HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1990 - 07/05 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
JULY 5, 1990
Joe Farmer, Mayor
Council Members:
Rex Womack
Mickey Christakos
Bobby Glass
Jim Wolfe, Mayor Pro Tem
Alan Fyke
Gary Edstrom
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Judy Morrison, City Secretary
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the workshop session of the Allen
City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 6:45 p.m. on Thursday, July 5,
1990, in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen,
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regular Agenda Items (Agenda Item II)
Mayor Farmer began the review of the Consent Agenda items. Discussion was held
regarding Item H, Authorize Rebidding of a Pickup Truck for Public Works Department.
After the low bid from Summit White GMC Trucks Inc. was accepted, the other bids were
released. After preliminary calls to various dealerships, Public Works feels a lower bid
could be attained by rebidding this item. There was no further discussion on this item.
Discussion was held regarding Item F, Approve Ordinance Annexing 191.769±
Acres of Land into the City of Allen, Located South of Bandy Lane and West of FM 2551,
as Requested by Marvin L. Shelley. Officials from the City of Parker have requested
discussions regarding the flood plain and resultant flooding to adjacent properties that
are experiencing flooding. The City Manager will meet with those officials throughout
the process of zoning of this property. There was no further discussion on this item.
�+ Discussion was held regarding Items G and H, Authorize Solicitation of Bids of
is Rental Equipment and Pickup Truck for Public Works Department. Advertising for these
two items have already taken place prior to Council authorization. This does not defy
state law which holds requirements only for the amount of time prior to bid opening and
the number of times required for advertisement. These were advertised with anticipation
JULY 5, 1990 PAGE 2
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regular Agenda Items (Cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
that Council would authorize these solicitations. There was no further discussion on this
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VI, Administer Oaths -of -Office and
Certificates of Appointment to Newly Appointed and Reappointed Members of the Library
Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission. Judy Morrison, City Secretary,
indicated the Library Board had been administered their oaths due to an earlier meeting
this week. They would be present for the receipt of Certificates of Appointment.
Melissa Owen of the Planning and Zoning Commission may be late for the oath -of -office,
but does plan to attend the meeting. There was no further discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VII, Present Plaques -of -Appreciation to
Outgoing Members of the Library Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission. Wayne
Armand will be present; however, Betty Matthew will not be present to receive her
plaque. There was no further discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VIII, Citizens Comments. No one is aware of
any citizens who may appear for this portion of the agenda.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XI, Consider Renovation of Office Space: Old
Library Building. There is a great deal of work to be done for renovation of the Library
Building. The foundation and structure itself is in good condition. In the foreseeable
future, this building will be used to house the Allen Substance Abuse Prevention office.
The funds for this project will be taken from interest earned monies. Mr. McCarty, City
Manager, distributed information to the Council showing the interest earned status of
various funds. There was no further discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XI, Consider Renovation of Office Space:
Police Building. Council is being asked to approve only the source of funds for this
project, that being no more than $25,000. There was no further discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item X, Consider Capital Improvement Projects for
Fiscal Year 1989-90 Using Remaining Bond Funds. The Library renovation cost of
$27,500 and a planning figure for the Police building will be considered during the
regular meeting. There was no further discussion on this item.
No other items were discussed during the Workshop Session.
With no further discussion, the workshop session of the Allen City Council was
adjourned at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 5, 1990.
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the regular session of the Allen
City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 7:35 p.m. on Thursday, July 5,
1990, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen,
JULY 5, 1990 PAGE 3
(Agenda Item V)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Wolfe and seconded by Councilman
Glass, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve and
adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as recommended and as follows:
A. Approval of City Council Minutes of June 21, 1990 - Regular Session.
B. Approval of City Council Minutes of June 26, 1990 - Called - Special
Workshop Session of Development Subcommittee.
C. Authorization to city staff to pay bills associated with the 1985 Capital
Improvement Program as follows:
1. Graham & Associates, Inc. $600.00
For: Main Street Phases II & III -
Construction Administration
1985 Street Bond Funds
Period: Thru June, 1990
2. Graham & Associates, Inc. $3,397.50
For: FM 2170 East - Construction
1985 Street Bond Funds
Period: Thru May, 1990
3. Lloyd, Gosselink, Ryan & Fowler, P.C. $451.31
For: Special Use Facility - Professional
1985 Park Bond Funds
Period: Thru May 31, 1990
4. H & S Utilities $17,491.44
For: Painting Lucas 2MG Ground Reservoir
1985 Water and Sewer Bond Funds
Period: June 1, 1990 - June 31, 1990
D. Resolution No. 987-7-90(R): A Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Authorizing an Adjustment to the
1987 Tax Roll.
E. Resolution No. 988-7-90(R): A Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Authorizing an Adjustment to the
1989 Tax Roll and Approving Refunds where due.
JULY 5, 1990
(Agenda Item V)
Ordinance No. 989-7-90: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas, Annexing the Hereinafter -Described Territory to the
City of Allen, Texas, Approximately 191.789 Acres Located in the D.
B. Hearn Survey, Abstract No. 427, Collin County, Texas, and
Extending the Boundary Limits of the City so as to Include Said
Hereinafter -Described Property within the City Limits and Granting
to all Inhabitants and Owners of Said Property all of the Rights and
Privileges of Other Citizens and Binding all Inhabitants by all the
Ordinances, Acts, Resolutions and Regulations of Said City; Providing
a Severability Clause; and Providing for the Effective Date of Said
Authorize Solicitation of Bids of Rental Equipment for Public Works
H. Authorize Rebidding of a Pickup Truck for Public Works Department.
The motion carried.
