HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1991 - 01/17 - RegularI
JANUARY 17, 1991
Joe Farmer, Mayor
Council Members
Rex Womack (Arrived 6:55 p.m.)
Mickey Christakos
Bobby Glass
Jim Wolfe, Mayor Pro Tem (Absent)
Alan Fyke
Gary Edstrom
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Judy Morrison, City Secretary
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the workshop session of the Allen
City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 6:47 p.m. on Thursday, January 17,
1991, in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen,
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regular Agenda Items (Agenda Item II)
Mayor Farmer began the review of the Consent Agenda items. Rhoda Savage,
Director of Parks and Recreation, distributed a Request for Proposal (RFP) on the
development program for the Special Use Facility recently acquired by the City of Allen.
The Park Board is aware of the RFP but has not seen the final product for thorough
review. The Development Committee has not seen this RFP until this time. The Parks and
Wildlife Department will be notified of development intentions. A pre-bid meeting will be
held to answer any questions regarding the development program. The acceptance process
of the RFP's should take about 30 days. Since the Council has not had time to review this
document, it will be pulled from the consent agenda and handled as a separate item. There
was no further discussion on this item.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, discussed an item for payment to
SWA Group for reimbursable fees on Main Street Phase 2l3 landscaping in the amount of
$271.33. This payment will conclude payment on that particular project. There was no
further discussion on this item.
JANUARY 17, 1991 PAGE 2
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regular Agenda Items (Cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
Discussion took place regarding the city's portion of right-of-way cost for widening
U.S. 75 from Spring Creek to Bethany. There was no further discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VI, Citizen's Comments. Several citizens may
be present with comments regarding the item dealing with solid waste. There was no
further discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VII, Present Plaque -of -Appreciation to Rick
Allen of the Parks and Recreation Board. Mr. Allen is expected to be present for the
regular meeting. There was no further discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VIII, Employee Tenure Pins and Certificates.
Becci Maffioli is expected to be present for the regular meeting. There was no further
discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item IX, Presentation by County Judge, Ron Harris,
on Proposed County Jail Facilities. The presentation is expected to be approximately 45
minutes and will include Glen Renfro and Terry Box. There was no further discussion on
this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item X, Tabled Items. These items are not ready to
be removed from the table at this time. There was no further discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XI, Items Related to Solid Waste Collection:
Resolution Amending Existing Contract with BFI Waste Systems of McKinney. Michael
Stanger, Assistant to the City Manager, distributed revised contract amendments and
discussed them with the Council. The Services Committee has reviewed this contract in
detail. There was no further discussion on this item.
Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XI, Items Related to Solid Waste Collection:
Ordinance Setting Rates and Prescribing Times for Placement. Mr. Stanger distributed an
updated Ordinance to the Council including some very recent changes. These changes
were discussed with the Council. Concern was raised regarding the hours prescribed for
placement of trash. The cost of services includes disposal fees, pick-up charges, and
administrative fees. There was no further discussion on this item.
With no further discussion on the agenda, the workshop session of the Allen City
Council was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 17, 1991.
With a quorum of the Council Members present, the regular session of the Allen City
Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 7:35 p.m. on Thursday, January 17, 1991,
in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
' JANUARY 17, 1991 PAGE 3
(Agenda Item V)
Staff requested that Item D, Approve the Scope of Work and Authorize Solicitation
of Proposals for a Design Consultant for Special Use Facility, be removed from the Consent
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Fyke and seconded by Councilman Glass,
the Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve and adopt all
items on the Consent Agenda as recommended and as follows:
A. Approval of City Council Minutes of January 3, 1991 -
Regular Session.
