HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2017 - 11/13 - Regular ' PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD
NOVEMBER 13,2017
Parks and Recreation Board
Tricia Losavio, Chair
John Holley,Vice-Chair
Paul Davidson
Tom Cowart
Gcoben Johnson III
Michael Smiddy
Rodrigo Vizcaino
Council Liaison:
Baine Brooks
City Staff:
Tim Dentler, Director,Parks and Recreation Department
' Xierra Alexis, Center Supervisor, Joe Farmer Recreation Center
Brian Bristow,Assistant Director,Parks and Recreation Department
Came Cessna,Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation Department
Travis Conniff,Recreation Manager,Parks and Recreation Department
Tony Hill, Resource Development Manager, Parks and Recreation Department
Jonathan McCloskey, Center Supervisor,Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium
Jennifer Robinson, Support Specialist, Parks and Recreation Department
Kim Spearman, Site Superintendent,Parks and Recreation
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum of the Parks and Recreation Board present, Chair Losavio called
the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. on Monday, November 13, 2017 in the
Community Room of the Municipal Court and Parks and Recreation
Administration Building at 301 Century Parkway, Allen,Texas.
1) Election of Officers
Chair Losavio, opened the floor for nominations of Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary.
After a short discussion,the following motion was made.
Motion: Upon a motion by Member Cowart and a second by Member Johnson, the
Board voted seven(7)for and none(0) opposed to reappoint Tricia Losavio
as Chair, John Holley as the Vic Chair and Paul Davidson as the
' Secretary. The motion carried.
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
November 13,2017
Page 2
' 2) Approve Minutes of the August 14,2017,Regular Meeting
Motion: Upon a motion by Member Johnson and a second by Member Holley,
the Parks and Recreation Board voted seven(7) for and none(0)opposed to
approve the minutes from the August 14, 2017 Regular Meeting as
presented. The motion carried.
3) Review and Recommend Facility Fees to City Council
Tony Hill,Resource Development Manager,reviewed the facility fees
recommendations. Fees were the same as presented at the May meeting with the
removal of the gate fee option. After a short discussion,the following motion was
Motion: Upon a motion by Member Cowart and a second by Member Holley,
the Parks and Recreation Board voted seven (7) for and none(0)opposed to
approve the facility fees to City Council as rerommended. The motion
4) Staff Introductions
Yierm Alexis, the new Center Supervisor at Joe Falmer Recreation Center, was
introduced to the Board.
Jonathan McCloskey, Center Supervisor at the Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium, was
recognized for being the Horizons Award recipient for the TRAPS North Region.
5) Review Parks and Recreation FY18 Budget and Outlook
Director Dentler walked the Board through the FY18 budgets and department outlook,
as well as provided copies for member review. He also noted that there will be new
programming and events for'FY18 and encouraged members to attend as many as
6) Ford Pool Season Update
Travis Cunniff, Recreation Manager, provided the Board-with an overview of the
admissions and programming as well revenue and expenses for Ford Pool during its
first season post renovation. He also touched on the focus of Ford Pool for the 2018
season and the emphasis on increasing the number of special events that the pool will
host throughout the summer.
7) Discuss Facility Age Requirements
Travis Cunnift; Recreation Manager, shared surrounding benchmark cities' minimum
age for unaccompanied youth facility usage, noting that Allen was within the normal
standard. During the months of September and October, there were 24 visits of
unaccompanied youth under ten years of age out of a total of 7,400 patron scans at Joe
' Farmer Recreation Center. Due to this small percentage, the Board is comfortable
moving forward with the current protocol.
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
November 13, 2017
Page 3
' 8) Receive Subcommittee Updates
Senior Advisory Committee meeting notes were shared by various representatives.
9) Update on Ongoing Projects
Brian Bristow,Assistant Director,provided updates on ongoing capital projects. Spirit
Park construction is well underway and scheduled to be complete in late spring 2018.
Park components,including athletic fields,playground and restrooms were reviewed
with the Board. Green Park is in Phase I with the replacement of the playground
equipment complete and Phase II trail improvements and site furnishings underway.
The bridge has been set at the Watters Branch Gap Trail and the rest of the trail
connection,including the bridge approaches, are in progress. Construction has begun
on the Cottonwood Creek Trail section behind the Senior Center. The replacement of
the play structure at the Natatorium is complete and updated photos were shared.
10)Items of Interest
a. Items for Future Agendas
b. Next meeting Monday,February 12,2018
Tricia Losavio, Chair, Parks and Recreation Board
' Motion: Upon a motion by Member Davidson and a second by Member Smiddy, the
Parks and Recreation Board voted seven(7) for and none(0)opposed to
adjourn the meeting at 8:46 p.m. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 12"day of November 2018.
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Yhair Secretary