HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1988 - 10/20 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
OCTOBER 20, 1988
Joe Farmer, Mayor
�.. Council Members:
Rex Womack
Jerry Wilson, Mayor Pro Tem
Bobby Glass
Jim Wolfe
Jim Pendleton
Gary Edstrom
City staff -
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the workshop session of
the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 6:55 p.m. on
Thursday, October 20, 1988, in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal
Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Other city staff in attendance
included Bill Petty, Director of Community Development.
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regular Agenda Items (Agenda Item II)
Mayor Farmer began the review of the Consent Agenda items. Coun-
cilman Pendleton requested that Consent Agenda Item VII -C be removed for
individual consideration during the regular session.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VIII, Oath -of -Office to Newly
Appointed Members of the Board of Adjustment, Alternate Place No. 1. City
Secretary advised that Barbara Eubanks would be present at the meeting and
this would conclude the oaths to be administered from the appointments that
were made in the month of September. There was no discussion on this
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item IX, Ordinance Declaring the
Necessity for Improvements to Main Street, Phases II and III. The Council
discussed the proposed ordinance as the procedural process for the construc-
tion of Main Street, discussed how the public hearing is conducted and who
will attend the hearing.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item X, Ordinance Approving the
Engineer's Role and Setting a Public Hearing Date for Assessment on
Adjoining Property for Main Street, Phases II and III. Bill Petty, Director of
Community Development, spoke before the Council on the public hearing to be
held for this assessment process. The Council also discussed what type of
presentation would be made on this item by Conrad Callicoatte, the consulting
engineer on this project. City Manager Jon McCarty pointed out the property
owners involved in this assessment and how much the city expected to obtain
in assessment fees for the roadway improvements.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XI, Resolution Authorizing the City
to Intervene in a Case Styled, Southwestern Bell Telephone Company Versus
the Public Utility Commission of Texas. City Manager McCarty spoke before
the Council on the contents of the resolution. He advised of a conference
call that had been made by the members of the Council's EAS Telephone
Subcommittee, himself, and the city's attorney in Austin regarding this case.
OCTOBER 20, 1988
Page 2
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regular Agenda Items (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
The Council also discussed if the Attorney General's Office had been
contacted as to whether we should intervene in this case, what type of trial
this will be whether by judge or a jury; and what type of information can be
submitted in the trial. There was further discussion on the information from
the city's attorney in Austin that in his opinion Southwestern Bell would not
stop at this district court level, if the case is not overturned, but take it on
to the next highest court. There was further discussion on the cost estimate
for attorneys' fees for this intervening process and the fact that the attorney
in Austin was to submit an estimate, just how far in court this issue will go,
and the contents and quotes regarding this issue in an article that appeared
in "The Allen American".
The Council discussed with city staff what will happen if this case is
overturned and returned to the Public Utility Commission and how the Public
Utility Commission will deal with this case. There was considerable discus-
sion on what this issue pertains to and if it is perhaps a constitutional
issue. There was further discussion on what good it will do the city to
intervene in this case and how the city would be involved in the trial.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XII, Authorize Execution of a
Contract for Telephone Service and Approve Specifications for Purchase of
Telephone Equipment. Councilman Jim Wolfe, Chairman of the Council's
Telephone Subcommittee, advised the Council that he would be making a
recommendation for his subcommittee. There was no discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XIII, Authorize Execution of a
Facilities Agreement with the F.M. 2170 Limited Partnership. City Manager
McCarty advised that the Director of Community Development would be
making the presentation on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XIV -A, Council Subcommittee
Reports, and advised that the various Council Subcommittee Chairmen would
be making their reports on the work of the various subcommittees.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XIV -B, Collin County Public Officials
Association. He advised of the upcoming meeting.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XIV -C, Items of Interest to the
Council. City staff advised that they had a couple of items to discuss under
this agenda item.
Ford Park Concessions (Agenda Item III)
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council of the problems that had
occurred with the concessionaire for Ford Park, James Odell. Mr. McCarty
pointed out that Mr. Odell had not paid the city their portion of the
commission from the revenues he had received from operating the conces-
sionaire for last year, which was approximately $1,000, in accordance with the
contract entered into by the city and Mr. Odell. Mr. McCarty stated that the
city had changed the lock on the concession building and confiscated Mr.
Odell's equipment. Mr. McCarty advised that the city would pursue getting
the money from Mr. Odell and would be looking at finding a new person to
operate the concessionaire for next year.
