HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1989 - 02/16 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
FEBRUARY 16, 1989
Joe Farmer, Mayor
Council Members.
Rex Womack (left meeting at 8.27 p m.)
Jerry Wilson, Mayor Pro Tem
Bobby Glass
Jim Wolfe
Jim Pendleton (arrived at 6.54 p.m.)
Gary Edstrom (arrived at 7 00 p.m.)
City Staff•
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the workshop session of the
Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 6 50 p.m. on Thursday,
February 16, 1989, in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One
Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. The other city staff member present was Barbara
Buehler, Library Director
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regular Agenda Items (Agenda Item II)
Mayor Farmer began the review of the Consent Agenda items Councilman
Glass pointed out typographical errors in the City Council Minutes of January 10,
1989 City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised that those corrections would be made.
Mayor Farmer asked the city staff for a clarification of Consent Agenda Item
G, Resolution Authorizing Certain City Officials to Approve Wire Transfer of
Funds from Texas American Bank to other Banks City Manager McCarty advised
the Mayor and City Council Members that this resolution was needed as all of the
wire transfers are completed through the main bank located in McKinney by
telephone, and that the bank had requested that all individuals designated to make
the wire transfers on behalf of the city be specifically authorized to do so by
resolution. City Manager McCarty pointed out that the local branch bank of the
Texas American Bank did not handle the wire transfers. City Manager McCarty
pointed out that only he and the Finance Director, Charlotte Smith had been
designated to handle those transfers.
FEBRUARY 16, 1989
Page 2
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Re¢ular Agenda Items (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VI, Accept the 1987-88 Financial
Report. Councilman Womack, Chairman of the Finance I Administration Subcommit-
tee, advised that the subcommittee had met with city staff and the representatives
from the city's audit firm of Peat Marwick Main and Company, and that the
subcommittee would be recommending that the Council accept the 1987-88 Financial
Report as presented. He advised that the city had received an unqualified opinion
There was no discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VII, Resolution to Proceed with
Implementation of the Paramedic Program. Mayor Farmer explained that this
resolution was prepared to show the Council's intent to go forward with the
implementation of this program. There was no discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VIII, Review Library Furniture Plan
and Authorize Solicitation of Bids. City Manager McCarty pointed out that Barbara
Buehler, Library Director, will present this item to the Council. He advised that
there were some areas that needed to be clarified to the Council. Mr McCarty
stated that for an example the city has not established the policy as referenced on
page 2 of the bid notice which states, "It is the goal of the City of Allen that at
least ten (10) percent of the work performed under each contract will be done by
minority and two percent by women -owned business enterprises." Thus, this
section will be removed from the notice. Barbara Buehler, Library Director, spoke
before the Council and advised that clarification was also needed on page 3 in that
there was a need to add a section regarding the storage of these furnishings if the
building was not completed within the estimated time frame. There was discussion
by the Council on what the term "written notice to proceed" meant and when the
notice could be issued, whether the city staff will be in a position to tell 60 days
before May 1st if the project will be completed, and the inclusion of a section that
will address the storage of the furnishings if the building is not ready and any
costs associated with that storage. The Council also discussed the fact that the
specifications spelled out exactly what furnishings should be purchased and why
the city has to go out on bids when it appears that the items could be purchased
out right by the city City staff advised the Council that there were several
vendors that carried these same furnishings and the city hoped to receive price
breaks by bidding the furnishings. Mrs Buehler also advised that the insurance
coverages as indicated in the specifications were to be checked by the city's
attorney to make sure they were adequate amounts to be required. She also
advised the fact that the bid opening date needs to be reviewed again and perhaps
delayed in order to provide for proper publication of the bid notice There was
no further discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item IX, Presentation of the Water and Sewer
Study City Manager McCarty advised the Council that per their direction at
FEBRUARY 16, 1989
Page 3
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regular Agenda Items (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
the workshop session held on February 6th, the city staff had again looked at the
water and sewer personnel costs and capital equipment costs to see if any
reductions could be made. Mr McCarty advised that some reductions could be
made in the purchase of capital equipment items, however, this amount did not
reduce the proposed rate. The Council expressed concern that the reduction in
expenditures would not have more of an affect on the proposed rate structure.
