HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1997 - 01/30 - JointALLEN CITY COUNCIL/BOARDS AND COMMISSION CHAIRS CONNECT WITH MISSION CONFERENCE COUNCIL CHAMBERS/ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY JANUARY 30, 1997 Present: Kevin L. Lilly, Mayor Councilmembers: Board/Commission Members: Lonnie Thomas (absent) Bill Roberge, Chair, Board of Adjustment David Kerr, Mayor Pro Tem Donald Wing, Chair, Cable TV & Telecommunications Doug Gallagher Debbie Stout, Chair, Community Development Corp. Dave Powyszynski Chuck Williams, Asst.Vice President/Asst. Secretary, Steve Terrell Economic Dev Corp. Melissa Owen Fritz Dietrich, Chair, Library Board James Waldbauer, Chair, Parks & Recreation Kenneth Fulk, Chair, Planning & Zoning Barton Black, Chair, Sign Control city Staff: L, Jon McCarty, City Manager Judy Morrison, City Secretary (absent) Connie Schofield, Secretary 11 Call to Order (Agenda Item 1) With a quorum of the Councihnembers present, the Connect with Mission Conference of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Lilly at 7:02 p.m. on Thursday, January 30, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. Mayor Lilly reviewed the City's Strategic Planning stating that a meeting with the boards and commission chairs at the beginning of each calendar year would be held to review the "Plan' for the upcoming year, discuss the state of the City and receive input from the City's various boards and commission. Mayor Lilly informed the Chairs that the Spring Planning Session would be held on March 21 and 22 The Chairs of the Boards and Commission will be asked to address the Council and Staff at that time with an overview of pending and future projects It is the intention of the Council to improve communications between the Boards, Council and City Staff State of the City Presentation - Mayor Lilly (Agenda Item 11) "STATE OF THE CITY OF ALLEN Kevin L. Lilly, Mayor January 1997 ALLEN CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION JANUARY 30, 1997 PAGE 2 As Mayor of the City of Allen, I would like to take this time to reflect on the many accomplishments this community has experienced over the past year. It has been a pleasure to work with such a fine group of dedicated individuals committed to bringing Allen forward into the next year and soon a new millennium. The Allen City Council, boards, commission, and Staff have worked diligently this year to bring pride, progress, and prosperity to the Allen Community The quality of Allen's leadership has been evidenced by excellent public services as well as phenomenal residential and business growth. Just in the past year, Allen has grown from a population of 27,219 to 32,539 By 2010, Allen is projected to exceed 71,857, which will make Allen the fastest growing city in North Texas during the next 15 years This past fiscal year 1,028 single family home permits were issued. Most of us would believe that the majority of that occurred in the western quadrants of the City; however, only 38 more permits were issued on the western quadrants than the eastern quadrants. The Code Inspection Division was awarded the Building Officials of Texas "Award for Excellence" for the second year. Our Property Maintenance Ordinance continued to be used to improve blighted area and support neighborhood integrity The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance was revised, enhancing landscape requirements which provided for tree preservation and lighting standards. Since January of 1996, the City of Allen and the Allen Economic Development Corporation have assisted four (4) corporate relocations/expansions, a new 500,000 square foot speculative facility and two (2) retail/commercial relocations, adding in excess of 1,300 new jobs and $67 7 million to the local tax base. These major corporate relocations and expansions include Brazos Cattle Co., Amerihost Inn, FSI International, Sunbelt Telecommunications, RCL Enterprises, EDS, and Enterprise Business Park developed by Trammel Crow In addition to successes in economic development, Allen has made great strides in the area of community development. The City's first full-service community recreation center, the Joe Farmer Recreation Center, opened in March. Improvements were completed at Ford Park by upgrading the softball complex and opening of the new lighted soccer fields. Adult athletic participation increased by 38% in softball, basketball, and volleyball. The community flocked to the Independence Day Fireworks celebration with an estimated crowd of approximately 10,000 in attendance. The Lone Star Giant Softball Tournament and the Christmas Tree Lighting Celebration were additional highlights of the Parks and Recreation Department's commitment to serving the Allen citizenry Library use continued to increase in 1996 at a rate of 19.3 % which is nearly twice the population increase. The Technology Resources Department in the library was expanded by the addition of the Internet at the Reference Librarian's desk providing a local area research network. As a result of many of your efforts as citizens, Allen voted in May to increase the sales tax by one-half cent in support of improvements in the community's parks and recreation, streets and sidewalks, public safety, the community library, and for beautification/historical preservation. In conjunction with the AISD, plans were finalized for the 300 -acre Allen Station Park/Allen Education Park. This project will enter its first phase of construction in the spring of this year. The annual budget for the City was approved during the third quarter of this