B. Authorize city staff to pay bills associated with
the 1985 Capital
Improvement Program as follows:
1. Foxworth Galbraith
For: Wood - Keith Drive Overlay
1985 Street Bond Funds
Period: Thru December 10, 1990
2. J & H Trucking Company
For: Trucking - Keith Drive Overlay
1985 Street Bond Funds
Period: Thru December 16, 1990
3. Industrial International
For: Inlet Covers - Keith Drive
1985 Street Bond Funds
Period: Thru December 26, 1990
4. Texas Contractor
For: Bundle of Stacks - Nos 4 and 10
1985 Street Bond Funds
Period: Thru December 18, 1990
5. Industrial International
For: Pipe -Keith Drive
1985 Street Bond Funds
Period: Thru December 28, 1990
6. Lattimore Ready Mix
For: Base - Keith Drive
1985 Street Bond Funds
Period: Thru December 28, 1990
JANUARY 17, 1991 PAGE 4
(Agenda Item V)
Home Depot Commercial Account
For: Door Stops - Lucas Telemetry II
1985 Water and Sewer Bond Funds
Period: Thru January 9, 1991
Harrod & Associates
For: Gradall @ $65.00/hour for 19.5
1985 Street Bond Funds
Period: November 30 - December 8, 1990
Joe Barton King
For: Architectural Specs - Old Library
1985 Library Bond Funds
Period: Thru January 11, 1991
Tony Trioa
For: Miscellaneous Repairs - Old Library
1985 Library Bond Funds
Period: Thru January 2, 1991
Dealer's Electric
For: Hardware - Lucas Telemetry II
1985 Water and Sewer Bond Funds
Period: Thru January 4, 1991
J & H Trucking Company
For: Hauling - Keith Drive
1985 Street Bond Funds
Period: Thru December 26, 1990
Lattimore Materials
For: Kenefic - Keith Drive
1985 Street Bond Funds
Period: Thru January 7, 1991
Rodney Liljestrand
For: Miscellaneous Repairs - Old Library
1985 Library Bond Funds
Period: Thru January 14, 1991
Rodney Liljestrand
For: Miscellaneous Repairs - Old Library
1985 Library Bond Funds
Period: Thru January 4, 1991
JANUARY 17, 1991 PAGE 5
CONSENT AGENDA (Cont'd) (Agenda Item V)
16. Industrial International, Inc $384.75
For: Pipe - Keith Drive and Walmart
1985 Street Bond Funds
Period: Thru December 20, 1990
17. Decorette $794.00
For: Mini Blinds and Rod Socks - Old
1985 Library Bond Funds
Period: Thru January 15, 1991
18. Farris Concrete Company $297.00
For: Six Yards of #3500 - Keith Drive
1985 Street Bond Funds
Period: Thru January 8, 1991
19. SWA Group $271.33
For: Reimbursable Fees - Main Street
Phases II & III Landscaping
1985 Street Bond Funds
Period: Thru December, 1990
C. Authorize Expenditure of $500 as City's Portion of Right -of -Way Acquisition
for Widening of U.S. 75 from Spring Creek to Bethany Drive.
The motion carried.
End of Consent Agenda
Citizens' Comments (Agenda Item VI)
Robert Butcher, 926 Rivercrest, Allen, spoke before the council regarding the item
for Council consideration regarding solid waste. He expressed concern regarding the short
notification period of agenda items for consideration. Mr. Butcher expressed his
disappointment that there is no provision in the contract for the issue of recycling. Mr.
Butcher expressed concern regarding the rate structure and the trash receptacle
requirements. He asked that this matter be delayed for further consideration regarding
the issues he brought before the Council.
Present Plaque -of -Appreciation to Rick Allen
of the Parks and Recreation Board (Agenda Item VII)
Mayor Farmer presented a plaque -of -appreciation to Rick Allen, Parks and
Recreation Board Member, June 1988 - January 1991 and extended the gratitude of the
Council for his service in this capacity.
JANUARY 17, 1991 PAGE 6
Employee Tenure Pins and Certificates (Agenda Item VIII)
Mayor Farmer presented a certificate of service and City Manager, Jon McCarty,
presented a tenure pin to the following city employee for fifteen years of service to the City
of Allen.
