HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1989 - 08/03 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
AUGUST 3, 1989
Joe Farmer, Mayor
Council Members:
Rex Womack
Jerry Wilson, Mayor Pro Tem
Bobby Glass
Jim Wolfe
Alan Fyke
Gary Edstrom
City Staff•
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Judy Morrison, City Secretary
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the workshop session of the
Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 6 45 p.m. on Thursday,
August 3, 1989, in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler
Circle, Allen, Texas.
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regular Agenda Items (Agenda Item 11)
Mayor Farmer began the review of the Consent Agenda items
Discussion was held regarding the anticipated tax collection rate for the
City of Allen. For the past three years the collection rate has been stated at
100%. There was no further discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VI, Accept Resignation of Dan Easter,
Parks and Recreation Board, Place No. 5 Dan Easter will be relocating out of the
City and has presented a resignation letter to the Chairman of the Parks and
Recreation Board. There was no further discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VII, Acknowledge Receipt of the
Proposed 1989-90 Fiscal Year Budget. There was no discussion on this item.
AUGUST 3, 1989
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Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regular Agenda Items (Cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VIII, Report on the Texas Capital
Fund. Michael Stanger will present an overview of the Texas Capital Fund in the
Regular Session. There was no further discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item IX, Other Business. Boards and
Commissions. Judy Morrison, City Secretary, reviewed the scheduled events
surrounding appointments to boards and commissions. There was no further
discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item IX, Other Business Subcommittee
Report. Development Subcommittee requested completion of the survey in a timely
manner and offered to pick up those completed documents. Discussion took place
regarding the numbers of people involved in the survey since this was not
indicated. After all the results are tabulated, an action proposal will be coming
forward from the subcommittee, including general observations and specific action
that will be taken as a result of this instrument.
The Finance] Administration Subcommittee reported the audit engagement
letter will be coming forward to Council at an upcoming meeting There was no
further discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item IX, Other Business. Items of Interest
to the Council. Mayor Farmer reported that the Connemara had received a $4,000
grant from the Conservation Foundation in Washington to link neighboring cities
by trail systems. Mayor Farmer also reported on the receipt of a letter from the
Kilroy family asking for the support of the community of anti-drug programs The
Mayor also reported August 19 will be Allen Health and Fitness Awareness Day
Proceeds from the event will go to the Allen Information and Referral Office and
he reported the planned activities for the day There was no further discussion
on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item X, Executive Session. There was no
discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XI, Reconvene. There was no
discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XII, Consider Action on Items Discussed
During Executive Session. There was no discussion on this item.
AUGUST 3, 1989 Page 3
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regular Agenda Items (Cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XIII, Review Topic List for the Budget
Retreat. Discussion was held regarding the process of prioritizing the list of
topics to be discussed during the budget retreat. Several items were singled out
to be discussed during the Council Discretionary Time: Economic Development,
Council Subcommittee Structure, City Chat. There was no further discussion on
this item.
Council Committee Reports:
Finance/Administration (Agenda Item III -A)
This agenda item was passed over There was no discussion on this agenda
Council Committee Reports:
Development (Agenda Item III -B)
This agenda item was passed over There was no discussion on this agenda
Council Committee Reports:
Services (Agenda Item III -C)
This agenda item was passed over There was no discussion on this agenda.
Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item IV)
This agenda item was passed over There was no discussion on this agenda
With no further discussion, the workshop session of the Allen City Council
was adjourned at 7 30 p.m. on Thursday, August 3, 1989
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the regular session of the
Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 7 37 p.m. on Thursday,
August 3, 1989, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler
Circle, Allen, Texas
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MOTION Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by Mayor Pro
Tem Wilson, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to
approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as recommended
and as follows.
A. Approval of City Council Minutes of July 20, 1989 - Regular
B Authorization to city staff to pay bills associated with the 1985
Capital Improvement Program as follows.
1 Highland Stores
Police & Courts Building
Period. Thru June 21, 1989
2 Texas Contractors
$127 87
Library Sign Supplies
Period. Thru June 30, 1989
3 Hidell Architects
Construction of Library Building -
Architectural Services
Period. Thru June 30, 1989
4. Abrams 2 -Way
Phone Line Repair and Installation of
Remote Radio Telephones - Police &
Courts Building
Period. Thru July 31, 1989
5 Tri -Con Services
$106,911 09
Construction of Main Street Phase II -
Paving and Drainage
Period. Thru July 25, 1989
6 Graham & Associates
$11,055 00
ROW Design on FM 2170 East -
Engineering Services
Period. Thru July 25, 1989
7 Graham & Associates
Construction of McDermott Drive
Staking and Administration -
Engineering Services
Period. Thru July 25, 1989
AUGUST 3, 1989 Page 5
CONSENT AGENDA (Cont'd) (Agenda Item V)
C Resolution No. 930-8-89(R). A Resolution of the City Council
af the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Authorizing an
Adjustment to the 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982,
1981, 1980, 1979, 1978, 1977, 1976, and 1975 Tax Rolls.
D Set August 24, 1989, as the Public Hearing Date on the Budget
as Required by Section 4.04 of the Allen City Charter
E. Resolution No. 931-8-89(R). A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, to Certify the
Excess Debt Collections for 1988 by the City of Allen.
F Resolution No. 932-8-89(R). A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, to Certify the
Anticipated Tax Collection Rate for the City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas, for the 1989-90 Taxable Year
The motion carried.
End of Consent A¢enda
Mayor Farmer opened the floor to anyone who wished to address the Council.
