HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1989 - 01/17 - Special CalledALLEN CITY COUNCIL
JANUARY 17, 1989
Joe Farmer, Mayor
Council Members:
Rex Womack
Jerry Wilson, Mayor Pro Tem
Bobby Glass
Jim Wolfe
Jim Pendleton
Gary Edstrom
City Staff
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
A. Don Crowder, City Attorney
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Conrad Callicoate, consulting engineer with Graham Associates, Inc.
Bruce McCarver, the appraiser, representing with Metro Appraisal Service, Inc.
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the called - special session
of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 7:00 p.m. on
Tuesday, January 17, 1989, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex,
One Sutler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Reconvene: Public Hearing on
Construction Improvements to F. M.
2170 (McDermott Drive) from U. S. 75
to Allen Drive, McDermott Drive from
Allen Drive to a Point 360 Feet East of
the East Right -of -Nay Line of
Dogwood Drive, Dogwood Drive from
Main Street to McDermott Drive, and
Main Street from Dogwood to State
Highway 5 Within the City Limits of (Agenda Item II)
JANUARY 17, 1989
Page 2
the City of Allen, As to the Amount
to be Assessed Against Rath Abutting
Property and Owner Thereof, and to
All Persons Interested in Said Matter,
and As to the Benefits to Said
Property by Reason of the Improve-
ments or Any Other Matter or Thing
in Connection Therewith on the Above
Subject Streets. (Agenda Item II)
Mayor Farmer advised the Council of some handout materials that had been
distributed to the Council and explained that one showed the engineer's roll with
appropriate corrections, a list of questions that had been posed at the first public
hearing held on January 10 and the answers to those questions, and other
information on the project.
Mayor Farmer advised that he would like the record to reflect that due to
his absence during a part of the meeting held on January 10, he has obtained a
copy of the tapes of that meeting and has had an opportunity to review those tapes
and all materials that were presented at that time and discussed the happenings
of the evening with the City Manager and other city staff and he is prepared to
continue in his role in this particular process.
Mayor Farmer advised that the procedures of this meeting would be that he
will turn the meeting back over to Don Crowder, the City Attorney, who will
continue with the management of the hearing of testimony and evidence concerning
the assessment process. Mayor Farmer advised that Mr. Crowder at the point
when all evidence has been presented will turn the meeting back over to him. The
Mayor advised that he will then ask the city staff to respond to questions that did
arise at the meeting on January 10, they will read those questions and provide
answers to the questions and will at that time entertain any other questions that
members of the audience might have. Mayor Farmer advised that he will then turn
the meeting focus to the Council to consider any evidence that has been presented
on individual parcels for the Council's consideration in the adjustment process.
Mayor Farmer advised that after that there will be an opportunity for the Council
to discuss the total issues, pose any questions that they have, and ultimately then
consider adopting the ordinance to execute the assessment, which was set out as
the purpose of the meeting.
Mayor Farmer asked if there were any questions on the meeting procedures
of members of the audience. There were none.
Mayor Farmer read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Reconvene: Public Hearing on Construction Improvements to F. M. 2170
(McDermott Drive) from U. S. 75 to Allen Drive, McDermott Drive from Allen
Drive to a Paint 360 Feet East of the East Right -of -Way Line of Dogwood
Drive, Dogwood Drive from Main Street to McDermott Drive, and Main Street
JANUARY 17, 1999
Page 3
Reconvene: Public Hearing on Construction
Improvements to F. M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued) (Agenda Item II)
from Dogwood to State Highway 5 Within the City Limits of the City of Allen, As
to the Amount to be Assessed Against Each Abutting Property and Owner Thereof,
and to All Persons Interested in Said Matter, and As to the Benefits to Said
Property by Reason of the Improvements or Any Other Matter or Thing in
Connection Therewith on the Above Subject Streets."
Mayor Farmer turned the meeting over to Don Crowder, City Attorney.
Mr. Crowder advised that he would review again the ground rules and make
an opening statement on the purpose of this meeting. He advised that the city had
no new evidence to present and thus there would be no more evidence on enhanced
values or market values or that sort at this particular meeting. He pointed out to
the audience that this was their opportunity as citizens to present evidence that
counters any evidence that was presented by the city or its staff or its experts
at the previous meeting on January 10.
Mr. Crowder went on to explain that the City Council is most interested in
hearing your opinion and conclusions of a subjective nature, of a competent nature
that would deal with the elements and on the matter of value. He advised that for
people to go before the Council and talk about life being unfair or that some City
Council in years past put the screws to the citizens would not carry any weight.
He advised that the City Council heard a great deal of that at the last meeting and
they are not unsympathetic or he advised he didn't think this meeting would be
conducted tonight. He advised what is relevant is the citizens' opinions and
conclusions and any experts or materials of a documentary nature that would bear
upon the issue of enhanced value. He advised that would be what would sway or
not sway the Council's opinion in connection with any potential vote on this issue.
Mr. Crowder addressed an issue that was presented to him today and Mr.
Crowder quoted the following:
Mr. Crowder: "I received a call from an attorney in Corpus Christi that one
of the folks present had generated and asked to be made and
that attorney told me that there was a line of cases long
standing from the Texas Supreme Court and various Appellant
Courts that indicated that the formula -- as I understood what
she said -- was that the formula that was being used tonight
had been abrogated and laws struck down by the courts. I did
a little research before I came over here, couldn't find any
cases to support that view and the cases that you presented to
me tonight that I just read don't support that view. What it
does support is this. There is a (unintelligible word) or tribal
issue that could arise between people of different minds as to
what enhanced value is. For instance if the City Council should
JANUARY 17, 1989
Page 4
Reconvene: Public Hearing on Construction
Improvements to F. M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued) (Agenda Item II)
Mr. Crowder: vote contrary to your believes tonight, then collectively and
individually you have an opportunity and a right, if you will,
to go into court and say the City Council is wrong. The values
that they took were not the values that actually exist and people
of differing minds can differ on the same set of facts. In other
words, it is like any other law suit. If two people disagree,
then you have a right to go into district court and present your
evidence and if the city is still of the same mind they would
present their evidence as to value. But, let me assure you that
based on the cases you gave me, the formula that the City
Council is using is well accepted in Texas law. The testimony
that was received at the prior hearing, while it might be
rebutted and might be struck down by an appellant court, is the
commonly used method of determining enhanced value and so
that issue -- I think -- that your attorney stated has been
struck down is not entirely correct. Certainly you have a right
to disagree with the evidence that was presented at the prior
1 hearing. Certainly nobody on this Council and nobody in this
room is going to disagree or obstruct your right of free speech
to come before a governing body and petition for a grievance.
