HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1993 - 11/29 - JointALLEN CITY COUNCIL AND ALLEN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOINT MEETING NOVEMBER 29, 1993 Present: Joe Farmer, Mayor Comtcilmembers: Board of Trustees: Kevin Lilly, Mayor Pro Tem Glenn Andrew, President Mickey Christakos Jim Kerr David Bishop Bob Martin Mike Nichols (absent) Danny Meek Steve Terrell (arrived at 7,40 p.m.) Worley Stein Sharon Hamner Imie Waller Chuck Williams City Staff: AISD Staff: Jon McCarty, City Manager Judy Morrison, City Secretary Gene Davenport, Superintendent Bill Petty, Director of Community Development Pat Campbell, Recording Secretary David Pitstick, Director of Economic Development Others Present: Lonnie Thomas, Chairman, Parks and Recreation Board Bob Curtis, Property Services Director DINNER - 6:30 P.M. The Council and Board members enjoyed dinner prior to the regular meeting. Call to Order and Announce a O tormn is Present (Agenda Item I) With a quorum of the Councilmembers and Board members present, the Joint Meeting of the Allen City Council and the Allen Independent School District Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Farmer and President Andrew at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, November 29, 1993, in the AISD Administration Building, 200 S. Cedar. Allen, Texas. I I ALLEN CITY COUNCIL/AISD JOINT MEETING NOVEMBER 29, 1993 PAGE 2 Authorize Negotiations to Enable Joint City/AISD Elections — Judy Morrison and Pat Campbell (Agenda Item II) Judy Morrison, City Secretary, and Pat Campbell, AISD Secretary to the Superintendent, presented a proposal regarding changes in voting procedures for the City and the School District. In order to better serve the voters of Allen, it was recommended that the City and School District conduct joint elections, change to a punch card type ballot, and change the polling place from Rountree Elementary School to the Allen Public Library It was also recommended that consideration be given to contracting with the Collin County Elections Administrator to conduct the elections. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Hamner and seconded by Councilmember Christakos and by School Board Member Williams and seconded by School Board Member Kerr, the Council and the Board voted unanimously to authorize negotiations to contract with the Collin County Elections Administrator for election support to enable joint elections with the City, school and community college, use the punch card balloting system, change the polling place from Rountree Elementary School to the Allen Public Library and provide early voting at the Allen Public Library with enhanced voting hours. The motion carried. Capital Improvement Program Planning — Jon McCarty and Gene Davenport (Agenda Item III) City Manager Jon McCarty reviewed the City's Capital Improvement Program which will culminate in a bond election tentatively planned for lune 1994. Dr. Davenport, Superintendent, and Glenn Andrew, President, gave a status report on the District's growth management plans, including placement of the ninth grade, elementary multi -track year-round education, and future construction of schools. Economic Development Report — David Pitstick (Agenda Item IV) David Pitstick, Director of Economic Development, presented an Economic Development report. Council and Board took a brief recess. Status Report on the New Middle School — Bob Curtis (Agenda Item V) Bob Curtis, Property Services Director, gave a status report on the construction of the new middle school Land Development Protects — BID Petty (Agenda Item VI) Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, presented information on land development projects. Update on the Allen Recreational Facility — Rhoda Sava ee (Agenda Item VII) Lonnie Thomas, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board, gave an update on the Allen Recreation Facility to be located at Bethany Lakes ALLEN CITY COUNCIL/AISD JOINT MEETING ® NOVEMBER 29, 1993 Items of Interest PAGE 3 (Agenda Item VIII) Mayor Farmer mentioned the TRW Open House on December 14 and Christmas parade and tree lighting on December 4. President Glenn Andrew gave an update on the naming of the new middle school, the superintendent search process and the reception for Dr. Davenport on December 5. Dr. Davenport reflected on his years of service in Allen, expressing appreciation for all the support he had received, and wishing the District and the City well in the future. Adjourn (Agenda Item IJO MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Bishop and seconded by Councilmember Terrell and by Board Member Williams and seconded by Board Member Kerr, the Council and the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the Allen City Council/AISD Joint Meeting at 9:50 p.m. on Monday, November 29, 1993. The motion carried. These minutes approved on the 16th day of December, 1993. I ATTEST: dy M • •ison, CMC, CTTY SECRETARY I APPROVED: 'W A'" oe Farmer, MAYOR