Update on Naming of the Municipal Complex (Agenda Item IV)
Barbara Buehler, Library Director, spoke before the Council on the
research that the city staff had conducted regarding historical themes that
have affected the social and economic development of early Allen. This
research had been done due to the fact that a name for the municipal
complex site was needed as soon as possible, and none of the names suggested
earlier in the year by the Library Board and Parks and Recreation Board had
OCTOBER 20, 1988
Page 3
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regular Agenda Items (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
been endorsed. She advised that those themes were the railroad, cotton
trade, the cowboy, the Indian and geographic features. Mrs. Buehler
suggested that the City Council pick one of the areas of interest and the city
staff would research this area and bring forward a list of names under that
particular topic for the Council's consideration in naming the municipal site.
There was a brief discussion by the City Council on this suggestion and it
was concluded that the Council needed time to review the list of themes and
upon completion of that, they would bring forth their recommendation for the
research at a future date. There was discussion by the Council with city
staff on the work on this project and if the city had considered having a
contest on the naming of this site.
Council Committee Reports (Agenda Item V)
There was not sufficient time to discuss this item during the workshop
Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item VI)
There was not sufficient time to discuss this item during the workshop
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the regular session of
the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 7:39 p.m. on
Thursday, October 20, 1988, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal
At the request of Councilman Pendleton, Consent Agenda Item VII -C, was
removed for individual consideration.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded by
Councilman Glass, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0)
opposed to approve and adopt all remaining items on the Consent
Agenda as recommended and as follows:
A. Approval of City Council Minutes of October 6, 1988 -
Regular Session.
B. Authorization to city staff to pay bills associated with the
1985 Capital Improvement Program as follows:
1. Acquisition Associates $2,025.00
CIP Project No. 75-002-5
Construction of Main Street -
Phases II & III - Acquisition of
Street Right -of -Way
Period: Then September, 1988
2. John L. McCraw, Jr.
CIP Project No. 75-002-5 $550.00
Construction of Main Street -
Phases II & III - Acquisition of
Street Right -of -Way - Special
Commissioner in Condemnation
Hearing for Street Right -of -Way Ac-
quisition from Young Oil Company
Period: Thru September 16, 1988
OCTOBER 20, 1988 Page 4
CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item VU)
3. Luke Laman $550.00
CIP Project No. 75-002-5
Construction of Main Street -
Phases II & III - Acquisition of
Street Right -of -Way Special
Commissioner in Condemnation
Hearing for Street Right -of -Way
Acquisition from Young Oil Company
Period: Thru September 16, 1988
4. Jim Dilts $550.00
CIP Project No. 75-002-5
Construction of Main Street -
Phases II & III - Acquisition of
Street Right -of -Way - Special
Commissioner in Condemnation
Hearing for Street Right -of -Way
Acquisition from Young Oil Company
Period: Thru September 16, 1988
5. Bartex, Inc. $234,546.14
CIP Project No. 55-001-1
Construction of Municipal Complex
Infrastructure - Change Orders
Period: Thru September 27, 1988
6. TMC Foundations $39,531.31
CIP Project No. 40-001-1
Construction of Police & Courts
�r Building - Contractor
Period: Thru September 30, 1968
D. Schedule of Taxes Receivable as of September 30, 1988.
E. Resolution No. 885-10-88(R): A Resolution by the City
Council of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Auth-
orizing an Adjustment to the 1987 Tax Roll.
The motion carried.
End of Consent Agenda
Resolution No. 886-10-88(R): A
Resolution of the City Council of
the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Authorising and Directing the
City Manager to Enter a Plea of
Appeal in the Name of the City of
Allen, of the Amount of Damages
Awarded in the Decision of Special
Commissioners on the 16th Day of
September, 1988, in the Condemna-
tion Proceedings of the City of
Allen, Texas, Vs. Joe B. Young, Inc.,
and Authorizing and Directing the
City Manager to Deposit With the
Court in the Name of the City of
Allen, $390,000.00 and to Take (Consent Agenda
Possession of the Condemned Property. Item VII -C)
Councilman Pendleton advised the Council that he had requested that this
item be removed for individual consideration due to the fact that he felt the
city should not adopt this resolution, but should accept the offer that was
rendered at the condemnation hearing and not spend any more money on this
OCTOBER 20, 1988
Page 5
(Consent Agenda
Resolution No. 886-10-88(R) (cont'd) Item VII -C)
Mayor Farmer advised of the background information on the condemnation
of property for street right-of-way which was owned by Joe B. Young, Inc.,
located at the corner of U. S. 75 and McDermott. Mayor Farmer advised of
the award made by the special commissioners in the recent condemnation
hearing in the amount of $390,000.00 to be paid by the city for this property.
