HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1996 - 07/18 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
JULY 18, 1996
Kevin L. Lilly, Mayor
Lonnie Thomas (absent)
David Kerr, Mayor Pro Tem
Doug Gallagher
Dave Powyszynski
Steve Terrell
Melissa Owen
Cit,x StatT:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Judy Morrison, City Secretary
With a quorum of the Councihnembers present, dinner and the workshop session of the Allen City Council
was called to order by Mayor Lilly at 6:10 p.m on Thursday, July 18, 1996, in the Lunch Room of the Allen
Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Ooen Council Discussion (Agenda Item II)
Discussion was held regarding the tree preservation ordinance—especially undesirable trees and tree credits.
A concern was raised regarding a seemingly open-ended list of undesirable trees with the additional verbiage.
Discussion was held regarding fences built on City property and the maintenance of those fences The City
Manager will reply to a question raised by a citizen regarding this issue.
Discussion of Consent Agenda
and Regulargenda Items (Agenda Item III)
Mayor Lilly began the review of the Consent Agenda items. Discussion was held regarding Agenda Item
LIII, Item F, Approve Waiving of Inspection and Impact Fees for AISD School Sites Nos. 7 and 8. The City of
Allen will notify the Allen Independent School District (AISD) regarding the action of the Council with regard to
waiving of the inspection and impact fees for school sites nos. 7 and 8. This cost is a real cost to the City of Allen
and it is not minimal.
JULY 18, 19% PAGE 2
A question was raised regarding the antennae leases on the water towers. For further information, this will
be pulled from the Consent Agenda.
With no further discussion on the agenda, the workshop session of the Allen City Council was recessed
into the Executive Session at 6:40 p.m. on Thursday, July 18, 1996.
Executive Session (Agenda Item IV)
In accordance with The Texas Local Government Code, Legal, Section 551.071, Property, Section
551.072, Personnel, Section 551.074, Staff Presentations, Section 551.075, the Allen City Council convened into
Executive Session at 6:55 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen,
Texas in order to discuss matters pertaining to:
Personnel Compensation Issue
Board and Commission Appointments
Annexation Litigation
The Executive Session was recessed at 7:28 p.m.
With a quomm of the Councilmembers present, the regular session of the Allen City Council was
reconvened by Mayor Lilly at 7:33 p.m. on Thursday, July 18, 1996 in the Council Chambers of the Allen
Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Mayor Lilly requested any additional bids for sale of bonds to be presented to the Mayor at this time for
consideration later in the meeting.
Councilmember Gallagher requested that Item K, Approve Antennae Leases on Rowlett Water for
Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems and Sprint Spectrum L.P., be removed from the Consent Agenda.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councihnember Gallagher and a second by Councdmember Powyszynskr,
the Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve and adopt all remaining items on
the Consent Agenda as recommended and as follows
A. Approve Minutes of the June 20, 1996, Regular Meeting.
B. Approve Minutes of the lune 24, 1996, Public Hearing for Joint Library Project.
C. Approve Minutes of the July 4, 1996, Regular Meeting.
JULY 18, 1996 PAGE 3
D Adopt an Ordinance Authorizing the Collection of a Court Cost as Designated by the
Texas State Legislature and the Creation of a Municipal Court Building Security Fund in
the City of Allen.
Ordinance No. 1436-7-96: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
Establishing a Municipal Court Building Security Fund and Requiring Each Defendant
Convicted in a Trial for a Misdemeanor Offense in the Municipal Court of the City of
Allen, Texas, to Pay a Three Dollar ($3) Security Fee as a Cost of Court.
E. Adopt an Ordinance Annexing a 163± Acre Tract of Land Situated in the John Snider
Survey and Being a Re -survey Conveyed to John M. Whisenant, Deed Dated
December 12, 1949, Recorded in Volume 408, Page 284, of the Deed Records of Collin
County, Texas, More Commonly Known to be Located Immediately South of Bethany
Drive and West of Malone Road, as Requested by Irene H. Bedell.
