HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1996 - 02/29 - JointA D ALLEN CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION SPECIAL CALLED JOINT MEETINGS ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY MEETING ROOM TWO ALLEN CIVIC PLAZA FEBRUARY 29,19% - 7:00 P.M. Present; Joe Farmer, Mayor Councilmembers• (Kevin Lilly, Mayor Pro Tem) David Kerr Doug Gallagher Mike Nichols (absent) Steve Terrell David Bishop (Lonnie Thomas) City taff: Jon McCarty, City Manager Judy Morrison, City Secretary Bill Petty, Director of Community Development Sally Leeper, Administrative Assistant Tom Keener, Community Development Coordinator Michael Stanger, Assistant City Manager Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Tim Derider, Park Superintendent George Conner, Director of Public Works Call to Order and Announce a Ouorum is Present Kenneth Fulk, Chairman Susan Bartlemay (Noel Cmme) Ross Obermeyer Bruce Heller Harold Biggs Jeffery Kelley Others Present: Melissa Owen, Candidate for City Council (Agenda Item 1) With a quorum of the Councilmembers and Commission members present, the Joint Meeting of the Allen City Council and the Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order by Mayor Farmer and Chairman Fulk at 7:10 p in on Thursday, February 29, 1996, in the Library Meeting Room, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. I ALLEN CITY COUNCIL/P&Z SPECIAL CALLED JOINT MEETING FEBRUARY 29, 19% Workshop on Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance PAGE 2 (Agenda Item II) Chairman Kenneth Fulk of the Planning & Zoning Commission reviewed the background of the document Planning & Zoning Commission has provided for the Council regarding an update to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Council and Planning & Zoning Commission have been provided a "working agenda" to review major items of update in the Zoning Ordinance. It is anticipated the final document will come forward and be adopted some time in May New districts were reviewed including A -O which allows for estate development, additional R-6 and R-7 and changes in the R-4 and R-5 zoning. Items to review include Section 3.01(A)2.d Remove reference to septic tanks Section 3.01,(F & G)1 Purpose in R-6 and R-7 needs to be consistent with other "R" districts Section 3.01,(F & G)4c The minimum dwelling size needs to be reviewed: however, allowance may be necessary for Flexibility for affordable homes to meet Allen's employment base. Discussion was also held regarding various deletions on the requirements for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for arcades Council and Planning & Zoning Commission reviewed existing landscape requirement changes. Questions were brought up regarding the following items: Section 3 05, 1.A A question was raised regarding the Citizen Business District (CBD) and how this landscaping requirement might impact that zoning district Also, further discussion was held regarding the drip -line. Section 3.05,1 B(4) add "at time of installation." The requirement for shrubs to create a minimum of 42" high screen was clarified to include "at the time of installation" — Section 3.05,1 D(1). Council requested that the multi -family (MF) and retirement housing landscape requirements, Item 3.05,1 A(2) and 2B, be clarified in each section with regard to "a berm may be placed within the landscaped edge in lieu of the required shrubs unless needed for a headlight screen." Section 3.05,2.E Regarding the parking lot -- located 50 feet or more from the street right- of-way line and the Planning & Zoning Commission may reduce the width of the required landscaped edge during site plan review need to be studied further. It might be possible that this may be a Staff function to identify certain parameters (Section 3 05,1 A(5) and Section 3.05,2.E). Section 3.05,4.F Delete "diameter at breast height." Mr ALLEN CITY COUNCHJP&Z SPECIAL CALLED JOINT MEETING FEBRUARY 29, 1996 PAGE 3 Section 3 05,7 A/B/C/D Were requested to be reviewed by Planning & Zoning Commission. Section 3.05,7. F(2) Change the word prevent to "prohibit' and add "parking of vehicles." Section 3 05,7.F(3) City Manager was asked to research and find a way to prohibit the dumping of materials Section 3.05,7.F(7) Clarification was asked on this point to clarify whether this would allow adjacent property to develop or force a dual alley situation. Section 3.05,8.F Warranty issue was questioned and discussion was held regarding existing trees replanted in existing rights-of-way and for existing trees not relocated. Items of Interest There were no items of interest. Adiourn (Agenda Item III) (Agenda Item IV) The Allen City Council and the Planning & Zoning Commission recessed the Special Called Joint Meeting at 10:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 29, 1996 The next meeting date was set for 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 6, 1996. SPECIAL CALLED JOINT MEETING ALLEN CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 6, 1996 - 7:00 P.M. Call to Order and Announce a Ouorum is Present (Agenda Item 1) With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the Joint Meeting of the Allen City Council and the Planning & Zoning Commission was reconvened by Mayor Farmer at 7 15 p.m. on Wednesday, March 6, 1996, in the Library Meeting Room, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. Chairman Fulk indicated they did not yet have a quorum but would act as counsel on any items needing clarification. Council/Staff members Mike Nichols, David Bishop, Jon McCarty, George Conner and Commissioners Jeffery Kelley and Bruce Heller