HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1994 - 11/17 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
NOVEMBER 17, 1994
Joe Farmer, Mayor
Kevin Lilly, Mayor Pro Tem
David Kerr
David Bishop
Mike Nichols
Steve Terrell
Sharon Hamner
City Staff:
With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, dinner and the workshop session of the Allen City
Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 17, 1994, in the Lunch
Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Open Council Discussion (Agenda Item II)
Council received a letter regarding water billing which the City Manager will handle as a management
Council acknowledged receipt of the Boards and Commission Appreciation Dinner announcement to be
held on Tuesday, December 6.
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Reeular Aeenda Items
(Agenda Item III)
Mayor Fanner began the review of the Consent Agenda items. Discussion was held regarding Agenda
Item IV, Consent Agenda, Item B, Approve a 20' Water Main Easement Requested by the North Texas Municipal
Water District and Authorize the Mayor to Execute the Easement and Instruct City Staff to File the Easement at
Collin County Records. The City Manager explained that there is an understanding between the North Texas
Municipal Water District that if the water line came in conflict with the Exchange Overpass, any cost in alteration
for that water line or for the overpass would be assumed by the North Texas Municipal Water District
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Judy Morrison, City Secretary
With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, dinner and the workshop session of the Allen City
Council was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 17, 1994, in the Lunch
Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Open Council Discussion (Agenda Item II)
Council received a letter regarding water billing which the City Manager will handle as a management
Council acknowledged receipt of the Boards and Commission Appreciation Dinner announcement to be
held on Tuesday, December 6.
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Reeular Aeenda Items
(Agenda Item III)
Mayor Fanner began the review of the Consent Agenda items. Discussion was held regarding Agenda
Item IV, Consent Agenda, Item B, Approve a 20' Water Main Easement Requested by the North Texas Municipal
Water District and Authorize the Mayor to Execute the Easement and Instruct City Staff to File the Easement at
Collin County Records. The City Manager explained that there is an understanding between the North Texas
Municipal Water District that if the water line came in conflict with the Exchange Overpass, any cost in alteration
for that water line or for the overpass would be assumed by the North Texas Municipal Water District
NOVEMBER 17, 1994 PAGE 2
Discussion was held regarding Exchange Parkway engineering services in light of the fact that the City
of Allen has various roadways that are in dire need of repair or roadwork. Discussion was also held regarding
the West Side Facilities Agreement. Finance/Administration Subcommittee was assigned the task to facilitate the
execution of the facilities agreement as soon as possible.
There was no discussion regarding Agenda Item V, Council Committee Reports, and Agenda Item VI,
Citizen's Comments.
Discussion was held regarding Agenda Item VB, Approve an Ordinance to Increase the Commercial and
Residential Garbage Fees to Fund the Increased Landfill Costs. Council reviewed the increased rates for
residential garbage fees and were informed that representatives from both BFI (Browning Ferris Industries, Inc.)
and North Texas Municipal Water District would be present at tonight's meeting.
Discussion was held regarding Agenda Item VIII, Approve an Ordinance Increasing the Required Water
Facility Impact Fees for Developers. This ordinance will bring the impact fee for the City of Allen to its
maximum as determined by the Capital Improvement Plan Ordinance set in 1991. All fatal plats will be assessed
the new fees from the time this ordinance is passed.
Discussion was held regarding Agenda Item IX, Other Business, Item B, Items of Interest. The
Development Subcommittee requested from the Council a directive to Staff in order to coordinate and facilitate
the completion of a planning and zoning work project to include the updating of the Zoning Ordinance, the
development of a tree preservation and landscape ordinance and the consideration and review of the US 75
corridor ordinance so that Staff and Development Subcommittee can complete its work plan by September 1995.
The entire City Council agreed by consensus that this shall be a Council directive to Staff.
With no further discussion on the agenda, the workshop session of the Allen City Council was recessed
at 7:35 p.m. on Thursday, November 17, 1994
With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the regular session of the Allen City Council was
reconvened by Mayor Farmer at 7.40 p.m, on Thursday, November 17, 1994 in the Council Chambers of the
Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
NOTE: Due to a previous commitment, Councilmember Kerr excused himself from the regular meeting
at this time.