City Manager McCarty explained that reduction on the purchase of capital
equipment could not be calculated into the times coverage factor in order to reduce
the proposed rate needed. Mr McCarty explained that one of the expenditures
had included the High Point Water improvements The Council also discussed with
city staff the times coverage factor, what the basis of adopting that factor was,
and what would happen if that times coverage factor was reduced from 1 4 to 1.3.
There was further discussion on the items that can be considered in the
calculation, those items being the times coverage factor, days of working capital,
and retained earnings. There was no further discussion on this item.
hours due to the fact that the room is located within the adult section of the
library and the whole building has to be opened in order to use it. The Council
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item X, Policy Governing the Public Use of
City Facilities Councilman Womack advised that he would just be stating that
the proposed policy is before the Council for their action. City Manager McCarty
advised that the city staff would be providing some comments on some of the
sections of the revised policy governing the public use of city facilities Mr
McCarty advised that paragraph 5 of the policy provided for a very open and
liberal use and that city staff and the Council should understand that the city
facilities will probably sustain damage. The Council discussed how this policy will
be adopted and city staff pointed out that it should be adopted by resolution. Mr
McCarty advised that city staff would also like to change the word "will" to "may"
in paragraph 16 regarding the use of city equipment. He pointed out that if the
equipment is being used by city staff or for a city function then the individual
could not expect to use the equipment. Mayor Farmer pointed out that since a
resolution had not been prepared, the Council could act on the policy and direct
that the city staff bring the resolution forward on the Consent Agenda of the next
regular meeting Mr McCarty also advised that city staff was recommending that
permitted uses during business hours should be more flexible than the permitted
uses in the evening, since city staff will be there to supervise the use. Mr
McCarty also pointed out that there was no section in the revised policy regarding
the use of alcoholic beverages and did the Council want to address that issue or
just leave it out. The Council discussed the need for a statement which should
indicate that alcoholic beverages would not be allowed and under what section it
should be placed. Mr McCarty also pointed out that on "Attachment A", the use
of the library conference room should be limited to use during normal business
hours due to the fact that the room is located within the adult section of the
library and the whole building has to be opened in order to use it. The Council
FEBRUARY 16, 1989
Page 4
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regular Agenda Items (cent'd) (Agenda Item II)
also discussed if the entire library was carpeted or if there were linoleum floors
Mrs. Buehler advised that the library, except for the entry way, is all carpeted.
There was no further discussion on this item.
Due to lack of time, the remaining items on the regular agenda were not
reviewed or discussed.
Council Committee Reports:
Finance/Administration (Agenda Item III -A)
This agenda item was passed over There was no discussion on this agenda
Council Committee Reports:
Development (Agenda Item III -B)
This agenda item was passed over There was no discussion on this agenda
Council Committee Reports.
(Agenda Item III -C)
This agenda item was passed over There was no discussion on this agenda.
Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item IV)
As a matter of information, Bill Petty, Director of Community, reported to
the Council that he had heard from the State Highway Department regarding the
dedication of right-of-way on the Shell Service Station property, located at the
corner of the service road of U S 75 and McDermott. He stated that the state
has requirements for testing of the soil regarding gasoline leakage when this type
of property is dedicated. Thus, the city will have to proceed with having this soil
testing completed and this factor could hold up the completion of the construction
of Main Street (McDermott) Phases II and III There was no discussion on this
With no further discussion, the workshop session of the Allen City Council
was adjourned at 7 30 p.m., on Thursday, February 16, 1989
FEBRUARY 16, 1989
Page 5
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the regular session of the
Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 7 31 p.m. on Thursday,
February 16, 1989, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One
Butler Circle, Allen, Texas
(Agenda Item V)
MOTION Upon a motion made by Councilman Mayor Pro Tem Wilson and seconded
by Councilman Pendleton, the Council voted seven (7) for and none
(0) opposed to approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as
recommended and as follows.
A. Approval of City Council Minutes of January 10, 1989 - Called -
Special Session and Public Hearing on the Construction
Assessments for Main Street Phases II and III.
