HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1996 - 06/13 - Special CalledALLEN CITY COUNCIL
7:00 P.M., THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1996
Kevin L. Lilly, Mayor
Lonnie Thomas (absent)
David Kerr, Mayor Pro Tem
Doug Gallagher (absent)
Dave Powyszynski
Steve Terrell
Melissa Owen
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Judy Morrison, City Secretary
Barbara Buehler, Library Director
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present (Agenda Item 1)
With a quorum of the Councdmembers present, the Special Called Meeting of the Allen City Council was
called to order by Mayor Lilly at 7:06 p.m. on Thursday, June 13, 1996, in the Meeting Rooms A and B of the
Joe Fanner Recreation Center, 1201 E. Bethany Road, Allen, Texas.
Staff Presentations (Agenda Item II)
Joint City/School Library Concept (Agenda Item II -A)
City Manager Jon McCarty discussed the concept of the joint City/school libraries He reviewed the
various studies conducted throughout the years with regard to library services. We can predict what kind of
population we are looking at in the future due to our ETJ boundaries. One of the community library studies
discussed the central library concept which the City Council favored years ago. This concept showed a 20,000
square foot budding which would increase to 60,000 square feet at build -out and would be centrally located within
the City
The Allen Independent School District (AISD) and the City of Allen serve 80 to 85 % of the same citizenry
The school and the City have participated in several joint partnerships in the past, including neighborhood parks,
municipal annex/AISD service center, Joint elections, and joint tax office The City has also been able to make
use of the school facilities especially in athletic programming areas.
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The City's Comprehensive Plan found there to be a need for a community park in the City of Allen near
the Allen Station Park vicinity The school district, at the same time, was looking to build a new high school in
the same vicinity It was this realization that brought the City and the school together to a joint park/school facility
The land has a great deal of natural beauty and has access to several major thoroughfares. It is near the center of
town and the school and the City felt through planning, construction and programming, a joint project would be
feasible Items being considered for joint projects include parking, multi -modal transportation, athletic fields,
theater and aquatic center.
Mr McCarty reviewed the concept of the Scottsdale Library Although this library is a branch library in
Scottsdale, it is run with city employees. He also reviewed the preliminary site plan of the Allen Station Park/Allen
High School facility
Current and Prior Library Ntimding (Agenda Item II -B)
Library Director Barbara Buehler reviewed library funding information. Funds spent to build and furnish
the present facility include:
Bonds $2,400,000.00
Federal Grant $200,000.00
TOTAL $2,600,000.00
Unissued bonds authorized by voters include $2,620,000 to add 40,000 square feet to the present library
The Library Acquisition Trust Fund includes the following monies as of March 31, 1996:
Total raised $675,330.24 (includes interest)
Expenditures $393,154.86
Fund Balance $282,175.38
Purchases from the Trust Fund include books, books on tapes, videos, Allen American, microfilming and
CD-ROM Network products and furniture.
Guidelines to be Reviewed when
Considering the Joint Library Proiec< (Agenda Item II -C)
Library Director Barbara Buehler reviewed certain guidelines that Staff will consider when reviewing the
joint library project. These guidelines include the following:
Location: The public library needs to be located such that it will be highly visible and easily
Identity: The public library building should have visually distinctive architectural features including
its own easily -distinguishable entrance.
.LUNE 13, 1996
Design: The facility should be of a quality equal to or greater than that enjoyed in the present
facility Architects that will design the facility will be jointly selected by AISD and the
City of Allen.
Size: The space for planned library services should include currently planned public library of
60,000 square feet and the planned high school library space.
Parking: The public library requires a separate appropriately -sized puking lot close to the library's
Operations: The library should be operated by the City of Allen, following the public library's policies
and procedures.
Materials Collection: Library materials will be selected by public library staff with input from AISD
Services: Library services will be available to the general public during all normal public library
hours of operation.
Financial Support: Both City and AISD will each participate in providing financial support to the
library The goal will be to meet or exceed the standards of each entities
Accreditation Agency
Several questions were asked of the Staff presenters. Staff knows of no Joint library facility where the
facility is the main city library Rather than dwelling on a huge savings due to this joint venture, we need to plan
on providing a higher level of service. Staff was questioned as to present library parking which can eventually
wrap the library building having the front -door entrance facing the east by the civic plaza. The savings of a joint
library would especially be appropriate considering the overlap that could come in the form of non -duplication of
books and non -duplicated staffing. It was agreed that no professional from Northeast Texas Library System has
been consulted regarding this concept. It was suggested that the current library building could be used for City
offices Irregardless of the City's decision, AISD will have a first-class library One additional guideline that was
suggested from the citizens and the public hearing is the security issue.
Public Hearing on Joint Library Project (Agenda Item III)
A letter was read into the record from Glenn Andrew, President of the AISD School Board, emphasizing
the flexibility and functionality of the joint concept Although the AISD will be moving forward with their design
to include a high school library of approximately 19,000 square feet at completion, the school district will have the
flexibility to consider at a future date a central joint library if that is the decision of the Council.