But, at the same time I would encourage you to be to the point
and present your best evidence and give it your best shot, so
the Council can make a proper determination of all of the issues
before them tonight. We will follow the same format, if you will,
that we followed last time. We will go row, by row. Take your
time, relax, present all of the evidence you have and we will
stay here as long as it takes."
At this time, Mr. Crowder asked that all individuals that were going to
provide testimony or present any evidence to stand and receive the oath to be
administered by the City Secretary.
Mr. R. B. Whisenant asked the following question:
"My lawyer put out -- and I did a little bit of reading last week and if I
didn't read it wrong, if you don't stand up and complain in this hearing,
then your rights are lost and gone forever."
Mr. Crowder: "No, that is not right. You have an absolutely -- the cases
that I presented tonight speak to that point. You have a right
to petition for review -- what in affect is an administrative
review -- not a trial de novo -- not a whole new trial -- but you
have a right to petition for review in a district court to
determine whether or not there is evidence of a substantive
JANUARY 17, 1989 Page 5
Reconvene: Public Hearing on Construction
Impmvements to F. M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued) (Agenda Item II)
Mr. Crowder: nature that would uphold the opinion of the Council either way.
No, you don't loose your right to petition the courts to redress
At this time Mr. Crowder asked everyone that was going to testify or
present evidence to stand and raise their right hands.
The City Secretary, Marty Hendrix, administered the following oath:
"Each of you do solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you shall
present in this proceeding shall be the truth and nothing but the truth, so
help you God."
Public Testimony:
R. B. Wbisenant, 2120 Onetta, Irving, Texas
Mr. Wlusenant: "I'm R. B. Whisenant. I live in Irving, Texas, at 2121 Onetta
and I'm a property owner in Allen and I speak for myself, my
mother, Gladys Whisenant, and Margaret Rankin, who is my
mother-in-law. At this time I would like to give the secretary
three requests for appeals to our enhancement judgments as set
forth in Exhibit "A". Like I said I am not a lawyer and I pulled
that 1105a and read it and read the amendments and some of it
was upsetting and some of it was -- it seemed to be kind of in
our favor. There is a lot of -- as you know -- there is a lot of
changes to that since it was written in 1927 and there is also
several cases. And the one that I was most interested in was
the one about enhancement, because that is my basis of
contention, that our property is not being enhanced to the
degree that they say it is. And the cases that I read says that
this can't be on speculation. I mean we can't say that five
years from now my property will be worth twice what it is now -
- that's not allowed. In some cases especially in residential
property there may not be any enhancement. It may actually
go down a bit, which I'm sure would be the case in my mother-
in-law's place. Mine and my mother's there is a possibility, but
gentlemen it is speculation. I think that the amount set by the
appraiser or whoever set the enhancement is arbitrary -- it is
based on speculation and we are given no facts to support it.
As I said at the last meeting, when I questioned my tax
assessment, they have always given me facts and figures. They
told me where this place down the street sold for so much a
square foot within 2,000 feet (unintelligible wording) and
generally they were right, but they had facts -- they did not
JANUARY 17, 1989
Page 7
Reconvene: Public Hearing on Construction
Improvements to F. M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued)
(Agenda Item II)
Mr. Whisenant:
everybody's assessment by 25$. They have to be decided on
an individual property -- abutting property owner's condition.
Mr. Crowder:
"You mean if it goes into court?"
Mr. Whisenant:
"However... Whether I can settle it with the Council in a meeting
or whether -- as I'm saying as I read this -- and I could be
wrong -- it can't be -- it can't be settled in mass. They can't
just say "we are going to give all of you'aU a 25$ reduction.
It has to be determined on the facts and the facts pertaining to
each parcel of property."
Mr. Crowder:
"I think you are right."
Mr. Wbisenant:
"Okay -- I agree with that, so I would encourage everybody
here that they get their stuff together, because what I do or
don't do is not going to effect your case one iota. Is that
Mr. Crowder:
"You're right."
Mr. Whisenant:
"One more thing I would like to say just as a statement.
(Unintelligible wording) it was my mother that had property
condemned for this highway and at that time there was no
mention of any kind of an assessment. Had there been we would
have been a little bit harder to deal with, because in that case
we took the city's and the state's figures and we settled for that
exact amount, without contesting it or giving them any trouble
what so ever. And you know if I could have added $10,000 on
to that -- sure I'd be glad to pay it back for the street, but I
couldn't and I didn't. I didn't know it. That's about all I've
W. D. Nelson, 301 South Cedar
Mr. Nelson:
"My name is W. D. Nelson. I have property at 301 S. Cedar.
I'm concerned that after what I heard during the last week's
meeting there is not any evidence that we can show you to
change some of your minds about assessing individual property
owners 25% of the cost of the Main Street thoroughfare even if
we can disprove enhancement values to our properties.
Nevertheless, I implore you to give my comments careful
consideration. The additional week given to us was not
sufficient enough time to adequately research sales of property
like ours to show that a thoroughfare does not always enhance
JANUARY 17 1989
Page 6
Reconvene: Public Hearing on Construction
Improvements to F M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued) (Agenda Item 11)
Mr Whisenant. have somebody speculating saying that they were going to build
a Safeway over there in five years and your property will be
worth $200,000. As I read the cases that have been judged on
this thing, that doesn't count unless (unintelligible word) really
valid testimony from an appraiser or anybody else. That is
about all I have to say I have requested a hearing, but I'm
not in a position to present any solid evidence because Ithink
to do that I've got to get an expert. I'm going to have to hire
me an appraiser as I think everybody else will because what's
my testimony worth, what's my opinion worth, not much."
Mr Crowder, "Let me respond to that if I can right there because you just hit
the nail right on the head at least in part on the basis on what
the Council -- I assume is going to consider The people that
were offered at the previous hearing were offered as expert
witnesses People that had had experience in determining
!I, values and things of that sort. They presented credentials.
