HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1996 - 06/24 - Special CalledPresent: Kevin L. Lilly, Mayor Councilmembers: Lonnie Thomas David Kerr, Mayor Pro Tem Doug Gallagher Dave Powyszynski Steve Terrell Melissa Owen City Staff: Jon McCarty, City Manager Judy Morrison, City Secretary Barbara Buehler, Library Director Call to Order and Announce a Ouorum is Present (Agenda Item 1) With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the Special Called Meeting of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Lilly at 7.08 p.m. on Monday, June 24, 1996, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Joint City/School Library Concept (Agenda Item In (Agenda Item II -A) City Manager Jon McCarty discussed the concept of the joint City/school libraries. He reviewed the various studies conducted throughout the years with regard to library services. We can predict what kind of population we are looking at in the future due to our ETI boundaries. One of the community library studies discussed the central library concept which the City Council favored years ago. This concept showed a 20,000 square foot building which would increase to 60,000 square feet at buildout and would be centrally located within the City ALLEN CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL CALLED MEETING 7:00 P.M., MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1996 ALLEN MUNICIPAL ANNEX COUNCIL CHAMBERS Present: Kevin L. Lilly, Mayor Councilmembers: Lonnie Thomas David Kerr, Mayor Pro Tem Doug Gallagher Dave Powyszynski Steve Terrell Melissa Owen City Staff: Jon McCarty, City Manager Judy Morrison, City Secretary Barbara Buehler, Library Director Call to Order and Announce a Ouorum is Present (Agenda Item 1) With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the Special Called Meeting of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Lilly at 7.08 p.m. on Monday, June 24, 1996, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Joint City/School Library Concept (Agenda Item In (Agenda Item II -A) City Manager Jon McCarty discussed the concept of the joint City/school libraries. He reviewed the various studies conducted throughout the years with regard to library services. We can predict what kind of population we are looking at in the future due to our ETI boundaries. One of the community library studies discussed the central library concept which the City Council favored years ago. This concept showed a 20,000 square foot building which would increase to 60,000 square feet at buildout and would be centrally located within the City ALLEN CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL CALLED MEETING JUNE 24, 19% PAGE 2 The Allen Independent School District (AISD) and the City of Allen serve 80 to 85 % of the same citizenry The school and the City have participated in several joint partnerships in the past, including neighborhood parks, municipal armex/AISD service center, joint elections, and joint tax office. The City has also been able to make use of the school facilities especially in athletic programming areas. The City's Comprehensive Plan found there to be a need for a community park in the City of Allen near the Allen Station Park vicinity The school district, at the same time, was looking to build a new high school in the same vicinity It was this realization that brought the City and the school together to a joint park/school facility The land has a great deal of natural beauty and has access to several major thoroughfares. It is near the center of town and the school and the City felt through planning, construction and programming, a joint project would be feasible. Items being considered for joint projects include parking, multi -modal transportation, athletic fields, theater and aquatic center. Mr. McCarty reviewed the concept of the Scottsdale Library Although this library is a branch library in Scottsdale, it is tun with city employees. He also reviewed the preliminary site plan of the Allen Station Park/Allen High School facility Current and Prior Library Funding (Agenda Item II -B) Library Director Barbara Buehler reviewed library funding information. Funds spent to build and furnish the present facility include: Bonds $2,400,000.00 Federal Grant $200,000.00 TOTAL $2,600,000.00 Unissued bonds authorized by voters include $2,620,000 to add 40,000 square feet to the present library The Library Acquisition Trust Fund includes the following monies as of March 31, 1996: Total raised $675,330.24 (includes interest) Expenditures $393,154.86 Fund Balance $282,175.38 Purchases from the Trust Fund include books, books on tapes, videos, Allen American, microfilming and CD-ROM Network products and furniture. Guidelines to be Reviewed when Considerinpd)te Joint Library Proie (Agenda Item II -C) Library Director Barbara Buehler reviewed certain guidelines that Staff will consider when reviewing the joint library project. These guidelines include the following: ALLEN CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL CALLED MEETING JUNE 24, 1996 PAGE 3 Location: The public library needs to be located such that it will be highly visible and easily accessible Identity: The public library building should have visually distinctive architectural features including its own easily -distinguishable entrance Design: The facility should be of a quality equal to or greater than