HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1989 - 03/16 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
MARCH 16, 1989
Joe Farmer, Mayor
Council Members •
Rex Womack
Jerry Wilson, Mayor Pro Tem
Bobby Glass
Jim Wolfe
Jim Pendleton
Gary Edstrom
City Staff•
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the workshop session of the
Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 6.50 p.m. on Thursday,
March 16, 1989, in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler
Circle, Allen, Texas. Other city staff members present were Barbara Buehler,
Library Director, Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, and Walter
Curtis, Tax Assessor/ Collector
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regular Agenda Items (Agenda Item II)
Mayor Farmer began the review of the Consent Agenda items. The Council
discussed the items on the Consent Agenda that pertained to the tax report and
the resolution making an adjustment to the 1988 tax roll. The Council discussed
with Walter Curtis, Tax Assessor/ Collector, the percentage of collections received
to date. It was pointed out that there was a typographical error in the resolution
regarding the adjustment in Account No. 8726 and the figure "$2,355 96" should
be a plus figure, not a minus figure. City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised that
correction would be made. Mr Curtis also advised the Tax Office had used their
own funds to provide for a reimbursement to Plano Savings and Loan, as they had
paid city taxes and are not in the city, and the city needed to reimburse the Tax
Office in the amount of $1,801 30. There was a brief discussion on the fact that
the rollback tax election did not pass. There was no further discussion on this
® MARCH 16, 1989
Page 2
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regular Agenda Items (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
cosmetic changes, thus reducing the amount of the bid document so that it will
come in within the city's proposed budget. She advised that the existing library
shelving would not be painted, but would be used as it exists in the work area.
Mayor Farmer then reviewed Agenda Item VI, Public Hearing on a Request
for a Specific Use Permit to Include Additional Seating for a Restaurant/ Private
Club Located at 602 East Main Street. Bill Petty, Director of Community
Development, spoke before the Council on the posting of the sign notifying the
public of the public hearing and that it had not met the exact requirements of the
Zoning Ordinance. Mr Petty explained that the sign was the wrong size and was
placed in the wrong location. Mr Petty stated that city staff had found out about
it, notified the owner of the property about the wrong size and location, and the
owner then complied with the requirements and the new sign had been in place
approximately seven days Mr Petty advised that he felt the intent to meet the
requirements of the Zoning Ordinance had been shown by the first sign, but it was
the wrong size and at the wrong location. Mr Petty further stated that there had
been no inquiries on this public hearing or opposition stated to it. He advised the
Council that since the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance had not been met to
the letter of the law, the Council had the option of rescheduling the public hearing
if necessary There was a brief discussion on who would be presenting the
request before the Council during the public hearing There was no further
discussion on this item by the Council.
Mayor Farmer then reviewed Agenda Item VII, Review Bids and Authorize
the Purchase of Furniture and Equipment for the New Library Building Barbara
Buehler, Library Director, spoke before the Council on this item. Mrs. Buehler
distributed to the Council the budget for the furnishings, which reflected a figure
of $244,000. She advised the Council of the number of bids that had been
received on the library equipment and shelving listed in referenced "package B"
Mrs. Buehler then advised the Council on the only bid received on "package B"
and that packet had come in higher than was estimated. Mrs Buehler then
explained to the Council that the other bid referenced as "package A" was for the
other furnishings for the library and meeting room facilities She distributed to
the Council a bid summary and advised that only four (4) bids were received on
that package, one of which there had been an error discovered in the bid
document proposal. Due to that error, the bidder, Wilbide, had withdrawn their
bid proposal. She advised that the low bidder for package A was McKinney Office
Supply and BI Interiors for the library shelving, both bids being over the city's
estimated budget for these items. She explained further that in package B for the
library shelving, they had wanted to use the existing shelving in the library, and
simply have it disassembled, painted and reassembled in the new library facility
However, this had turned out not to be cost effective and also a deterrent to the
bidding of "package B" She advised that in order to get these packages to come
in under budget the architect had reviewed the specifications and made some
cosmetic changes, thus reducing the amount of the bid document so that it will
come in within the city's proposed budget. She advised that the existing library
shelving would not be painted, but would be used as it exists in the work area.
