HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1988 - 12/01 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
DECEMBER 1, 1988
Joe Farmer, Mayor
Council Members:
Rex Womack (arrived at 6:53 p.m
Jerry Wilson, Mayor Pro Tem
Bobby Glass
Jim Wolfe
Jim Pendleton
Gary Edstrom
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the workshop session of
the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 6:45 p.m. on
Thursday, December 1, 1988, in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal
Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Discussion of Consent Agenda
cand Regular Agenda Items (Agenda Item II)
Mayor Farmer began the review of the Consent Agenda items. There was
no discussion on any of the Consent Agenda Items.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Items VI -A, B, and C relating to the
Water and Sewer Bond Program. These items included Review Revenue Bond
Status Report, Approve Construction Priority Schedule and Authorize Selection
of an Engineering Firm and Approve Initial Project Budgets. City Manager
Jon McCarty advised the Council that a presentation would be made by the
Finance Director, Charlotte Smith, and the Director of Public Works, Tom
Club. He also reviewed the action to be taken by the Council on each of
these items. There was a brief discussion by the Council to returned to
these items later in the workshop for discussion if time permits.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VII -A, Calendar. City Manager
McCarty pointed out to the Council upcoming dates on the Council's calendar.
Those dates being December 8 for the NCTCOG Legislative Dinner, December
9 for employees Christmas Party, the Jaycees Christmas Parade on December
10, the Council's Boards and Commission Christmas Party on December 13, the
next regular meeting to be held on December 15, and perhaps a special -
called meeting to be held on December 27 or 28 if the rollback tax petitions
are presented to the city. The Council reviewed those dates and Councilman
Glass pointed out the proclamation to be presented to the Escadrille on
December 4 for their winning first place in the UIL Competition. He advised
�t he would be representing the city at this event as the Mayor and Mayor Pro
Tem were unable to attend.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VII -B, Council Committee Follow-up.
City Manager McCarty advised the Council that this item was placed on the
agenda in order that the Council subcommittees could make their reports, if
any, at this time. There was no discussion at this time.
Farmer reviewed Agenda Item
VII -C, City Chat.
Mayor Farmer
the list of upcoming articles
that were shown in the Council's
packet under this agenda item. There was no discussion at
this time.
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Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regular Agenda Items (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VII -D, Items of Interest to the
Council. City Manager Jon McCarty pointed out to the Council several items
which were contained in the Council's FYI folder and Mr. McCarty advised
the Council to be sure and read that information. He stated that one of the
items was a law suit that had been filed recently by L. H. Lacy, naming the
city as a party, regarding the paving of McDermott Road, west of U. S. 75.
Mr. McCarty pointed out that it seemed to be a frivolous action. Mr.
McCarty also pointed out the information regarding the status of the Odell
concessionaire at Ford Park and the city receiving its money. Mr. McCarty
advised that another item was information provided by former Mayor Don
Rodenbaugh regarding a meeting at his home of the Allen Citizens for
Progress and Unity Committee and actions that they were going to take in
regards to the rollback tax petitions being circulated in the city.
Also under items of interest, Mr. McCarty advised the Council that the bids
were opened today on the paving construction for Main Street (McDermott)
Phases II & III. He pointed out the apparent low bidder and advised of the
estimated budget and how much the bid had come in under budget. He also
advised of the bid amounts received on two alternates that were in the bid
Mr. McCarty also showed to the Council a plaque that had been received
by the City of Allen for recognition received from the Texas Parks and
Recreation Association for the city's development of the Greenbelti Linear
Park Study.
Mr. McCarty advised the Council of meeting with representatives of the
Junior Group of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra League regarding their IOK
run event to be held on March 4 of 1989. Also next year they want to
include a 25 -mile bicycle tour which would begin at Collin Creek Mall and
would tour through parts of Allen. Mr. McCarty pointed out that the Police
Chief and Fire Chief were also included in the meeting to discuss the route
of the tour and the manpower and support that would be needed from the
city to hold this event. Mr. McCarty showed the Council a T-shirt and
poster from last year's event. He also presented a brochure of the proposed
event for 1989 and advised the Council that the League wanted Allen to be a
sponsor for next year. Mr. McCarty pointed out the proposed route to be
taken by the cyclists and that it would probably take from 20 to 40 man
hours of work to provide support to this function. Mr. McCarty pointed out
that he felt this would be good publicity and promotion of the city.
