HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1990 - 03/19 - Special CalledJOINT ALLEN CITY COUNCIL/CITY BOARDS MEETING SPECIAL - CALLED MEETING MARCH 19, 1990 Present: Joe Farmer, Mayor Council Members: Rex Womack Jerry Wilson, Mayor Pro Tem (Absent) Bobby Glass (Absent) Jim Wolfe Alan Fyke Gary Edstrom Planning and Zoning Commission: John Karlsruher Lonnie Thomas Ray Lewis Ed Terrell Bill Roberge Galen Clay (Absent) Barbara Eubanks (Absent) P Wayne Armand Eileen Karlsruher Melissa Owen Ken Falk Doug Gallagher Harold Biggs John Garcia (Absent) Sign Control Board: George Chrisman Terri Hall Bruce Kleinschmidt Randall Leverett Gary Crowe (Absent) Board of Adjustment: John Karlsruher Lonnie Thomas Ray Lewis Ed Terrell Bill Roberge Galen Clay (Absent) Barbara Eubanks (Absent) P ALLEN CITY COUNCIL/CITY BOARDS SPECIAL CALLED JOINT MEETING MARCH 19, 1990 Parke and Recreation Board: Don Proeschel David Clark Mary Widdowson-Martin Tom Clark Ray Galloway (Absent) Richard Saunders (Absent) Rick Allen (Absent) Library Board: Rhonda Palmer Betty Matthews Don Wilson Barbara Lecheler Sharon Hamner (Absent) Mary Walker (Absent) Donald Nugent (Absent) City Staff: Jon McCarty, City Manager Judy Morrison, City Secretary Bill Petty, Director of Community Development Tom Keener, Community Development Coordinator Sally Leeper, Secretary, Community Development Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Others: Paul Meeks, SWA Representative SPECIAL CALLED SESSION - 7:00 P.M. PAGE 2 With a quorum of the Council Members present, the special called joint meeting of the Allen City Council and Allen Boards and Commission was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 7:02 p.m. on Monday, March 19, 1990, in the Meeting Room at the Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. Mayor Farmer welcomed all those present from the various City Boards and expressed his appreciation for their attendance. A ALLEN CITY COUNCIL/CITY BOARDS SPECIAL CALLED JOINT MEETING MARCH 19, 1990 PAGE 3 Overview of Comprehensive Plan Update Procedures (Agenda Item II) Councilman Jim Wolfe spoke before the group regarding the development and history of the 1985 Comprehensive Plan. During its development, about 175 citizens were involved during the planning process. Several of those same people who were involved in the initial process have continued as involved citizens and are on one of the City Boards, Commission or Council at this time. Councilman Wolfe explained that the City received a 34% return on the survey document that was sent to every citizen of Allen during the initial process of the Comprehensive Plan. That survey indicated the citizens of Allen were interested in paramedic care, extended telephone service and health and human services, among other things. These issues have been addressed by the City within the last five years. It has been the desire of the City to update the Comprehensive Plan every five years. It is not the intent of the City to redo this document, but only update it. In order to accomplish this task, a survey has been developed which will take approximately 40 minutes to complete. Results of the survey will be analyzed to help direct the future of the City of Allen through an updated Comprehensive Plan. This can only be completed properly if the survey document is filled out and returned to us. Twelve hundred homes have been randomly selected to participate in the survey this year and it is very important that each household completes the survey and returns it to the City. Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, discussed some of the technical aspects of the survey itself. Pollstart software has been used to develop the survey and will be used to analyze the results of the returned documents. The packets of call lists were distributed to the chairpersons of the Boards and Commission present. All those on the list are to be contact by Monday, March 26. Those who do not have a phone number listed will be sent a letter signed by the Mayor. On April 12, everyone will be contacted by their chairperson who has not returned the document and who will need another follow-up call encouraging them to do so. Mr. Petty discussed the chain of information and how it will take place from the Mayor, through the chairpersons, to the boards and then to the individual lists of citizens. The second list generated by those unreturned surveys will be distributed by April 13. The survey will be handled in a confidential manner so the respondents do not need to be concerned about this aspect of the document. The envelopes are coded in such a manner to indicate who has returned the survey. All the envelopes will be locked each night until the cut-off date of the survey process. At that time, the envelopes and documents will be separated and there will be no name, code, or other manner by which the City will be able to determine