® Now it is up to the Council -- just like a jury in any kind of
case -- to determine and weigh those credentials If they don't
feel those people have the credentials to give the opinions and
if it is just speculation in their opinion, then they don't have
to give any weight to that testimony or those opinions Just
like you can if they didn't feel your testimony rose to a certain
level -- they might give it a lesser weight than they would say
an expert's opinion. So, that's really what the entire matter is
all about. It is just the credible evidence and testimony of the
various folks expert and none, as to what these values are.
And, again, it will be up to the Council to determine what
weight to give everybody's testimony and opinion. And that's
really basically what it is If you go into court, that's exactly
what's going to happen again. These cases that I was presented
tonight state that very fact that the district court would at that
time weigh whether there was any substantial evidence before
the Council upon on which they could have rendered the
decision that they rendered. If they find that there was
substantial evidence, then they can uphold the decision of the
Council. I'm assuming that they voted for the special
enhancement. If they didn't, then presumably they wouldn't
strike it down, and that's basically the legal standard that
would be applied if you went into court.
Mr Whisenant. "Let me ask you one more question. Again, as I read Vernon's
Statutes and amendments, these cases have to be decided on an
individual basis. They cannot be decided in mass. In other
words the Council couldn't vote and say that we will cut
JANUARY 17, 1989
Page 8
Reconvene: Public Hearing on Construction
Improvements to F M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued) (Agenda Item II)
Mr Nelson. "the value of property like ours The point has been made by
the city that changes being made adjacent to our home can no
longer be viewed as affecting a residential area since it has been
designated the Central Business District. But I see no evidence
of commercial ventures hungry to gobble up this property and
I personally don't expect to ever see that happen. Wishful
thinking doesn't make it so and certainly shouldn't be used for
appraisal assumptions. Instead, I propose that we consider the
negative impact of this thoroughfare to our home. No benefits
conferred by the improvement proposed assessments would
exceed any enhanced value resulting from improvements.
Property is currently used exclusively for residential purposes
Street access is good prior to construction. Existing road is in
reasonably good repair and adequate for the purpose for which
it was intended. The thoroughfare will actually be a detriment
to the quiet enjoyment of our property There are numerous
cases where the Supreme Court of Texas has sided with
landowners that their property has not been enhanced simply
because a thoroughfare now abuts their property Examples
include the City of Houston versus Troy Blackburn July 4,
1965, the City of Abilene versus Bill C. Haynes November 9
1983 I also feel that assessing each landowner equally without
regard to any enhancement to each individual is wrong On May
12, 1984, the Texas Supreme Court ruled that the City of
Houston Ordinance No. 77180 is void because the city was
arbitrary in assessing the dollar amount for front foot that each
property owner must pay The assessments at $60 73 were made
uniformly and without regard for any special benefits inferred
to the properties. Since the assessments for paving improve-
ment were made on a basis other than for benefits inferred it
is unconstitutional and void, and I quote the State Supreme
Court. On a personal note, I took a look at Resolution No. 609-
5-85 and a copy of the ballot that I used to vote on the 22nd
day of June, 1985 No where in either of these documents did
it ever mention there would be an assessment of 25$ of
construction costs to adjacent property owners As a second
generation Allenite, I'm sorry that I have not paid enough
attention to the enter workings of our city government. Had
I known four years ago that my parents and people like the
Carrolls Fords, Hefners and the Chumbleys, long time
residents would go through this hardship, I assure you I would
have not voted yes to Proposition 4. I do not believe that a
majority of the people who voted you into office and voted "yes"
for these proposals would want you to impose a hardship and
grief to these people on fixed incomes who can least afford
JANUARY 17, 1989
Page 9
Reconvene: Public Hearing on Construction
Improvements to F M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued) (Agenda Item II)
Mr Nelson. it. The phrase "a few must suffer for the benefit for all' will
not cut it in this case. Under state statutes this City Council
is authorized to enforce into costs of paying improvements
according to the front foot plan. Unless you determine that
application of the rule would in a particular case or cases result
in injustices or inequities, the state statute mandates that the
governing body shall adjust such apportionment so as to
produce as substantial equity of benefits received and burdens
imposed. I hope that our city government after a review of each
case determines that abdication of the front foot rule does
indeed impose an injustice and inequity Thank you."
Leon Chumbley 104 and 106 McDermott
Mr Chumbley- "Leon Chumbley In the event that there is a cut at the crest
of the hill at 104 and 106 East McDermott the property might be
left higher than the street. Could be, but it would be hurt.
I don't know I have not been able to determine what will
happen if there even will be a cut there. I don't know -- it is
at the crest of the hill and if you cut that crest off to the level
of the street out it could leave 104 and 106 up on a bluff or a
little higher hill. It could actually hurt it. Now as I
understand the city attorney this thing is left open for
negotiation at a later date in case something like that happens
that is unforeseen to me the property owner Is that correct?"
Mr Crowder, "Bill, are you going to speak to that issue on information that
you receive as to any possible later inequities? If you are not,
I'll speak to it now "
Mr Petty- "I can't speak to that -- I can speak to the engineering I can't
to further consideration -- what I will address is the
engineering I have discussed this item with Mr Chumbley
(unintelligible wording) from an engineering standpoint. What
we have agreed to do on that at the preconstruction conference
is to have the engineer meet on site and look at the elevation
with Mr Chumbley (unintelligible wording) engineering
standpoint (unintelligible wording) If we are talking about
being able to make adjustments to the plan as long as they don't
interfere overall with the design, yes, we have that capability
If we are talking legal standpoint, about further consideration
then I think that falls under Mr Crowder's jurisdiction.
JANUARY 17, 1989 Page 10
Reconvene: Public Hearing on Construction
Improvements to F M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued) (Agenda Item II)
Mr Crowder, "I don't want you to leave here and I don't want you to even sit
down believing that the City Council has a great deal of control
over negotiating a particular parcel or a particular assessment
with any individual owner at a later date. I would tell you as
a practical matter forget the legalities, as a practical matter it
almost certainly won't happen and the burden of proof that will
be on you basically would be almost overwhelming If there is
a discrepancy in the legal description or if there is a discrep-
ancy in who owns the property if there is a property owner
that has been designated as wrong there is certainly a right to
go back and clear that other one without any penalty to either
party But, I say that once the Council determines the special
enhanced value that your property has received in their
opinion, if in fact that is their decision, then that's pretty well
going to be set in stone and it is going to be almost impossible
to overrule that and you may if you wait beyond a certain period
of time, you may very well wave your right to go into court.