The Council discussed the date the event is to be held, who the sponsors
were of this event, the city being a sponsor in this event, and that the city
would not have to provide any monetary support to this event. Mr. McCarty
advised the Council that representatives from the Junior Group of the Dallas
Symphony Orchestra League would like to make a presentation to the Council
on this request. He has advised them to appear on the December 15th
agenda, if the Council is agreeable to this idea. There was further discussion
on this organization having liability insurance and how much the city would
be liable in this event.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VIII, Executive Session, for
personnel items. City Manager McCarty pointed out to the Council the need
to discuss the appointment or reappointment of the Municipal Court Judge
since his two-year term of office is due to expire on January 1, 1989. It was
also pointed out that the City Health Officer's term had expired on September
30, 1989 and he needed to be reappointed or a new individual appointed. This
term is also for two years. The Council discussed Dr. Vita as the city's
DECEMBER 1, 1988
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Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regular Agenda Items (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
Health Officer and wondered if he still could be appointed since he no
longer lived in the city. City staff advised that they would research this
matter. City Manager McCarty advised the Council of several times Dr. Vita
had been contacted by the city for help as the city's Health Officer.
Council Committee Reports (Agenda Item III)
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item 111, Council Committee Reports.
Finance/Administration (Agenda Item III -A)
Councilman Womack advised that there was nothing to report at this
Councilman Wolfe advised that there was nothing to report at this time.
Mayor Pro Tem Wilson advised that their committee meeting to be held
on December 7 had been moved to December 14.
Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item IV)
-Councilman Wolfe advised the Council of a letter from Attorneys Butler
and Casstevens, who handles the Public Utility Commission cases, regarding
local access tariffs charged by Southwestern Bell Telephone. He advised that
there are four or fives case pending before the Texas Supreme Court and
District Court relating to rate structured proposed to increase local rate
charges by $3.00 to $4.00 per head. Mr. Wolfe pointed out that there is a
committee of cities that are kept aware of these cases and he is the
representative for Allen. He also advised that Galen Sparks, City Attorney in
Dallas, has been selected by the committee to represent the cities in this
settlement. Mr. Wolfe advised that the city will be asked at some time in
the future to participate in this rate case process. Mr. Wolfe just provided
this as a matter of information to the Council.
-Mayor Farmer advised the Council of a letter that had been received
from Margie Collis, Petition Chairman for the Collin County Taxpayers
Association, regarding the rollback tax petition and that it would be
presented to the city on December 8, 1988.
-City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council of a meeting that was
held at Don Rodenbaugh's home on Sunday evening regarding the Allen
Citizens for Progress and Unity Committee. Mr. McCarty advised the Council
that this committee had organized in opposition to the individuals who were
circulating a rollback tax petition in the city. Mr. McCarty advised that
these individuals would be placing a full page ad in the Sunday edition of The
Allen American and a letter to the editor would also be placed in the paper.
He advised that the ad would contain correct information to be consider
before an individual signs the rollback petition. It would also contain a form
that an individual could use to have their name taken off of the petition if
they so desired.
There was discussion by the Council on the rollback tax petition being
circulated, if the individuals had obtained enough signatures on the petition
to present it to the city, if any of the Council had met with anyone
circulating the petitions, and other information that had been gathered on the
rollback tax petition process. The Council also discussed the various civic
groups that had met and just how many Council Members had an opportunity
to speak before their designated groups about the facts of the rollback tax
DECEMBER 1, 1988 Page 4
Items of Interest to the Council (cont'd) (Agenda Item IV)
petition and what the results of those presentations were. The Council then
reviewed the upcoming meetings and the Council Members that were to speak
before those groups.
With no further discussion on any of the agenda items under the
workshop session, Mayor Farmer adjourned the workshop session at 7:28 p.m.
on Thursday, December 1, 1988.
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the regular session of
the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 7:35 p.m. on
Thursday, December 1, 1988, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal
Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Edstrom and seconded by
Councilman Glass, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0)
opposed to approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as
recommended and as follows:
A. Approval of City Council Minutes of November 14, 1988 -
Called Special Workshop Session.