Ordinance No. 1437-7-96: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
Annexing the Hereinafter -Described Territory to the City of Allen, Texas, Approximately
163 08 Acres Located in the John Studer Survey, Abstract No. 848, Collin County, Texas,
and Extending the Boundary Limits of the City so as to Include Said Hereinafter -Described
Property within the City Limits and Granting to all Inhabitants and Owners of Said
Property all of the Rights and Privileges of Other Citizens and Binding all Inhabitants by
all the Ordinances, Acts, Resolutions and Regulations of Said City; Providing a
Severability Clause; and Providing for the Effective Date of Said Ordinance.
Approve Waiving of Inspection and Impact Fees for AISD School Sites Nos. 7 and 8.
Council waived the inspection and impact fees normally charged in the amount of
$62,041.36 for the Allen Independent School District (AISD), Elementary School Sites
Nos. 7 and 8.
G. Approve the Low Bid and Project Budget and Authorize City manager to Enter into a
Contract with JRJ Paving for Asphalt Alley Replacement with Concrete.
Council authorized City Manager Jon McCarty to enter into a contract with JR] Paving
in the amount of $88,498.83 plus $11,626.91 contingency for asphalt alley replacement
with concrete.
H. Set August 1, 1996, as Public Hearings Date to Consider Annexation of a 128.365± Acre
Tract of Land Situated in the Simon Burns Survey, Abstract 92 of the Deed Records,
County of Collin, Texas, More Commonly Known to be Located Immediately North of
Bethany Road and West of Malone Road as Requested by Ann Moore Vigil and Linda Sue
JULY 18, 1996 PAGE 4
Council set the public hearings date [10:00 a.m. to be held by Staff] and [7:30 p.m. to be
held by Council] on August 1, 1996 to consider annexation of 128.365± acres of land
immediately north of Bandy Road and west of Malone Road.
I. Authorize City Staff to pay bills associated with the 1985 and 1994 Capital Improvement
program as follows:
1. ASI Sign Systems $2,549.00
For. Joe Farmer Bronze Dedication Plaque
Pay from Prior 1992 Interest Allocated to Bethany Lakes
Period. June 13, 1996
2. Commercial Indemnity Insurance Co. (CLIC) $58,594.50
For: Construction of Fire Station #3
1994 Bonds
Period May 1, 1996 to May 31, 1996
3. Ameritech Library Services $1,822.00
For: Provided light pens and power pacs for automated system
1985 Interest Earned Bond Funds
Period: May 1996
4. Texas Department of Transportation $1,003,253.99
For: 20% of Estimated Costs for Exchange (US 75 to SH 5)
1994 Street Bonds
Period: August 14, 1996
5. Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. $243,826.00
For: 75' Aerial Quint
1994 Bonds
Period: February 13, 1996 to June 26, 1996
6. Commercial Indemnity Insurance Company (CIIC) $13,381.00
For: Construction - Station #3
1994 Bonds
Period: June 1, 1996 to June 25, 1996
7 Kimley Horn & Associates, Inc. $45.00
For: Exchange Parkway West Alignment Study
Street Assessments
Period: through May 31, 1996
8. Hunter Associates, Inc. $5,681.25
For. Engineering Evaluation and report of Median Design of SH 5
Existing Street Bonds
Period: May 30, 1996
JULY 18, 1996
9 A.D.A. Pipe
For: Purchase Pipe for Allen Heights Drive
Ambulance fees
1985 Existing Street Bond Funds
Period: June 25, 1996
10. Clark Condon Associates
For Park Planning Services
1994 Park Bonds
Period. through June 30, 1996
11. Ameri-First Service, Inc.
For: Retainage on HAC at Rec Center
Pay from Prior 1992 Interest Allocated to Bethany Lakes
Period: through July 15, 1996
Tax Repots.