(Agenda Item IV)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Hamner and seconded by Councilmember Bishop, the
Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve and adopt all items on the Consent
Agenda as recommended and as follows:
A. Approve Minutes of November 3, 1994, Regular Meeting.
NOVEMBER 17, 1994
B. Approve a 20' Water Main Easement Requested by the North Texas Municipal Water
District and Authorize the Mayor to Execute the Easement and Instruct City Staff to File
the Easement at Collin County Records.
Council authorized the Mayor to execute the 20' wide water line easement as requested
by North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) through the Exchange Parkway
right-of-way and City Staff will file the easement at Collin County Records.
C. Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Architectural Design Contract with Ron
Hobbs, Architect, for Design of the Fire Station and Animal Shelter.
Council authorized the City Manager to enter into a contract with Ron Hobbs, Architect,
for the architectural design of the fire station and animal shelter projects in accordance
with Services Subcommittee recommendation. Architectural fees will be 7% of
construction cost for the fire station and 7.5 % of construction for the animal shelter.
D Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Engineering Services Contract with Kimley-
Horn and Associates, Inc., for the Exchange Parkway West Alignment Study
Council authorized the City Manager to execute the engineering service contract with
Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. in the amount of $26,000 for the engineering contract
for Exchange Parkway West Alignment Study
E Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Schrickel, Rollins and Associates
for the Design and Development of the Ford Park Lighted Soccer Fields.
Council authorized the City Manager to execute a contract with Schrickel, Rollins and
Associates for programming, design development and construction observation of
additional elements at Ford Park using a project construction of $400,000 and the
landscape architect fees not to exceed $36,500 in accordance with Services Subcommittee
Authorize City Staff to pay bills associated with the 1985 Capital Improvement Program
as follows:
Southwest Securities, Inc. $29,031.50
For: Financial Advisory Fee
1994 General Obligation Bonds
Period: 1994 Bond Sale
2 Bowne $2,34400
For: 1994 Bond Sale Document Printing
1994 General Obligation Bonds
Period: October 1994
NOVEMBER 17, 1994
Standard & Poor's Rating Group
For: Analytical Services
1994 General Obligation Bonds
Period, October 1994
Moody's Investors Service
For: 1994 Series Professional Services
1994 General Obligation Bonds
Period: October 1994
G. Tax Report
The motion carried.
End of Consent A¢enda
Copncil Committee Reports
Work Program
Allen Recreation Center
Teen curfew
Fire Station No. 3
Lighted Ford soccer fields
$ 5,900.00
(Agenda Item V)
Interum City Hall
Management development of land use
Alternative transportation: Allen was selected as one of three cities to receive technical assistance
monies from the Council of Governments
Will meet November 29
CIP projects to be split among specific subcommittees
Has requested work programs by December I which will then be inserted in the Subommittee
section of the agenda book each agenda meeting
Citizen's Comments (Agenda Item VI)
There were no citizen's comments.
NOVEMBER 17, 1994 PAGE 5
Approve an Ordinance to Increase the
Commercial and Residential Garbage
Fee to Fund the Increased Landfill Costs (Agenda Item VII)
The North Texas Municipal Water District has had to increase its landfill charges to all cities associated
with the new McKinney landfill. The City has paid the extra landfill fees out of the Solid Waste Budget reserves
until new rates are approved. The Solid Waste rates for residential and commercial are proposed to recover the
landfill fee increase only
Carl W Riehn, Executive Director of North Texas Municipal Water District, reviewed the background
of the federal and state stipulations on landfill operations. Although landfills are a necessary part of a
municipality, no one desires a landfill in their "backyard." In accordance with federal regulations, the State of
Texas basically adopted a default design for landfills This placed additional costs on all landfill operations.
North Texas Municipal Water District, along with several other districts within the state, have implored
the State of Texas to authorize a performance-based design which would lower the costs of conformance to
standards set by the federal government. This performance-based design would be a less costly design for the
district and all its customers. North Texas Municipal Water District will be readjusting its budget at mid -year
to reflect any additional costs or lack of costs with regard to permitting from the State of Texas.
An increase of 75c per month is proposed for residential garbage fees effective December 1, 1994. An
additional cost of $46,111 will need to be collected for commercial garbage fees for an approximate 11-17%
Ordinance No. 1300-11-94: An Ordinance of the City
Council of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
Amending Solid Waste Ordinance No. 1216-1-94 and
Chapter 6, Article III, Sections 6-58, 6-60 and 6-60.1
of the Allen Code of Ordinances; Providing an
Increase in the Solid Waste Collection Rate for
Increased Landfill Costs; Providing a Revised
Schedule of Rates and Fees for Solid Waste Disposal
and Collection; and Providing for an Effective Date.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councihnember Bishop and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lilly, the
Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve Ordinance No. 1300-11-94 as
previously captioned. The motion carried.