There was considerable discussion by the Council on the results of the
award by the special commissioners at the condemnation hearing and the need
for the city to try and get the award reduced. There was also discussion on
the fact that in the next hearing the amount could be raised. The Council
discussed going forward with the adoption of the resolution, when the land
appraisals were done on the property, how much of the property was being
taken for street right-of-way, and if a new appraisal would be done on the
property before the next hearing.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before the Council
on the new appraisal, what the average payment per square foot was paid on
the other parcels purchased in this right-of-way acquisition, the proposed
damage to the property for taking of the right-of-way, and the elimination of
the business at this location.
There was further discussion by the Council on the market values in the
city at the present time.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by
Councilman Wilson, the Council voted six (6) for and one (1)
opposed, with Councilman Pendleton casting the negative vote, to
approve and adopt Resolution No. 866-10-88(R). The motion
Oath -of -Office to Newly Appointed
Member of the Board of Adjustment,
Alternate Place No. 1 (Agenda Item VIII)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix administered the oath -of -office to the
newly appointed member to Alternate Place No. 1 on the Board of Adjustment,
Barbara Eubanks.
Ordinance No. 887-10-88: An
Ordinance of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Declaring the
Necessity For and Offering the
Paving Improvement of a Portion of
Existing and Future F.M. 2170,
Further Described as Being Portions
of McDermott Drive, Dogwood
Street, and Main Street, Said
Portions Being Hereinafter Described
and in the City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas. Approving the
Plans and Specifications for Such
Work Authorizing the City Manager
to Advertise for Bids, and Directing
the Preparation of Estimates,
Invoking the Procedure Provided by
Article 1105(b) V.C.S.; Determining
That a Part of the Costs Shall Be
Borne By the Abutting Properties
and the Owners Thereof; Providing
for the Assessment of the Portion of
the Costs to Be Borne by Property
Owners, and For the Fixing of a
Lien to Secure Payment of Such
Assessments; Stating the Time and
OCTOBER 20, 1988
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Ordinance No. 887-10-88 (cont'd):
Manner Proposed for Payment of All
Such Costs; Authorizing the City
Secretary to Cause a Notice of the
Adoption of This Ordinance to Be
Filed in the Land Records of Collin
County, Texas; and Providing for an
Effective Date. (Agenda Item IX)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before the Council
on the proposed ordinance which declared the necessity for and offered the
paving improvement of a portion of the existing and future F. M. 2170,
further described as being portions of McDermott Drive, Dogwood Street, and
Main Street. Mr. Petty advised that the ordinance also approved the plans
and specifications for the work; authorized the advertisement for bids,
directed the preparation of estimates and invoked the procedure for the
assessment of a portion of the costs to be borne by the adjoining property
owners. Mr. Petty advised that the city staff's recommendation was to adopt
the ordinance as presented.
Mr. Petty advised that the city's consulting engineer, Conrad Callicoatte,
with Graham Associates, was in the audience if the Council had any questions.
The Council discussed with Mr. Callicoatte the design of the bridge
crossing across Cottonwood Creek and what had been resolved in that matter,
the phasing of the bridge construction, how the traffic would be routed on
the bridge while it is under construction and how it will be routed for other
parts of the roadway construction, the length of construction time for this
project, and the proposed starting date.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pendleton and seconded by
Councilman Womack, the Council voted seven (7) for and none
(0) opposed to approve and adopt Ordinance No. 887-10-88, in
accordance with the city staff's recommendation, and as
captioned previously. The motion carried.
Ordinance No. 888-10-88: An
Ordinance of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Approving and
Adopting the Written Statement and
Report of the Consulting City
Engineer Showing the Estimates of
the Total Cost of All Improvements,
the Estimates of the Costs Per
Front Foot Proposed to Be Assessed
Against the Abutting Property and
the Real and True Owners Thereof
and the Estimates of Various Other
Costs, for the Improving of a
Portion of Existing and Future F.M.