that enjoyed in the present facility Architects that will design the facility will be jointly selected by AISD and the City of Allen. Size: The space for planned library services should include currently planned public library of 60,000 square feet and the planned high school library space. Parking: The public library requires a separate appropriately -sized parking lot close to the library's entrance. Operations: The library should be operated by the City of Allen, following the public library's policies and procedures. Materials Collection: Library materials will be selected by public library staff with input from AND staff. Services: Library services will be available to the general public during all normal public library hours of operation. Financial Support: Both City and AISD will each participate in providing financial support to the library The goal will be to meet or exceed the standards of each entities Accreditation Agency Public Hearine on Joint Library Proiect (Agenda Item IIIj Mayor Lilly read the request into the record as follow - "Public Hearing on Joint Library Project." Mayor Lilly opened the public hearing and asked for anyone speaking either for or against the request to do so at this time. Don Rodenbaugh, 609 Bush, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library concept Scottsdale handles a very small percentage of the entire city needs. Financially, this concept for the City of Allen is a lose/lose situation Kathy Perales, 715 Meadow Mead, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library concept. Joint parks work well However, now that school has an after-school program, the playground cannot be used by ALLEN CITY COUNCEL SPECIAL CALLED MEETING JUNE 24, 1996 PAGE 4 the citizemy after school as they had been able to previously She indicated this may be the same situation with the library story time. Jeff Cocking, 1312 Thoreau, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke before the Council indicating that more details were needed on this concept before making a decision. Ralph LaRovere, 8 Wooded lane, Allen, Texas 75013, spoke in opposition to the joint library concept. We already have the guidelines as presented by the Staff and the present library fits very well into all these guidelines. The joint library concept, however, does not fulfill all of these guidelines and it is not necessarily going to be "bigger and better " He very strongly opposed moving the library based on the Scottsdale model. John C. Ross, Jr., 1509 Persimmon Court, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke before the Council indicating that more information is needed before a decision can be made. He suggested Council really consider whether the library will be better and the cost savings significant for the citizens. Although it seems to be working in Scottsdale, we need to consider whether it is going to work in Allen, Texas Bob Teichrow, 626 Hanover Drive, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library concept. Since Scottsdale is more spread out and the Scottsdale library is a branch library system, it is very workable. He recommended that the high school library be tied to a communications system to our public library Tom Buchanan, 508 Oldbndge Drive, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library concept. He was very opposed to the Council even going to Scottsdale and indicated if the Council continues to lead this cause in the community, he will lead the cause to recall the Council. Sally Terrell, 709 Green Brook Drive, Allen, Texas 75002, encouraged the Council to continue to look at this proposal, especially if it provides more "bang for the buck." She also encouraged the concept of considering a Collin County Community College library concept in conjunction with the high school and the City library Bradford Dow, 901 Ashby Drive, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library concept. He encouraged a public statement regarding the use of the present building so that citizens are aware that the Council desires to use the present library budding for City offices if this concept is adopted. Eric Liepins, 15 Wooded Lane, Allen, Texas 75013, spoke in opposition to the joint library concept It appeared to Mr. Liepins the only investigation that had taken place was a sight-seeing tour to Scottsdale. The overwhelming comments from both public hearings have been negative up until this point. The major benefit of this concept is that it would provide a new City Hall for the citizens and the school and City could do something "neat' together. The recommended guidelines need to be seriously considered in this concept. Since this is a public facility, it may adversely impact some of the children, especially those children who do not now attend Allen Independent School District (AISD) but are in the Plano or Lovejoy Independent School District systems. Since the Library Board is a policy board bringing recommendations to the Council, it is his recommendation as a member of the Library Board that this concept not proceed further. Claudia Kelley, 1206 High Meadow, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke before the Council. Although the two libraries have not met the needs of the school children for special projects, she urged the Council to continue studying the entire concept. She expressed concern regarding the divisiveness of the community over this concept. 