HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1993 - 01/07 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 7, 1993 Present: Joe Farmer, Mayor Councilmembers: Kevin Lilly, Mayor Pro Tem Mickey Christakos David Bishop Mike Nichols Steve Terrell Sharon Hamner City Star : Jon McCarty, City Manager Judy Morrison, City Secretary DINNER AND WORKSHOP SESSION - 6:15 P.M. With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, dinner and the workshop session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 6:35 p.m. on Thursday, January 7, 1993, in the Lunch Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Discussion of Consent Agenda and Regular Agenda Items (Agenda Item 10 There was no discussion on the consent agenda items Discussion was held regarding Agenda Item VII, Council Committee Reports. The Finance/Administration, Development and Services Subcommittee had no reports since they had meetings scheduled in the near future. The Mayor's Subcommittee discussed the finalization of the TRW contract, AISD bond election and city involvement by adoption of a resolution in support of the bond election as it enhances public service and the quality of life in the City of Allen, the Special Olympics, and long-term CIP planning. It was indicated that individual councilmembers support and involvement in the AISD bond project was not in conflict with the city's interests. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION JANUARY 7, 1993 PAGE 2 Discussion was held regarding Agenda Item VIII, Citizen's Comments. There was no indication whether anyone would be present at the meeting this evening. Discussion was held regarding Agenda Item IX, Consider Revisions to the Parks Board Ordinance. Additional information was distributed to the Council regarding the ordinance and the specific changes on the ordinance as revisions to the Park Board ordinance. Discussion was held regarding the need to address the Park Board specifically for a special permit for an overnight stay in the park. Discussion was also held regarding the difference between the overnight stay and an extended stay past the curfew hours. It was felt that the Park Board should be charged with developing rules and regulations in these instances but those rules and regulations would specify the particulars of the special permit. Discussion was held regarding Agenda Item X, Consider Awarding Contract for Parks Ball Field Lighting Upgrades. Only one bid was received on the rebid process for ball field lighting upgrades. Staff is recommending that the bid be accepted with the additional money budgeted to be used by Staff for upgrades on Hillside. An electrical lighting expert is available for technical questions from the Council this evening. With no further discussion on the agenda, the workshop session of the Allen City Council was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. on Thursday, January 7, 1993. REGULAR SESSION - 7:30 P.M. With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the regular session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 7:36 p.m. on Thursday, January 7, 1993, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. CONSENT AGENDA (Agenda Item VI) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Lilly and seconded by Councilmember Bishop, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as recommended and as follows: A. Approve of City Council Minutes of December 17, 1992 - Regular Session. B. Authorize city staff to pay bills associated with the 1985 Capital Improvement Program as follows: 1. Arjang Electric Systems, Inc. $47,082.89 For: Bethany/Jupiter Traffic Signal 1985 Street Bond Funds Period: Thm November 30, 1992 E ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 7, 1993 PAGE 3 2. Cummings & Pewitt, Inc. $ 2,558.00 For: Engineering Chaparral Sewer 1985 Water & Sewer Bond Funds Period: Thru November 30, 1992 3. Hunter Associates, Inc. $ 650.00 For: Preparation of Plans for Bethany/Jupiter Traffic Signal 1985 Street Bond Funds Period: Thru December 15, 1992 4 Cummings & Pewitt, Inc. $ 195.53 For: Engineering Printing & Reproduction FM 2170 Utility Relocation 1985 Water & Sewer Bond Funds Period: Thru December 30, 1992 5. After Hours Plumbing $ 165.00 For: Install Faucet and Valve Box at Old Police Building for Renovation Interest Earned Bond Funds Period: December 12, 1992 6. Acquisition Associates For: Appraisal/Review for Parcels 23,24,30,31,5,6,15,18A,18B, and 1/2 Pay for Acquisition on Parcels 23,24,30,31 for FM 2170 East ROW Acquisition 1985 Street Bond Funds Period: Thru January 7, 1993 The motion carried. $22,840.00 End of Consent Agenda Council Committee Reports (Agenda Item VII) Mayor Farmer welcomed Joe Bilbo with TU Electric to the City of Allen. He will be replacing James Nelson who was transferred to East Texas. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 7, 1993 Finance/Administration: A meeting is scheduled for January 19th. Services: A meeting is scheduled for January 8th. Development: A meeting is scheduled for January 13th. A meeting is scheduled for January 18th with the Zoning Ordinance Review. Mayor's: PAGE 4 ■ TRW Developments -- Contracts Fully Executed ■ AISD Bond Election -- City Involvement ■ Special Olympics -- April 16 and 17 ■ Long term CIP planning to include Fire Station/Training Facility/Parks/City Hall Citizen's Comments (Agenda Item VIII) There were no citizen's comments. Consider Revisions to the Parks Board Ordinance (Agenda Item IX) Rhoda Savage, Parks and Recreation Director, spoke before the Council regarding proposed revisions to the Allen Code of Ordinances. The changes would provide a more efficient method for establishing and updating park rules and regulations, remove public school playgrounds from the definition of public park, allow overnight activities with special permission, update the park curfew, and authorize the Park Board to allow concession and/or food sales in parks. Ordinance No. 1152-1-93: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Amending Ordinances Nos. 172 and 697-5-86 and Chapter 11, "Parks and Recreation," of the Allen Code of Ordinances as Follows: Section 11-21 of Article U, "Parks and Recreation Board," Relative to the Regulation of City Park and Recreation Facilities, Section 11-36 of Article III, "Use of ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 7, 1993 PAGE 5 Public Parks," Redefining "Public Park," and Section 11-39 of Article III, "Use of Public Parks," Relative to the Acts Prohibited Within a Public Park; Providing a Severability Clause; and Providing for an Effective Date. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Bishop and seconded by Councilmember Christakos, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve Ordinance 1152-1-93 with Section 11-39, Subsection 11 and 12 to contain a period after "obtained" and delete the rest of the sentence, as previously captioned and in accordance with Staff, Services Subcommittee and Parks and Recreation Board recommendation. The motion carried. Consider Awarding Contract for Parks Ball Field Lighting Upgrades (Agenda Item X) Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation, spoke before the Council regarding the upgrades for sports lighting. One bid was received by Boone Electric Company for upgrades to Bethany j and Jupiter Park sport lights. Jupiter Field's bid ($19,965) utilizes existing poles but includes SII replacement of the existing lights and electrical system. Bethany lakes improvements ($19,240) includes replacement of existing features and reworking the electrical system so that it is functional and meets city code. Staff is proposing to use the additional monies previously authorized by Council with the total budget of $63,800 to upgrade the ballfield lights at Hillside. The amount remaining is $24,595 for upgrades to be used for Hillside sports lighting. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Lilly and seconded by Councilmember Terrell, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to authorize Staff to award the bid for Jupiter sport lights and Bethany Lakes sport lights upgrades to Boone Electric Company for $19,965 for Jupiter ballfields and $19,240 for Bethany Lakes fields and authorizing Staff the use of the previously budgeted monies for ballfield upgrades of $24,595 to upgrade Hillside fields for a total budget of $63,800. The motion carried. Other Business Calendar (Agenda Item XI) (Agenda Item XI -A) (� Council was reminded of the Chamber Banquet on Saturday, February 6th, beginning at 6:00 j p.m. with dinner served at 7:30 p.m. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 7, 1993 PAGE 6 CIIP (Agenda Item XI -B) City Secretary Judy Morrison reviewed the most recent CIIP format. General topics of discussion, who presented those topics, the number of people involved in the meetings, the format with holiday snacks and music and other miscellaneous details were discussed. Items of Interest (Agenda Item XI -C) ■ Council was reminded of the TML 1993 Legislative briefing and luncheon to be held at the Austin Marriott on Monday, February 8. Those individuals interested in attending this briefing are to contact the City Manager so that arrangements may be made for the trip to Austin. ■ Council reviewed the TML Resolution document and discussion was held regarding Allen's home rule perspective on such items as the Airport Board. This item will specifically be addressed by the Council in the future. ■ City Secretary Judy Morrison presented to the Council an update of the micrographics program in her office. She reminded the Council that two years ago at spring planning session she expressed a concern that the City was not "backed -up" in case of disaster or emergency. She was especially concerned about her office which contained much of the archival history for the City of Allen. She reviewed with the Council that all the minutes, ordinances and resolutions, budgets, audits, and all City board minutes have been microfilmed and copies have been stored off-site with one entire copy being presented to the library for citizen access during the time the library is open. Council expressed pleasure and congratulated the City Secretary on the accomplishment. ■ The City Manager asked the City Council to set a public hearing date for the establishment of an enterprise zone at their next meeting to be held January 21, 1993. Council was in agreement with this action. Executive Session (Agenda Item XII) In accordance with Article 6252-17, V.A.T.C.S. (Open Meetings Law), Section 2(g), the Allen City Council convened into Executive Session at 8:23 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas in order to discuss matters pertaining to considering appointments of Municipal Judge and Alternate Judge. 1 The Executive Session was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 7, 1993 Reconvene PAGE 7 (Agenda Item XIm The Allen City Council reconvened into regular session at 10:01 p.m. on Thursday, January 7, 1993, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Lilly and seconded by Councilmember Terrell, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to appoint Linda Christiansen as Municipal Court Judge and Cathy Haden as Alternate Municipal Court Judge for the City of Allen. The motion carried. Adjourn (Agenda Item XIV) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Christakos and seconded by Councilmember Nichols, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council at 10:03 p.m., on Thursday, January 7, 1993. The motion carried. These minutes approved on the 21st day of January , 1993. ATTEST: J y Mo icon, CITY SECRETARY 0 APPROVED: Yoe Farmer, MAYOR