Other letters read into the record expressing opposition to the joint library concept include letters from John
and Audra Barrett, 203 Glenwick Place, Allen, Texas and Margaret McDermott, McDermott Road, Allen, Texas.
Mayor Lilly read the request into the record as follow
"Public Hearing on Joint Library Project "
.TUNE 13, 1996 PAGE 4
Mayor Lilly opened the public hearing and asked for anyone speaking either for or against the request to
do so at this time.
Monica Smith, 1104 Ashby Drive, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library concept
The present library has an identity conducive to the citizens of Allen and is located on the major thoroughfare
which is highly visible and easily accessible.
Wayne L. Armand, 600 Spring Willow, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library
Cindi Branum, 803 Rivercrest Boulevard, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library
project and indicated that the overlap of collections is not a good idea since at the present time the overlap between
the school and the City is not sufficient especially when school projects are due. The location the present library
has is great and the material selection is appropriate for the citizens of Allen. She expressed disappointment that
no library personnel were asked to visit the Scottsdale site. Mrs Branum also felt that high school kids would
not think "it's cool" if moms were sitting in their school library when they were having to go in there for a project.
John Cahill, 633 Valley View, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the library joint project. Mr.
Cahill had a question with regard to the money needed for this project and suggested that since we don't really need
a new library but we do need a City Hall, our efforts should be guided toward a new City Hall instead of moving
the library
Suzette Davis, 1221 Ramsey Court, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the library joint project.
She indicated that the libraries need additional books and duplications are necessary for the citizens in Allen. She
also expressed concern with the library being at the high school, it would scare away some of the younger children.
Dr Charles Vavra, 15 North Star, Lucas, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the library joint project and
expressed concern of the library use for school kids. He felt that the public was losing in many areas including
mothers with small children, censorship, the elderly, limited access, the opening of the doors to the public will open
the doors to all the public including undesirables, and the idea that this project will not be bigger and will not be
Fritz Dietrich, 1000 Bel Air, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the library joint project and cited
several joint city/school libraries that are considered failures including Kansas City, Colorado and Brownsville.
Corbi Dillard, 1203 Matagorda Drive, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the library joint project
and expressed concern of the school scheduling high school students first and the City would come last.
John Green, 8200 S. SH 121, Allen, Texas 75013, spoke in favor of the joint library project. He indicated
that he had faith in the school board and the Council — that they will do the right thing after all the input has been
taken and weighed.
Sharyn R Hen, 22 Hillcrest Circle, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library project
and indicated that many citizens have worked very diligently to build the present library Allen has an educated
populace and needs a central library apart from the school district The citizens do not want the surrounding of
the high school students including teen pregnancy, drugs and certain teen attitudes.
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Barbara I Lecheler, 1413 Brookside Drive, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library
project. Ms. Lecheler indicated that certain of the joint projects with AISD have not been successes including the
Allen Substance Abuse Program which dealt with people and personalities. It is very difficult to manage an
organization when you have two bosses. She indicated initially the library will be smaller than it is now and the
reason Scottsdale participated in this partnership was because the city needed a site for a branch library and the
school site was appropriate. We do not need a site at the present time. It might be appropriate to consider linking
the City library with the school library through technology so that book availability may be addressed by both the
City and the school libraries.
Kay McKenna, 1417 Gardenia, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library project. One
of the main reasons she uses the library is for teaching her children the joy of reading. She does not desire to do
that in a surroundings with teenagers trying to complete projects while she is reading to her children.
John C. Ross, Jr., 1509 Persimmon Court, Allen, Texas 75002, encouraged the Council to verify any
actual savings that would take place and get a handle on where we stand on this particular issue.
Dale Richey, 1210 Bel Air Drive, Allen, Texas 75002 spoke in opposition to the joint library project. Mr.
Richey cited the Littleton library in Colorado which was a failure. Parking was not sufficient. It was definitely
a teenage area and little children were not welcome there. He cautioned the prediction of where growth is going
to be and how, with Allen build -out, the library would be centrally located.
Sue Schewe, 307 Allenwood Drive, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library project
and read a letter from her daughter, Denise Webber, indicating she felt that the high school campus would be
unsafe for her and her small children and encouraged the City to support two libraries — one for academics and
one for the general populace.
Donna Drews Various, 1404 Flameleaf Drive, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library
project. She indicated the Scottsdale Branch Library has only been open nine months which is not long enough
to make a good decision on the success of this project. Presently, the public attendance in Scottsdale has been
lower than expected and savings minimal. However, some of the other joint projects that the school and the City
are considering might be good as joint projects.
Debbie Vavra, 15 N. Star Road, Lucas, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library project. The
public library and the school library have different backgrounds and the missions of the two libraries are very
different with the City being very broad-minded and the school being very narrow Adult users find the library
as an individual thing and children find it as a gate -way to learning. School libraries do actually promote reference
and background materials to enhance the educational background of the students. The noise level is different in
both the public library and the school library Access is different; security is different; and discipline and dress
codes are different. The Council was asked to contact various professionals, the State Library System and the
Northeast Texas Library System regarding this concept.