9 ALLEN CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL CALLED MEETING JUNE 24, 19% PAGE 5 Diane Flood, 770 Rockefeller Lane, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library concept. She encouraged the school district to make the school library an excellent library but keep the City library where it is and make it an excellent one as well. Debbie Fisher, 1280 Christian Lane, Lucas, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the Joint library concept She has been in on the ground work of the building of the library which has been a struggle The library is very accessible where it is in the middle of town. She expressed a fear that the number of books will not be available when needed and expressed concern regarding the community divisiveness. Paul Lecheler, 1413 Brookside Drive, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library concept. Mr. Lecheler indicated that a nme-month Scottsdale project does not make it a successful project Since the citizens of Allen voted to expand the library and not to build a City Hall, it is apparent that the citizens do not want the Council to use the library for City offices. Debbie Vavra read a letter by Cis Wishnew, 2211 Forest Grove Estates, Allen, Texas 75002, in opposition to the joint library concept. Cis Wishnew donated money for books and is proud to enter the library and would regret not having the community atmosphere of a public library but a school library atmosphere instead. Sherry Johnson, 803 New England Court, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library concept. Sherry expressed the atmosphere of a community library was very precious and needed to be considered by the Council. Dan Warwick, 304 Watson Drive, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library concept. Mr. Warwick questioned the Council regarding the $200,000 federal grant money that would need to be repaid. He questioned the fact that bonds had been passed for expansion and felt that those monies would need to be again passed by the voters if used for something other than the present expansion. He felt that there was an equity issue that those individuals without children should not be asked to donate money to help build a library that will be primarily used for school children. He also expressed concern regarding parking access and accessibility and adequacy of collections. He suggested inter -library loan concept that would be valuable to the children of the community especially for research among the area libraries. Steve Seal, Sherman Library Board Member and on the Advisory Council for NETLS expressed disappointment that the library professionals had not been considered in the early concept of this discussion. Joe Falmer, 915 Pebblebrook, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke in opposition to the joint library concept Mayor Farmer applauded the Council in trying to find opportunities for the betterment of the community However, he felt it was necessary to retain one of the best concepts ever put together in this community — that being the Civic Plaza. What the City actually needs is a City Hall, but also a central civic unit that is identifiable to the citizens. He expressed his concern and desire for Allen to move in a positive direction in the future. Mayor Lilly read into the record letters expressing opposition to the joint library concept from Patti Dewet, 309 Carnation Drive, Allen, Texas 75002; Dr. Eileen Tollett, 404 Watson Drive, Allen, Texas 75002; and John and Yvonne Cahill, 633 Valley View Drive, Allen, Texas 75002. The following citizens did not speak before the Council but wanted their opposition noted: ALLEN CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL CALLED MEETING .TUNE 24, 1996 Everett J. Isakson, 303 Whisenant, Allen, Texas 75013, Julie Barlow, 1208 Mistywood Lane, Allen, Texas 75002; April Cox, 715 Spring Brook, Allen, Texas 75002; Stephanie Rudisill, 406 Allenwood Drive, Allen, Texas 75002, Carl Clemencich, 810 Rockefeller, Allen, Texas 75002; Laurie Clemencich, 810 Rockefeller, Allen, Texas 75002; Janet L. Dow, 901 Ashby Drive, Allen, Texas 75002; Donna Drews Various, 1404 Flameleaf Drive, Allen, Texas 75002; Luther M. Rudisill, Jr., 406 Allenwood Drive, Allen, Texas 75002, Mary Rudisill, 406 Allenwood Drive, Allen, Texas 75002; Kevin Various, 1404 Flameleaf Drive, Allen, Texas 75002; Courtney Various, 1404 Flameleaf Drive, Allen, Texas 75002; Debbie Vavra, 15 North Star Road, Lucas, Texas 75002; Dean Bell, 733 Cottonwood Bend Drive, Allen, Texas 75002; Noel L. Holley -Bell, 733 Cottonwood Bend Drive, Allen, Texas 75002; Sue Schewe, 307 Allenwood Drive, Allen, Texas 75002; Peter and Deborah Schmidt, 1112 Roaring Springs, Allen, Texas 75002; Carol A. Holley Trenwith, 733 Cottonwood Bend Drive, Allen, Texas 75002; Wilma J. Smith, 407 E. Watson, Allen, Texas 75002; Carol Van Noorloos, 603 Alder Drive, Allen, Texas 75002; Carl Williams, 2 Shannon Court, Allen, Texas 75002; and Edward Thompson, 922 Thoreau lane, Allen, Texas 75002. PAGE 6 With no one else speaking either for or against the request, Mayor Lilly closed the public hearing. Consider Action on Proceeding with the Joint Library Project (Agenda Item IV) The Allen City Council discussed various items brought up by the citizens this evening. The Council realizes it