year, allowing residents a reduction in the property tax rate for the fourth consecutive year Moody's and Standard and Poor's raised the City's bond rating to "A" and "A-" respectively The City of Allen is in excellent financial condition. For the fourth straight year, property tax collections have exceeded 98% Sales tax collections exceeded expectation by 23% Building permits and other license revenues represented a 12% increase over the approved budget. Total general fund revenues were 7% above the approved budget The 1996 taxable value is $1,249,103,465 which is a $168,318,739 increase or 15.6% growth The current in rate is 64.8 cents which is down from 76.6 cents in ALLEN CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION JANUARY 30, 1997 PAGE 3 1992. Quality infrastructure remains a top priority for the Allen leadership in order to meet the community's growing population. As a result of the City Council's efforts, approximately $65 million in state and federal funds will be spent in our community to enhance our road system over the next three (3) years. Allen received more funding than any other city its size in Texas. Construction began on FM 2170 Fast, US 75 and Exchange Parkway between SH 5 and US 75. Fire Station #3 was constructed and began operation in November of 1996 which included hiring of 12 additional personnel and purchasing and putting into service the City's first ladder truck. Additionally, four (4) personnel were hired to put a second ambulance in service. The Police Department increased their force by five (5) officers and increased the 9-1-1 intake personnel. The 1996 Annual Crime Report shows an overall decrease in index crimes by 4% and also a decrease in juvenile crime. Today, quality residential growth, public infrastructure and an outstanding school system are forming the foundation for economic opportunity and new business development now and in years to come. New and exciting challenges await our community in 1997 Several road construction projects will be completed including Exchange Parkway from SH 5 to US 75 and the extension of Exchange from Watters to Alma, including the bridges over Cottonwood Creek and Watters Branch. Bethany Road will be constructed east of Allen Heights, past Joe Farmer Recreation Center and from US 75 to BelAir, including a bridge over Watters Branch. Finally, Suncreek and Alma will be extended into Plano and FM 2170 East will be completed. FM 2170 West will be bid in July of 1997 The first phase of Allen Station Park and five (5) neighborhood parks will be started in the upcoming year. Fire Station #4 will be built and open by December of 1997 Twelve (12) additional personnel will be hired and an additional foe truck will be purchased and housed at that location. The annual shelter will be complete and in operation by March of 1997 The completion of the upgrade of the cable television system to a minimum of 70 channels and implementation of the City of Allen Cable Channel to include cable -cast of City Council meetings should be complete by July of 1997 We will complete the update of the community's Comprehensive Plan, including the citizen and business community surveys. The Council has appointed a study committee and commissioned them to return with a recommendation by May 15 in regards to the need, size, location and financing of a city hall. The Council has adopted a legislative program that will necessitate an active role in the Texas Legislative Session. Special empbasis will be on protecting local control in regards to the 4A and 4B sales tax. As many of you know, Allen is one of the founding members of the CCED (Coalition for Community and Economic Development) of which I have been elected the chair representing over 90 Texas cities. The Allen community has made great accomplishments in the past year and the future of the community is full of promise. However, the level of greatness to which the community may grow will be directly affected by the level of involvement of you, the citizens. We have always enjoyed an extreme amount of cooperation between the Allen Independent School District, the Allen Chamber of Commerce and the City of Allen. It is extremely important to the future of Allen that the community vision be shared by these three (3) entities. Communication, cooperation and coordination will propel us into the new millennium. The future is extremely bright and I am sure the challenges that face us will be met and conquered by a community bonded together. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, ALLEN IS A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE AND DO BUSINESS! - Standing Committee Work Program If lights - Council Standing Committee Chairs (Agenda Item III) ALLEN CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION JANUARY 30, 1997 Services Standing Committee: PAGE 4 Internet Use Policy — Internet installed at Allen Public Library Interlocal Agreement with Plano and eventually to Collin County Community College (CCCC) Planning for second story of the Allen Public Library Fire Station #3 — in operation since November of 1996 Second ambulance Fire Station #4 — discussing drawing plans now; construction to begin in lune of 1997; and operational in December of 1997 Each fire truck has a paramedic and the same medical supplies as an ambulance — only difference, a fire truck cannot transport a civilian Police Department in process of purchasing, training and implementing a K-9 Unit Command Vehicle — older ambulance is being used as a tactical vehicle Allen Station Park — work will be done in phases to keep within