B Approval of City Council Minutes of January 17, 1989 - Called -
Special Session Reconvening the Public Hearing on the
Construction Assessments for Main Street Phases II and III.
C Approval of City Council Minutes of February 2, 1989 -
Regular Session.
D Approval of City Council Minutes of February 6, 1989 - Called -
Special Session to Canvass Election Results.
E. Authorization to city staff to pay bills associated with the 1985
Capital Improvement Program as follows.
Professional Services $214.00
CIP Project No. 40-001-2
Construction of the Police & Courts
Building - Concrete Testing
Period. Thru October 31, 1989
The SWA Group $1,056 63
CIP Project No. 75-002-2
Construction of Main (McDermott)
Street Phase II & III - Landscaping
Design - Airfare, Xerox, Fax, &
Period. Thru December 31, 1988
FEBRUARY 16, 1989
Page 6
(Agenda Item V)
The SWA Group
CIP Project No. 75-002-2
Construction of Main (McDermott)
Street Phase II & III - Landscaping
Design - Professional Services
Period. Thru December 31, 1988
Hidell Architects
CIP Project No. 55-001-3
$3,210 73
Construction of Library Building -
Architectural Services
Period. Thru January 31, 1989
Bartex, Inc.
$199,547 10
CIP Project No. 55-001--1
Construction of Library Building -
Billing No. 8 - Construction Services
Period. Thru January 26, 1989
Graham Associates
$675 00
CIP Project No. 75-002-2
Construction of Main (McDermott)
Street Phase II & III - Hydraulic
Computer Runs
Period. Thru January 24, 1989
Graham Associates
$300 00
CIP Project No. 75-002-5
Construction of Main (McDermott)
Street Phase II & III - Engineering
Period. Thru January 24, 1989
Acquisition Associates
$1,950 00
CIP Project No. 75-002-5
Construction of Main (McDermott)
Street Phase II & III - ROW Acquis-
ition Pre -Trial
Period. Thru February 13, 1989
Glenn Thurman
$34,986 98
CIP Project No. 35-001-1
Construction of Municipal Complex
Infrastructure - Construction -
Application No. 7
Period. Thru January 30, 1989
FEBRUARY 16, 1989
Page 7
CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item V)
10 Southern Pacific Transportation $68,956 00
CIP Project No. 75-002-6
Construction of Main (McDermott)
Street Phase II & III - Railroad
Period. Thru January 1989
F Resolution No. 903-2-89(R). A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Ordering an Election
to be Held on May 6, 1989, for the Purpose of Electing Three
(3) Members of the City Council (Places No. 1, 3, and 5) to
Hold Office for a Period of Two Years; Designating Location of
the Polling Place; and Ordering Notices of Election to be Given
as Prescribed by Law in Connection with Such Election.
G Resolution No. 904-2-89(R). A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Authorizing Certain
Employees to Verbally Request the Transmission of Funds from
Texas American Bank/McKinney to Other Banks
H Resolution No. 905-2-89(R). A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of Allen, Texas Authorizing the City Manager to
Execute Easements to Provide Access for Maintenance and Repair
of a 12 Inch Water Line Located Along the North Side of FM 2170
(McDermott Road) West of New Alma Road; An 8 Inch Sanitary
Sewer Line Located Approximately 1400 Feet West of the FM 2170
Highway Crossing Over Rowlett Creek; and a Drainage Flume
Between Lots 11 and 12 in the Rowlett Estates Subdivision.
I. Resolution No. 906-2-89(R): A Resolution by the City Council
of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Authorizing an
Adjustment to the 1988 Tax Roll and Approving a Refund for
Overpayment of 1988 Tax.
J Schedule of Taxes Receivable as of December 31, 1988,
K. Set March 16, 1989 as Public Hearing Date on a Request to
Amend the Existing Specific Use Permit to Include Additional
Seating for a Restaurant/ Private Club Located at 602 East Main,
as Requested by Ron Crockett for E1 Rio's Restaurant.
�+ The motion carried.
