HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1988 - 11/14 - WorkshopALLEN CITY COUNCIL
NOVEMBER 14, 1988
Joe Farmer, Mayor
Council Members:
Rex Womack
Jerry Wilson, Mayor Pro Tem
Bobby Glass
Jim Wolfe
Gary Edstrom
Jim Pendleton
city staff
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the called - special
workshop session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor
Farmer at 7:24 p.m. on Monday, November 14, 1988, in the Conference Room
of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Planning Session Regarding the
City's Tax RoHBack Effort (Agenda Item II)
Mayor Farmer advised the Council of the items that he felt needed to
be discussed during this workshop session and outlined them as follows:
1. To review calendar of events regarding rollback petition and
2. Review of conditions or events that everyone is aware of or have
information on regarding the rollback petition.
3. Identify some facts that the Council needs to know and be aware
of to communicate to the public about the issues involved in the
rollback tax issue.
4. Discuss strategy options
Mayor Farmer reviewed the various phases of the tax rollback effort,
with Phase I being the time period between now and the last day for the
petition to be filed. Phase II is the time between December 16 and
January 4, 1989, the 20 days for validating the petition signatures. Phase III
is the time period between January 5, 1989 and election day.
The Mayor then opened the floor for input from the Council Members as
to if any of them had heard or seen anything about the rollback petition
being circulated. The Council Members provided comments on any information
that they had seen or heard about the petition.
The meeting was recessed at 7:42 p.m. in order that the City Manager
could finish with a presentation to the Parks and Recreation Board and return
to this meeting. The meeting was reconvened at 7:55 p.m.
City Manager McCarty spoke before the Council on the information that
he had gathered regarding this issue. He advised of the concerns that he had
heard from the Allen Independent School District regarding this matter and
how it will affect the community.
NOVEMBER 14, 1988 Page 2
Planning Session Regarding the
City's Tax RollBack Effort (cont'd) (Agenda Item U)
The Mayor then opened the floor for the Council to identify some facts
to be placed on a fact sheet for the City Council to use as a reference when
providing information on this issue. The following facts were listed:
1. List the enact amount of the rollback tax figure and how it will
effect a property value.
2. How signatures can be withdrawn from the petition. City staff to
obtain letter from the State Property Tax Board regarding this
3. That the loss in valuation of properties created a 3.5Q increase in
the tax rate in order to generate the same amount of taxes that
the city collected in the previous year. It was pointed out that
this fact is to be used with caution, due to trying to calculate the
4. Determine the dates that the contracts were let for the library
building and the police and courts building and the infrastructure.
5. Place concentration on the revenue reduction of $99,010
appropriate figure after rechecking
figures) and point
according to facts gathered, the residential tax payers
benefit from the $99,010 reduction.
They will only be
with a certain amount and determine
what that amount is
other classification of taxpayers.
6. Provide for the date the city initiated the Substance Abuse
Prevention Program and date the city stared providing financial
support to the program.
7. Provide for the date that the paramedic goal or objective was made
a part of the city's Comprehensive Plan.
8. Research the amount of the tax increase needed during the five
year capital improvement program for bond indebtedness as outlined
in the bond preposition information.
9. Identify the bond propositions, where we are with them at the
present time as to completion, and how much we have spent on
them to date, and how much is left to spend.
10. Obtain the number of citizens that participated in the following
citizen involvement groups:
a. Comprehensive Plan
b. Main Street
C. Citizens Committee on Police/Courts Building
d. Volunteers for EAS Balloting Process
e. Greenbelt Linear Park Study
I. City's Boards & Commission
g. City's Capital Improvement Program Committee
11. Identify where $99,010 will come from in the calculation of the tax
rate. Point out that it will be taken out of the M & O and not
the I & S.
12. Identify the dollar amounts placed in the budget to fund the
following items:
NOVEMBER 14, 1988 Page 3
Planning Session Regarding the
City's Tax Rollitack Effort (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
a. Computers
b. Compensation package for employees
C. Occupancy costs for new policelcourts building and library
d. Remaining balance being in new programs -- breakdown by
13. Obtain tax rate for cities the size of Allen in the state and
surrounding cities. (Note: Research can be obtained from the
Texas Research League Tax Study)
There was further discussion by the Council on the need to list other
revenue sources, however, it was determined that this was not necessary since
the issue was the tax rate.
There was further discussion by the Council on the various types of
strategies to be used in this process. Mayor Farmer pointed out that he had
written an article for the "City Chat" column in the local newspaper, "The
Allen American". Mayor Farmer suggested methods for communication were
making presentations to the local organizations/associations, developing a
support group and providing for a privately funded letter to mail out to all
Allen residents, an article in the "Municipal Messenger", the use of con-
sultants that were used in the EAS balloting process, a telephone bank, street
canvassers, public forums, letters to the editor in "The Allen American",
letters to the signers of the petition informing them as to the real facts of
the issue, contact with the organizers of the petition to meet with the
Council at a workshop, and development of the support group from list of
registered voters in the city.
There was discussion on the use of the suggested strategies in the
various phases of the petition process.
City Manager McCarty pointed out an observation on the rollback issue
and that was whether the City Council should take an aggressive or passive
approach to this situation. He pointed out that the city has been passive up
until this time and if more emphasis is placed on the issue will this additional
attention be in the best interest of the city or not. There was considerable
discussion by the Council on the approach to be taken in this matter.
There was further discussion by the Council on the various strategies
proposed to get the correct word out to the citizenry on the issues involved
in the rollback matter. The Council discussed sending out a letter to all
residents, what the letter would say and who would sign the letter; if a
town meeting should be held and when it should occur and what should the
agenda contain; and what position the Council should take at this time.
There was lengthy discussion on what should be done in the first phase
of the petition process, and gathering support from the business community,
civic organizations, and homeowners associations to sign the letter to the
The Mayor recessed the called - special workshop session at 9:28 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 9:38 p.m.
The discussion continued on the various strategies that should be
implemented by the Council. The discussion centered around talking to the
various civic associations and organizations and having the city staff schedule
Council Members to speak before these groups. In further discussion, it was
concluded that the City Secretary would prepare a list of the city's civic
organizations and associations, their meeting times and places, and contact
them to see if a City Council Member could speak to them at their next
regular meetings regarding the rollback tax issue. It was also concluded that
the city staff would prepare, as soon as possible, a fact sheet from the list
of facts outlined by the Council earlier in the meeting that could be used by
the City Council at these presentations.
NOVEMBER 14, 1988 Page 4
Items of Interest to the Council
There were no items of interest to discuss at this time.
With no further discussion, Mayor Farmer adjourned the called - special
workshop session of the Allen City Council at 10:01 p.m. on Monday,
November 14, 1988.
These minutes approved on the 1st day of December, 1988.
JqO Farmer, MAYOR
iMarty Hendrix, 1C, CITY SECR