The motion carried.
Discussion was held regarding Agenda Item VI, Consent Agenda Item K, Approve Antennae Leases on
Rowlett Water for Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems and Sprint Spectrum L.P Discussion was held regarding
the 25 -year lease options on the Rowlett Water Tower A concern was raised regarding market price for such
service in 25 years. Council was informed that this would not be an automatic renewal — various factors would
be considered as the City Manager deliberated the contract.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Gallagher and a second by Councilmember Owen, the
Council voted six (6) for and none (0) against to authorize the City Manager to execute a lease
agreement for the Rowlett Water Tower for antennae leases with 1) Sprint Spectrum L. P for a
monthly amount of $850, a primary term of five years, with four extended term periods during the
lease at five year intervals with a 25 % increase in rent each term and 2) Southwestern Bell Mobil
Systems for a monthly amount of $850, with payments when building permit is granted, with four
adjustments during the lease at five-year intervals, with a 25% increase in rent at each interval
The motion carried.
End of Consent Agenda
Council Committee Reports (Agenda Item VII)
Animal shelter
Ambulance fees
JULY 18, 1996 PAGE 6
Council budget/budget retreat
Electrical franchise contract negotiations
Strategic plan issues
Employee pay plan
Next meeting will be held July 30
Strategic plan issues and Work Program
Current Council agenda
Hotel Occupancy In Ordinance
Joint meeting with AISD/Council/Chamber
Master plan/joint project with AISD
Citizen's Comments (Agenda Item VIE)
Mr. John Cahill, 633 Valley View, Allen, Texas 75002, spoke before the Council to encourage Council
to move forward with a plan for a Citizens' Service Center. He encouraged the Council to courageously go
forward with this project with proper communications to the citizens for full backing.
Mr. Dan Warwick, 304 Watson Drive, Allen, Texas 75002, expressed concerns regarding a 20 to 25 year
contract for telecommunications' space due to the changes in telecommunications and the rapid changes in
telecommunication services.
Administer Oathsof-Office and Present Certific ttesof-
A,puointment to Newly Appointed Members of Various City Boards
(Agenda Item M
City Secretary Judy Morrison administered the Oaths -of -Office to the following newly appointed board
members. City Secretary Judy Morrison had already administered the Oaths -of -Office to newly appointed members
of the Parks Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Sign Control Board and the Economic Development Board
at an earlier date. Mayor Lilly presented Certificates -of -Appointment to the new members and offered
congratulations to those individuals.
Term Expires
Libraa Board
Place No. 5 John C. Ross, Jr. 9-30-97
JULY 18, 1996
Place No. I
Place No. 2
Place No. 3
Place No. 4
Place No. 5
Place No. 6
Place No. 7
ne-half Cen
Bob Morris
Claudia Kelley
Robin Sedlacek
Debbie Stout
Jason Collier
Carl Clemencich
Steve Terrell
Consider all Matters Incident and Related to the Issuance and
Sale of $7,100,000 "CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, GENERAL
OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 1996," Dated July 1, 1996,
Including the Receipt of Bids Therefor and the Passage and
Adson of an Ordinance Authorizing an Ordinance Authorizing, the Issuance of Such Bonds (Agenda Item X)
Dan Almon, Southwest Securities, presented official bid information to the Council that had been received
for the sale of $7.1 million General Obligation Bonds, Series 1996, dated July 1, 1996. Bids were received from
the following:
Parks and Recreation Board
Place No.
6 Anne Campbell
Place No.
7 Sheryl (Cheri) Jones
Place No.
Planning and Zonine Corn_micsion
3 Jeff McGregor
Place No.
6 Pamela Smith
Sim Control Board
Place No.
1 David Leonard
Place No.
