Construction of Library Building - Material Testing Laboratory Services Period: Toru May 30, 1988 5. Metro Appraisal Service, Inc. $17,000.00 CIP Project No. 75-002-6 Construction of Main Street (McDermott) Phases II & III - Enhancement Study Period: Thru June 27, 1988 6. Gohmann Asphalt $1,877.65 CIP Project No. 70-001-6 1988 Street Overlay Program - Asphalt Overlay on Keith Drive Period: Thru June 9, 1988 7. The Allen American $50.40 CIP Project No. 40-001-6 Construction of Police & Courts Building - Bid Notice for Furnishings for Building Period: Thru May 30, 1988 S. Acquisition Associates, Inc. $740.00 CIP Project No. 75-002-5 Construction of Main Street (McDermott) Phases II & III - Right -of -Way Acquisition - Additional Work on Gafney Tract Period: 5/1/88 to 611/88 ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION JULY 7, 1988 Page 5 CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item IV) 9. Hidell Architects $615.00 CIP Project No. 40-001-3 Construction of Police and Courts Building - Architectural Services on Re -Bid of Building Furnishings Period: Thru June 26, 1988 10. Black & Veatch $2,000.00 CIP Project No. 35-001-2 Construction of Municipal Complex Site Infrastructure - Phase I - Engineering Services Period: Thru May 30, 1988 11. The Allen American $13.50 CIP Project No. 50-006-6 Construction of Cottonwood Bend Playground and Equipment - Notice to Bidders Period: Thru May 31, 1988 12. Weyerhauser $711.20 CIP Project No. 50-004-2 Construction of Story Park - Bermuda Grass Seed Period: Thru June 30, 1988 13. Technical Specialties Company $4,895.00 CIP Project No. 50-002-6 Construction of Ford Park Pool - Ozone Equipment Period: Thru May 31, 1988 14. Trinity Engineering Testing Corp. $344.00 CIP Project No. 35-001-1 Construction of Municipal Complex Site Infrastructure - Soil Testing Period: Thru June 30, 1988 C. Authorization to the Public Warks Department to sell an inventory of old cast iron pipe fittings and old fire hydrants as scrap metal. D. Approval by the City Council to award the bid for the furnishings for the new Police and Courts Building to the lowest bidder, being Wilbide, Inc., in the amount of $72,072.07; and authorization to the city staff to execute a contract with Wilhide, Inc., in the amount of $72,072.07 for the purchase of the furnishings. E. Approval by the City Council to establish a $60.00 fee for installation of the sewer lateral cleanout. The motion carried. End of Consent Agenda ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION JULY 7, 1988 Page 6 Administer Oaths of Office to Newly Appointed and Reappointed Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Parks and Recreation Board and the library Board (Agenda Item V) City Secretary Marty Hendrix administered the oath -of -office to the following newly appointed and re -appointed members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Parks and Recreation Board and the Library Board: Plannine and Zonine Commission Place No. 1 - Kenneth Falk Place No. 3 - Melissa Owen Place No. 5 - Harold Biggs Place No. 7 - Wayne Armand Parks and Recreation Board Place No. 5 - Dan Easter Place No. 6 - Rick Allen Library Board Place No. 2 - Mel Hays Place No. 3 - Mary Walker Place No. 6 - Lisa Anne Howell Betty Matthews, member of the Library Board, Place No. 4, had received her oath of office in the City Secretary' office earlier in the afternoon. At this time, Mayor Farmer presented a certificate of appreciation to Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation, for his outstanding service to the city as the director. Mr. Thornton had resigned his position after having been recently appointed as the Parks and Recreation Director in Temple, Texas. Mr. Thornton spoke before the Council on his work as director and expressed his gratitude for the certificate. Presentation of Plaques -of - Appreciation to Outgoing Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Parks and Recreation Board and the library Board (Agenda Item VI) Mayor Farmer presented a plaque -of -appreciation to Carolyn Latimer, former member of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Place No. 3, and extended the gratitude of the Council for her service in this capacity. Mayor Farmer announced that the other recipients of plaques who were not at the meeting would be mailed their plaques. Those individuals are: Planning and Zoning Commission Place No. 5 - Dan Contreras Parks and Recreation Board Place No. 7 - Carol Laakso library Board Place No. 3 - Gretchen Bullock ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION JULY 7, 1988 Page 7 Introduction of Joel Blaylock, Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist (Agenda Item VII) Mayor Farmer advised that the city, working with the school district, had developed a unique position of a Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator and this position had been filled. City Manager Jon McCarty introduced the new coordinator, Joel Blaylock. Mr. Blaylock spoke before the Council on his background and his plans for the Substance Abuse Prevention Programming. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. Tabled Item: Tax Report (Agenda Item VIII) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Wilson, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to remove the Tax Report from the table for discussion. The motion carried. Charlotte Smith, Finance Director, spoke before the Council on the figures that were presented in the Schedule of Taxes Receivable as of May 31, 1988 as prepared by the Tax Collector/ Assessor, Walter Curtis. Mrs. Smith had prepared two reports. One report showed the tax collection analysis from October 1987 through May 1988, indicating the current tax collections by month, the delinquent tax collection by month and the penalty and interest collections by month. The other report showed the figures for the year-to-date ad valorem tax collections as a percent of total levy. Mrs. Smith also advised that the delinquent tax statements had been turned over to the Tax Attorney for collection. The Council discussed the reports, expressed their appreciation for this information and the format style it was presented in, and discussed how the tax collection in Allen compared with other cities. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. Ordinance No. 861-7-88: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Amending the Sign Regulations Ordinance No. 374-10-81, as Heretofore Amended, So As To Add an Exception to the Definition of Gross Surface Area of Sign for Class 6 Freeway Signs; Add a Definition for Parkway; Regulate Realtor/Broker Weekend Directional Signs; Providing for Zoning Change Signs; Providing Regain - tions for Temporary Homebuilder Signs as Class 4 Temporary Signs; Providing for Issuance of Class 4 Permit By Staff and Renewal by Sign Control Board as Provided in Resolution No. S4-14-87-1; Providing for New Regulations as to Sine for Class 6 Freeway Signs and Permit Expiration and Renewal Process; Providing for New Regulations for Jump Clocks and Digital Display or Electronic Signs; Providing for Additional Requirements at Time of Application for Sign Permit; Providing Additional Fees for Class 6 Freeway Signs; and Providing a Require- ment That Permit Fees Be Paid at Time of Application; Providing for Severability Clause; and Providing for the Effective Date of Said Ordinance. (Agenda Item IX) ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION JULY 7, 1988 Page 8 ce No. 861-7-88 (cont'd) (Agenda Item IX) Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before the Council on the proposed ordinance and the amendments to the existing sign control ordinance. Mr. Petty reviewed in detail the recommended amendments to the Sign Ordinance with the Council. Mr. Petty then introduced members of the Sign Control Board who were present to answer any questions posed by the Council. The Council asked for clarification on the amendment regarding the freeway billboard signs and the change which permits a sign having the same information on two surfaces (back to back) to be considered as a single sign and the square footage of which cannot exceed 228 square feet. There was discussion by the Council on Section 7 on page 12 as to where in the ordinance it states where the home builder directional signs can be located and the lack of giving exact detail as to the location. There was discussion regarding Section 5, paragraph 4, on page 24, which is a paragraph which prohibits certain signs and which allows for one exemption. It was suggested that this permitted sign to placed in another paragraph or location in the document for easier reference. City staff stated that there was no other appropriate location for this information. There was discussion on Section 7, paragraph i, on page 28, regarding a state permit for a sign and it was pointed out that this should read for a "Class 6 sign only". In further discussion on the amendments, it was pointed out by the Council that the wording in paragraph 7, shown on page 30, which states "The remaining 50% will be used for plan review and administrative costs associated with processing" should be eliminated. There was considerable discussion by the Council on Section 8 "Removal of Certain Signs", paragraph 1, shown on page 31. This section states in part, "Any sign existing which no longer advertises a bona fide business conducted or product sold at this location, shall be removed by the owner, agent or person having the beneficial use of the building or structure. . " The Council discussed with the city staff how this paragraph is interpreted and is enforced. There was a recommendation by Councilman Womack that the enforcement of the ordinance be delayed 30 days in order that the builders can be notified of the changes in the sign ordinance as it relates to the home builders adver- tising signs. Mayor Farmer requested clarification on why digital signs with messages have to be approved by the City Council. Mr. Petty stated that in the new amendments digital signs could no longer present messages, thus this require- ment had been eliminated. The Council discussed with city staff what was meant by the term "banner" and what the permit requirements were for those types of identifi- cation. The Council discussed further where in the ordinance signs for civic clubs are regulated and how much is charged as a penalty when home building advertising signs have been picked up by the city. Councilman Wolfe requested that the Sign Control Board take an opportunity to look at establishing some regulations regarding the use of the U. S. Flag as an identification by businesses located along the expressway. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Wilson, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to adopt Ordinance No. 861-7-88, as captioned previously; and to add an additional stipulation that the enforcement of the ordinance be delayed 30 days from the final publication date of the ordinance in order to allow for appropriate notification of the changes in the law. The motion carried. Mayor Farmer recessed the regular session of the Allen City Council at 8:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:52 p.m. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION JULY 7, 1988 Page 9 Approval of a Site Plan for the Birch Street Business Park Located in the Central Business District (Agenda Item X) Roland Forrester, representing the property owner, spoke before the Council on the site plan of the proposed development called the Birch Street Business Park, to be located on Birch Street, north of Main Street, between Ash Drive and Cedar Drive. Using the site plan, Mr. Forrester explained the size of the two 16,800 sq. ft. shell buildings to be constructed and the amount of parking space. He also presented an artist's rendering of the front of the buildings, along with a landscape plan of the property. Mr. Forrester also presented previous plans and explained how the current plan had been developed after the work of the city staff with the property owner. Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before the Council on this project and pointed out that part of this site had been public right- of-way which had been abandoned by the city and pointed out the visual effect of this development from Main Street. Mr. Petty also explained that since these buildings would be constructed as shell buildings, each section of the building would be leased and built -out separately and each use would be considered individually for parking requirements. The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their regular meeting held on June 23, 1988, recommended to the City Council approval of the site plan as presented. The Council discussed with Mr. Forrester and the property owner, when they planned to break ground on this development, if a sprinkler system was going to be installed to maintain landscaping, and the height of the structure. There was also discussion on the proposed businesses that might be leasing space in this structure and the variation of the parking require- ments for those uses. Mr. Petty explained further about the platting of the property and the paving of Birch Street. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pendleton and seconded by Councilman Glass, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve the site plan for the Birch Street Business Park in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The motion carried. Items Related to the 1988-89 Fiscal Year Budget - Calendar- Calendar (Agenda Item XI -A) Charlotte Smith, Finance Director, spoke before the Council on the budget calendar for the Fiscal Year 1988 - 89 budget process. The additional date of August 11 needed to be added to the list of days for the Council's budget retreat. The Council briefly discussed the budget calendar. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. Items Related to the 1988-89 Fiscal Year Budget - Retreat Format- Retreat Format (Agenda Item XI -B) Mayor Farmer advised that the Council ad hoc committee formed to develop the format for the budget retreat had made their report and this item was to just acknowledge receipt of the report. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION JULY 7, 1988 Page 10 Items Related to the 1988-89 Fiscal Year Budget - Certification of Debt Payments (Agenda Item XI -C) Charlotte Smith, Finance Director, spoke before the Council on the requirement from the State Property Tax Board that a taxing unit's budget officer issue in writing a certification of the debt service payments to be paid with 1988 property taxes. She pointed out that the certification must be approved by the governing body. She stated that debt service payments in the amount of $2,398,168.25 will be paid with 1988 property taxes. She advised of the format for the certification and that it will be maintained on file by the tax-assessor/collector for the city for purposes of the effective tax rate calculation. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by Councilman Pendleton, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve the certification of the debt service payment in the amount of $2,398.168.25 with 1988 property taxes. The motion carried. City Chat Schedule and Photographs (Agenda Item XII -A) Mayor Farmer advised that the "City Chat" article format and calendar of list of articles had been finalized. City Manager McCarty distributed to the Council the "City Chat" procedure, calendar of articles, and the Mayor's second article for the newspaper. There was a brief discussion on the miscommunication for the first article resulting in a misprint and clarifica- tions in the process that would eliminate this happening in the future. Mayor Farmer also reminded the Council and city staff of the upcoming meeting on Monday, July 12, with representatives from the newspaper in order to get some helpful tips on writing the column for the newspaper. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. Contribution and Expenditure Statements for Office Holders (Agenda Item XII -B) Mayor Farmer advised that office holders were required to submit their contribution and expenditure statements from the recent Council Election to the City Secretary by July 15. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. RAS Update (Agenda Item XII -C) Councilman Jim Wolfe spoke before the Council on the pending receipt of the final order from the Public Utility Commission regarding the city's request for Extended Area Service. Mr. Wolfe also advised the Council of the 15 day period that the telephone companies had to file an appeal to the final order in order to get another hearing on the request and whether the companies would proceed with that issue. Mr. Wolfe advised of his schedule for meeting and talking with the local civic organizations and what or- ganizations he had talked with thus far. Mr. Wolfe also advised the Council that the City Manager and City Secretary would be going to Austin on Friday, July 15, to meet with representatives of the telephone companies, the General Counsel of the Public Utility Commission and the city's attorneys regarding the procedure for the balloting process that had been developed. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item XII -D) There were no items of interest to bring forward at this time. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION JULY 7, 1988 Page 11 With no further discussion, Mayor Farmer adjourned the regular session of the Allen City Council into Executive Session at 9:30 p.m. Executive Session (Agenda Item XIII) In accordance with Article 6252-17, V.A.T.C.S. (Open Meetings Law), Section 2(g), the Allen City Council convened into Executive Session at 9:35 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, AHen,Texas, in order to discuss matters pertaining to appointments to boards and commissions. The Executive Session was adjourned at 10:23 p.m. Reconvene (Agenda Item XIV) The Allen City Council reconvened back into regular session at 10:25 p.m. on Thursday, July 7, 1988, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Consider Filling a Vacancy in Place No. 5 - Sign Control Board (Agenda Item XV) Mayor Farmer advised the Council that the floor was open for nomina- tions to Place No. 5 on the Sign Control Board. Councilman Womack nominated Dan Fusco. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by Councilman Glass, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed that nominations cease and that Dan Fusco be appointed !" to Place No. 5 on the Sign Control Board by acclamation. The motion carried. Adjourn MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded by Councilman Glass, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council at 10:27 p.m. on Thursday, July 7, 1988. The motion carried. These minutes approved on the 21st day of July , 1988. APPROVED: Jae F MAYOR Z;?e4 ATTEST: Marty Hendrix, C C, CITY SECRETARY