!a End of Consent Agenda
FEBRUARY 16, 1989 Page 8
Accept the 1987 - 88 Financial Accept the 1987 - 88 Financial Rem (Agenda Item VI)
Councilman Womack advised the Council of the work of the Finance/ Adminis-
tration Subcommittee with city staff and the representatives of the city's auditing
firm of Peat Marwick Main and Company on the 1987 - 88 financial report, and that
the city had received an unqualified opinion. They had also reviewed and
discussed the city's management letter and there appeared to be no material
weaknesses. He also advised that they had also reviewed the single audit on the
federal grants Mr Womack advised that it was the subcommittee's recommendation
to accept the FY 1987 - 88 financial report as presented.
MOTION Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by Councilman
Glass, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to accept
the FY 1987 - 88 Financial Report as presented and in accordance with
the recommendation of the Finance/Administration Subcommittee. The
motion carried.
Resolution No. 907-2-89(R) A Resolution
of the City Council of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Implementing the
FY 88 - 89 Paramedic Program for the
City Allen, Collin Count, TexasAllen, Collin Count, Texas. (Agenda Item VII)
Mayor Farmer advised of the proposed resolution. Mayor Farmer requested
that Mayor Pro Tem Wilson, Chairman of the Services Subcommittee, read the
proposed resolution into the record. Mayor Pro Tem Wilson read the following
resolution into the record.
Whereas, the city's 1985 Comprehensive Plan identified the need for
a paramedic program in the City of Allen; and,
Whereas, the Allen City Council approved funds in FY 88 - 89 budget
to implement a paramedic program; and,
Whereas, city staff and the Council Subcommittee on Services has
gone forward with detailed research and development of implementing
a paramedic program in the city;
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of
Allen, Collin County, Texas, That the Allen City Council proceed with
the implementation of the paramedic program for the City of Allen in
FY 88 - 89
Mayor Farmer read the resolution caption, as shown above, into the record.
Mayor Pro Tem Wilson advised the Council that the subcommittee would be
bringing forward during the month of March the second phase of the research
and development of this program, that being the recommendation for the medical
control facility
FEBRUARY 16, 1989 Page 9
Resolution No. 907-2-89(R) (cont'd) (Agenda Item VII)
At Mayor Farmer's request, Mayor Pro Tem Wilson provided an update as to
when the status of the implementation of this paramedic program in the city
Mayor Pro Tem Wilson advised that the next step in the process was the hiring of
the six additional full-time fire fighters, completion of their training as fire
fighters and becoming full-time employees of the city; then six current fire
fighters will begin the paramedic training in August of 1989, with completion of the
training by May of 1990; and with total implementation of the 24-hour paramedic
program by summer of 1990
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pendleton and seconded by
Councilman Womack, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0)
opposed to approve and adopt Resolution No. 907-2-89(R), as
captioned previously The motion carried.
Review Library Furniture Plan and
Authorize Solicitation of Bids
(Agenda Item VIII)
Barbara Buehler, Library Director, spoke before the Council on the bid
specifications and authorizing the solicitation of bids for the furnishings for the
new library building Using a floor plan of the building, Mrs. Buehler reviewed
the type of furnishings and book shelving that would be in the new facility
The Council discussed with Mrs Buehler the use of the shelves in the
existing library and if they will be used in the new library and where, the seating
capacity in the new facility, the number of volumes of books now in the library
and the number of volumes that the new facility will hold, the fact that some
library materials are currently being stored and how many volumes of materials do
those represent. The Council also discussed the type of fabric to be used on the
chairs in the facility, if it was durable and if these types of chairs would cost
more than a normal chair
Mayor Farmer advised that portions of the bid document had been discussed
during the workshop session and that appropriate corrections would be made by
the city staff
The city staff and the Library Board recommendation was to approve the
specifications and authorize the solicitation of bids
Mrs. Buehler also advised that the budget for the furnishings was $244, 000
MOTION Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by Councilman
Edstrom, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to
approve the specifications and authorize the receipt of bids for the
furnishings for the new library building as presented, and in
accordance with the city staff and Library Board's recommendations.
The motion carried.
FEBRUARY 16, 1989
Page 10
Presentation of the Water and Sewer
Rate Study (Agenda Item UI)
Mayor Farmer advised that the City Council had a workshop session on the
water and sewer rates on February 8, 1989 and had directed that the city staff do
some further research to see if there would be any material changes. Mayor
Farmer advised that the city staff had done that research and had indicated that
there were no material changes that could be found to reduce the rate proposed.