Economic Development Board
1 Doug Gallagher
Consider all Matters Incident and Related to the Issuance and
Sale of $7,100,000 "CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, GENERAL
OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 1996," Dated July 1, 1996,
Including the Receipt of Bids Therefor and the Passage and
Adson of an Ordinance Authorizing an Ordinance Authorizing, the Issuance of Such Bonds (Agenda Item X)
Dan Almon, Southwest Securities, presented official bid information to the Council that had been received
for the sale of $7.1 million General Obligation Bonds, Series 1996, dated July 1, 1996. Bids were received from
the following:
JULY 18, 1996
Effective Interest Rate
Dain Bosworth, Inc.
5 4593 %
Southwest Securities, Inc.
William R. Hough & Co
Rauscher Pierce Refsnes, Inc.
NationsBanc Capital Markets, Inc.
Principal Financial Securities
Dean Witter Reynolds
Due to a good market swing of the day and the up -grading in rating from Moody's and Standard and
Poor's, the City of Allen was able to receive an excellent rate. Both Standard and Poor's and Moody's have
upgraded the City of Allen's rating to an "A" rating. This bond money will be in the City of Allen's hands by
August 20. The Council complimented Dan Almon for his help in the presentation to Moody's, and also
complimented Staff and the bond attorneys.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Powyszynski and a second by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr, the
Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to accept the bid for $7,100,000 dated July 1,
1996, City of Allen, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 1996, from Dain Bosworth, Inc.
with an effective interest rate of 5.4593 % based on a municipal bond insurance policy issued by
FDIC. The motion carried.
Ordinance No. 1438-7-96: An Ordinance Authorizing
the Issuance of "CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, GEN-
Specifying the Terms and Features of Said Bonds;
Levying a Continuing Direct Annual Ad Valorem Tax
for the Payment of Said Bonds; and Resolving Other
Matters Incident and Related to the Issuance, Sale,
Payment and Delivery of Said Bonds, Including the
Approval and Execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar
Agreement and the Approval and Distribution of an
Official Statement; and Providing an Effective Date.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Terrell and a second by Councibnember Owen, the
Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve Ordinance No. 1438-7-96 as previously
captioned. The motion carried.
JULY 18, 1996
Council took a brief recess.
Review and Approve Allen Station Park Master Plan and Phase I DevelQInnyA (Agenda Item XI)
Parks Director Rhoda Savage reviewed the background of the joint schoollpark site for Allen Station Park
master plan. A preliminary master site plan was presented to the school board and the City Council at their joint
meeting on May 30, 1996. Various issues were addressed including linkages between the properties and the lay -out
of the athletic fields to enhance a "seamless site."
Sheila Condon with Clark Condon Associates reviewed the master plan for Allen Station Park Although
the plan is a very ambitious plan, it represents various needs of the citizens. Included in the plan will be athletic
fields, natural areas, water features, commons area, play areas and possibly an internal transportation system.
Discussion was held regarding linkage between the school and the City sites and the need to consider engineering,
economy and what actually works best for both entities. It was felt that Phase I needed to make a statement to the
community of the magnificence of this project. Council agreed that the bridge and the parking are very important
feature of this plan. Other considerations include the road access, whether that be the western road or Rivercrest.
At the present time, the dam site will need rejuvenation. There is money in the project to put up temporary erosion
protection so that the dam area does not erode or deteriorate any further.
Council was informed that the Allen Independent School District (AISD) indicated that they were very
supportive of our master plan. However, the engineering needs to be considered for top priority with regard to
the road crossing. Discussion was held regarding the planning of the AISD fields and parking areas. Council was
updated on the reasoning for their field placement. The original desire for the fields to be placed on the north side
of the property to share with the City fields would be to provide a "seamless site."
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Gallagher and a second by Councilmember Owen, the
Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve the Allen Station Park master plan and
Phase I development in accordance with Staff, CASPER (City and School Planning for Education
and Recreation) and the Parks and Recreation Board recommendation with anexpected cost of $3.1
million. The motion carried.