B. Approval of City Council Minutes of November 17, 1988 -
Regular Session.
C. Authorization to city staff to pay bills associated with the
1985 Capital Improvement Program as follows:
1. Hydrostorage, Inc.
CIP Project No. 90-002-1
Construction of 2 MG Elevated
Water Storage Tank - Contractor
Application No. IOR
Period: Thru October 20, 1988
2. Black & Veatch Engineering
CIP Project No. 40-001-21
55-001-1 - Construction of In-
frastructure Design - Engineering
Period: Thru October 31, 1988
3. Glenn Thurman, Inc.
CIP Project No. 35-001-1
Construction of Municipal Complex
Infrastructure - Application No. 5
Period: Thru November 21, 1988
D. Schedule of Taxes Receivable as of October 31,
The motion carried.
End of Consent Agenda
Review Revenue Bond Status Report
(Agenda Item VI -A)
Charlotte Smith, Finance Director, spoke before the Council on a report
of the 1985/86 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds and a recap of bonds sold,
expended, and funds available as of October 31, 1988. The amount of bonds
sold was $4,830,000; the amount expended through October 31, 1988 was
DECIMMER 1, 1988 Page 5
Review Revenue Bond Status Report (cont'd) (Agenda Item VI -A)
$4,510,807.48; and the amount of funds available was $319,192.52. Mrs. Smith
then reviewed the cash summary of the Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds as of
October 31, 1968, with a cash amount of $672,806.43 now available.
This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action
taken on this item.
Approve Construction Priority Schedule (Agenda Item VI -B)
Authorize Selection of an Engineering
Firm and Approve Imtial Project Budgets (Agenda Item VI -C)
Tom Glab, Director of Public Works, spoke before the Council on the
status of the completion of the 2MG water storage tank, and the status of
the telemetry system for water distribution.
There was discussion on the water line and sewer line status and the
recommendation of the Council Development Subcommittee on this item.
There was further discussion by the Council with Mr. Glab on the
telemetry study, what it contained and how it works.
Mr. Glab reviewed the water and sewer project list with the Council as
presented in their packet information. There was discussion on the projects
where funds were available and those projects where no funds were available.
There was also discussion on the remaining 1.5 million dollars in bond funds
which have not been sold.
The Council discussed the importance of the hydrants and valves, manhole
replacements and sewer collection repairs, which were listed as priorities 9,
11, and 12. The Council discussed that these items should be of a higher
priority than listed and yet there was no money to fund these items.
The Council discussed the painting of the 2 MG water tank and the tank
at the Lucas Pump Station. Mr. Glab advised that inspections needed to be
done on the tanks to determine if they needed to be painted at this time or
if the painting can be delayed.
Mayor Farmer reviewed the recommendation of the city staff as follows:
1. That the Council approve the priority schedule shown on the
table presented.
2. Authorize the city staff to proceed with the construction of the new
Watters Branch Sewer Interceptor.
3. Approve the proposed budget for the Watters Branch Sewer Inter-
ceptor as follows:
Engineering $20,500
Easement Preparation $3,400
Surveying $4,500
Construction $247,500
Contingencies (10$) $24,300
Total: $300,200
4. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contractual agreement
for engineering services.
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Approve Construction Priority Schedule (cont'd) (Agenda Item VI -B)
Authorize Selection of an Engineering
Firm and Approve Initial Project Budgets (cont'd) (Agenda Item VI -C)
Mr. Glob then explained the Watters Branch Sewer Interceptor construc-
tion and the easements required. He then distributed maps of the interceptor
showing the new interceptor option at a cost of $300,000, with a time for
completion of 34 weeks, and a service life of 50 years. Mr. Glab also
distributed a map showing the relocation option, which would cost $150,000,
with a time for completion of 28 weeks, and a service life of 10 years.
The Council reviewed the maps presented and discussed with Mr. Glob
various aspects regarding the existing force mains, the existing gravity
interceptor and the proposed interceptor. The Council also discussed the
statement made by city staff that the State highway Department will not let
the contract for upgrading of U.S. 75 until the city has the utilities moved.
There was further discussion on the time frame for getting these projects
done and the time frame for beginning construction on U.S. 75.