who sent in which document. ALLEN CITY COUNCM/CITY BOARDS SPECIAL CALLED JOINT MEETING MARCH 19, 1990 PAGE 4 Overview of Comprehensive Plan Update Procedures (Agenda Item II) The following schedule is to be observed: March 19 Meeting -- List of 30 names each distributed March 26 Survey in mail, finish calling all on list March 27 Chairpersons to have collected those individuals contacted and not contacted and notify the Mayor's designee, Bill Petty. April 10 Survey to be returned to City April 13 New list generated of those who have not returned the survey Community Wide Communications Plannin¢: (Agenda Item III) Mayor Farmer discussed community -wide planning in regard to communications. The group was asked to brainstorm with two purposes in mind. 1) Is there a communications problem? 2) Address techniques that would contribute to improved communications. Four groups were formed to brainstorm these items with the following responses. GROUP I: Communication Problem? Yes Paper not oriented enough to Allen. Yes - we need to improve. City to respond to Allen American "Letter to Editor" with factual information. Expand Newcomer's Program. City Chat/Spotlight - revamp emphasis. Sound -off information line (24-hour recorder). Water bill - public information. GROUP II: Bedroom community - low level of involvement. Apathy on part of citizens. No entrance to City Hall - Police building front doors look like back door. Need identity now! Good participation by citizens . . . still a problem. Use cable. Use signs. Use all vehicles possible! Communication through churches. More positive comments than negative. Seasonal open house. Master plan not visible - City complex. Suggestions at facility for citizen improvements ideas. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL/CITY BOARDS SPECIAL CALLED JOINT MEETING MARCH 19, 1990 PAGE 5 Community Nide Communications Planning (Cont'd): (Agenda Item III) GROUP III: Mechanism for addressing issues (Procedurally). A perception - difficulty in addressing Council. Rumor control. Misstatements. Understanding of City responsibilities. Understanding of City rules. No complaint vehicle. Procedure form for addressing citizen's concerns - public comment early in meeting. Question and answer format through paper. Water bill - solicitation of comments on back and respond to common questions. City Manager article. Newcomer's packet for common issues and information. Publicity to invite public to existing Boards and Commission. Publish agendas in Allen American Public access including agendas of all public meetings. GROUP IV: Is there a problem? Who you ask Definition - issue Rumors Apathy Need from Citizen's viewpoint Techniques: School distribution - people Mailer Town Hall meetings Suggestion boxes McDermott Landscaping Presentation by SNA: (Agenda Item IV) Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, introduced Herb Meeks with SWA Group. Mr. Meeks discussed the streetscaping of Main Street and how it related directly to the response of the 1985 Comprehensive Plan Survey. Mr. Meeks presented a slide show depicting several streetscapes across the country as they have matured. He pointed out the centerlines, shading, ornamental aspects and the focus points of various streetscape designs. The streetscape of Allen provides a "Front Door" to the City which was designed within the budget, was done with true imagery and creativeness. It bas set o££ the new buildings on the street and the new thoroughfare itself and should be a definite compliment to the City of Allen in the years to come. He discussed the maintenance of the landscaping and the bidding process. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL/CITY BOARDS SPECIAL CALLED JOINT MEETING MARCH 19, 1990 PAGE 6 Review Comprehensive Plan Tasks: (Agenda Item V) Mayor Farmer briefly reviewed the Comprehensive Plan calendar and thanked everyone for their help in making this possible. Ad onrn (Agenda Item VI) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by Councilman Womack, the Council voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council at 9:22 p.m., on Monday, March 19, 1990. The motion carried. These minutes approved on the 5th day of April, 1990. APPROVED: A,l�// i/ !/llNl� Jore Farmer, MAYOR EATTEST: 4TAMIL"Ci- W-V- � %Q— 5-io -90 Wa Armand, Chairman Date Planning and Zoning Commission &d &'�- John Karlaraher, Chairman Date Board of Adjustment eorge Chrisman, Chairman Date Sign Control Board X112 w. ` J S-/0-90 Harold Biggs, Score Date Planning and Zoning Commission Sign Control Board Randall Leverett, Vice Chairman _90 ALLEN CITY COUNCIL/CITY BOARDS SPECIAL CALLED JOINT MEETING MARCH 19, 1990 A, /�4-16-10 Don Proeschel, Chairman Date Parks and Recreation Board Betty atthews, Chairwoman Date Library Board 11 PAGE 7 nl U � � G vid k, cretary Date Darks and tion Board �l Oji) 4o Mary Walk , Secretary Date Library Board