HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1995 - 04/07 - WorkshopL
Joe Farmer, Mayor
Kevin Lilly, Mayor Pro Tem
David Kerr
David Bishop
Mike Nichols
Steve Terrell
Sharon Hamner
Candidates for Council:
Steve Allen
Doug Gallagher
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Judy Morrison, City Secretary
Barbara Buehler, Library Director (absent)
Richard Carroll, Police Chief
George Conner, Director of Public Works
Ron Gentry, Fire Chief
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
David Pitstick, Economic Development Director
Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks & Recreation
Charlotte Smith, Finance Director
Michael Stanger, Assistant to City Manager
Sally Leeper, Administrative Assistant
Prior to the beginning of the Spring Planning Session, the Allen City Council and the City Staff met at
the Lotus Garden at 12:00 noon for lunch on Friday, April 7, 1995.
Call to Order and Announce a Ouorum is Present (Agenda Item 1)
With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the Spring Planning Session of the Allen City Council
was called to order by Mayor Farmer at 1. 16 p.m. on Friday, April 7, 1995, in the Library Meeting Room of
the Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza. Allen, Texas.
Workshop on Strateitic Plannine (Agenda Item II)
Staff Reports on Status of Current Strategic Plan Projects (Agenda Item 11-A)
Capital Improvements 01) — Bill Petty
Managing Development and Land (#2) — Judy Morrison
City Organization (0) — Michael Stanger
Customer Satisfaction (#4) — Charlotte Smith
Community Unity (#5) — Ron Gentry
APRIL 7-8,1995
Retail and Commercial Development (#6) — David Pitstick
Employee Satisfaction (#7) — Richard Carroll
Infrastructure Maintenance (#8) — Rhoda Savage
Developing Business and Industrial Property (#9) — David Pitstick
r Technology (#10) — George Conner
Developing City Complex — Barbara Buehler (Jon McCarty presented the update for Barbara
Present and Future Strategic Issues (Agenda Item II -B)
Council reviewed the "Black" list and the "Red" list.
BLACK LIST (Council Topics)
Gated Communities Other subcotmaittee projects
Level of Service "C" Specific development projects
Highway projects not included in CIP Legislative issues
Tax rate Water and sewer rates
RED LIST (Staff Topics)
Half -cent sales tax
Multi -city training facility
Changing market conditions
Reserving school sites
Direction (support) for boards and commissions
Comprehensive Plan amendments
Council suggested additional items to be considered for discussion during the Sprung Planning.
US 75 off -ramps
City Complex
Fire/EMS Master Plan
Civic Plaza
Retail incentives
Traffic Control/Signalization
Morningside Project
Downtown/Old Town
Front Entry Development
CBD Zoning
Regional/Local sewer
Surplus City Property (10 acres)
Commercial Masonry Requirements
Exchange/Dam Conflict
Home Occupations/Cottage industries
Juvenile Delinquency Reduction
Adequacies of facilities/development
Personnel Office
Community/neighborhood parks
New Boards/Commissions — (Cable TV; Public Safety; Historical)
Items of Interest to the Council
There were no items of interest
(Agenda Item 11I)
APRIL 7-8, 1995
Executive Session
(Agenda Item IV)
In accordance with The Texas Local Government Code, Property, Section 551.072, and Personnel,
Section 551.074, the Allen City Council was scheduled to convene into Executive Session in the Library Meeting
Room of the Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas in order to discuss matters pertaining
to property and personnel.
The Executive Session was not held.
Recess (Agenda Item V)
The Spring Planning Session of the Allen City Council was recessed at 5:15 p.m. on Friday, April 7,
Saturday, April 8. 1995 - 8:00 a.m.
(Agenda Item 1)
The Allen City Council and City Staff reconvened into the Spring Planning Session at 7'45 a.m. on
Saturday, April 8, 1995.
Continue Workshop (Agenda Item II)
Present and Future Strategic Issues (Agenda Item II -A)
Level of Service "C" -- Mayor Pro Tem Lilly
Certain neighboring communities have migrated from Level of Service "C" to Level of Service "D." We
need to review our goals especially when Level of Service "C" dictates eight -lane roadways.
• Staff to develop policy for exceptions to Level of Service "C."