MARCH 16, 1989
Page 3
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regular Agenda Items (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
She advised that the color of the new shelving would be a color that would match
the existing shelving Mrs Buehler then advised that the city staff recommen-
dation was to award the bid for package A to McKinney Office Supply in the new
amount and to BI Interiors for package B, per the changes made. Mrs. Buehler
advised that several members of the Library Board and the architect would be at
the regular meeting, if the Council had any questions.
There was considerable discussion by the Council on how the bids could be
negotiated, if the bids could be thrown out, and if the city should rebid the
furnishings and shelving Mrs. Buehler distributed to the Council some additional
handout materials, which were a letter from Hidell Architects dated March 16,
1989, and letters from McKinney Office Supply and BI Interiors with their
proposals after the changes were proposed by the architect. At the request of the
Council, Mrs. Buehler reviewed in detail what changes and reduction in
furnishings were proposed by the architect. She stated that there was a
$10,670.00 reduction in the McKinney Office Supply bid. She then explained that
BI Interiors is the only manufacturer of the particular library shelving that the
city has and she explained what changes had been made in the library shelving in
order to reduce the price of the shelving She also advised that they were
deleting the painting of the old library shelving for a $22,676 00 reduction.
There was further discussion on the need to talk with all of the bidders
regarding the reduction on the amount of items to be purchased and can they
legally adjust their bids. There was considerable discussion on the only bid for
the shelving and why there was only one bid. The Council also discussed the
price increase that Steel Case Furnishings was going to forgo in order to reduce
the bid proposal, and how the estimate on the shelving was determined by the
Mayor Farmer explained to the Council that he felt there were three
alternatives. One was to award the bids in the original amount of $277,403.00, one
was to rebid, and one was to award the bids on the negotiated bid amounts The
Council discussed the alternatives with the City Manager and requested his opinion
on the matter There was further discussion on if the scope of the bids had been
changed significantly to warrant the need for a rebid. There was further
discussion on the entire issue With no further time for more discussion on this
item, it was concluded that it would be discussed further during the regular
Council Committee Reports:
Finance/Administration (Agenda Item III -A)
This agenda item was passed over There was no discussion on this agenda
MARCH 16, 1989
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Council Committee Reports.
Development (Agenda Item III -B)
This agenda item was passed over There was no discussion on this agenda
Council Committee Reports.
(Agenda Item III -C)
This agenda item was passed over There was no discussion on this agenda.
Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item IV)
This agenda item was passed over There was no discussion on this agenda
With no further discussion, the workshop session of the Allen City Council
was adjourned at 7 30 p.m. on Thursday, March 16, 1989
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the regular session of the
Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 7.35 p.m. on Thursday,
March 16, 1989, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler
Circle, Allen, Texas
(Agenda Item V)
MOTION Upon a motion made by Councilman Glass and seconded by Councilman
Womack, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to
approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as recommended
and as follows.
A. Approval of City Council Minutes of February 7, 1989 - Called -
Special Workshop Session.
B Approval of City Council Minutes of March 2 1989 - Regular
C Authorization to city staff to pay bills associated with the 1985
Capital Improvement Program as follows
Page 5
(Agenda Item V)
$717 94
MARCH 16, 1989
Hidell Architects
CIP Project No. 55-001-3
Construction of the Library Building -
Architectural fee
Period. Thru February 28, 1989
Bartex, Inc.
CIP Project No. 55-001-1
Construction of Library Building -
Construction Services
Period. Thru February 21, 1989
Schoolhouse Audio -Visual
CIP Project No. 40-001-6
Construction of Police & Courts
Building - Audio Visual Equipment
Period. Thru February 28, 1989
Graham Associates
CIP Project No. 75-002-2
Construction of Main Street Phases 11
& III - Engineering Services
Period. Thru February 28, 1989
Hidell Architects
CIP Project No. 40-001-3
Construction of Police & Courts
Building - Architectural Services
Period. Thru February 28, 1989
TMC Foundations
CIP Project No. 40-001-1
Construction of Police & Courts
Building - Construction Services
Application No. 15
Period. Thru February 28, 1989
Dring Engineering
CIP Project No. 40-001-6
Construction of Police & Courts
Building - Maintenance Agreement for
Heating and Air Conditioning Units
Period. Thru March 7, 1989
Page 5
(Agenda Item V)
$717 94
MARCH 16, 1989
Page 6
(Agenda Item V)
