HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1992 - 01/22 - WorkshopMINUTES SPECIAL CALLED WORKSHOP QUARTERLY SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING ALLEN CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 22, 1992 Present: Joe Farmer, Mayor CouncBmembers• Kevin Lilly Mickey Christakos David Bishop Mike Nichols Steve Terrell Gary Edstrom, Mayor Pro Tem City Staff: Jon McCarty, City Manager Dave Whitehead, Director of Public Works Bill Petty, Director of Community Development SPECIAL CALLED WORKSHOP SESSION - 7:30 P.M. (AGENDA ITEM I) With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the special called workshop session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 22, 1992, in the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Mayor Farmer reviewed the agenda and asked Councilmembers and Staff to list the items that should be discussed at this meeting. That list included the following topics. 1. FM2170 East Construction Schedule. 2. North Texas Municipal Water District request for resolution in support of conversion of the McKinney landfill to a regional landfill. 3. Response to City of Fairview's request for Allen to provide ambulance service. 4. One-half cent sales tax election. 5. Communications from InteCom. 6. Distribution of the Comprehensive Plan. SPECIAL CALLED WORKSHOP QUARTERLY SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 22, 1992 PAGE 2 7. Council policies regarding General Fund Balance forward and General Obligation Bond interest earned. 8. Buckingham Estates. 9. Stormwater utility fees. 10. Park dedication ordinance. 11. Allen Civic Plaza. 12. Teen Center. Council agreed that they would discuss as many as possible but understood that they could not fully address all of these issues. Council also agreed to the following order of items. Subcommittee Reports (Agenda Item II) FM2170 East Construction Schedule (Development Subcommittee): Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, presented a handout that included project description, cross section, budget and schedule. Dave Whitehead, Director of Public Works, presented information regarding utility relocations and a detailed project schedule. Jon McCarty, City Manager, reviewed the requirements for issuance of general obligation bonds to finance this project. As a result of the discussion, Staff will bring forward to the Council documents to accomplish the following: A. Council agrees to proceed with the construction schedule on FM2170 East from State Highway 5 to Allen Heights Drive as presented by Staff. B. Staff will bring forward contracts and other documents allowing Staff to proceed with design and financing for the utility relocations to include moving all of the utilities required by the State Highway Department so that maintenance for that roadway will be the responsibility of the State Highway Department. C. Staff to bring forward contract and other documentation engaging an acquisition consultant and begin the right-of-way appraisal process. D. Staff will begin a detailed review of providing an underpass for pedestrian traffic in the vicinity of Fountain Park Drive and Rountree Elementary School. E. Staff will petition the State Highway Department to review the intersection of FM2170, Hillside Lane and Fountain Gate Drive for installation of a traffic signal. SPECIAL CALLED WORKSHOP QUARTERLY SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 22, 1992 PAGE 3 The Council decided to hold a workshop as part of the regular meeting on February 6, 1992, to review the Financing package for this project and the City's position regarding both general obligation and revenue bonds. NTMWD Solid Waste Request (Services Subcommittee): It was reported that Mayor Pro Tem Gary Edstrom would represent the City Council at a Public Hearing to be held on February 5, 1992. It was reported that the Mayor Pro Tem will be speaking in favor of the District's request for a permit and site development plan for the McKinney Landfill to become a regional landfill. Fairview Ambulance Request (Services Subcommittee): Jon McCarty reported that he and Fire Chief Ron Gentry had met with Mayor Leahray Wroten of Fairview to explain why the City of Allen at this time could not provide ambulance service to the City of Fairview. One-half Cent Sales Tax Issues (Economic Development Subcommittee): The Council discussed forms of demonstrations of appreciation for all of the volunteers who worked on the successful 1/2 cent sales tax election. Mayor Farmer agreed to write a "Letter to the Editor" to appear in the Allen American and then give a short speech at the planned reception for those who worked on Sales Tax Election. Communication from InteCom (Economic Development Subcommittee): Jon McCarty made the Council aware of a copy of a memorandum sent to all InteCom employees explaining that the company would begin actively seeking a buyer for all of the InteCom property, including 80 acres of land and the buildings. The memorandum explained that the facility was too large for the existing operation and that a smaller facility would give the company some additional competitive advantages. The memo went on to state that InteCom would not move until a suitable purchaser for the existing site had been found. Council commented that no one had heard or were aware of this decision by InteCom until this report. The Mayor agreed to make contact with the President of InteCom and seek clarifications. Comprehensive Plan (Development Subcommittee): Mayor Pro Tem Edstrom reported that a copy of the draft Comprehensive Plan would be sent to Council in the upcoming Council packet and the Development Subcommittee would be reviewing the document in detail and recommending action by the Council. Policies on Reserve and Interest Earned Funds (Finance/Administration Subcommittee): Councilmember Nichols agreed to have this item come back before the Finance/ Administration Subcommittee for possible policy recommendations to the Council regarding these subjects. SPECIAL CALLED WORKSHOP