Consider Ordinance Amending the Subdivision Regulations
Ordinance Regarding Residential Subdivision Screening Walls
and Requiring Tree Surveys at the Time of Preliminary Plattine (Agenda Item XII)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, reviewed issues necessitating changes and revisions to
the Subdivision Ordinance. The first issue deals with the regulation of residential subdivision screening walls that
would allow for maintenance provisions. The second issue regards the tree preservation section of the Zoning
Ordinance requiring tree surveys at the time of preliminary or combination platting. Additional text is being
proposed regarding the issuance of permits to include the requirement for issuance of a tree removal permit.
Additional information will be included with regard to "credits" for trees.
JULY 18, 1996 PAGE 10
Ordinance No. 1439.7-96: An Ordinance of the City of
Allen, Collin County, Texas, Amending Ordinance
No. 1237-4-94, Subdivision Ordinance, as Previously
Amended, so as to Amend Article 600, General Design
Standards and Requirements, Section 604; Article 400,
Procedures, Sections 405, 406, 407 and 408 of the
Subdivision Ordinance; Providing for Exhibits "A,"
"B," "C," and "D"; Providing for a Penalty of Fine
not to Exceed the Sum of Two Thousand Dollars
($2,000); Providing for a Severability Clause; and
Providing for an Effective Date.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr and a second by Councilmember Powyszynski, the
Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve Ordinance No. 1439-7-96 as previously
captioned The motion carried.
Adopt an Ordinance Setting a Hotel Occupal_[cv Tax Rate of 7% (Agenda Item XIII)
Charlotte Smith, Finance Director informed the Council that Chapter 351 of the Tax Code authorizes
municipalities to levy and establish a hotel occupancy tax. State law stipulates the taxes, the guidelines for
11 collecting and remitting the taxes, the penalties, records, and the use of the taxes These specifics are delineated
in the ordinance before the Council.
Ordinance No. 1440-7-%: An Ordinance of the City
Council of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
Establishing and Levying a Hotel Occupancy Tax to be
Levied within the City of Allen, at the Rate of 7% of
the Cost of Occupancy of any Sleeping Room Fur-
nished by any Hotel in the City; Defining Terms and
Phrases; Providing a Savings Clause, a Penalty
Clause, a Severability Clause; Providing for the Use of
Revenues Derived from the Tax Levy; and Providing
for an Effective Date.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr and a second by Councilmember Gallagher, the
Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve Ordinance No. 1440-7-96 as previously
captioned The motion carried.
David Pitstick, Director of Economic Development developed administrative procedures regarding
expenditures and revenues generated from the hotel/motel tax. The account will be administered separately but
as a part of the Economic Development Corporation (EDC) Budget. The EDC Board of Directors will review
proposed uses of the hotel/motel tax revenues for approval or denial. Their recommendation will be sent to the
City Council Finance Committee and then to the full Council for final review and approval.
JULY 18, 1996 PAGE 11
Resolution No. 1441-7-% (R): A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
Establishing Administrative and Budget Procedures
for uses of Revenues Resulting from a Hotel Occu-
pancy Tax to be Levied within the City of Allen,
Texas; and Providing for an Effective Date.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Powyszynski and a second by Councilmember Terrell,
the Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve Resolution No. 1441-7-96 (R) as
previously captioned. The motion carried.
Set Budget for the Paving of Bethany Road West of
US 75, the Watters Branch Bridge, and Authorize the
City Manaiter to Sim an Eng'rL"ring Consultant Contract
(Agenda Item XIV)
George Conner, Director of Public Works, is recommending several projects along Bethany Road West
between US 75 to Bel Air Drive.
Construction of Bethany Road from US 75 to Watters Branch, including one half of the bridge. Dollars
include 26% of the bridge. The assumption was that Allen Central would develop and pay for the road
and the bridge.