8. Burtis Roofing Co.
CIP Project No. 60-002-1
Renovation of Central Fire Station -
Roo£ing Repair
Period. Thru January 20, 1989
9 SWA Group
CIP Project No. 50-003-2
Construction of Sesquicentennial Park
- Professional Services
Period. Thru February 16, 1989
10. Harte-Hanks Community Newspaper
$43 20
CIP Project No. 75-002-6
Construction of Main Street Phases II
& III - Public Hearing Notice
Period. Thru January 31, 1989
11 Glenn Thurman, Inc.
CIP Project No. 35-001-1
$9,727 39
Construction of Municipal Complex
Infrastructure - Construction Services
Application No. 8
Period. Thru March 3, 1989
12. Southern Mechanical Plumbing, Inc.
$11,798 50
CIP Project No. 90-005-1
Construction of McDermott Utility
Relocation - Construction Services
Application No. 11
Period. Thru February 25, 1989
13 SWA Group
CIP Project No. 75-002-2
Construction of Main Street Phases II
& III - Landscape Design
Period. Thru December 31, 1988
D Schedule of Taxes Receivable as of January 31, 1989
E. Resolution No. 911-3-89(R). A Resolution by
the City Council
of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
Authorizing an
Adjustment to the 1988 Tax Roll.
MARCH 16, 1989 Page 7
CONSENT AGENDA (cout'd) (Agenda Item V)
Ordinance No. 912-3-89: An Ordinance of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Accepting the Improvements on a Portion
of F.M. 2170, Further Described as Being Portions of F.M.
2170, Containing Portions of McDermott Drive From a Point 221
Feet West of Allen Drive to Allen Drive; Along Allen Drive to
Main Street, Along Main Street to 83 Feet West of Dogwood
Street; Said Portions Being Hereinafter Described and in the
City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; Providing for the
Attachment of Exhibit "A" Correcting the Rolls and Estimates
Thereof; Amending City of Allen Ordinance No. 635-9-85,
Section 3(d); Ordinance No. 623-8-85, Section 5(d); Ordinance
No. 646-10-85, Section 7; By Altering the Time and Manner for
Payments of Such Assessments; Declaring an Emergency;
Providing that this Ordinance Shall Take Effect Immediately
upon its Passage.
G Ordinance No. 913-3-89: An Ordinance of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Accepting the Improvements on a Portion
of Jupiter Road, Further Described as Being a Portion of
Jupiter Road From F.M. 2170 to the Intersecting Point of the
Concrete Improved Road Section North of White Oak Drive, Said
Portions Being Hereinafter Described and in the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas; Providing for the Attachment of Exhibit
"A" Correcting the Rolls and Estimates Thereof; Amending City
of Allen Ordinance No. 760-11-86, Section 5(D); Ordinance No.
764-11-86, Section 3(d); Ordinance No. 770-12-86, Section 7,
by Altering the Time and Manner for Payments of Such
Assessments; Declaring an Emergency; Providing that this
Ordinance Shall Take Effect Immediately upon its Passage.
The motion carried.
End of Consent Agenda
Public Hearing: Request for a Spe-
cific Use Permit to
Include Additional
Seating for Restaur-
ant/Private Club
Location: 602 East Main Street
Zoning: Shopping Center
Requested by • Ron Crockett, El Rio
Restaurant (Agenda Item VI)
MARCH 16, 1989
Page 8
Ordinance No. 914-3-89: An Ordinance
of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Amending Ordinance No. 829-
11-87, as Heretofore Amended, by
Amending Ordinance No. 688-4-86 of
the City of Allen, so as to Amend the
Floor Plan and Site Plan of the Existing
Specific Use Permit for a Restaurant/
Private Club at 602 E. Main Street; to
Attach as Exhibits the Site Plan, Floor
Plan; Presently Delineated on the Offi-
cial Zoning Map as Shopping Center;
Providing for a Penalty, Providing for
an Effective Date; and Providing for
Publication of the option. (Agenda Item VI)
Mayor Farmer read the request into the record as follows.