There was further discussion by the Council with Mr. Glab on the history
behind the location of the lift station on the northeast corner of Bethany
Road and the service road of U.S. 75.
The discussion continued on the two options that were presented and
which one would be most advantageous at this time. Further discussion
included pro rata agreements and what the city's policy is in this matter and
if that approach could be done in this situation.
Councilman Jim Wolfe spoke before the Council on the Development
Subcommittee's recommendation, which was to approve the new interceptor
option in the amount of $300,000.
There was further discussion by the Council on one option being of a
temporary nature and the other one being of a permanent nature and how
this determination was made by the Director of Public Works. There was also
discussion on the unsold bonds and the status of any information in that area.
At this time Mayor Farmer recessed the regular session of the Allen City
Council at 8:53 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:03 p.m.
Mr. Glob advised the Council that a suggestion had been made during the
recess by Mayor Pro Tem Wilson as another option to the interceptor
relocation, which would eliminate two lift stations and perhaps reduce the
cost of construction. The new option involved the line located in front of
InteCom and how the gravity now could be handled. The new option would
have to be researched by city staff to see if it was feasible. The Council
discussed the new proposal as another option to consider.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Edstrom and seconded by
Councilman Womack, the Council voted seven (7) for and none
(0) opposed to recommend that the city staff research the new
proposed option and that the item go back to the Council
Development Subcommittee for review and a recommendation to
be brought back to the Council at the December 15, 1988
meeting. The motion carried.
Calendar (Agenda Item VII -A)
Mayor Farmer advised that the Council had been advised of certain dates
for upcoming events in the month of December.
This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action
taken on this item.
DECEMBER 1, 1988
Page 7
Council Committee Follow Up (Agenda Item VII -B)
There was no discussion on this item.
city Chat
(Agenda Item VII -C)
Mayor Farmer referenced the list of upcoming articles for The Allen
American "City Chat" column for the month of December.
There was no discussion on this item.
Items of Interest to the Council
-City Manager Jon McCarty advised of the receipt of bids received on
Main Street (McDermott) Phases II & III, the apparent low bidder, the amount
bid on an alternate (to construct a portion of Butler), and how the low bid
had come in under budget.
-City Manager Jon McCarty advised of meeting with representatives of
the Junior Group of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra League regarding their
10K run event to be held on March 4 of 1989. Also next year they want to
include a 25 -mile bicycle tour which would begin at Collin Creek Mall and
would tour through parts of Allen. Mr. McCarty advised the Council that
representatives from the Junior Group of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra
League would like to make a presentation to the Council on this request. He
has advised them to appear on the December 15th agenda.
With no further discussion, Mayor Farmer adjourned the regular session
of the Allen City Council into Executive Session at 9:20 p.m.
Executive Session (Agenda Item VIII)
In accordance with Article 6252-17, V.A.T.C.S. (Open Meetings Law),
Section 2(g), the Allen City Council convened into Executive Session at
9:22 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler
Circle, Allen, Texas, in order to discuss matters pertaining to personnel.
Those items being discussion of Municipal Court Judge and City Health
Officer appointments.
The Executive Session was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Reconvene and Consider Action
Regarding Items Discussion During
Executive Session (Agenda Item Ix)
The Allen City Council reconvened into regular session at 10:32 p.m. on
Thursday, December 1, 1988, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal
Mayor Farmer opened the floor for nominations to the position of City
Health Officer.
Councilman Jim Wolfe nominated Dr. Anthony Vita. The nomination was
seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Wilson.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Glass and seconded by
Mayor Pro Tem Wilson, the Council voted seven (7) for and none
(0) opposed that the nominations cease and that Dr. Anthony Vita
be reappointed by acclamation as the City's Health Officer for
another two-year term of office. The motion carried.
DECEMBER 1, 1988
Page 8
These minutes approved on the 15th day of December , 1988.
e Farmer, MAYOR
r �' o' ,i 1(�
Marty Hendrix, Cplc, CITY SECRETA Y
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Wilson and
seconded by
Glass, the Council voted seven (7) for
and none (0)
opposed to
adjourn the regular session of the Allen
City Council
10:34 p.m.
The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 15th day of December , 1988.
e Farmer, MAYOR
r �' o' ,i 1(�
Marty Hendrix, Cplc, CITY SECRETA Y