2170 Containing Portions of
McDermott Drive, Dogwood Street,
and Main Street, in the City of
Allen, Texas, Within the Limits
Hereinbelow Described and of Other
Matters Relating Thereto; Deter-
mining and Fixing the Portion Said
Costs and the Rate Thereof Proposed
to be Assessed Against and Paid By
Abutting Property, and the Real and
True Owners Thereof and the
Portion of Said Costs Proposed to be
Paid by the City of Allen, Texas;
Determining the Necessity of
Levying an Assessment Against Said
Abutting Property, and the Real and
True Owners Thereof, for the Part
OCTOBER 20, 1988
of Said Costs Apportioned to Them;
Ordering and Setting a Public
Ordinance No. 888-10-88 (cont'd):
Hearing at 7:09 O'Clock P.M. on the
10th Day of January, 1989, in the
Page 7
City Council Chambers of the City
Council in the Municipal Annex
Building of Allen, Texas, as the
Time and Place for the Hearing of
the Real and True Owners of Said
Abutting Property and All Others
Interested in Said Abutting Property
or in the Proceedings and Contracts
Concerning Said Assessment and
Improvements; Directing the City
Secretary of � the City of Allen,
Texas, to Give Notice of Said
Hearing as Required by the Laws of
the State of Texas and the Cbarter
of This City; and Providing an
Effective Date. (Agenda Item R)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before the Council
on contents of the proposed ordinance which contains the engineer's role and
the cost estimates for construction; the schedule for the letting of bids on
the project, the award of the bid, and the public hearing on the assessment.
Mr. Petty advised the Council of the assessment to be rendered for this
construction and the availability of budget funds from the county and the
state to help with the cost of this construction. Mr. Petty advised of the
preparation of the enhancement appraisal study. Mr. Petty advised that the
city staff's recommendation was to adopt the ordinance as presented.
Mr. Petty then reviewed the public hearing process and made a recom-
mendation on several dates for the public hearing to be held. Those proposed
dates were January 10, or 11 or 17.
Conrad Callicoate, the city's consulting engineer, spoke before the
Council on the engineer's role and the estimated construction cost as follows:
Construction Cost Estimate $2,250,000.00
Add 10% Contingency 225,000.00
Subtotal $2,475,000.00
Estimated Landscaping Cost 346,201.00
Estimated Street Lighting 43,000.00
Railroad Crossing 300,000.00
Engineering and Architectural Fees 205,500.00
Total Estimated Cost $3,369,701.00
Mr. Callicoate advised that this cost did not include the improvements for
Butler Drive, the portion which is south of Main Street and north of
McDermott. Mr. Callicoate advised that this item was going to be bid as an
add-on alternate and is estimated to cost around $34,000. The Council
discussed with Mr. Callicoate if the portion of Butler was also going to be
i Mayor Farmer reiterated the contents of the ordinance and discussed
4/ with the City Council the appropriate date and time for the public hearing on
the street assessment. It was concluded by the Council that the hearing
should be held at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 10, 1989.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by
Councilman Glass, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0)
opposed to approve and adopt Ordinance No. 888-10-88 to include
the date of the public hearing to be Tuesday, January 10, 1989 at
7:00 p.m., in accordance with the city staff's recommendation,
and as captioned previously. The motion carried.
OCTOBER 20, 1988
Page 8
Resolution No. 889-10-88(R): A
Resolution of the City Council of
the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Authorizing the City's Legal
Counsel to File for Intervenor
Status in the Case of Southwestern
Bell Telephone Company vs. Public
Utility Commission of Texas in the
District Court of Travis County,
Texas, and to Direct the City
Manager to Mork With Legal
Council in All Matters Related
Thereto. (Agenda Item XI)
Mayor Farmer advised the Council of the contents of the proposed
resolution which would place the City of Allen as an intervenor in the case
of Southwestern Bell Telephone Company versus the Public Utility Commission.
Councilman Jim Wolfe, Chairman of the Council's Telephone Subcommittee,
spoke before the Council on the committee's unanimous recommendation that
this resolution be adopted in order to protect the city's interest in this case
and the implementation of Extended Area Service (EAS) in the City of Allen.
Mayor Farmer advised of the Council Subcommittee's conversations with
the city's attorney, Andy Kever, in Austin, on this matter.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by Coun-
cilman Pendleton, the Council voted for seven (7) for and none
(0) opposed to approve and adopt Resolution No. 889-10-88(R).
The motion carried.
Authorize Execution of a Contract
for Telephone Service and Approve
Specifications for Purcbase of
Telephone Equipment (Agenda Item XII)
Police Chief Richard Carroll spoke before the Council on the proposed
telephone system for the municipal complex site. Chief Carroll distributed
handout information to the Council which contained information on the work
that had been done as a result of the telecommunications study that had been
conducted by Ken Nelson, the cost analysis for the proposed plexar system
and equipment, a list of benefits of the new system, and the telephone listing
of the departments with the new direct inward dialing numbers. Chief
Carroll reviewed the documentation with the Council.
There was considerable discussion by the Council on the cost of the
equipment, the number of metro lines being reduced to four and how that
number was determined, and the listing of the direct inward dialing numbers.
