HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1996 - 10/24 - JointDINNER - 6:45 P.M.
The Council and Board members enjoyed dinner prior to the regular meeting.
Call to Order and
Announce a Ouorum is Present (Agenda Item 1)
With a quorum of the Board members present, the Joint Workshop of the Allen City Council and the Allen
Independent School District (AISD) Board of Trustees was called to order by President Andrew at 7:35 p.m. and
with a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the Joint Workshop Meeting of the Allen City Council and the
AISD Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Lilly at 5:05 p.m. on Thursday, October 24, 1996, in the
AISD Annex Conference Room, 202 S. Cedar, Allen, Texas.
Update on Joint Project (Agenda Item II)
Aubrey Adcock and Kenneth Roberts with Huitt-Zollars, Inc. and Warren Corwin and Scott Stoneburner
with Corwin Engineering, Inc. presented their findings of the connector road study between Cedar Drive and
Rivercrest Blvd. They reported no biases were included in the report and the "pros and cons" listed came directly
from the AISD or the City of Allen. Huitt-Zollars and Corwin Engineering did present specific cost estimates.
The three crossings chosen were chosen because of the shapes of the creek and need for crossing between the two
properties. Three crossings included the north crossing, the middle crossing and the south crossing. The north
crossing is the longest section of roadway from the split to Rivercrest Boulevard. This crossing lines up with an
entrance/exit drive on the current parking layout for the AISD stadium.
OCTOBER 24, 1996 - 6:45 P.M.
202 S. CEDAR
Kevin L Lilly, Mayor
Board of Trustees:
Lonnie Thomas
Glenn Andrew, President
David Kerr, Mayor Pro Tem
Bob Martin
Doug Gallagher (absent)
Izzie Waller
Dave Powyszymki (absent)
Worley Stein
Steve Terrell
James Kerr
Melissa Owen
John Garcia
Danny Meek
City -Stab':
Judy Morrison, City Secretary
DINNER - 6:45 P.M.
The Council and Board members enjoyed dinner prior to the regular meeting.
Call to Order and
Announce a Ouorum is Present (Agenda Item 1)
With a quorum of the Board members present, the Joint Workshop of the Allen City Council and the Allen
Independent School District (AISD) Board of Trustees was called to order by President Andrew at 7:35 p.m. and
with a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the Joint Workshop Meeting of the Allen City Council and the
AISD Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Lilly at 5:05 p.m. on Thursday, October 24, 1996, in the
AISD Annex Conference Room, 202 S. Cedar, Allen, Texas.
Update on Joint Project (Agenda Item II)
Aubrey Adcock and Kenneth Roberts with Huitt-Zollars, Inc. and Warren Corwin and Scott Stoneburner
with Corwin Engineering, Inc. presented their findings of the connector road study between Cedar Drive and
Rivercrest Blvd. They reported no biases were included in the report and the "pros and cons" listed came directly
from the AISD or the City of Allen. Huitt-Zollars and Corwin Engineering did present specific cost estimates.
The three crossings chosen were chosen because of the shapes of the creek and need for crossing between the two
properties. Three crossings included the north crossing, the middle crossing and the south crossing. The north
crossing is the longest section of roadway from the split to Rivercrest Boulevard. This crossing lines up with an
entrance/exit drive on the current parking layout for the AISD stadium.
The middle stream crossing is the shortest section of roadway from the split to Rivercrest Boulevard. This
connection does not line up with an entrance/exit drive on the current parking layout and the parking layout would
need to be reconfigured to accommodate it by moving the entrance/exit drive north of this location to line up with
the roadway The middle stream crossing has the lowest estimated roadway cost.
The south crossing is approximately 50 feet longer than the middle crossing and 50 feet shorter than the
north crossing. This connection does not line up with an entrance/exit drive on the current parking layout.
However, a median opening would allow for adequate left -turn lane storage for northbound traffic, mining into
this connection.
In conjunction with the three alternate alignments, the consultants reviewed various drainage structures
including the concrete box culvert, con/span concrete arch, simple concrete bridge and welded steel truss bridge.
The roadway itself would be approximately 27 feet in width and the bridge would provide a sidewalk to Rivercrest
from the creek The engineers expected no major cost impact fluctuation for any of the three plans being
suggested. Certain retaining walls may be necessary regarding ADA requirements.
Representatives from Lescher and Mahoney reviewed a "unified" plan. Due to advanced designed
elements of Rivercrest development, elements north of Rivercrest were prohibitive in being changed. Lescher and
Mahoney indicated they preferred the south crossover due to linkage and access. The school district indicated they
did not like the concept of the fenced or barrier concept along the creek The same result might be able to be
attained with clearing in the areas to provide additional security
The consultants then reviewed the currently funded plan, also the parking requirements for the school, the
baseball fields and the football fields They also reviewed a commonality linkage including logos, lighting, entry
signs and type face including "Amherst" and "Ottawa." They reviewed various pedestrian bridges that were very
economical ($50,000) installed in place.