QUARTERLY SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 22, 1992 PAGE 4 Buckingham Estates (Development Subcommittee): Mayor Pro Tem Edstrom stated that staff had presented a series of problems associated with the redevelopment of Buckingham Estates and also presented a solution to those problems. Essentially, the problems are related to providing adequate water, sewer and street improvements in an area previously platted on which individual homes are now being built. Stormwater Utility Fees (Development Subcommittee): Mayor Pro Tem Edstrom reported that the United States Environmental Protection Agency had issued regulations regarding stormwater quality and that staff was reviewing existing development policies with the goal of improving water quality and also the possibility of the imposition of a utility fee to assist in making improvements to the stormwater system, thereby improving the stormwater runoff quality. Park Dedication Ordinance (Development Subcommittee): Mayor Pro Tem Edstrom reviewed the proposed ordinance and Council asked ���+++ staff to provide a copy of the ordinance as well as a memo summarizing the ordinance well in advance of February 20, 1992, meeting at which time Council will consider adoption of the ordinance. Allen Civic Plaza (Mayor's Subcommittee): Mayor Farmer reported that he intends to meet with staff and other concerned individuals to formulate a plan for Council action regarding the Civic Plaza construction. Teen Center (No Subcommittee Assigned): The Mayor requested that the staff prepare a study looking at what possibilities exist for providing a Teen Center in Allen. Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item III) • Council wants staff to petition the State Highway Department to install a three-way stop at FM2170 and the west frontage road of US75. A review of the City's participation in the ASAP program was assigned to the Mayor's subcommittee. • Council asked to review the articles in the McKinney paper on the City of Allen's 1/2 cent sales tax election. Set Next Meeting Date (Agenda Item IV) • The date was not set for the next meeting. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL CALLED SESSION ELECTION CANVASS JANUARY 22, 1992 Present: Joe Farmer, Mayor Councilmembers: Kevin Lilly Mickey Christakos David Bishop Mike Nichols Steve Terrell Gary Edstrom, Mayor Pro Tem City Staff• Jon McCarty, City Manager Judy Morrison, City Secretary Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present (Agenda Item I) With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the special called session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 7:12 p. m. on Wednesday, January 22, 1992, in the Council Chamber of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Canvass of Election Returns for the January 18, 1992 Special Election (Agenda Item II) City Secretary, Judy Morrison, reviewed for the City Council the election returns for the Special Election held on Saturday, January 18, 1992. Mrs. Morrison reviewed with the Council the hand-out materials which included a record of ballot distribution, summary of precinct returns, recent voting history, and voting statistics by precinct. The precinct returns verify the following results �I ALLEN CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL CALLED SESSION JANUARY 22, 1992 PAGE 2 ABSENTEE REGULAR TOTAL VOTES VOTES VOTES PROPOSITION NO. 1 CAST CAST CAST "FOR" 96 1016 1112 "AGAINST" 37 709 746 Consideration of a Resolution Declaring Results of the January 18, 1992 Special Election (Agenda Item III) Mayor Farmer advised the Council that the proposed resolution shows the total votes cast in the special election for and against Proposition No. 1, allowing for the adoption of a sales and use tax for the promotion and development of new and expanded business enterprises at the rate of 1/2 of one percent in the City of Allen. Resolution No. 1072-1-92(R): AResolution of the City Council of the City of Allen, Collin County Texas, Declaring the Results of the Special Election of the City of Allen Held on January 18, 1992. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Christakos and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Edstrom, the Council voted (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve and adopt Resolution No. 1072-1-92(R), as previously captioned. The motion carried. Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item IV) Mayor Farmer shared with the Council a congratulatory letter from Florence Shapiro, Mayor of the City of Plano. She indicated she was happy for the Council and the citizens of Allen and knew that the community will benefit greatly for years to come from the monumental decision to adopt the 1/2@ sales tax for economic development. Mayor Farmer also shared with the Council a letter in support of the 1/2t sales tax received from Walker House. Councilmember Christakos distributed a list of elected offices representing the City of Allen in the March 10, 1992 republican primary election. Mayor Farmer requested that the Assistant to the City Manager, Michael Stanger, update the Council regarding the outcome of the redistricting in Texas. Adjourn (Agenda Item V) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Nichols and seconded by Councilmember El Terrell, the Council voted (7) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the special called session of the Allen City Council at 7: 25 p.m., on Wednesday, January 22, 1992. The motion carried. C ALLEN CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL CALLED SESSION JANUARY 22, 1992 PAGE 3 These minutes approved on the 6th day of February , 1992. ATTEST: J dy MoWmn, CITY SECRETARY 11 APPROVED: .- !Ice Farmer, MAYOR SPECIAL CALLED WORKSHOP QUARTERLY SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 22, 1992 PAGE 5 Adjourn (Agenda Item V) The meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:25 p.m. These minutes approved on the 6th day of February , 1992. ATTEST: ilry MorPSOn, CITY SECRETARY 11 APPROVED: y6✓ dce Farmer, MAYOR