(unintelligible wording) some cases have indicated that there
have been long delays in the appeals process the court has
upheld the right to go back (unintelligible wording) assessment.
But I wouldn't encourage you in any respect and I don't want
you depending upon anything that you might foresee happening
tonight that you are going to be able to go back and renegotiate
this two weeks or two years from now or any time in between."
Mr Chumbley•
"I won't know until somebody shows me how much of a cut is
made at the top of that hill and how much higher my property
is going to be than the street. You can leave that property
virtually worthless. Make it very difficult to get into and
worthless as far as any future development, business
development. Might be good for what we are using it for
presently But, you can't tell me how much cut is going to be
and I can't tell you how much damage you are going to do to the
property See you have put me in kind of a hard fix."
Mr Crowder,
"I understand your position, I just don't have an answer for
it "
Mr Chumbley•
"I don't either but you are fixing to anchor me in concrete and
make me immovable but I don't have the information."
Mr Crowder-
"The only thing I can tell you is this, without researching the
question I would assume that if there was a significant drastic
change in the nature of your property as a result of some
construction formula used by the city that even if this took
JANUARY 17, 1989 Page 11
Reconvene: Public Hearing on Construction
Improvements to F
M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued)
(Agenda Item II)
Mr Crowder-
place during the construction phase some period of time from
now you have a right to go back in at that time and challenge
the question of whether or not your property has been enhanced
to the degree voted on. There are some cases that would
support you. But, I'm just telling you that as a practical
matter it might be a burden that would be forever (un-
intelligible wording) to muster (unintelligible wording)
Mr Chumbley,
"Well, I don't know whether you are going to enhance this
property as much as you say it is going to be enhanced. I don't
know I hope you do. But, according to what information I can
get you don't have the information."
Mr Crowder-
"That's up to the city's determination. Because whether or not
they received sufficient information upon which to make a
decision and whether or not that information carries any
Mr Chumbley,
"And the decision hasn't been made up to this point, as I
Mr Petty, "Mr Crowder I'd like to address Mr Chumbley We have
reviewed the plans here and the evaluation at that location with
the engineer and the cut in the street at that location appears
to be less than 12" at that corner "
Roland Strain, 300 S. Butler
Mr Strain. "Of course last time I issued a plea that this would not happen,
but I guess that is a thing of the past. So the only question
I need to ask now is the fact -- we understand a lien is already
been placed on the properties and I might ask this to the
attorney Will we get a copy of these liens that have already
been placed against these properties? And if so what amount
will be shown on the lien?"
Mr Crowder, "I don't think it is a matter of course that they will go out to
you. Certainly if you want a copy you can get one "
Mr Strain. "So in talking with one of your local realtors this week he said
that would have to be resolved before your property could be
sold or transferred."
Mr Crowder, "There is no question about that."
JANUARY 17 1989 Page 12
Reconvene: Public Hearing on Construction
Improvements to F M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued) (Agenda Item II)
Mr Strain. "At this time we have no record of what the lien is. Of course
what my other question was -- I'm not sure I even checked the
legality of -- issuing a lien prior to the charges being placed
against the property I would wonder if this would apply in
court. Would this carry any weight in court? Since the lien
has already been issued against the property and you don't
know what the charges are yet. I don't know how you can place
a lien against a property when you don't know what. "
Mr Crowder-
"Let me tell you that it won't make any difference at all as on
the question of enhancement value or not enhancement of value.
Potentially I guess if you have a sale pending or something of
that sort -- you know that you might raise an issue of slander
of title or something It won't have any affect on the issue
before the Council tonight. And it won't make any difference
in court in my opinion. It won't make any difference on
enhanced value."
Mayor Farmer-
"Mr Crowder can we get for the tape a statement of name and
property in question?"
Mr Crowder,
"I'm sorry You want to tell them what.
Mr Strain.
"I'm Roland Strain representing my mother at 300 S. Butler
Of course, as I mentioned to you the other day the other thing
is my own personal feeling in regard to -- which Mayor Farmer
knows that I retired from the school business. One reason I got
out of the school business was I reached a point where
mandates, authorities were telling you what to do everyday
taking our money telling us how to spend it. You and the
Council have the same thing with the citizens of Allen. Ijust
think there should be a time and place just for that to cease.
You take rebellion -- or they win the battle here but the war
is not over I think the time has come -- the State of Texas
and the United States -- if we don't take a stand and let the
people who have the pencil know -- that's it. Thirty eight
years in the school business (unintelligible wording) and I think
you will agree with that. Got the mandates week after week -
- no money to spend -- but yet you will put in the program like
you are doing to us here. You are building a street up off the
service right of 150' -- I guess I get one lane of the service
right. Your mandating how I spend my money and I think the
time has come that the cities, schools, and patrons must speak
up and take a stand. Because that street will not help the
majority of people you are assessing there (unintelligible
warding) They will not use that street. You say it is going
JANUARY 17, 1989 Page 13
Reconvene: Public Hearing on Construction
Improvements to F
M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued)
(Agenda Item II)
Mr Strain.
to enhance -- I talked to a local realtor this week and he could
not -- after he went over the entire enhancement -- he just
didn't see how it was figured. Of course at the time you'all
were figuring on the cost per footage over -- there had not
been a sale in 18 months. He didn't know where the figure came
from, because I know enough about real estate that you get the
dollar figure from sales, local sales in the same area. So he
guessed the value was based on some four or five years
previous There's no record of sales at that day and time that
(unintelligible word) could have been assessed at that amount
of money So, I am of course an outsider and I'm not sure that
I am an outsider I spent an hour up here the other night after
the meeting I'd be at all of your meetings. I turn to the
patrons of Allen and if you don't get involved it's going to
continue to happen in all our little towns. Of course it has
gotten to the point where they spend the dollar -- they don't
ask you how to spend it, they just tell you, you are going to
pay it. The time has come -- 38 years in the public school
business, I have learned this. I got tired of one of the patrons
saying don't need another dollar because the state says we are
going to do this. If you don't take a stand -- it will always
continue. Thank you."
Glenda Ford,
property owner
Mrs. Ford.