still has a lot of research to do. We need to see why usage is only 10% in Scottsdale and does the high school not give the city library any distinguishing features. What happens out of this needs to be good for the community In the future, because of technology, maybe we won't need 60,000 square feet for the library as originally planned. The Council desires to listen to the entire community and the City leaders have a responsibility of looking at all sides of all issues and public input is a part of that process. It was reiterated that the missions of the two libraries are very different and security and access is an issue that may be able to be handled through architectural design. Even though the high school children are essentially a good class of people, if the perception of teenagers congregating would deter senior citizens and young mothers from using the library, this concept needs to be reconsidered. The Council still needs to look at various cost benefits and would not like to see the community divided over this issue. A concern was brought up regarding the location of the present library not being as accessible as thought due to the intersection of US 75 and FM 2170 The citizens present were complimented on their interest in this issue The school district is not pushing the Council and is making its own decision at the present time. The Council will go forward on solid ground and E work in a smart manner. We are a fast-growing community with a lot of wants, needs and diversities. Some of the joint projects may be visionary and the library may be one of those. The Council saw something that could be bigger and better and therefore, decided to look into the possibilities. High school students are actually good students and they are our future voters and they are our future leaders. However, the people present tonight are an intricate part of this decision-making process and the division in the community is not worth a vote on this issue going forward. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL ! SPECIAL CALLED MEETING E`' I JUNE 24, 1996 PAGE MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Powyszynski and a second by Councilmember Owen, the Council voted five (5) for and two (2) opposed with Councihnember Thomas and Mayor Pro Tem Kerr casting the negative votes, that the Council does not go forward to proceed with the joint library project but will consider other joint projects in the Allen Station Park vicinity The motion carried. Council took a brief recess. Approve a Resolution Authorizing an Extension of Time and an Amendment to the Ad Valorem Tax Abatement Agreement between City of Allen and Photronics. Dated August 10. 1994 (Agenda Item V) David Pitstick, Economic Development Director, informed the Council that due to a delay in the construction process, Photronics is requesting an extension to the abatement agreement originally dated August 10, 1994 Photronics asked that the Council consider and honor the original abatement agreement with a one-year extension. John Rapier, Counsel for the Economic Development Corporation, indicated that everything was essentially the same as previously stipulated except for the one-year delay and extension of time. Resolution No. 1435-6-96(R): A Resolution of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Granting an Extension of Time to Photronics-Toppan Texas, Inc., Pursuant to Sections Three (3) and Six (6) of the Ad Valorem Tax Abatement Agreement, Dated August 10, 1994, and Authorizing an Amendment to the Agreement Revising the Years to Which the Agreement is Applicable. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Gallagher and a second by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve Resolution No. 1435-6-96(R) as previously captioned and in accordance with Economic Development Corporation recommendation. The motion carried. Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item VI) City Manager Jon McCarty informed the Council Moody's would be making a site visit to the City of Allen on Wednesday, July 10, beginning at 1.30 p.m at the Joe Farmer Recreation Center. Presentations will be offered by Mayor Lilly, City Manager Jon McCarty and David Pitstick, Economic Development Director, after which a tour of the City similar to Allies' Day will be completed. The Council was invited, especially for the presentation portion of the program. It is the City of Allen's hope that Moody's will improve our current rating to an "A" rating. Council also discussed the need to purchase cameras for our police squad cars prior to July 1 since the price increase will take place at that time Seven cameras are needed and this will be a part of the amended budget to ALLEN CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL CALLED MEETING JUNE 24, 1996 PAGES be presented to Council in September. Staff was encouraged that these cameras be placed in the cars as soon as possible rather than left until March when the new cars are delivered. Afflourn (Agenda Item VII) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr and a second by Councihnember Gallagher, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the Special Called Meeting on Monday, June 24, 1996 at 10'05 p.m. The motion carried. These minutes approved on the 18th day of -lily-, 1996. APPROVED: Kevm' L. Lilly, ,,r ATTEST: r 0 J Moni u, CMC, CITY SECRETARY I