Gated communities -- Councilmember Hamner
Council needs to make some policy decisions regarding gated communities as it reflects safety controls
and conditions. For instance, who would maintain water and sewer? If neighborhood doesn't want to
maintain the roadways, the City could get a dilapidated roadway when it takes it over. Requirements may
need to be made regarding the maintenance of the roadway to be done in conformance with City
�, * A policy will be developed describing under what conditions gated communities will be allowed.
APRIL 7-8, 1995
Front entry development -- Councilmember Bishop
This issue deals with several points:
A. Perception of Allen — especially from US 75 frontage but may also include the front entry on
McDermott to include the Civic Plaza and the Allen monument;
B. Could include internal maintenance;
C. Could include residential front entries — items to review might include to investigate crime
statistics of front entry versus rear entry garages; alley safety issues, trash pick-up; aesthetics.
* The design standards and front entry issue may need zoning update and subdivision update
support. Maintenance issues need to be considered.
Privatization -- Councilmember Nichols
We may need to consider privatization in future parks; those already developed, might be grandfathered
in since the park was not really built with private enterprise in mind. However, this is a larger issue than
only recreational facilities. Also, consider mowing, garbage, ambulance service, etc.
(Council also discussed the possible need to look at park classifications and categories and how
privatization stay be used in certain classifications of parks )
' Write policy for Council consideration recognizing current practices and projected needs.
Momingside Project -- Councilmember Kerr
The issue is "Does the City allow an increase in zoning on remaining property to accommodate dedication
of land to AISDT'
We need advance planning and communications with AISD so this situation doesn't happen again. The
school is in the process of providing the City with a Master Site Plan. In the Morningside Project, the
developer and the school benefits. The City loses because of the density issue and the City does not
receive development costs from the school which are real costs.
* m
Comm ications are taking place with the City Manager, School Superintendent and Council
desires direct contact with Community Development m well.
Community Parks/Neighborhood Parks -- Councilmember Terrell
Items to review include classification of parks, maintenance of the parks or greenbelt areas, current loss
of fields and the possible joint AISD use.
El APRIL 7-8, 1995
* Staff to review items.
(Clarification on AISD Committee needs to be made whether attendees are there as representatives of the
Council or the City -- Sharon Hamner, Kevin Lilly and Richard Carroll. Mayor will contact and discuss
with school board president.)
One-half Cent Sales Tax -- Mayor Farmer
* Consider readdressing to community as soon as law allows.
The Spring Planning Session of the Allen City Council was recessed at 11:50 a.m. on Saturday, April 8,
1995 for a group luncheon to be held at TaMolli's Restaurant.
The Allen City Council and City Staff reconvened into the Spring Planning Session at 1.15 p.m, on
Saturday, April 8, 1995 in the Library Meeting Room of the Allen Public Library
Exchange/Dam Conflict — Councilmember Terrell
Three options have been reviewed and presented from Kimley-Horn, project engineers
* Council desires staff to proceed with Number 3 which is to move forward with present alignment,
remove the cornerstone of the 1912 dam and use the cornerstone in a monument for future
generations in the park.
(As a compliment to the monument, a history of this area might be incorporated into the park to include
the older dam, the watering station, etc.)
* Staff needs to contact the property owner of the original data to communicate the City's long
range plans and desires for this property.
Fire/EMS Master Plan -- Councilmember Kerr
Council suggested that we need to look at the total community fire needs including residents, schools,
business, etc. The master plan needs to encompass the physical items such as buildings and equipment
as well as consider response time and staffing needs. The committee may need a pool of trained
professionals along with citizens, including business owners, school officials, etc. This would be a
Council -charged committee with definite parameters. It would be an ad hoc committee with a beginning
E and an end. Such a committee and master plan may also help mitigate any east/west fragmentation that
could occur. It was felt there might be approximately 12-15 people on the committee.
APRIL 7-8,1995
• An ad her citizens' committee will be appointed to advise Staff and Council on long range needs
in EMS and firefighting.
(Look at current board applicants as possibilities)
Downtown/Old Town Development -- Councilmember Hamner
-- to include City Complex, Civic Plaza, CBD Zoning, Surplus City Property
We need to preserve and establish a viable and interesting downtown Maybe hike and bike trails could
connect to downtown and even the Library, Police Building City Hall could possibly be woven into this
plan as well. Have a place for bikes and strollers
• Need an assertive effort to move this topic forward. The City needs to take the ball on this issue.