"The only thing I have to say I'm Glenda Ford, I think this is
still immature. I think it should have been postponed until
there is more money appropriated and I'm not in full agreement
with this too. I think really the way the road is planned, if I
understand it correctly it will not -- it will be a detriment down
there where you try to exit back onto Main Street. I think it
is just immature."
Mr Whisenant:
"I would like to ask a question. What was the date of the actual
assessment or has these amounts been assessed by the Council?"
Mr Crowder*
"Actually you are asking at what point in the process does an
assessment begin?"
Mr Whisenant.
"No. I am asking when did the City Council consider and pass
if they did, these assessments that we were given on Exhibit
'A" "
JANUARY 17, 1989 Page 14
Reconvene: Public Hearing on Construction
Improvements to F M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued) (Agenda Item II)
Mr Crowder* "My understanding is that the assessment process doesn't begin
until the improvements are ordered by ordinance at the action
of the Council so they haven't actually begun."
Mr Whisenant. (unintelligible wording)
City Secretary
Marty Hendrix: "We adopted an ordinance to proceed with the assessment and
a notice of enactment was filed."
Mr Whisenant. "Well, if you have done that to me -- according to what I read
here -- you have violated the law It says that you should have
this meeting prior to the assessment. That the opportunity for
interested owners to be heard prior to determination of benefits
and amounts to be assessed against their property is a
constitutional necessity and not a matter of legislative grace
City of Houston versus Ford."
Mr Crowder, "I'm familiar with that case and the process that we are going
through right now is exactly what is discussed in that case."
Mr Whisenant
"If the assessment has already been levied against us?"
Mr Crowder,
"The assessment process has begun so that the assessment can
be levied. That's the whole purpose of this process that we
have gone through in the last couple of meetings."
Mr Whisenant:
"Well, but you have already filed against us in court, have you
not -- in the county courthouse. "
Mr Crowder-
"A lien has been filed."
Mr Whisenant:
"If that's not an assessment, what is?"
Mr Crowder-
"You haven't been assessed any amount at this point."
Mr Petty
"The procedure as required by state law have been followed in
the process. The City Council adopted an ordinance ordering
the improvements. The next process on that is the adoption of
an ordinance approving the plans and specifications and the
engineer's role and the placing of a notice of enactment in the
Collin County deed records which did indeed place an
assessment lien against the property however this process is
when the amount of that lien is established, with the adoption
of this ordinance."
JANUARY 17 1989 Page 15
Reconvene: Public Hearing on Conatruction
Improvements to F M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued) (Agenda Item II)
Mr Crowder, "Mr Mayor and Council the city has no further evidence to
present and I turn the meeting back over to you."
At this time Mayor Farmer advised that the city staff had prepared a
response to several questions that did come up at the meeting on January 10, 1989
or otherwise associated with this question and he asked the City Manager to
identify those questions and to provide a response
Using the color -coded landscape plan of Main (McDermott) Street Phase II
and III, Mr McCarty explained the layout of the roadway explained what existed
there now and what was to be constructed.
Mr McCarty then reviewed a list of questions that had been posed at the
meeting held on January 10, 1989 and provided the answers to those questions
Mayor Farmer opened up the meeting to other questions from the audience.
Mr Strain. "Will there be curb side parking on McDermott?"
Mr McCarty, "No. The city has adopted a policy that says on no thorough-
fares will we allow curbside parking and this is designated as
a thoroughfare
Mr Whisenant. "What are the access restrictions as far as driveways, etc."
Mr McCarty, "The city has adopted design criteria that do offer curb cuts
to property owners, but based upon spacing requirements. We
would have to look at your particular piece of property and the
cross streets in order to be able to determine where those might
be. I think frankly it would be more beneficial to look at the
actual final use of the property and some commercial arrange-
ment to determine where best to put those curb cuts The curb
cuts will be allowed."
Mr Whisenant. "I ask that now because my mother's property now is cut off
from the street as I said last week the city was suppose to pave
us an alley but they lacked about 30 feet getting far enough
for access, which is bad. I was told at that time -- if I didn't
misunderstand -- I believe it was you and I'm not sure who else
-- that there wouldn't be a driveway into that property any
more after this street was constructed."
Mr McCarty, "If there is no driveway there now -- under its present use "
Mr Whisenant. 'There was."
JANUARY 17 1989 Page 16
Reconvene: Public Hearing on Conatruction
Improvements to F M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued) (Agenda Item II)
Mr McCarty- "I understand that we did create an alley situation to allow
access behind to the back of the property --- Our under-
standing was that it went all the way to the property line. If
that is not the case then "
Mr Whisenant. "I don't think anybody would perceive that an alleyway is
proper access to the home
Mr McCarty- "I think it was based on a temporary situation. I understood
it was an agreement between you, the property owner and the
city If we haven't lived up to it, then you need to show us
what we need to do to finish it and that's what we will do."
Man. " I have one thing about the Central Business District -- in that
some of these homes are homesteads and by being homesteads
there are grandfather clauses associated with that and they can
remain residents for the next one hundred years. If I choose
to sell that property as a residence that person can use it as a
residence and it does not have to be a business. And, I think
you should look at some of these not as a central business
district, it doesn't mean that it's ever going to be a business.
It can stay a residence because we have been grandfathered."
Mr Petty- "I think I can address that. You are actually right. Whatever
the use of that property was and the structure that was there
on the date the zoning was changed protected that use from now
on. As a matter of fact you -- if it was used as a residence at
that time -- you can continue to use it as a residence from now
on and you are never under an obligation to give up your use
and the only time the city enforcement code would apply was if
the use itself changes "
Mayor Farmer- "It has not to do with ownership?"
Mr Petty- "It has nothing to do with ownership whatsoever -- just the use
of the property Even if you change hands 10 times "
Mrs. Ford. "Are the property owners -- will we have to build our driveways
-- will the driveways be provided when the road is built?"
Mr Petty- "Yes, what will occur -- where there is an existing driveway is
that a curb cut will be taken and the paving itself will extend
JANUARY 17 1989 Page 17
Reconvene: Public Hearing on Construction
Imprrov nts to F M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued) (Agenda Item II)
Mr Petty- into the back side of the sidewalk so that it will be paved to the
back side of the sidewalk and from there on it will be your
personal driveway "
"What about that -- on down there between Dogwood at the end
of Young does that street go straight down there where that
old one is -- between Cedar and Dogwood -- at the end of
Young Drive -- is that street going straight down that hole
where it is now or is it going to kind of ?"