Roger Voss, 805 Grassy Glen, Allen, Texas 75002, was opposed to the joint library project. He
appreciated the Council at least looking at an opportunity to save citizenry money but feels "if it ain't broke, don't
fix it!"
Cut Williams, 2 Shannon Court, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library project Mr.
Williams felt the school traffic may impede library visits from outside individuals and the value and quality of the
project needs to be considered.
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Chuck Williams, 800 Stoddard Road, Fairview, Texas 75069, encouraged the Council to consider all
aspects of the project and to let the taxpayers decide the issue.
Julie Wdmoth, 1105 Springfield, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library project. Ms.
Wihnoth indicated the library usage is a very private and personal thing to her. It is not a mixture that would blend
easily with high school students. She encouraged the Council to let each entity do what it does best.
Don Wilson, 1523 Country Lane, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library project. Mr.
Wilson looks at a library as a "private sanctuary" and a sanctuary that focuses to the entire population. The library
in Allen, Texas is the "jewel" of Allen and now, of course, the Recreation Center is another "jewel " A diverse
population is currently being pulled together here at the library and will continue to do so as future technological
growth continues.
Karen Green, 609 Aldenwood, Allen, Texas 75002 spoke in opposition to the joint library project. Ms.
Green objected because of security reasons at the high school.
Georgie T Green, 8200 S. SH 121, Allen, Texas 75013, turned in a public meeting appearance card
indicating her support of this issue.
Clifford Hohn, 1109 Meadowcreek, Allen, Texas 75002, turned in a public meeting appearance card but
did not indicate whether he was in support or in opposition of this issue.
Carl Wilson, 1103 Meadowcreek, Allen, Texas 75002, turned in a public meeting appearance card but did
not indicate whether he was in support or in opposition of this issue.
The following citizens did not speak before the Council but wanted their opposition noted
Carolyn Barnes, 308 Allenwood, Allen, Texas 75002,
Sam Barnes, 308 Allenwood, Allen, Texas 75002;
Dean Bell, 733 Cottonwood Bend Drive, Allen, Texas 75002;
Ruth Brazeal, 803 Walden Court, Allen, Texas 75002;
Barry Cohen, 1322 Rocky Creek Lane, Allen, Texas 75002;
Dortha Culp, 917 Cypress Drive, Allen, Texas 75002;
Kimberly Deal, 905 Circle Cove, Allen, Texas 75002;
Marcy Fluckiger, 800 Clearlake Drive, Allen, Texas 75002;
Joann Glover, library patron,
Cherie Hartline, 606 Laredo Circle, Allen, Texas 75013;
Frank Hardin, 606 Laredo Circle, Allen, Texas 75013;
Colleen and Tony Hering, 1201 Aylesburg Drive, Allen, Texas 75002;
Noel Holley -Bell, 733 Cottonwood Bend Drive, Allen, Texas 75002;
Terri Hurst, 1007 Mernbrook, Allen, Texas 75002;
Elizabeth W Kelly, 700 Willow Brook, Allen, Texas 75002;
Ralph LaRovere, 8 Wooded Lane, Allen, Texas 75013;
Eric Liepins, 15 Wooded Lane, Allen, Texas 75013;
Susan Marshall, 1314 Marigold, Allen, Texas 75002;
Bill Monsees, 733 Leading Lane, Allen, Texas 75002;
Deena J Mousses, 733 leading Lane, Allen, Texas 75002;
Carol Ranks, 807 Willow Brook, Allen, Texas 75002;
JUNE 13, 1996 PAGE 7
Don Rodenbaugh, 609 Bush, Allen, Texas 75013;
Luther M Rudisill, Jr., 406 Allenwood Drive, Allen, Texas 75002;
Mary Rudisill, 406 Allenwood Drive, Allen, Texas 75002,
Kent Ryan, 1207 Misrywood, Allen, Texas 75002;
Terri Ryan, 1207 Misrywood, Allen, Texas 75002;
Janet M. Smith, 404 N. Anna Drive, Allen, Texas 75013;
Becky Tarver, 914 Green Brook, Allen, Texas 75002;
Melinda Thornton, 901 Aylesbury, Allen, Texas 75002;
Kevin Various, 1404 Flameleaf Drive, Allen, Texas 75002; and
Estela Wilson, 1523 Country Lane, Allen, Texas 75002
A question was raised regarding the substructure of the project and how that would be affected by an
addition in the future.
With no one else speaking either for or against the request, Mayor Lilly closed the public hearing.
Items of Interest to the Comte il (Agenda item IV)
There were no items of interest.
(Agenda Item V)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Terrell and a second by Councilmember Owen, the
Council voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the Special Called Meeting on
Thursday, June 13, 1996 at 10.20 p.m. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 20th day of June, 1996.
Kevin L. Lilly, MAYOR