I End of Consent Agenda
Administer Oaths -of -Office and Certificates
of Appointment to Newly Appointed and
Reappointed Members of the Library Board
and the Planning and Zoning Commission (Agenda Item VI)
City Secretary, Judy Morrison, administered oaths -of -office to the following re-
appointed members of the Planning and Zoning Commission:
Kenneth Falk, Place No. 1
Harold Biggs, Place No. 5
Mayor Farmer presented Certificates of Appointment to Kenneth Fulk and Harold
City Secretary, Judy Morrison, informed the Council oaths -of -office had been
administered to Sharon Hamner, Place No. 2, Suzanne Sayer, Place No. 4 and Barbara
Lecheler, Place No. 6 of the Library Board since they had a meeting earlier in the week.
Mayor Farmer presented Certificates of Appointment to Sharon Hamner, Suzanne
Sayer and Barbara Lecheler.
JULY 5, 1990 PAGE 5
Present Plaques -of -Appreciation to
Outgoing Members of the Library Board
and the Planning and Zoning Commission (Agenda Item VII)
Mayor Farmer presented a plaque -of -appreciation to Wayne Armand, Planning and
Zoning Commission, July 1980 - June 1990 and extended the gratitude of the Council for
his service in this capacity.
Citizen's Comments (Agenda Item VIII)
There were no citizen comments.
Consider Renovation of Office Space:
Old Library Building (Agenda Item IX -A)
Joel Blaylock,
Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator,
information relating to the renovation of the old library building. This
move would
increase office space
for this
function, increase privacy and provide additional
space in the municipal annex where the office is now located
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Wolfe and seconded by Councilman
1 Glass, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to authorize
the use of the old library building for the Allen Substance Abuse Program
office, to authorize a budget of $27,500 for renovations, to authorize
selection of Joe King as construction manager, to authorize going out for
bids on the various phases of renovation, in accordance with the recom-
mendation of the Development Committee. The motion carried.
Old Police Building
(Agenda Item IX -B)
The old police building, in order to be used, needs certain renovations. A
complete cost estimate is not available at this time. Council is being requested to
authorize the upgrade of the building and to authorize a funding source of approximately
$25,000 for the project.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Wolfe and seconded by Councilman
Glass, the Council voted six (6) for and one (1) opposed, with Councilman
Fyke casting the negative vote, to identify the interest earned bond funds
to be used for the refurbishment of the police building, which will house city
staff employees, with a planning budget of $25,000. The motion carried.
Consider Capital Improvement Projects for
Fiscal Year 1989-90 Using Remaining Bond Funds
(Agenda Item X)
The old library building and old police building renovation funds will be
appropriated from the interest earned general obligation bond funds.
JULY 5, 1990 PAGE 6
Consider Capital Improvement Projects for Fiscal
Year 1989-90 Using Remaining Bond Funds (Cont'd) (Agenda Item X)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Wolfe and seconded by Councilman
Glass, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to authorize
use of $27,500 for the old library building and $25,000 as a working figure
for the old police building renovations from the general obligation bond
interest earned funds for the City of Allen. The motion carried.
Mayor Farmer returned to Item VI, Administer Oaths -of -Office and Certificates of
Appointment to Newly Appointed and Reappointed Members of the Library Board and the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
City Secretary, Judy Morrison, administered an oath -of -office to the following re-
appointed member of the Planning and Zoning Commission:
Melissa Owen, Place No. 3
Mayor Farmer presented a Certificate of Appointment to Melissa Owen.
Other Business:
Several calendar dates were reviewed with the Council.
Council Committee Reports
There were no Committee Reports.
Items of Interest
There were no items of interest to the Council.
Executive Session
(Agenda Item XI -A)
(Agenda Item XI -B)
(Agenda Item XI -C)
(Agenda Item XII)
In accordance with Article 6252-17, V.A.T.C.S. (Open Meetings Law),
Section 2(g), the Allen City Council convened into Executive Session at 8:12 p.m. in the
Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas in order
to discuss matters pertaining to Personnel.
The Executive Session was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Reconvene and Consider Action on Items
Discussed During Executive Session (Agenda Item XIII)
The Allen City Council reconvened into regular session at 9:01 p.m. on Thursday,
July 5, 1990, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex.
JULY 5, 1990
Appointment to Planning and Zoning Commission (Agenda Item XIII -A)
Mayor Farmer opened the floor for nominations to Place No. 7 of the Planning and
Zoning Commission.
Councilman Edstrom nominated Mike Nichols for Place No. 7 of the Planning and
Zoning Commission.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Wolfe and seconded by Councilman
Glass, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed that
nominations cease and that Mike Nichols be appointed by acclamation to Place
No. 7 of the Planning and Zoning Commission for a two year term of office
to expire on June 30, 1992. The motion carried.
Personnel Evaluation (Agenda Item XIII -B)
There was no action taken on this item.
Adjourn (Agenda Item XIV)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pyke and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem
Wolfe, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the
regular session of the Allen City Council at 9:05 p.m., on Thursday, July
5, 1990. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 19th day of July, 1990.
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4m Farmer, MAYOR