Mr McCarty*
"It actually will parallel the cemetery "
"Okay what will happen to my property and that -- it is at the
end of Young Drive -- between Cedar and Dogwood."
Mr Petty*
"Are you saying what will happen to the front of your property
and this?"
"Between my property and the road?"
Mayor Farmer,
"How far are you off of this -- McDermott -- ma'am?"
"I am on McDermott."
Mr Petty,
"Currently we have in that location taken right-of-way off the
north side to extend it. The existing right-of-way line has
always been at your front property line and it will not change.
Your property line will not change and our right-of-way line will
not change on that side. Behind the back of the curb, there
will be a landscaped area and a five foot sidewalk within that
area but it will not infringe past your property line."
"Landscaped area?"
Mr Petty,
"Between the sidewalk and the back of the curb grass."
Mayor Farmer,
'Is that a five foot sidewalk?"
Mr Petty,
"That is a five foot sidewalk."
JANUARY 17 1989 Page 18
Reconvene: Public Hearing on Construction
Improvements to F
M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued)
(Agenda Item II)
Mayor Farmer,
"So between her property and the new road "
Mr Chumbley-
"Let me clarify this for Ms. Young She wants to know what
will happen between the edge of her property and the sidewalk -
- there's going to be an area in there apparently -- she feels."
Mr Petty-
"That area out by the sidewalk will have the appearance of
being part of your front yard and you will be able to maintain
it just as you have."
Mr Strain.
'Did you research back to the initial meeting on the
questionianswer session the night we had -- when this was
introduced in 1983?"
Mr McCarty,
"Yes we did."
Mr Strain.
"Did you find any questions and answers recorded?"
Mr McCarty,
"I found a couple of things on that. This is a compilation of all
of the minutes of the Main Street Committee and the special
meeting held by the City Council and the Planning and Zoning
Commission and the Main Street Committee After reviewing
this entire book, I can only find three references to anything
regarding assessments. One of those had to do with a question
that was asked by Mr Chumbley and at a public hearing held
by the citizens committee and the question was asked whether
or not there would be an assessment. The minutes do not
provide an answer and we did not tape that meeting so we could
not go back and determine it. There is also another reference
to the terminology of assessment and street construction in the
August 16 1983 Main Street Study Committee Meeting minutes
and if I can read that for you, "Discussion was held on the cost
of the thoroughfare and the cost of the grade separation. Mr
McCarty stated that the county has pledged $1 3 million for the
project, the rest of the money would need to come from the
state, local bond funds and assessments" There is only one
other reference that I have been able to find to that issue and
that was in the actual Main Street Study itself and I cited that
last week which there is a reference on one of the pages and I
will be happy to show you that says that the contemplated
funding formula for the project was 25% state, 25$ county 25%
city and 25% other In other words, it was not designated. The
point is there has been for some time a multiple funding formula
JANUARY 17 1989
Page 19
Reconvene: Public Hearing on Construction
Improvements to F M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued) (Agenda Item II)
Air Strain. "The question is there but the answer is not. What happened
to the answer?"
Mr McCarty "The answer -- if I might be able to is contained in the city's
assessment policy that was adopted in 1984."
Mr Strain. "It appears to me that in 1983 a verbal commitment from your
officials "
Womack. 'It was a Citizen's Committee "
Mr McCarty "It was a citizens' committee that was acting in an advisory
capacity to the City Council."
Mr Strain "The person that made the comment was not a citizen he was on
the Council."
Mr McCarty "I am unable to substantiate that, because there is no reference
in any of the Council minutes where that question came up or
that response was given."
Mr Strain. "You said that the question was asked."
Mr McCarty, "The question was asked of the citizens' committee -- not the
City Council. The City Council subsequently adopted a paving
assessment policy regarding the Main Street project in December
of 1984 "
Womack. 'Did the city furnish staff support to capture the minutes of the
citizens' committee? Who kept those minutes?"
City Secretary
Marty Hendrix: "I did."
At this time, Mayor Farmer moved on to the next process in the meeting,
that being discussion by the Council on the assessment.
Mayor Pro Tem Wilson asked about the letters that had been presented by
Mr Whisenant and what was contained in that information.
Mayor Farmer reviewed the letters and advised that they were all patterned
in the same manner and identified the properties that the letters pertained to and
he then read the contents of one of the letters into the record (See Attachments
No. 1 2, and 3)
JANUARY 17 1989
Page 20
Reconvene: Public Rearing on Construction
Improvements to F M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued) (Agenda Item II)
Councilman Womack pointed out at this time that Mr Whisenant had
referenced the enhancement in all of the letters, and Mr Womack wanted to point
out that the cost being assessed on those properties was less than the enhance-
Mayor Farmer then reviewed each of the lots as to enhancement figures and
assessment costs that Mr Whisenant had referenced in his letters
Mr Whisenant: "Well am I not correct that the amount that I will be actually
assessed is the lesser amount of the two. And I really -- I've
got no appeal for the linear foot rule -- that's pretty well set
down by law You have a perfect right to assess that, but the
enhancement is the only thing we can contest -- as I understand
this whole procedure "
Mayor Farmer asked for further questions or clarifications
Mayor Pro Tem
Wilson. "The only question I have is of Bill, and Bill, I don't know
whether you can answer this one or not -- it has to do with
property number 34. Mrs. Rankin's property That assessment
value then -- basically what those figures mean is that the
enhancement of that piece of property would be less than the
construction cost."
Mr Petty* "That is correct, again we cannot assess a piece of property
more than it would gain in value in the enhancement. The
enhancement was estimated on that property would be less than
the construction cost in the amount of $4,000. So in this case
it is reduced to the enhancement value rather than the front
foot cost. What happens to the difference between those two
figures is that the City of Allen pays for it."
Mayor Pro
Tem Wilson. "That was my question -- the difference between those two
figures "
Mayor Farmer asked if there were other specific questions on certain lots
Mayor Farmer brought up again the question Mr Chumbley has on his property
regarding the cut in the roadway Mr Petty responded by stating that they had
reviewed the elevation at that location and they find that it should not be affected
more than one foot and Mr Petty stated Mr Chumbley advised that he felt that
a it would not adversely affect his property Mayor Farmer asked Mr Chumbley if
that was his understanding and Mr Chumbley agreed.