Facility agreement with Watters Crossing to pave two lanes at Bel Air Drive and one half of the bridge.
Extend 18" water line on Bethany from US 75 to Bel Air Drive.
Facility agreement with Allen Central to pave Bethany and one half of bridge
Funding Items:
County 1,538' Bethany Road
Paving - 2 Lanes - 880'
Screening Fence
Storm Sewer
18" Water Line US 75 to Bel Air
Funding Source
$ 25,565 85 Bonds $130,000
75,500 Water Impact Fees 115,000
354,750 Drainage Utility Fees 80,000
61,250 Facility Agreement 201,300
13,200 (Watters Crossing)
79,600 85 Bonds Not committed 200,000
$724,365 TOTAL $726,300
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr and a second by Councilmember Powyszynski, the
Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve a budget of $726,300.000 for the West
Bethany Road Project, authorize the solicitation of bids, and authorize the City Manager to execute
a contract with Binkley & Barfield, Inc. for engineering consulting services in the amount of
$75,500. The motion carried.
JULY 18, 1996 PAGE 12
Set Budget for the Paving of Exchange Road West of Watters
Road to Alma Road, Including the Bridge, and Authorize
the City Manager to Sign an En ' tering Consultant Contract (Agenda Item XV)
George Conner, Director of Public Works, reviewed the current five year Capital Improvement Program
including projects along Rowlett Road West of US 75.
Rowlett Road from Watters to Ridgeview, which was our 26% of the bridge, the assumption was that Twin
Creeks would be building the road.
Facility agreement with Twin Creeks to pave Rowlett Road, including the bridges.
The fiscal impact would include
Funding Items
Funding Source:
County - 900' Alma
96 Bonds
$ 260,000
County - 5356' Rowlett
85 Bonds Not Coinmnted
Consultant - Bridge
$ 500,000
Since Binkley & Barfield, Inc. are participating in both the Exchange and Bethany Road projects, there will
be a reduction of $7,500 in engineering consulting fees.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Powyszynski and a second by Councilmember Terrell,
the Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve a budget of $500,000 for the West
Exchange Road Project, authorize the solicitation of bids, and authorize the City Manager to
execute a contract with Binkley & Barfield, Inc. for engineering consulting services in the amount
of $49,900. The motion carried.
Note: Staff is to bring forward to Council a recommendation for the name change of Exchange/Rowlett Road
both east and west of the freeway
(Agenda Item XVI)
Police Chief Richard Carroll reviewed the need for the gun range for the Allen Police Department. The
contract being presented to the Council is with Pistol Technologies Incorporated of McKinney located just north
and east of SH 121 and Custer Road
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Powyszynski and a second by Councilmember Terrell,
the Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to authorize the City Manager to execute a
contract with Pistol Technologies Incorporate at a daily cost of $250 in addition to the $2,000
initial contract cost and a contract term of October 1, 1996 to September 31, 1997 The motion
JULY 18, 19% PAGE 13
Other Business (Agenda Item XVI)
Calendar (Agenda Item XVII -A)
July 20 8:00 a.m Joint AISD/Council/Chamber
August 9-11 10:00 a.m. Budget Retreat
Items of Interest (Agenda Item XVI -B)
City Secretary Judy Morrison distributed information regarding the upcoming Municipal Messenger
schedule. Council reviewed possible articles and contributed other ideas for additional articles.
City Secretary Judy Morrison distributed the newly printed City Charters with the amendments included
during the 1995 election.
Reconvene and Consider Action on Items Discussed During Executive Session
The Allen City Council reconvened into regular session at 12:30 a.m. on Friday, July 19, 1996, in the
Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex. There was no action taken on items discussed during Executive
(Agenda Item XVII)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Councihnember Mayor Pro Tem Kerr and second by Councilmember Terrell,
the Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the regular session of the Allen City
Council at 12.31 a.m. on Friday, July 19, 1996 The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the Ist day of August , 1996.