Councilman Wolfe explained in detail the concept of the plexar system and its
capabilities for the city as the city grows. There was considerable discussion
on how the direct inward dialing system would work and the need for a
central switchboard operator and the impact of the system on the departments
and how the telephones will be answered. There was also considerable
discussion on the telephone listings. The Council briefly discussed the
recommendation to lease the equipment rather than out right purchase or the
lease/purchase option.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Glass and seconded by
Councilman Edstrom, the Council voted seven (7) for and none
(0) opposed to authorize the city staff to negotiate and execute a
contract with Southwestern Bell Telephone for the Plexar service
and to authorize the city staff to execute a contract with
Southwestern Bell Telecom for the leasing of necessary telephone
equipment providing that both contracts be reviewed by the
Council Telephone Subcommittee prior to the execution of the
contracts by the City Manager. The motion carried.
OCTOBER 20, 1988 Page 9
Mayor Farmer recessed the regular session of the Allen City Council at
9:01 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 9:11 p.m.
Authorize Execution of a Facilities
Agreement with the F. M. 2170 Limited
Partnership (Agenda Item XIII)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before the Council
on the proposed facilities agreement for the offsite water and sewer
construction and street improvements for "The Woods" Subdivision. Mr. Petty
reviewed the contents of the facilities agreement and advised of the
escrowing of funds for the roadway improvements.
There was discussion by the Council regarding the accumulation of
interest on the escrowed funds and how the city can do this and if this had
been included on other facility agreements.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded by
Councilman Wilson, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0)
opposed to authorize the city manager to execute the facilities
agreement as presented with the F.M. 2170 Limited Partnership.
The motion carried.
Council Subcommittee Reports (Agenda Item XIV -A)
Mayor Farmer advised that the Chairmen of the Council Subcommittees
would now make their presentation on the activities of their various
Councilman Rex Womack advised that there was nothing to report at this
time on the work of the Finance/Administration Subcommittee other than the
information that had been sent out to the Council in their agenda packets.
Councilman Jim Wolfe advised the Council of the recent meeting of the
Development Subcommittee and the proposed document to be produced from
the discussion at that meeting.
Mayor Pro Tem Wilson advised the Council that they have scheduled a
meeting for November 2 and will be discussing in depth the paramedic
program. He advised that they will be having some guest speakers from the
City of Plano Paramedic Program and from Plano General Hospital. He
pointed out that another meeting had been scheduled for November 9 in order
to discuss their second priority item, which is economic development. Mayor
Pro Tem Wilson advised that members of the Economic Development Alliance
will be present at that meeting.
This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action
taken on this item.
Collin County Public Officials Association (Agenda Item XIV -B)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council of the upcoming
meeting of the Collin County Public Officials to be held on Thursday,
October 27, at 6:30 p.m, at the Holiday Inn in McKinney and encouraged the
Council Members to attend and turn in their reservations to her.
This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action
taken on this item.
Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item XIV -C)
•City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council of the success of the
recent United Way Campaign and reported that to date $81,315.00 had been
raised in funds and this represented a 122% of the goal for this year.
OCTOBER 20, 1988
Page 10
Items of Interest to the Council (cont'd) (Agenda Item XIV -C)
•City Manager McCarty advised the Council of an article that had
appeared in a section of "The Dallas Morning News" regarding the Jupiter
Road Water Corporation. Mr. McCarty advised of the location of the
residents that were on this water system and that they were in the City of
Plano, how the City of Allen had provided them with water for several years
since the City of Plano does not have a water line in at area, how the City
of Plano will now take over the water system, maintain it, read the meters
and bill the customers for this water, and will purchase the water from the
City of Allen.
These items were received as a matter of information. There was no
action taken on these items.
Executive Session (Agenda Item XV)
In accordance with Article 6252-17, V.A.T.C.S. (Open Meetings Law),
Section 2 (e), (f), and (g), the Allen City Council convened into Executive
Session at 9:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex,
One Butler Circle, Allen,Texas, in order to discuss matters pertaining to the
selection of the Parks and Recreation Director, purchase of the parks special
use facility, and the City Council employee evaluations.
The Executive Session was adjourned at 11:58 p.m.
Reconvene and Consider Items Discussed
During Executive (Agenda Item XVI)
There were no items to be discussed or acted upon by the Council at this
The Allen City Council reconvened into regular session at 11:59 p.m. in
the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle,
Allen, Texas.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Glass and seconded by
Councilman Edstom, the Council voted seven (7)for and none (0)
opposed to adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council
at 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, October 20, 1988. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 2nd day of November, 1988.
�6* �Qt.nttl_
J e Farmer, MAYOR
Marty Hendrix, C, CITY SECRET Y