(Unless the current philosophy of the CBD is changed, we could not really develop the Main Street area
as a redeveloped region. It was felt this is a quality of life issue rather than an economic development
Commercial Masonry Requirement -- Mayor Pro Tem Lilly
Need to build flexibility into this concept with new products on the market today and new concepts of
establishments -- not using this much masonry
• Planning and Zoning Commission will be dealing with this issue in the update of the various
ordinances. P & Z needs to be informed of Council's desire regarding this issue.
Comprehensive Plan Amendments -- Councilmember Nichols
Discussion to begin the update was put on hold for now We will begin in 1996 to complete the update
in 1997 It is felt we need to update the Plan every five years.
• Staff to look at portions of the Plan to be updated m needed; i.e. grant requirements for parks,
Juvenile Delinquency Reduction -- Councilmember Bishop
*Workshop be established to better understand the topic. Also, we need to deal with as a
community and get their support in order to retain community unity.
Signalization -- Mayor Farmer
Consider local financing as well as contacting authorities regarding temporary rather than permanent
facilities. Determine locations for signalization.
APRIL 7-8, 1995
* Staff to make contacts, inform Development Subcommittee; Mayor to contact Huffman regarding
left turn lanes and signalization on FM 2170 West.
Adequacy of Facilities/Development
Consider access, water and sewer, roadways, traffic control and possibly a secondary thoroughfare plan
which may need additional funding.
* Staff to develop and take to Development Subcommittee and eventually the Planning and Zoning
Home Occupations/Cottage Industries
Need to take a broader look at this entire subject especially since increased technology and the upward
trend toward home occupations.
* Review policies to ensure they do not unduly inhibit home occupations.
■'y . Retail Incentives -- What are the legal constraints?
L* Staff and AEDC Board to review possibilities and advise Council.
US 75 Ramp Design
Try to accent the benefits to Allen with its on or off ramps. Consider using overlapping on/off ramps.
* Mayor Farmer to discuss with James Huffman of TXDOT; Staff will discuss with Bill Lovil's
Personnel Office
Part of City Government reorganization
Regional/Local Sewer
Not able to work out on our own since lawsuits are pending.
Water and Sewer Rates
Already handled.
APRIL 7-8, 1995 PAGE S
Legislative Issues
Already being handled.
Specific Development Projects
Mark off -- handled under city complex issue.
Highway Projects not in CIP
Needs to include SH 121 right-of-way acquisition and include US 75.
r Reserving School Sites
Program in place with City Manager, School Superintendent, Technical Review Committee.
* Process in Place.
Multi -City Training Facility
Have not received active participation from Plano and McKinney Fire training site still on target with
Frisco along with the water site.
It was suggested that Collin County Community College be contacted to provide a physical training plant
for the region and that Allen be the center of the regional facility
* Pursue more actively
New Boards and Commissions
Council has reviewed. Additional boards may need to be set up including historical, public safety, cable
TV, etc.
* Keep on Mayor's Subcommittee.
Changing Market Conditions
Looks like there has been a decline to growth. Marked off
* Monitor.
L APRIL 7-8, 1995
The next step is to assign issues to subcommittees, then write goals to address the issue. Staff will then
write objectives with budget amounts to be reviewed by Council at the annual budget retreat.
Continue Workshop
(Agenda Item II continued)
visioning (Agenda Item H -E)
Council did not consider specific visioning but considered everything they did in the last day and one-half
to be visioning.
Items of Interest
There were no items of interest.
(Agenda Item III)
Executive Session (Agenda Item Iv)
In accordance with The Texas Local Government Code, Property, Section 551.072, and Personnel,
Section 551.074, the Allen City Council was scheduled to convene into Executive Session in the Library Meeting
Room of the Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas in order to discuss matters pertaining
to property and personnel
The Executive Session was not held.
iiilll Adiomn (Agenda Item V)
Upon a motion made by Councilmember Hamner and seconded by Councilmember Nichols, Mayor
Farmer adjourned the Spring Planning Session of the Allen City Council at 3:15 p.m. on Saturday,
April 8, 1995.
These minutes approved on the 20th day of -April , 1995.
Joe Farmer, MAYOR