"Public Hearing request for a Specific Use Permit to Include Additional
Seating for Restaurant/ Private Club Located at 602 East Main Street
as Requested by Ron Crockett of E1 Rio's Restaurant and Consider an
Ordinance Approving the Specific Use Permit."
Mayor Farmer advised of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning
Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their regular meeting held
on February 9, 1989, recommended to the City Council approval of the request for
amendment to the Specific Use Permit for El Rio Restaurant as presented.
Ron Crockett, representing E1 Rio's Restaurant, spoke before the Council
on behalf of this request. He stated that there was a need for an additional
seating area in order to provide a dining area for local civic groups and clubs and
for overflow capacity for weekends.
Mayor Farmer opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak either
for or against the request. Mayor Farmer closed the public hearing
The Council discussed with Mr Crockett the current seating capacity of 140
and the need for the additional 45 seats
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before the Council on
the fact that the facility meets the parking requirements and all of the other
Mr Crockett pointed out that the additional space is needed for food service
and not liquor sales
MOTION Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded by Mayor Pro
Tem Wilson, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to
approve the request for an amendment to the Specific Use Permit to
allow for additional seating for El Rio Restaurant as presented and in
accordance with the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning
Commission, as stated, and to adopt Ordinance No. 914-3-89, as
captioned previously The motion carried.
MARCH 16, 1989
Page 9
Review Bids and Authorize the
Purchase of Furniture and Equipment
for the New Library Buildin¢ (Agenda Item VII)
Mayor Farmer explained that the proposed budget for the library furniture
and equipment was $244,000 for the materials that were bid in packages "A" and
"B" Mayor Farmer advised that the bids came in above the estimated budget for
each of these packages. He advised that there have been discussions held with
each of the lowest bidders for these packages and revised statements have been
received from those bidders, based upon eliminations, changes in quantities, and
cosmetic design. He advised that McKinney Office Supply provided a statement
which now reflects a figure of $158,943 for package "A" and a statement from BI
Interiors in the amount of $85,057 for package "B", which brings the figure to
$244,000, which is within the city's approved estimated budget range.
Mayor Farmer review the three options to be considered by the Council on
this agenda item. He advised that they could approve the bids as submitted and
go above the city's budget, the second is to rebid the whole process, and the
third is to take the adjusted figures from the two low bidders that are within the
city's budget. He advised further that there were two questions that the Council
needed to answer in this regard. Question number one was would it benefit the
city, the citizens and taxpayers to go back to bid, and the other is, have we
changed substantially what we bid in the first place
At the request of the Council, Greg Ibanez, with Hidell Architects, spoke
before the Council about the painting process for the city' existing library
shelving and why it is so expensive and why there was only one bid received on
the shelving Mr Ibanez explained to the Council that the two other bidders sold
the same shelving product but this area was not their territory However, the
architect had encouraged them to submit bids simply for competition.
There was discussion by the Council on if the two bidders that did not
submit bids should be contacted to see why they did not bid on the package. The
Council also discussed the award of the bid on one package and not the other
package and what it would do to the schedule of obtaining the products.
Mr Ibanez spoke before the Council on the changes that had been made to
the shelving regarding the color and the type. Mr Ibanez emphasized that the
specifications were not changed just the scope of them.
There was further discussion on the lowest bid received for package A and
with the change in the scope, the reduction in the bid price. There was
discussion on if the other bidders should be given an opportunity to change their
proposals. Mr Ibanez explained that the negotiation was made with the lowest
bidder because he was the lowest and best bidder
EThere was further discussion by the Council on this matter
MARCH 16, 1989
Page 10
The Council discussed with Mr Blaylock a portion of the by-laws which
used the word "Allen area resident" and if this was to mean in the corporate city
limits or to include the school district area. There was discussion by the Council
and city staff on that some city boards/commission the members had to live in the
city, however, the Library Board was open to people who lived in the surrounding
communities also. There was further discussion on just leaving the membership
to the Allen Substance Abuse Prevention Council open. There was also discussion
on if the ASAP Council had any budgetary powers, and city staff advised that
they were simply an advisory body to the Council and the School Board.