JANUARY 17 1989 Page 21
Reconvene: Public Hearing on Construction
Improvements to F M. 2170 (McDermott
Drive) (continued) (Agenda Item II)
Mayor Farmer asked again if anyone had any thing else they wished to
Mayor Pro
Tem Wilson. "I have a question that was not raised tonight, but -- in going
through my previous notes -- Bill, at the last meeting we had
a question that was brought up on property number 13 that had
to do with the amount of front footage -- Mr Stain's property "
Mr Petty, "When I gave my testimony at last week's hearing, I prefaced
that and put it into the record that where we might find a
discrepancies through the project during construction and prior
to the collection -- the number of feet -- anybody that can
bring us substantiating evidence reflecting that they got less
or more frontage -- that we will administratively adjust that on
cost per front foot times the actual frontage that they have
We are aware of approximately three properties where that kind
of evidence has been brought to us and will probably reduce the
frontage by as much as five feet on these pieces of properties
That will be handled administratively "
Mayor Pro
Tem Wilson. "Those types of adjustments -- even if this ordinance is adopted
-- those types of adjustments fit in with the package."
Mr Petty* "That's correct. When the total assessment is collected on those
properties it will be adjusted and the assessment amount will be
reduced $78 00 and some odd cents per foot if they have less
frontage, and the City of Allen will once again pay that
With no further questions, Mayor Farmer moved on to the next agenda item.
Ordinance No. 897-1-89: An
Ordinance of the City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas, Closing a Public
Hearing Given to the Real and True
Owners of Property Abutting Portions
of Certain Streets in the City of
Allen; More Particularly Described as
F M. 2170 From U S. 75 to Allen
Drive, McDermott Drive From Allen
Drive to a Point 300 Feet East of the
East Right -of -Way line of Dogwood
JANUARY 17, 1989 Page 22
ce No. 897-1-89 (cont'd) (Agenda Item No. III)
Drive, Dogwood Drive from Main to
McDermott Drive, and Main From
Dogwood to State Highway 5, Within
the City Limits of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Said hearing
was Given for the Purpose of Levying
Assessment for Part of the Cost of
Improving a Portion of the Designated
Streets, Fixing Charges and Liens
Against Abutting Property Thereon
by Virtue of the Improvement of Said
Streets, Receiving Evidence as to the
Special Benefits in Enhanced Value to
Accrue to These Properties, and
Considering Errors, Invalidities, or
Irregularities in Any of the Proceed-
ings or Contract; Providing for the
Collections of Such Assessments and
the Issuance of Assignable Certifi-
cates of Assessments as Evidence
Thereof; Providing for the Time,
Method and Manner of Payment of
Assessments and Certificates; Pro-
viding an Effective Date of Passage;
Amending Prior Ordinances of the
City of Allen to Conform Herewith;
and Providing a Severability Clause. (Agenda Item No. III)
City Manager McCarty advised that after discussions with legal counsel, it
had been determined that the City Council does have flexibility in a number of
areas He advised that one of those areas is the amount of interest. He stated
that the Council can set an interest rate on this assessment between zero and a
maximum of eight percent. The state law bas set the maximum interest rate at
eight percent presently He also advised that the interest would begin accruing,
if not otherwise stated, at the date the Council adopts the ordinance that is
contemplated on the agenda at this meeting. He pointed out that the Council can
determine when that interest can begin accruing at any time during the term of the
assessment payback period. He advised that the third area that the Council has
some flexibility in is when they actually begin the payments He advised that state
law allows that payments will begin no earlier than 30 days upon the completion
and the certification of the completion of the project by the City Council. He
pointed out that the Council can make that period longer He advised that finally
the Council has flexibility in the number of years that they can set for the
repayment. He pointed out that the proposed ordinance has used five years
however state law does not require a specific period of time. He advised that
JANUARY 17 1989
Page 23
Ordinance No. 897-1-89 (cont'd) (Agenda Item No. III)
those are the four areas of flexibility that the city staff and legal counsel have
determined that the Council has at its discretion.
Mayor Farmer pointed out that since there was a variety of uses in the
properties abutting McDermott, i.e. homesteads, rental properties, commercial,
etc. he requested that Mr Petty address the letter and the fundamental concept
behind the state law regarding the issue of standardization of treatment.
Mr Petty advised that in discussions with legal counsel, it had been advised
that all properties within an assessment project must be treated the same. He
stated the terms and conditions of the collection procedures must be specified
within the ordinance. He pointed out that differentiation from that by treating any
property owner within the project different from anybody else would be viewed as
benefits to certain property owners and would constitute a gift of public funds
which is unconstitutional. He stated that what that states is that everyone in the
project must be treated the same.
Councilman Pendleton asked Mr Petty to explain what happens if a piece of
property is sold for less than the enhancement value. Mr Petty stated that is a
decision that the property owner has to make and there is no remedy by the city
at all.
Councilman Pendleton said that what he was getting to was that the value is
established and whether the property sells for less than the enhancement value
then the value has already been stated and that's what it is going to be.
Mr Petty reviewed again what the enhancement represented and how it was
determined by the appraiser Mr Petty stated again he was not sure what the
question was from Councilman Pendleton. He stated again there is no remedy by
the City
Councilman Pendleton stated that all he was trying to get at was in the event
that what the appraiser was saying does not occur or does not happen.
At this time, Bruce McCarver the appraiser with Metro Appraisal Service,
Inc. spoke before the Council on Mr Pendleton's question. He advised also that
there would be no remedy by the city or anyone else. He explained what the
appraisal was based on and how it was calculated. He stated that the major point
is that the properties are being looked at for their current market value and the
market value after the road is through, taking into consideration the change in
highest and best use of the property He added that in answer to Mr Pendleton's
question, everyone can only assume that what has occurred historically will
continue to occur in the future.
JANUARY 17, 1989 Page 24
Ordinance No. 897-1-89 (cont'd) (Agenda Item No. III)
Councilman Edstrom asked about the areas of flexibility and if what is
determined now will have any affects on what the Council can do in the future and
what has been done in the past. Mayor Farmer advised that he would respond to
that in a few moments
Mayor Farmer asked if there were any other questions or responses.