Approve an Ordinance Increasing the Required
Water Facility Impact Fees for Developers (Agenda Item VIII)
A Capital Improvement Plan Ordinance set impact fee rates for water, sewer and thoroughfare facilities
in 1991. The water facility impact fee was set at approximately half the maximum fee determined from the
Capital Improvements Plan prepared by Hunter Associates, Inc. The increase in impact fees to 100% maximum
NOVEMBER 17, 1994
I t7:[" DMI
would put a large portion of the cost of water capital projects on the developer and not on the citizens' water
usage fees. The increase in water impact fees will decrease the need of funding from water and sewer revenue
Ordinance No. 1301-11-94: An Ordinance of the City
Council of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
Amending the Capital Improvements Plan Ordinance
No. 1065-12-91 and Chapter 12, Article II of the
Allen Code of Ordinances; Providing an Increase in
the Water Facilities Impact Fee; Providing for a
Severability Clause and Providing an Effective Date.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Nichols and seconded by Councilmember Terrell, the
Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve Ordinance No. 1301-11-94 as
previously captioned. The motion carried.
Other Business
(Agenda Item IX)
(Agenda Item IX -A)
November 29
9.00 a in
Finance/Administration Subcommittee
December 3
3:00 p.m.
Christmas Parade
7,00 p.m.
Tree Lighting Ceremony
December 6
7.00 p.m.
Board Appreciation Dinner
Items of Interest
(Agenda Item IX -B)
There were no items of interest to the Council.
NOTE: Councilmember Kerr returned to the meeting.
Executive Session (Agenda Item X)
In accordance with The Texas Local Government Code, Property, Section 551.072, Personnel, Section
551.074, Staff Presentations, Section 551.075, the Allen City Council convened into Executive Session at 9:00
p.m. in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas in order to discuss
matters pertaining to appointments to City Boards, property acquisition for an Economic Development Project
and for joint use facilities and staff presentation on Economic Development project "Galaxy "
The Executive Session was adjourned at 1.35 am
NOVEMBER 17, 1994
(Agenda Item XI)
The Allen City Council reconvened into regular session
at 1.36 a.m. on Friday, November 18, 1994, in
the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex.
The Interview Committee presented a slate of nominations for specific places on the City Boards:
Term Expiration
Board of Adjustment
Place No. 2 -
Ray Lewis
Place No. 4 -
David Pratt
Alt. Place No. I -
Jeff Cocking
Alt. Place No. 2 -
Perry Fourner
Economic Development Corporation
Place No. 1 -
Mike Nichols
Place No. 2 -
Chuck Williams
Library Board
Place No. 2 -
Eric Liepins
Place No. 4 -
Julie Wilmoth
Place No. 6 -
Fritz Dietrich
Parks and Recreation Board
Place No. 1 -
Dan Turner
Place No. 2 -
Byron Nielsen
Place No. 4 -
Mark Stout
Place No. 6 -
Leah Magruder
Planning and Zoning Commission
Place No. 2 -
Kenneth Fulk
Place No. 4 -
Ross Obermeyer
Place No. 6 -
Harold Biggs
Place No. 7 -
Jeffery Kelley
Sign Control Board
Place No. 2 -
Mike Claytor
Place No. 4 -
Jeff Nolan
City Health Officer
John R. Connolly, M.D.
NOVEMBER 17, 1994
The Mayor will follow through on Council's directions to make specific contacts with those individuals
in question and at that point, implement the slate of nominations as recommended realizing the alternates in
accordance with Council directives.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Kerr and seconded by Councilmember Nichols, the
Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed that the nominations cease and the slate of
individuals previously nominated be appointed by acclamation to the designated places on the
Board of Adjustment, Economic Development Corporation, Library Board, Parks and Recreation
Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Sign Control Board and the City Health Officer. The
motion carried
(Agenda Item W
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Kerr and seconded by Councilmember Nichols, the
Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the regular session of the Allen City
Council at 1:43 a.m., on Friday, November 18, 1994. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 1st day of December , 1994.
Joe Farmer, MAYOR