Rebecca Maffioli, Court Administration
Presentation by County Judge, Ron Harris,
on Proposed County Jail Facilities (Agenda Item IX)
County Judge Ron Harris, Facilities Manager Glen Renfro and County Sheriff Terry
Box presented information to the Council on the proposed Collin County jail facilities.
Future needs of the county were discussed, the site location and topography was examined
and the goals for the community, staff and inmates were addressed. The type of Facility
was reviewed, its capacity, structure and future build -out plans.
Return to Consent Agenda:
The Council returned to Item V -D, Approve the Scope
Solicitation of Proposals for a Design Consultant for Special Use
of Work and Authorize
Facility, which had been
removed from the Consent Agenda. City Manager
Jon McCarty briefly discussed the
Request for Proposal and what the time schedule will
be for this
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded by Councilman Glass,
the Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve the scope of
work for the Special Use Facility recently purchased by the City of Allen and
to authorize staff to solicit proposals for a design consultant for this Special
Use Facility, in accordance with staff recommendation. The motion carried.
Tabled Items:
Adoption of Proposed Personnel Policies
and Procedures Manual (Agenda Item X -A)
This item was not removed from the table.
Freeport Amendment (Agenda Item X -B)
This item was not removed from the table.
JANUARY 17, 1991
Items Related to Solid Waste Collection:
Resolution Amending Existing Contract with
BFI Waste Systems of McKinney (Agenda Item XI -A)
Resolution No. 1017-1-91(R): AResolution of
the City Council of the City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas, Authorising Amendments to
the City's Solid Waste Contract with
Browning-Ferris Industries of McKinney,
Tom Replogle, Vice President of Browning-Ferris Industries, Inc. addressed certain
issues regarding the contract that had been raised during the Citizen's Comments portion
of the agenda.
Due to recent membership in the North Texas Municipal Water District for solid waste
disposal, amendments are necessary to the City's contract with BFI Waste Systems
concerning cost, billing procedures, operations and recycling programs. These
amendments were discussed by Michael Stanger, Assistant to the City Manager.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Glass and seconded by Councilwoman
Christakos, the Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve
Resolution No. 1017-1-91(R) as previously captioned, authorizing amendments
to the City's solid waste contract with Browning-Ferris Industries, as
recommended by the Services Committee. The motion carried.
Ordinance Setting Rates and Prescribing
Times for Placement (Agenda Item XI -B)
Ordinance No. 1018-1-91: An Ordinance of
the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
Amending the City of Allen Code of
Ordinances, Chapter 6, "Health and
Environment," Article III, "Solid Waste,"
Section 6-51, "Definitions," Section 6-57,
"Residential Collection-Generally,"Section6-
58, "Same -Fees," and Section 6-60, "Same -
Fees," by Approving Rate Increases and
Adopting an Exhibit "A" and Attaching to and
Made a Part of Said Ordinance; and Providing
for an Effective Date.
An ordinance is necessary to change solid waste rates to customers. Medical waste
is an issue to be researched in the future and dealt with at a later time. Discussion was
held regarding the problem of strewn trash prior to pick-up by BFI. It was suggested,
however, to find an alternative to the prescribed times for placement of trash at residential
JANUARY 17, 1991
Ordinance Setting Rates and Prescribing
Times for Placement (Cont'd) (Agenda Item XI -B)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded by Councilman Fyke,
the Council voted six (6)for and none (0) opposed to adopt Ordinance No.
1018-1-91, as previously captioned, eliminating Section 2 regarding placement
of trash at the curb -line or alley -side no earlier than 7:00 p.m. the night
before and no later than 7:00 a.m. the day of scheduled garbage collection,
and making necessary adjustments to the numbering of the sections
subsequent to Section 2. The motion carried.
Council took a short recess from 9:05 to 9:12 p.m.