Review Bids and Authorise the
Purchase of Furniture and Equipment
for the New Library Building (cont'd) (Agenda Item VII)
MOTION Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by Councilman
Glass, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to
approve the award of the bid for package "A" to McKinney Office
Supply in the amount of $168,943; and to award the bid to BI Interiors
in the amount of $85,057 for package "B", with the consideration that
the architect contact by telephone the two "no bid" companies for
package "B" in order to verify that the changes in the scope of the
specifications will in deed not change the "no bid" status of those
two bidders That if there is an indication that they would be so
inclined to bid, that the city will give them a specific time to bid, and
then the city will rebid package "B" The motion carried.
Review and Consider Approval of the
Bylaws for the Substance Abuse
Prevention Task Force (Agenda Item VIII)
Joel Blaylock, Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator, spoke before the
Council on the Allen Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) Council and explained
that it would consist of two bodies, the larger volunteer community group and the
smaller selected core leadership group, the Steering Committee. He advised that
membership on the ASAP Council would consist of any Allen citizen who expressed
a desire to serve. The Steering Committee would consist of seven positions
selected jointly by the Allen City Council and the AISD Board of Trustees.
Mr Blaylock explained further the appointment process to the Steering
Committee, terms of office and election of officers They would develop the yearly
plan of activities
Mr Blaylock then reviewed the by-laws which had been prepared and
advised that based upon the action of the Council on the by-laws, they would go
before the Allen Independent School District Board of Trustees on March 27, 1989.
Mr Blaylock also advised that this board would have to meet the requirements of
the open meetings law, based upon discussion with the city attorney
The Council discussed with Mr Blaylock a portion of the by-laws which
used the word "Allen area resident" and if this was to mean in the corporate city
limits or to include the school district area. There was discussion by the Council
and city staff on that some city boards/commission the members had to live in the
city, however, the Library Board was open to people who lived in the surrounding
communities also. There was further discussion on just leaving the membership
to the Allen Substance Abuse Prevention Council open. There was also discussion
on if the ASAP Council had any budgetary powers, and city staff advised that
they were simply an advisory body to the Council and the School Board.
MARCH 16, 1989
Review and Consider Approval of the
Bylaws for the Substance Abuse
Prevention Task Force (cont'd)
Page 11
(Agenda Item VIII)
There was considerable discussion on how the Steering Committee members
are selected, how the officers are selected, and what happens when a vacancy
occurs The Council also discussed the yearly work plan, and who would develop
it. The Council discussed the need for the Council and the AISD Board of
Trustees to review a general outline of the yearly work plan before it is presented
to the ASAP Council. City Manager McCarty advised that this was the proposed
plan and the wording would be adjusted to reflect this and provide for better
The Council also discussed the wording in paragraph A2 of Section 1 on
page 1 of the by-laws which reflected that "a yearly plan of work to be considered
and once approve, be "administered" by the ASAP Council" Mayor Farmer
requested that the word "administered" be changed to "implemented" The Council
also discussed the need for city staff to perhaps reconsider whether they wanted
to include the limitation of two consecutive terms of office for the members serving
on the Steering Committee because they may find those members will be the hard
working members. The Council also discussed the donation of funds and how they
would be accounted for in the city's budget.
Mayor Farmer pointed out some wording changes needed to be made in
paragraph Bl on page 2 to change the wording, "shall be made by "recommend-
ation" rather than using "nomination" The next sentence should be changed to
read, "Members of the Steering Committee must be members of the ASAP Council."
In further discussion, it was concluded that the interview process for the members
to the Steering Committee should be conducted by the City Manager and the AISD
Superintendent, rather than by a committee of the Council and the School Board.
MOTION Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by Councilman
Glass, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to
approve the by-laws of the Allen Substance Abuse Prevention Council
with the appropriate changes made per Council's discussion as
referenced above. The motion carried.