• W J C Smith, 407 Watson Drive, Allen, Texas
Mr Smith indicated he did not agree with the recent article in The Allen
American regarding city employees engaged in the curbing of Watson Drive
He indicated the men worked hard and he was very pleased with the job that
was done. He observed the construction the entire time and indicated that
it was a big job for the work crew to complete, but did a fine job in doing
• Bill Enloe, 409 Watson Drive, Allen, Texas
Mr Enloe stated it would be a gross disservice to the City of Allen to have
any city employees discharged because of a recent letter printed in The
Allen American He felt they should have been better prepared for the
amount of work to be done, but they are very well-qualified employees
needing only proper leadership.
Accept Resignation of Dan Easter,
Parke and Recreation Board, Place No. 5 (Agenda Item VI)
Mayor Farmer informed the Council a letter of resignation had been received
from Dan Easter who will be moving out of the City of Allen.
MOTION Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded by
Councilman Glass, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0)
opposed to accept the resignation of Dan Easter, Place No. 5, Parks
and Recreation Board. The motion carried.
AUGUST 3, 1989
Page 6
Acknowledge Receipt of the Proposed
1989-90 Fiscal Year Budget (Agenda Item VII)
Mayor Farmer informed the Council of the delivery of the 1989-90 budget
document by the City Manager's office on July 31 The record shows each Council
member did acknowledge receiving the FY 1989-90 budget document.
Report on the Texas Capital Fund (Agenda Item VIII)
Michael Stanger, Assistant to the City Manager, advised the Council of the
Texas Capital Fund. The Texas Capital Fund is administered by the Finance
Division of the Texas Department of Commerce The funds available through this
program are to be used to provide loans to businesses for job creation or retention
A contract between the state and the local government and a contract
between the local government and the private developer ensures a complete
understanding by the three participants of the planned development, the expected
number of jobs to be created or retained, the sources and uses of all funds to be
committed to the project, the payback arrangements for all funds borrowed, the
security assigned to each loan institution or agency, the financial and other
i reporting requirements of the developer and the local government to the state and
all other obligations of the developer, local government and the state.
In the Texas Capital Fund program, the city has two basic areas of liability
1) The administration of the project, and 2) the assurance that job creation
goals are met.
Discussion took place regarding the number of surrounding cities who may
have used this program. Many questions were raised as to the exact operation of
the program. Because of possible assistance being requested of the City in the
near future, directives were given to staff to research this particular program
thoroughly so that it will understand the entire program when the City is asked
to participate in this program. This may be possible through the use of the
consultant of the inquiring company This item was received as a matter of
information. There was no action taken on this item.
Boards and Commission (Agenda Item IX -A)
Judy Morrison, City Secretary, informed the Council of the upcoming
appointments for City boards A tentative calendar of activities related to this
appointment process includes ad placement in The Allen American August 13, 20
and 27 The reception for candidates will be prior to the Council Meeting on
September 7 Interviews will be held the week of September 11 and appointments
will be made September 21 This item was received as a matter of information.
There was no action taken on this item.
AUGUST 3, 1989
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Subcommittee Report (Agenda Item IX -B)
• Finance/Administration subcommittee reported the audit engagement letter
will be coming before council at an upcoming meeting.
• Services subcommittee reported the Alliance will do a presentation to the
City Council, AISD Board of Directors and the Chamber Board some time in
Items of Interest (Agenda Item IX -C)
There were no items of interest to the Council.
Executive Session (Agenda Item X)
In accordance with Article 6252-17, V.A.T C S. (Open Meetings Law),
Sections 2(e), 2(f), and 2(g), the Allen City Council convened into Executive
Session at 8.41 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One
Butler Circle, Allen, Texas in order to discuss matters pertaining to Property,
Personnel, and Legal.
The Executive Session was adjourned at 11 33 p.m.
Reconvene (Agenda Item XI)
The Allen City Council reconvened into regular session at 11 35 p.m. on
Thursday, August 3, 1989, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex.
Consider Action on Items Discussed
During Executive Session (Agenda Item XII)
Discussion was held regarding the items discussed during executive session.
MOTION Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by Councilman
Womack, the Council voted five (5) for and two (2) opposed with
Councilman Fyke and Mayor Pro Tem Wilson casting the negative votes
to authorize the City Manager to work with the attorney presently
representing the City regarding the cleanup process of Texins Rod
and Gun Club, to draw up a contract for the purchase of the
aforementioned park facility and proceed with negotiations to finalize
terms and conditions that would stipulate the following*
• Ensure the City's best position in the cleanup of the property
to "background" levels and further that any treated materials
left on site remain the property of TEXINS
• Include previously agreed upon price, equipment removal and
statement of just compensation.
AUGUST 3, 1989 Page 8
Consider Action on Items Discussed
During Executive Session (Agenda Item XII)
MOTION: (Cont'd)
• Availability of the Texas Parks and Wildlife grant at the time of
The motion carried.
Consider Action on Items Discussed
During Executive Session (Cont'd) (Agenda Item XII)
Further discussion was held regarding the formalizing of this contract and
the return of the final document to Council for final approval.
Review Topic List for the Budget Retreat (Agenda Item XIII)
Discussion was held regarding the topic list For the budget retreat
discussions The Council suggested additional topics to be discussed for each
department. They then prioritized each department's topic list. Finally, those
priority topics were ranked overall. Each staff member will be presenting his
budget retreat message from this list which shows the interest of the Council.
This matter was received as an item of information. There was no action taken on
this item.
Ad ours (Agenda Item XIV)
MOTION Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded by Mayor Pro
Tem Wilson, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to
adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council at 12.30 p.m.,
on Thursday, August 3, 1989 The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 17th day of August, 1989
e Farmer, MAYOR