HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1991 - 05/02 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MAY 2, 1991 Present: Joe Farmer, Mayor Council Members: Rex Womack, Mayor Pro Tem (Absent) Mickey Christakos Bobby Glass (Absent) Mike Nichols Alan Fyke Gary Edstrom City Staff: Jon McCarty, City Manager Judy Morrison, City Secretary WORKSHOP SESSION - 6:45 P.M. With a quorum of the Council Members present, the workshop session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 6:50 p.m. on Thursday, May 2, 1991, in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Discussion of Consent Agenda and Regular Agenda Items (Agenda Item II) Mayor Farmer began the review of the Consent Agenda items. Mayor Farmer discussed the new public meeting appearance card for use at the Council meetings. This card is available for citizens attending the meeting along with the agendas. The quarterly financial report has been placed on the consent agenda since Charlotte Smith, Finance Director, is not available for comment. Due to the low interest rates, the interest revenues show a $70,000 shortfall at this time. A special called session to canvass the Council election will be held on May 9, 1991. Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VI, Citizens' Comments. One citizen is expected to comment on upkeep of an easement by the City of Allen. Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VII, Oaths of Office and Certificates of Appointment to Newly Appointed Members of Various City Boards. Judy Morrison, City Secretary, indicated that everyone would be attending this evening. Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item VIII, Present Plaque of Appreciation to Lonnie Thomas, Board of Adjustment. Lonnie will be present for the recognition. I ALLEN CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MAY 2, 1991 PAGE 2 Discussion of Consent Agenda and Regular Agenda Items (Cont'd) (Agenda Item II) Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item IX, Public Hearing on Request to Annex a 49.562 Acre Tract of Land Located at the N.E. Intersection of Allen Heights Drive and Bethany Road, as Requested by Parks Department. No one is expected to comment on this annexation request. Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item X, Legislative Update. Michael Stanger, Assistant to the City Manager, has been ill and will not be present for the update. Discussion was held regarding a new home child care item which is before the Legislature and how this might affect the City of Allen. Discussion was also held regarding a bill dealing with solicitation of funds in the workplace for charity organizations. Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XI -A, Other Business: 9-1-1 Equipment. Richard Carroll, Chief of Police, will discuss certain equipment requirements for the 9-1-1 service. Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XI -B, Other Business: Calendar. Additions were made to the calendar at this time. Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XI -C, Other Business: Subcommittee Reports. These reports will be handled during the regular session. Mayor Farmer reviewed Agenda Item XI -D, Other Business: Items of Interest. It was agreed that the Council would consider more thoroughly the agriculture exemption for the City of Allen. It was suggested that Jimmy Honea from the Central Appraisal District appear at an upcoming meeting to discuss this item. With no further discussion on the agenda, the workshop session of the Allen City Council was adjourned at 7:29 p.m. on Thursday, May 2, 1991. REGULAR SESSION - 7:30 P.M. With a quorum of the Council Members present, the regular session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 7:31 p. m. on Thursday, May 2, 1991, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. CONSENT AGENDA (Agenda Item V) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Edstrom and seconded by Councilman Nichols, the Council voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as recommended and as follows: A. Approval of City Council Minutes of April 18, 1991 - Regular Session. B. Authorize city staff to pay bills associated with the 1985 Capital Improvement Program as follows: I ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MAY 2, 1991 CONSENT AGENDA (Cont'd) PAGE 3 (Agenda Item V) 1. Prime Equipment $115.71 For: Air Compressor Rental 1985 Street Bond Funds Period: Thru March 20, 1991 2. Farris Concrete $139.50 For: Concrete - Keith Drive 1985 Street Bond Funds Period: Thru April 11, 1991 3. Texas Contractors $138.64 For: Materials for Weir 1985 Street Bond Funds Period: Thru April 1, 1991 Quarterly Financial Report. Set May 9, 1991 for Called Special Session of Council to Canvass May 4, 1991, Council Election. E. Approve Public Appearance Card for use at Council Meetings. The motion carried. End of Consent Agenda Citizens' Comments (Agenda Item VI) Roslyn Rood, 1201 Crestwood