HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1994 - 01/10 - WorkshopALLEN CITY COUNCIL,
JANUARY 10, 1994
Joe Farmer, Mayor
Councihnembers: City Stats:
Kevin Lilly, Mayor Pro Tem Jon McCarty, City Manager
Mickey Christakos Judy Morrison, City Secretary
David Bishop Barbara Buehler, Library Director
Mike Nichols (absent) Richard Carroll, Chief of Police
Steve Terrell George Conner, Director of Public Works
Sharon Hamner Ron Gentry, Fire Chief
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
David Pitstick, Director of Economic Development
CIP Steerine Committee: Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation
Charlotte Smith, Finance Director
Jim Wolfe - Chair Michael Stanger, Assistant to City Manager
Bob Rothe - Finance
Paul Penny - City Office
i Robin Sedlacek - Parks and Recreation
Gail Boon - Library and Arts
Jerry Wilson - Public Safety
Mark Hicks - Streets and Drainage
Dana McGowan - Water and Sewer
Call to Order (Agenda Item 1)
With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the workshop session of the Allen City Council, Capital
Improvement Program Steering Commitee and Staff support was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 7:06 p.m.
on Monday, January 10, 1994, in the Meeting Room of the Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen,
Mayor Farmer, on behalf of himself and the entire Council, thanked everyone for agreeing to serve on
the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Steering Committee. He explained that the Council has been dealing
with the overall topic of the CIP for about a year. However, it is now time for the Council to support the
Steering Committee in a more formal effort in dealing with the CIP
Introduction and Greetines (Agenda Item 11)
The CIP Steering Committee, Allen City Council, and City Staff introduced themselves to acquaint
themselves with the entire group.
JANUARY 10, 1994
(Agenda Item III)
City Manager Jon McCarty indicated that a capital project or improvement is the major non-recurring
tangible fixed asset with a useful life of twenty years or more and a value of $50,000 or greater. A Capital
Improvement Program is a schedule of capital projects listed in order of priority for a five-year period with their
estimated cost and sources of financing.
Mr. McCarty reviewed the benefits of a Capital Improvement Program:
Serves as a major tool for linking the Comprehensive Plan and financial plans to physical
Relates public facilities to public and private development and redevelopment policies and plans.
Allows time for careful planning and design so that land can be acquired and costly mistakes can
be avoided.
Identifies the most economical means of financing capital projects.
Increases opportunities for obtaining federal and state financial assistance.
Facilitates coordination of capital and operating budgets.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, presented a variety of slides of projects that were
developed from the 1979 and 1985 bond projects.
Committee Oreanization (Agenda Item IV)
City Manager Jon McCarty indicated that the City Staff would be instrumental in serving the CIP Steering
Committee in three specific areas:
Arrange for meeting space, minute preparation, offer expert advice to particular work areas to
assist the Chair, and provide communications between the CIP Subcommittee and the Boards and
Commission and the Council Subcommittee
Expert assistance in specific areas:
finance -- Dan Almon
architect -- Ron Hobbs
engineering -- John Friebele
Outside experts:
Make available experts in such areas as ISTEA or visitation of particular facilities in the area at
Chair's discretion
The Council is supportive of the design of the CIP Program and feels it is a strength of the Committee
to involve individuals and citizens other than the Boards and Commission and Councilmembers The Council
is committed and will be a support system to the Committee When the final recommendation comes forth, it
is hoped that the Committee will look back for many years and will be very proud of what they have
recommended and what will take place as a result of their work and commitment to the CIP Steering Committee.
Jim Wolfe, Steering Committee Chairman, discussed the Steering Committee structure and
responsibilities. He expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to participate in this important project for the
future of the City of Allen. He indicated that it is the Committee's responsibility to recommend but it is the
JANUARY 10, 1994
Council's responsibility to actually adopt the recommendations of the Steering Committee. Mr. Wolfe distributed
work materials and solicited a name for the Committee. He indicated that the Comprehensive Plan should be a
working document for each work area of the Committee and the Committee needs to become very familiar with
its contents. Mr Wolfe reviewed the summary of general responsibilities:
Become familiar with the Capital Improvement process and the updated Comprehensive Plan.
Review add/delete five (5) year projects proposed by Staff.
Define scope, timing and estimated cost of each project to be recommended.
Make recommendation for a five-year Capital Improvement Program to Mayor and City Council.
Assist in communicating these project needs to the community at large.
He also reviewed the proposed study process which includes the educational phase, exploration phase,
data collection/analysis phase, and recommendation phase. Mr. Wolfe reviewed the proposed meeting schedule
which includes the actual process to the final recommendation to the Mayor and City Council for the 1994 five-
year Capital Improvement Program.
The Committee was assigned to take a look at the Comprehensive Plan, review the process and the
calendar, meet with Staff and establish work area calendars, and consider agenda items for January 27
It was suggested that the final recommendation to the Mayor and Council be done in a workshop setting
rather than a regular City Council meeting so that a much greater interaction can take place at that time The
March date was asked to be moved to April.
Iteral of Interest to the Group (Agenda Item V)
There were no additional items of interest.
Adioum (Agenda Item VI)
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
These minutes approved on the 20th day of January , 1994
J Funnier, MAYOR