The Council and Board agreed that the barrier fence was not desired in this plan. They also agreed that
the two boards need to look at the best possible plan and then take a look at the cost.
The Council and AISD Board agreed to make decisions on the following items:
1. Master Plan (including ballfields, soccer fields, tennis courts)
2. Hike and bike trails
1 Road crossing
4 Parking
5 Tree ordinance
The Board and Council need to agree or agree to disagree and move on no sour grapes but be
professional about the outcome. It is necessary to pick the best design and then work out the money issues. It was
felt the community would agree and support the decision if presented properly
OCTOBER 24, 1996
The Board suggested that, as a temporary use of the land, the City of Allen might use this area for
additional fields. If this were considered, the grading of the fields should be accomplished in such a manner as to
not impact a future stadium if it were built. It was again stressed that due to the need for additional elementary
schools and middle schools, an additional bond package may not be able to be passed to include a stadium package.
Functionality wise, the Board felt the "unified" plan with the stadium to the north and the ballfields to the
southeast is the best plan.
It was suggested that a process be put into place for the school and City to work together in a more efficient
manner. What has been done in the past does not work (reporting system). The elected bodies may need to set
the example on how this should work.
Council was disappointed that a new plan was not brought back from the consultants as indicated during
the last joint meeting.
There were no concerns about soccer.
The Board did not like the citizens coming off SH 5 and seeing the parking lot and the tall stadium.
The Board desired the stadium to be further away from the high school. The Board indicated the public
will not be able to use the competition fields. Only one of the fields would be used by "ASA" type
From an academic point of view, the students would need to walk much further if the fields were north.
Due to class length, this may pose a problem.
If the citizens do not approve the bond fund for the construction of the stadium, it would make more sense
to have the ballfields at a nearer proximity to the high school, rather than having empty land between the
school and the ballfields
The Board informed Council the gradient for the stadium to the north is much more desirable than its
location to the south.
The Board feels it needs to honor the citizen and administrative input on the design of the original master
If the stadium is not ever built, the land may need to be used for a middle school which (not an ideal
location) should be separated from the high school
The Council indicated from a land planning point of view, the baseball fields would be more ideal to the
Council felt that breaking up the parking lots into various areas would provide for more ideal traffic flow
From a maintenance standpoint, Council suggested one entity could house the mowers and equipment in
a central location for the fields if the fields were north.
The Board suggested that, as a temporary use of the land, the City of Allen might use this area for
additional fields. If this were considered, the grading of the fields should be accomplished in such a manner as to
not impact a future stadium if it were built. It was again stressed that due to the need for additional elementary
schools and middle schools, an additional bond package may not be able to be passed to include a stadium package.
Functionality wise, the Board felt the "unified" plan with the stadium to the north and the ballfields to the
southeast is the best plan.
It was suggested that a process be put into place for the school and City to work together in a more efficient
manner. What has been done in the past does not work (reporting system). The elected bodies may need to set
the example on how this should work.
Council was disappointed that a new plan was not brought back from the consultants as indicated during
the last joint meeting.
There were no concerns about soccer.
OCTOBER 24, 1996
The parking next to the tennis courts removes a great deal of land area. Since the practice fields have been
moved to the south, it seems as though the tennis courts and parking can be accommodated. The parking
spaces may need to be adjusted to 150-200 spaces
Due to the cost of the routes, the cost will be split appropriately The cost should not be a factor. The
Council prefers the south route since it does not impact the fields west of the creek. An adjustment in
the location of the tennis courts might be necessary, and it was suggested that the road be built in a
'.meandering' fashion. [If the tennis courts do not work east of the creek, look at the possibility of placing
them on the west side of the creek.]
A concern was raised about the actual number of trees being cut. It was more desirable to clear the
underbrush for vision/security purposes rather than clear cutting.
Council and Board agreed it should be a meandering trail, have access to the major focal areas of the site,
hire one firm for its design, have minimal crossings, focus on the natural beauty of the creek, no vast clear -
cutting, share in the expense, possible future tie -m to the CBD.
NOTES. Lescher and Mahoney will provide guidelines with regard to the hike/bike trails and clearing of
the area.
City staff is to review and determine the applicability of the tree ordinance.
(Agenda Item III)
Next meeting. December 17 -- Recreation Center -- 6:30 P.M.
The City and school will work together on the cost of all projects.
The Board has concerns about the silo Councilmember Owen will bring information back to the next
meeting to better educate the board on this issue.
(Agenda Item Iv)
The AISD Board of Trustees and the Allen City Council adjourned the Joint Workshop at 11.22 p.m. on
Thursday, October 24, 1996.
These minutes approved on the ]3b_ day of November , 1996.
Kevin L. Lilly, MA