Court, Allen, Texas, spoke before the Council regarding an easement that has not been maintained properly by the City of Allen. She had concern regarding the safety of children playing in the area and also property values declining because of the unkept conditions of this lot. Alan Grimes, 406 Azalea, Allen, Texas, spoke before the Council regarding Story Park. He was concerned with the drainage of the park and the lack of turf. Mr. Grimes indicated he felt the City of Allen should maintain the parks they have before addressing new areas to be used as parks in the City of Allen. Oaths of Office and Certificates of Appointment to Newly Appointed Members of Various City Boards (Agenda Item VII) City Secretary, Judy Morrison, administered oaths of office to the following newly appointed members to fill vacancies of various city boards: i I ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MAY 2, 1991 PAGE 4 Oaths of Office and Certificates of Appointment to Newly Appointed Members of Various City Boards (Cont'd) (Agenda Item VII) Jeffery Kelley Planning and Zoning Commission Place No. 7 Expiration Date: June 30, 1992 Pollyann Winslow Sign Control Board Place No. 4 Expiration Date: September 30, 1992 Lonnie Thomas Parks and Recreation Board Place No. 6 Expiration Date: September 30, 1991 Mayor Farmer presented certificates of appointment to each newly appointed member on the various boards. Present Plaque of Appreciation to Lonnie Thomas, Board of Adjustment (Agenda Item VIII) Mayor Farmer presented a plaque of appreciation to Lonnie Thomas for his years of service with the Board of Adjustment, September 1988 to April 1991, and extended the gratitude of the Council for his service in this capacity. Public Hearing and Service Plan Review (Agenda Item EK) Public Hearin ¢: Request to Agnea a 49.562 Acre Tract of Land Located at the N.E. Intersection of Allen Heights Drive and Bethany Road, as Requested by Parks Department. The Allen Parks Department has recently acquired this property called the Special Use Facility which has been in Allen's ETJ. Since this will be a city park, the Allen Parks Department has requested that this piece of property be annexed into the city of Allen at this time. Mayor Farmer opened the public hearing and asked for anyone speaking either for or against the request to do so at this time. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MAY 2, 1991 PAGE 5 Public Hearing and Service Plan Review (Cont'd) (Agenda Item UC) With no one speaking either for or against the request, Mayor Farmer closed the public hearing. There was no action taken on this item this evening. The annexation ordinance will be considered for adoption on June 6, 1991, by the Allen City Council. Legislative Update (Agenda Item X) The Council requested more information regarding certain bills before the Legislature. Those included Home Child Care and Solicitation of Funds in the Workplace. Action has been taken by the City Council with regard to school districts having access to criminal information on new applicants. Other Business: 9-1-1 Equipment (Agenda Item XI -A) Police Chief, Richard Carroll, discussed with the Council the need for additional 9-1-1 Equipment in order to make the console a hands-free operation. The cost of this new equipment should be covered through a request to the Council of Governments and will be paid for out of 9-1-1 funds. Calendar (Agenda Item XI -B) The following dates were brought to the Councils attention: May 5 Cemetery Dedication, 2:00 p.m. May 7 Remove Services Subcommittee Meeting, 11:00 - 1:00 p.m. May 11 Special Basketball Practice, 10:30 a.m. (Reed Gymnasium) May 17 Special Basketball Game, 7:00 p.m. (Allen High School) May 19 Retirement Reception for Walter Curtis, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. (Library) May 23 United Way, 7:30 a.m. (City Hall) June 11 Quarterly Subcommittee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. (City Hall) Committee Reports • Finance/Administration: None • Services Committee: None • Development: (Agenda Item XI -C) �;, A meeting will be held next week to discuss the Special Use Facility. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MAY 2, 1991 Committee Reports (Cont'd) • Economic Development: PAGE 6 (Agenda Item XI -C) Discussions are being held regarding the Fact Book and the new business visitation program. Items of Interest (Agenda Item XI -D) Jimmy Honea with the Central Appraisal District will be contacted to review with the Council the agricultural exemption available in the City of Allen. Adjourn (Agenda Item XII) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Fyke and seconded by Councilwoman Christakos, the Council voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council at 8:22 p.m., on Thursday, May 2. 1991. The motion carried. These minutes approved on the 16th day of May, 1991. ATTEST: Jt#y MoMson, CITY SECRETARY 11 APPROVED: �d.e �Cac`�•r-� $oe Farmer, MAYOR