City Manager Jon McCarty distributed to the Council an updated version of
the information that had been prepared on the water and sewer rates. Using
overhead transparencies, Mr McCarty spoke before the Council on the information
contained in the handout document.
Mr McCarty reviewed the payments made to the North Texas Municipal
Water District for water, the payments made for water in comparison to the
payments made for sewer, a comparison of the water and sewer revenues, and
advised of the need for a cost of service study on water versus sewer He
reviewed a comparison of the current water and sewer rates, and reviewed the
cost of the present rate structure with the new proposed rate structure, which
showed a 15 31$ increase. Mr McCarty then reviewed the information showing
water payments by other cities
The Council discussed with city staff if the other cities were having any
rate increases at this time. There was further discussion by the Council on when
the Wilson Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant came on line, sewer payments made
by other area cities, and water payments to the North Texas Municipal Water
District by other cities.
City Manager McCarty advised that the city staff had reviewed again the
water and sewer budget to see if the personnel costs and capital equipment costs
could be reduced any further Mr McCarty advised that only a few thousand
dollars were found and that the budget could not be adjusted any further without
significantly affecting the level of service
Mayor Farmer advised that this was a matter of information and that no
action would be taken on this item at this time. He pointed out that this would be
an action item on the Council's Agenda for the meeting to be held on March 2,
1989 He also advised that the local newspaper would be printing an article on
this proposed water rate increase.
There was further discussion by the Council on the need to provide this
information to the citizens, that there are standards that the water and sewer fund
has to meet, and that the costs of providing clean drinking water are passed on
to the city for payment.
This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action
taken on this item.
FEBRUARY 16, 1989
Page 11
Consider a Policy Governing the Public
Use of City Facilities (Agenda Item X)
Mayor Farmer advised that the Finance/Services Subcommittee had been
working with the city staff on the development of the policy governing the use of
city facilities and that the Council would be acting upon the contents of the
policy, however, the resolution to adopt the policy would be brought forward at
the Council Meeting on the Consent Agenda to be held on March 2, 1989
Councilman Womack advised that the recommendation of the Finance/ Services
Subcommittee was that the City Council adopt the contents of the policy, with the
stipulation that this policy be brought back to be ratified in a resolution form at
a future Council meeting, with the corrections and notations that had been
discussed in the workshop session. Councilman Womack also stated that this policy
had been developed by the Council in order to provide use of city facilities for
citizens and that they are encouraged to use the city facilities within the
guidelines established.
City Manager McCarty advised of the meeting facilities available for use as
shown in "Attachment A" of the policy; that the correction will be made that the
library conference room will only be available during normal business hours due
to the location of the room; that the word "will" be changed to "may" in item 16
regarding the use of the city's audio/visual types of equipment; and that a section
be added to include the prohibition of alcoholic beverages and drugs
At this time (8.27 p.m.), Councilman Womack left the Council meeting
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Glass and seconded by Mayor Pro
Tem Wilson, the Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to
adopt the content of the policy for public use of city facilities, as
amended, with the instruction to city staff that it be passed in
resolution form on the Council's Agenda of the March 2, 1989 meeting
The motion carried.
Consider a Policy Governing Development
of the Annual Salary Plan (Agenda Item XI)
Michael Stanger, Assistant to the City Manager, spoke before the Council
on this item and advised that this policy was written to simply document what has
been done in the past regarding the City of Allen's employees compensation
Mr Stanger explained that during the budget process the city conducts a
survey of other cities that are similar to Allen in one way or another The city
then attempts to bring the salary ranges for classified positions in line with our
competitive cities by bringing the mid -point of our ranges to the equivalent of the
average mid -point of their ranges. He stated that in the unclassified positions
or department heads, a similar survey is also done and a competitive salary is
FEBRUARY 16, 1989
Page 12
Consider a Policy Governing Development
of the Annual Salary Plan (cont'd) (Agenda Item XI)
selected. He then reviewed a sheet of information that had been made adding a
paragraph to the policy regarding "exceptions"
Mayor Farmer asked for the Finance/Administration Subcommittee to respond
to the work in this policy Councilman Edstrom advised that the Subcommittee had
not studied it in detail and had requested that city staff bring this forward as a
guide line.
