HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1994 - 04/27 - WorkshopALLEN CITY COUNCIL
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1994 - 7:00 P.M.
Joe Farmer, Mayor
Kevin Lilly, Mayor Pro Tem
Mickey Christakos
David Bishop
Mike Nichols
Steve Terrell
Sharon Hamner
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Judy Morrison, City Secretary
Others Present:
Jim Wolfe, Chair, CIP Steering Committee
Call to Order and Announce a Ouoram is Present (Agenda item 1)
With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the workshop session of the Allen City Council was
called to order by Mayor Farmer at 7:11 p.m. on Wednesday, April 27, 1994, in the Council Chambers of the
Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Workshop on Cable TV (Agenda Item II)
City Manager Jon McCarty reviewed a draft copy of a Cable Communications Ordinance provided to the
City by its attorneys. The Ordinance demes various general terms, there are insurance, surety, indemnification,
security and performance bond requirements and it sets the technical and minimum facility standards for the
system. In March of 1995, the Franchise Agreement with TCI Cable expires. if an agreement has not been
reached by lune of 1994, a formal process with someone other than TCI needs to be pursued.
In order to hold fees down for the attorney, the City is negotiating the contract with TCI Cable and the
attorneys will assist in these negotiations. Council agreed that Staff and the subcommittee should continue with
further negotiations.
Mr. McCarty also reviewed the Cable TV Franchise Agreement between the City of Allen and TCI
Cablevision as produced by the attorneys working with the City Mr. McCarty indicated that TCI Cable has been
officially notified with regard to the rate regulation intention for basic service in Allen that the City of Allen now
has power to impose.
APRIL 27, 1994
Workshop on Capital Improvement Proeram
(Agenda Item HD
City Manager Jon McCarty reviewed the City of Allen's 1994 Capital Improvement Program outstanding
issues. Dan Almon, Senior Vice -President of Southwest Securities, also reviewed topics the Council needs to
consider, such as lumping the items so that the cash flow can he reviewed. Jim Wolfe, Chair of the Steering
Committee, agreed with the recommendations as presented to the Council this evening. Council was informed
that voter education was an important part of this process and there needs to be total understanding and counseling
between the educational group and the Council. Bond Counsel indicated that sometimes a very general bond
program is risky; however, it gives the Council much more flexibility to meet the needs of the people in the
Topic: Round Numbers
Council agreed that all the propositions be "rounded up" so that the numbers are divisible by
Topic: Animal Control Facility
Council agreed that this item be dropped from the Bond Program. The infrastructure will be
taken out of the "animal control" cost and be placed in the "streets" projects.
Topic: Water and Sewer Bonds
Council agreed that the Water and Sewer Bond proposition be dropped from the Bond Program
but would be financed using "non-voter" Revenue Bonds.
Topic: Authorized but Un -Issued Bonds
Council agreed that plans would be to use the "Authorized but Un -issued" Bonds from the 1985
projects in the 1994 Bond Program.
Topic: Drainage and Streets
Council agreed that drainage would be included in the Street Bond Program and the $650,000
contemplated for "drainage" projects will be added. However, the retirement of those funds will
be through the Drainage Fees.
Topic: Public Safety
Council agreed to leave the proposed full amount recommended for the Fire and Police
propositions in the Bond Program. If an arrangement can be made with other governmental
entities for the drill tower and police firing range, those bonds would not be issued.
APRIL 27, 1994
r Topic: Library
Council agreed to add a second and third floor to the Library building and finish out only 8,000
square feet of the second floor with the remainder of the second floor and third floor to be
"shelled -out." This would mean including projects Al, Bl and C2 for a total of $2,495,000.
Topic: Parks Issue
Council agreed to include in the Bond Proposition, $1.1 million to construct a natatorium if and
when the school district participates in the project. If the schools fail to participate, then those
funds could be used to construct an outdoor aquatic center.
Topic: City Offices
A fatal breakdown on "basement" costs versus "building up" costs will be provided to the
Council in determining final dollars for the City offices. It was agreed that a prior location to
the Bond election is not mandatory
Items of Interest to the Council
(Agenda It®t M
I. There were no items of interest to the Council.
Adjourn (Agenda Item V)
The meeting was adjourned at 10:22 p.m.
These minutes approved on the 19th day of May , 1994.
Joe Farmer, MAYOR