Resolution No. 915-3-89(R): A Resolu-
tion of the City Council of the City of
Allen, Collin County, Texas, Adopting
the Report of the Mayor as the Official
Program of Legislative Priorities for the
City for the Current Year, and Direct-
ing the City Manager to Execute Samna. (Agenda Item IX)
Mayor Farmer advised of the proposed resolution and that the attachment to
the resolution identified the goals and objectives of the legislative program.
MARCH 16, 1989
Page 12
Resolution No. 915-3-89(R) (cont'd): (Agenda Item IX)
The Council discussed paragraph D of the objectives and why the city would
just support legislation which provides safe and efficient transportation oppor-
tunities, in just the North Texas and Collin County areas and why it just wasn't
to support all transportation issues. The Council also discussed paragraph I and
if the word should be "and" rather than "or", which is used between "liability of
local governments or which increase the availability" The Council also discussed
if the Council would review all of the legislation issues as a whole or if the
subcommittees would review the legislation, if the whole Council would act on the
legislation, and if the legislation goals and objections were directed at the state
legislature and if it pertains to the federal legislation. The Council also discussed
adding "city" to objective IIF
In further discussion, it was concluded by the Council that the following
amendments would be made to the attachment:
Objective IID be changed accordingly to:
Transportation. Support legislation which provides safe and efficient
transportation opportunities, by whatever mode, in general for the
state, with special interest in the North Texas and Collin County
2. Objective IIF be changed accordingly to:
City, County government and ISDs. Support legislation which
improves and strengthens the capabilities of city and county
governments and school districts to perform their necessary duties
in a high-quality and efficient manner
3. Objective III be changed accordingly to:
Tort reform: Support legislation which reduces the tort liability of
local governments, and/or which increase the availability of and access
to liability insurance and reinsurance coverage for local governments
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pendleton and seconded by Mayor
Pro Tem Wilson, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed
to approve and adopt Resolution No. 915-3-89(R), with the attachment
amended per discussions referenced above. The motion carried.
Resolution No. 916-3-89(R) A Resolu-
tion of the City Council of the City of
Allen, Collin County, Texas, Appoint -
Ing the Election Officials for the May 6,
1989 City Council Election, Setting the
Rate of Pay for the Election Officials,
the Maximum Number of Election Clerks
MARCH 16, 1989 Page 13
Resolution No. 916-3-89(R)(cont'd):
for the Polling Place, and Designation
of the Absentee Ballot Board. (Agenda Item X)
Mayor Farmer advised that the proposed resolution merely set out
the appointment of the election judge, alternate judge, and number of clerks and
rate of pay for the upcoming City Council Election to be held on May 6, 1989
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council that the election judge
was Peggy Armand, the alternate judge was Vicki Smith and the only clerk at the
present time was Darlene Ballinger Other clerks would be appointed before the
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Glass and seconded by Councilman
Womack, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to
approve and adopt Resolution No. 916-3-89(R), as presented and as
captioned previously The motion carried.
Spring Planning Session (Agenda Item XI -A)
City Manager McCarty reminded the Council of the upcoming Spring Planning
Session to be held on Friday, March 17, and Saturday, March 18, 1989 The
Council briefly reviewed the agenda for the session.
This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action
taken on this item.
Subcommittee Reports (Agenda Item XI -B)
Finance/Administration Subcommittee
Councilman Womack, Chairman of the Finance/Administration Subcommittee
advised of the upcoming meeting of the subcommittee to discuss the franchise fee
with Southwestern Bell Telephone Company The City Secretary added that the
subcommittee would be reviewing and making a decision on a location for the
Council's budget retreat and if anyone had any suggestions, she would take those
recommendations to the subcommittee
Services Subcommittee
Mayor Pro Tem Wilson, Chairman of the Services Subcommittee, advised of
the work being done on the paramedic program and of an upcoming meeting
regarding the medical control facility
Mayor Pro Tem Wilson then advised of a meeting of the Economic Development
Alliance to review the work of LWFW on the development of the survey instruments
to be mailed to homes and businesses in Allen, which had been presented at the
meeting He advised of the tabulation of the survey results once the surveys have
MARCH 16, 1969
Page 14
Subcommittee Reports (cont'd) (Agenda Item XI -B)
been completed and returned to LWFW and how that information will be utilized to
formulate a policy for economic development.