Presentation by Hunter and Associates on
Development Impact Fees (Agenda Item XII)
Sohn Freibele with Hunter and Associates presented an overview of the procedural
steps involved with the development impact fee process. Mr. Freibele discussed the
�r development of the land use assumptions, the capital improvement plan and finally, the
actual impact fee calculations. He reviewed the stipulations of the Texas Senate regarding
the appointment of an advisory committee, public hearings and the final adoption by
Ordinance of the impact fee schedule. The functions of the advisory committee are:
1. Advise and assist the political subdivision in adopting land use assumptions
2. Review the capital improvements plan and file written comments with the City
3. Monitor and evaluate implementation of the capital improvements plan.
4. File semi-annual reports on progress of the capital improvements plan and report to
the political subdivision any perceived inequities in implementing the plan or
imposing the impact fees.
5. Advise the political subdivision of the need to update or revise the land use
assumptions, capital improvements plan and impact fees.
There was no action taken on this item.
Award Bid, Authorize Contract and Approve Budget
for Allen Cemetery Renovation and Construction (Agenda Item XIII)
Three bids were received in conjunction with the Allen Cemetery improvement
project. Fogus Construction Company was low bid and their work history and quality of
JANUARY 17, 1991 PAGE 9
Award Bid, Authorize Contract and Approve Budget
for Allen Cemetery Renovation and Construction (Cont'd) (Agenda Item XIII)
services were confirmed by all references to be acceptable. The budget for this project
is $10,198 from the Cemetery Association plus $39,306 of park interest earned money.
Base Bid
TOTAL 47 786
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded by Councilman Fyke,
the Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to award the bid and
authorize a contract with Fogus Construction Company for renovation of the
Allen City Cemetery to include the base bid plus all alternates for a total of
$41,250 and approve the cemetery renovation budget, in accordance with
Development Committee recommendation. The motion carried.
Accept Resignation of Bruce Kleinschmidt,
Place No. 4, Sign Control Board
(Agenda Item XIV)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilwoman Christakos and seconded by Councilman
Glass, the Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to accept the
resignation of Bruce Kleinschmidt, Place No. 4, Sign Control Board. The
motion carried.
Consider Capital Improvement Projects for
Fiscal Year 1990-91 Using Remaining Bond Funds (Agenda Item XV)
There are no Capital Improvement Projects for FY 1990-91 under consideration at this
Other Business:
Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet
(Agenda Item XVI -A)
Those Council Members interested in attending the Allen Chamber of Commerce
annual banquet are to contact Judy Morrison for reservation details.
JANUARY 17, 1991
Calendar (Agenda Item XVI -B)
The Comprehensive Plan Review Committee Meeting has been scheduled for 7:00
p.m., January 23.
Committee Reports (Agenda Item XVI -C)
There were no committee reports.
Items of Interest (Agenda Item XVI -D)
There were no items of interest for the Council.
Executive Session (Agenda Item XVII)
In accordance with Article 6252-17, V.A.T.C.S. (Open Meetings Law),
Sections 2(f) and 2(g), the Allen City Council convened into Executive Session at 9:40
p. m. in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas
in order to discuss matters pertaining to Lease Contract on Texins Property and
Appointment of an Advisory Committee.
The Executive Session was adjourned at 10:03 p.m.
Reconvene (Agenda Item XVIII)
The Allen City Council reconvened into regular session at 10:03 p. M. on Thursday,
January 17, 1991, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex.
Lease Contract on Texins Property
(Agenda Item XVII -A)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Glass and seconded by Councilman Womack,
the Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to authorize the City
Manager to enter into an agreement with Eric and Laura Brown for
maintenance of the Allen Special Use Facility through September 30, 1991.
The motion carried.
Appointment of an Advisory Committee
(Agenda Item XVII -B)
There was no action taken on the appointment of an advisory committee.
Adjou (Agenda Item XIX)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilwoman Christakos and seconded by Councilman
Fyke, the Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the
regular session of the Allen City Council at 10:10 p.m., on Thursday,
January 17, 1991. The motion carried.
JANUARY 17, 1991 PAGE 11
These minutes approved on the 7th day of February, 1991.
Jq6 Farmer, MAYOR