City Manager McCarty advised that the request for this guideline or policy
was requested by the Council at the budget retreat. He advised that this puts
into written form what has been the practice of the city in the past. He also
stated that it should be noted that the goal of achieving the 100% of the average
of the surveyed areas is a variation of what has been done in the past.
Mayor Farmer reviewed again the statements made by Mr Stanger and Mr
I The Council discussed whether this was a "policy" or a "guideline" There
was a discussion by the Council on the definition of a "policy" and a "guideline"
and how each would be administered and used.
Mayor Farmer pointed out that there were policy statements that he saw in
the presentation of this document.
The Council discussed whether the cities surveyed should be named. City
staff advised that the cities used are examples, however, consideration is given
to competitive cities and cities of similar size.
There was further discussion that policies of the Council are established in
resolution form, and if this document is to be a policy it should be presented in
that format. If it is a guideline, then it could be approved in its present form.
There was also discussion on the use of local companies in the survey and
the fact that all job classifications do not apply
The Council discussed with city staff the importance of acting on this
information at this time and if it could be delayed.
The Council then discussed with city staff if this would be considered part
of the city's Personnel Policies and Procedure Manual.
City Manager McCarty advised that he felt it would not be part of that
FEBRUARY 16, 1989 Page 13
Consider a Policy Governing Development
of the Annual Salary Plan (cent'd) (Agenda Item XI)
The Council then discussed the broadening of the scope of the document to
include all salary elements, such as car allowance, classification and reclassifi-
cation of employees, and a statement regarding the city's involvement in health
insurance compensation. There should also be a reference to the Texas Municipal
Retirement System.
There was further discussion on haw this "policy" or "guideline" would
affect the city's budget.
There was discussion on the direction of the Council in this matter Mayor
Farmer advised that it appeared that this was a matter that could be delayed for
further refinement and that a policy document containing all compensation
information should be developed.
MOTION Upon a motion made by Councilman Edstrom and seconded by
Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed
to table this item and to redirect this item back to the Finance/Admin-
istration Subcommittee for more work as outlined in the discussion
held during this meeting The motion carried.
Subcommittee Reports (Agenda Item XII -A)
Development Subcommittee
Councilman Wolfe, Chairman, advised of the subcommittee's work on the
issue of neighborhood integrity
Services Subcommittee
Mayor Pro Tem Wilson, Chairman, advised that their three main areas of
study now were the paramedic program and the selection of a medical control
facility; the economic development issue and the work of the Economic Development
Alliance and participation in the survey being done by the consultant firm of
LWFW; and the communications systems that has been installed at the City of
McKinney, and the city's opportunity to join in that system.
Finance/Administration Subcommittee
Councilman Edstrom advised that there was nothing to report at this time.
Mayor Farmer advised that the work of the "legislative subcommittee" is
behind and that every effort is being made to get on top of the current legislation
issues. Mayor Farmer also pointed out that there needs to be a refocus on the
Texans Rod and Gun Club issue and where the city is in this matter at this time.
FEBRUARY 16, 1969
City Chat Schedule
Page 14
(Agenda Item XII -B)
Mayor Farmer reviewed the list of upcoming articles to be placed in the "City
Chat" column of the "Allen American" newspaper
Mayor Farmer asked city staff if the library had any information or had
received any information on the "BiCentennial Congress" and of any celebration
in that regard.
Barbara Buehler, Library Director, advised that she had not seen anything
on that issue, but would research it to see what she could find.
This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action
taken on this item.
Items of Interest to the Council
(Agenda Item XII -C)
City Manager McCarty provided the Council with an update on the county's
effort to develop a 911 program for the county
MOTION Upon a motion made by Councilman Glass and seconded by Mayor Pro
Tem Wilson, the Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to
adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council at 9 20 p.m.
The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 2nd day of March, 1969.
GP s�t/ti_
JA Farmer, MAYOR
1 V `" lWwm`- 4
Marty Hendrix, CW, CITY SEv�CRETAR