Mayor Pro Tem Wilson then advised of the work on the communication system
and the progress in that area, with plans for a recommendation to be brought
forward by April.
The Council discussed the business surveys that were going to be mailed,
the date of mailing, if there was a date identified for return of the survey, and
the use of a cover letter to explain the survey and how it will be used.
Development Subcommittee
Councilman Wolfe, Chairman of the Development Subcommittee, distributed
to the Council some information that the subcommittee had prepared on the plans
for the development forum which showed the number of attendees at the upcoming
meeting, the agenda for the meeting, and a survey that was to be circulated to the
attendees in order to receive input on their opinions on the various planning and
development aspects in the city He advised that the next step was to set the date
of the meeting He encouraged all of the Council Members to review the
information and if they wanted to provide input, they could contact him during the
He also advised of the subcommittee's ongoing review of the lighting fixtures
on Main Street and that the manufacturer of the lighting fixture had sent samples
of the sand blasted lenses for the city to install to try to see if it will cut down on
the glare of the lights.
Mr Wolfe also advised of the tour given to the subcommittee by the Water
Department personnel of the Water and Sewer facilities and how interesting it was.
Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item XI -C)
-City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council of the status of the work
plan being developed for Collin County for the 9-1-1 service. He advised of his
service on the NCTCOG Task Force and the Collin County Task Force. He advised
the Council of their visit to the City of Addison to see their 9-1-1 system set-up
and routed pictures of the system to the Council for their review He briefly
explained how the 9-1-1 system works, that a plan has been drafted by the
county, and that five PSAP's will be located in Collin County, being in Allen,
McKinney, Collin County Sheriff's Office, Frisco, and Princeton.
-Police Chief Richard Carroll advised the Council that the Police Department
was planning to move to their new facilities on Thursday, March 23, 1989
•In response to questions posed by Mayor Farmer at a previous Council
meeting, Barbara Buehler, Library Director, spoke before the Council on planned
MARCH 16, 1969
Page 15
Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item XI -C)
celebrations for the Bi -Centennial Celebration of the U S Constitution. She
advised that the Allen Library would not be planning any activities for this event
this year due to the limited space in the old library Mayor Farmer also advised
of plans that he had heard of in this regard.
With no further discussion, Mayor Farmer recessed the regular session of
the Allen City Council into Executive Session at 9:30 p.m.
Executive Session (Agenda Item XII)
In accordance with Article 6252-17, V.A.T C.S. (Open Meetings Law),
Sections 2(e), 2(£), and 2(g), the Allen City Council convened into Executive
Session at 9 30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One
Butler Circle, Allen, Texas in order to discuss matters pertaining to consider park
property purchase
The Executive Session was adjourned at 11:09 p.m.
Reconvene and Consider Items
Discussed During Executive Session (Agenda Item XIII)
The Allen City Council reconvened into regular session at 11 11 p m. on
Thursday, March 16, 1989, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex.
Mayor Farmer advised that the Council discussed the purchase of park
property for a special use facility He then opened the floor for a motion on this
MOTION A motion made by Councilman Glass and seconded by Councilman
Edstrom to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract to
purchase the property known as the Texin Rod and Gun Club and to
authorize the funds to get the legal agent needed to prepare the
contract necessary for the purchase. The Council voted five (5) in
favor of the motion and two (2) opposed, with Mayor Pro Tem Wilson
and Councilman Pendleton, casting the negative votes The motion
(Agenda Item XIV)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Wilson and seconded by
Councilman Pendleton, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0)
opposed to adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council at
11.13 p.m., on Thursday, March 16, 1989 The motion carried.
MARCH 16, 1989
These minutes approved on the 6th day of April, 1989.
JOe Farmer, MAYOR
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Marty Hendrix, C , CITY SECRETARY
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