were not present for the meeting. I ALLEN CITY COUNCIL/P&Z SPECIAL CALLED JOINT MEETING MARCH 6, 1996 PAGE 4 Workshop on Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (Agenda Item II) Chairman Kenneth Fulk reviewed the agenda for the evening and provided a calendar for final completion of this project Updated information was distributed to the Council and Commission to be added to their document. Lighting requirements were reviewed by the Council Items to review include Section 3.06.5.c Change reference to paragraph 7 to paragraph 8. Section 3 06 5 g A measurement of foot candles should be indicated; this same measure- ment should be reflected in the property Maintenance Code. Section Correct references to sections that are not exempted. Section 3.06.1 Lc Consider text consistent with the text under Temporary Use Permits. The following major revisions were considered by Council regarding parking. Section 3.03 P&Z should consider this section further for possible changes, including the addition of a category for "Shopping Center", consider original construction in a shopping center parking requirement methodology I Section 3.03.f Change "considered" to "allowed" in the last sentence. Section 3 04.(2) Technical Review Committee to check the 0-50,000 square feet with no parking spaces with attention given to fire lane/dumpster location. The following major revisions were considered by Council regarding Multi -family Organization Section 3.01(K) 2 a Change reference to "MF -1" to "MF -12." Section 3 OI(L).2.a Change reference to "MF -1" to "MF -18." The following major revisions were considered by Council regarding Restaurant/Private Clubs. Section 2.05.B.2.a Strike text "In certain locations." The following major revisions were considered by Council regarding the Zoning Map: A single map drawn by drafting personnel will replace the current atlas. The following major revisions were considered by Council regarding Building Materials: All references to "heavy timber" in Building Materials requirements should be reworded to indicate something similar to "heavy wood." I 11 L ALLEN CITY COUNCIL/P&Z SPECIAL CALLED JOINT MEETING MARCH 6,19% PAGE 5 All item "D's" under type of material needs to be split into a "F Section" starting with corrugated metal roofs and walls, etc. and the present item "E" needs to be item "F" that is in all sections of this portion. Items of Interest There were no items of interest. (Agenda Item DI) (Agenda Item IV) The Allen City Council and the Planning & Zoning Commission recessed the Special Called Joint Meeting at 9:53 p in on Wednesday, March 6, 1996. The next meeting date was set for 7.30 p.m. on Monday, March 25, 1996. SPECIAL CALLED JOINT MEETING ALLEN CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 25, 1996 - 7:30 P.M. Call to Order and Announce a Ouorum is Present (Agenda Item I) The Joint Meeting of the Allen City Council and the Planning & Zoning Commission was reconvened by Mayor Farmer and Chairman Fulk at 7,40 p.m. on Monday, March 25, 1996, in the Library Meeting Room, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. Workshop on Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (Agenda Item II) Chairman Folk reviewed the overall update that Planning & Zoning Commission had undertaken regarding the schedule of uses. Schedule of Uses Mini -warehouses - consider adding "with or without" caretaker residence. Add by Specific Use Permit in Ll, and consider wording that would limit construction along US 75 Add a listing for "Swum Pool (Semi-public) and allow in all districts where hotels and apartments are allowed. MF12, MF18, MF24, O, LC, GB, CC. Target Range - Consider adding to CF by Specific Use Permit. Radio or TV Broadcast Studio - Add by Accessory use in CF Radio, Television or Microwave Towers - Change from Accessory to Specific Use Permit in CF ALLEN CITY COUNCILIP&Z SPECIAL CALLED JOINT MEETING MARCH 25,19% PAGE 6 Landscape Consider landscape requirements as they relate to the Central Business District Site Plans Consider removing public hearing process in planned developments to allow staff to review except where Specific Use Permits (SUP) are involved Include requirement for site plans with building permit applications. Consider timing of site plans Any changes to be considered regarding the scheduled uses need to be referred to Chairman Kenneth Falk or Staff Bill Petty prior to the Planning & Zoning Meeting to be held on Thursday, March 28 Bill Petty, Community Development Director, reported the difference in cost between landscaping costs of the old ordinance versus the updated ordinance as reported by the Sheldon Development Company After much discussion, Council felt the Planning & Zoning Commission had reviewed this landscape very thoroughly and Council was in agreement with their presentation Bill Petty, Community Development Director, also reviewed the site plan public hearing process in relation to planned developments It was concluded that the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council would no longer review and hold public hearings on site plans in Planned Development (PD) districts Staff will review submissions of PD site developments for compliance with City requirements adopted by ordinance. Items of Interest (Agenda Item I11) There were no items of interest Adiourn (Agenda Item IV) The Allen City Council and the Planning & Zoning Commission adjourned the Special Called Joint Meeting at 10:20 p.m. on Monday, March 25, 1996. APPROVED: S Kenneth Ftitlk, CHAIkMAN ATTEST: 9��- Jeef ry�Kelley, SECRETARY APP// ROVED: %� Joe Farmer, MAYOR ATTEST: JUdVAorriA, CFAC, CITY SECRETARY