Mr Benoyla. "I just wanted to reference what Mr McCarty read before in lieu
of the interest that is being charged on the assessment -- did
I understand you to read that the City Council has the
prerogative to select zero to eight percent interest on the
Mr McCarty- "That's correct."
Mr Benoyla. "I was just curious as to why the maximum was selected."
Mayor Farmer advised that the answer to that question would be part of the
summary statements he would be making
Mayor Farmer pointed out the complexities involved in this assessment
process and explained that in the past the city has been involved in two other
street assessments. Those are the Main Street Phase I and Jupiter Road. He
pointed out those assessments have been treated the same as this assessment, so
there is a high degree of similarity which is important to the community as a whole
and important to the Council in terms of consistency for how the Council
approaches the whole development effort. He pointed out that this was a very
emotional issue and spoke to all of the emotional issues. He pointed out the need
to follow the state law in this matter and the unconstitutionality of giving of public
funds. Mayor Farmer went on to explain the city's work in the development of the
city's comprehensive plan, the bond program, and other city efforts and the work
of the citizens in those areas
Mayor Farmer asked if there was any other input or questions from the
Councilman Wolfe asked for a clarification on the engineer's role and if it was
Exhibit "A" or is it Exhibit No. 1 City Secretary Mary Hendrix advised that the
engineer's role is Exhibit "A" to the proposed assessment ordinance and City
Attorney Don Crowder had labeled it Exhibit No. 1 in the first public hearing as
part of the hearing
JANUARY 17 1989
Page 25
Ordinance No. 897-1-89 (cont'd) (Agenda Item No. III)
Mayor Farmer referenced the proposed ordinance and opened the floor for
a motion.
Councilman Wolfe recommended that the Council precede the adoption of the
ordinance with a statement that the first payment instead of being delayed and due
within 30 days from the date of acceptance be extended to one year from the date
of acceptance and that if paid on an annual basis to be paid in five equal
increments from that date or in fact -- if at the option of the property owner that
monthly payments be collected or paid if it be the desire of the property owner
He stated again, instead of the current 30 day requirement for the first payment
to extend that to one year and that no interest will accrue for that one year but
at the end of one year, the first payment is due, interest will begin to accrue,
payments to be paid in five equal increments if on an annual basis or on a monthly
basis if desired by the property owner
MOTION A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe to include the proposal that
the first
payment instead of
being delayed and
due within 30 days
from the
date of acceptance
be extended to one
year from the date
of acceptance and that if paid on an annual basis, it is to be paid in
five equal increments from that date or if at the option of the property
owner that monthly payments be collected or paid, and to adopt
Ordinance No. 897-1-89 with the proposal, which officially closes the
public hearing and levies assessments in the amounts described in
Exhibit "A" against all abutting property owners receiving enhance-
ment through the construction of this street project, and including an
audio tape recording of this public hearing which will serve as the
official transcript of all testimony given at this public hearing The
motion was seconded by Glass.
Councilman Pendleton asked for a clarification of the interest portion of the
Mayor Farmer advised that the interest portion of the motion would say to
him that if the total amount of the assessment is paid prior to the one year date
from the time of acceptance and certification of the project by the City Council,
there is no interest. He pointed out that since Councilman Wolfe did not say
anything else about the interest, he would assume that the rate of eight percent
would then be applied commencing with the first day of the second year on any
unpaid balance and accrued in the same manner
Councilman Womack stated that since the City Council is prohibited by law
from treating one section different from another he is assuming that the Council
JANUARY 17 1989 Page 26
Ordinance _No. 897-1-89 (cont'd) (Agenda Item No. III)
will probably at some date move or study the movement to amend the two previous
assessments, ordinances that have been adopted. He asked if the Council can do
that by a simple amendment of the existing ordinances or will it require additional
posting, public hearings etc.
Mayor Farmer reiterated Mr Womack's statement and question and pointed
out that there would be a difference between Main Street Phase I and Jupiter Road
assessment, which already exist, and this project.
Mr Petty advised that it is his understanding that those ordinances can be
amended since neither of those projects have been accepted for completion by the
City Council. That is expected to occur within sixty (60) days He stated that
at that time the ordinances could go back and amendment the original ordinances
changing the payment schedule in accordance with the criteria that has been
suggested tonight. Mr Petty stated that he cannot confirm that from a legal
standpoint, but he stated that city staff will pursue it with legal counsel.
Mr Womack stated that he wanted to point out that if the Council decided
to do this then the Council is making a decision to forgo receiving money that
would be coming in for street projects and this is not a small item.
Mayor Farmer advised that he concurred with Mr Womack's statement and
also as it applies to any future projects that has similar characteristics where
commercial zoning is involved and where assessments are under the policy at the
present time to take place. Mayor Pro Tem Wilson expressed his concern and
because of the homesteads in that area and the policy adopted by the city
regarding assessments, he stated that he would like to see the period of time
before the interest begins to accrue to be extended to the term of the payout as
stated in the policy which is five equal payments spaced over a period of basically
forty-eight (48) months. He stated that whenever you start that first payment,
whether it is thirty (30) days or twelve (12) months basically over the next
forty-eight (48) months including five separate payments he would like to see the
interest not start to accrue on that until throughout the five payment period.
THE MAIN MOTION A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Wilson to amend the
main motion to include that the interest would not start
to accrue on the properties involved in the Main Street
Phases I, II, and III until the end of the five payment
period as so outlined the assessment policy
There being no second to this motion, this motion died.
JANUARY 17 1989
Page 27
Ordinance No. 897-1-89 (cont'd) (Agenda Item No. III)
Mayor Farmer reviewed again the main motion.
MAIN MOTION The Council voted six (6) in favor of the main motion and one
(1) opposed, with Mayor Pro Tem Wilson casting the negative
vote The motion carried.
Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item No. IV)
There were no items of interest to be brought forward at this time.
Adjourn (Agenda Item No. V)
MOTION Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded by
Mayor Pro Tem Wilson, the Council voted seven (7) for and none
(0) opposed to adjourn the called - special session of the Allen
City Council at 8 55 p m. on Tuesday January 17 1989 The
motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 16th day of February 1989
C Q�tscdt--
e Farmer MAYOR
Marty Hendrix, C4TY SECRETARY CqC