the budget Upgrading several small community parks Finance/Administration Standing Committee: Solid Waste Collection Contract Council Planning Events — this meeting, Spring Planning Session, Budget Retreat, etc. Promote Councilmember's Voice Mad Audit Firm — work closely with Charlotte Smith, Finance Director, throughout the year Audit Certification —another accreditation for City — a better bond rating means less interest for the City to repay; an "A" bond rating indicates a stronger, more solvent community; worked to have the City's bond rating increased to "A" (from Moody's) and "A-" (from Standard & Poor's) Tax Office Contract City Hall Bond Election Hotel/motel Tax Uses Working to reduce property taxes Establish guidelines and standards for Cable TV — summer of 1997 is the target date for cable broadcasting of Council meetings and Board meetings from the Council Chambers in the Allen Public Library Major business telecommunication issues Joint meter reading and billing with TU Electric, Lone Star Gas and others Customer Satisfaction Survey Development Standing Committee: Design guidelines for retail property Traffic issues related to Rivercrest Boulevard — discussion regarding "widening" of street — "no parking," "no parking on one side of street," widen street, etc. Central Business District (CBD) — develop and adopt a plan for definition and redevelopment of the CBD Review secondary thoroughfare plan Develop a more unified community vision — City/schools/chamber possibly share a "logo" ALLEN CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION JANUARY 30, 1997 PAGE 5 Natural resources — consider need for Staff arborist; persuade NTMWD to expand service at Custer Road community drop-off center; and obtain chipper through grant Bond election for new City Hall New infrastructure — new streets, sewers, drainage and other utilities, fire stations, training facilities and parks Implement a bicycle plan Power lines Renaming of access roads Mayor's Standing Committee: " Public hiformation Officer (PIO) City Communication Program — increase and improve communication with citizens Legislative Program Protect local revenue — effort to maintain local control over 4A and 4B sales in receipts Joint Vision Statement — vision statement concerning City/schools/chamber Maintain strong working relationship with Allen Independent School District (AISD) especially with respect to AHS 2000/Allen Station Park project Evaluate NTMWD membership Connect with Mission Conference — meeting with board and commission representatives Intergovernmental Agreements with AND — written agreements for joint use of facilities (weight room, auditorium, etc.) Council orientation and team building workshops Uncominp Projects/Issues - Boards/Commission Chairs (Agenda Item IV) Economic Development Corporation - Chuck Williams, Assistant Vice President/Assistant Secretary 82 acres of the 92 -acre Millennium Technology Park are committed or sold; discussions are taking place regarding the last 10 acres Photronics, FSI International and Sunbelt Telecommunications were built in Allen in 1996 EDS and Argus Printing are being developed now More restaurants will be building in Allen soon Possible legislation can be detrimental to cities with 4A and 4B sales tax — cities would lose control over implementation of tax proceeds Want to make Allen "stand out' Allen is financially secure Sign Control Board - Barton Black, Chair Will be reviewing the Sign Control Ordinance this year Reviewing the rules and regulations for the signage along the thoroughfares Will be asking citizens their ideas concerning the signage along the thoroughfares Have had two variance requests this past year — one passed, one did not ALLEN CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION JANUARY 30, 1997 PAGE 6 Board of Adjustment - Bill Roberge, Chair Review the language in the Zoning Ordinance regarding the requirements for variances Tighten up on the requirements of the variances Builders are trying to allow people to build houses that are too big for the lots Council of Governments is providing a trainmg session regarding Board of Adjustment — hopefully, the Allen Board of Adjustment members will be able to attend Cable TV and Telecommunications Advisory Committee - Donald Wing, Cham TCI is contemplating a rate increase in June — raise rates to cover 70 channels — the rate rs established by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) rules TCI has gone through reorganization; TCI does a fair job of communicating with the Cable TV Board TCI seems to be on schedule — the contract between the City and TCI states that TCI will have 70 channels available by July of 1997 TCI is still arguing with FCC regarding whether they are required to carry local channels Parks and Recreation Board - James Waldbauer, Chair New Parks and Recreation Director City natatorium — requested by citizens Ballfields were first priority; natatorium second priority — ballfield situation has been addressed; now Park Board would like to take a more aggressive role regarding the natatorium — might be five (5) years before AISD would have funds for their portion of the natatorium Review policies of the Recreation Center after one year anniversary Possibility of private or corporate sponsorship in park systems Review Park Dedication Ordinance Park classification system Completion of Allen Station Park — after Phase I take a more aggressive attitude for completion of the park Five (5) new neighborhood parks opening soon Continue to maintain high standards regarding Staff, equipment and facilities Planning and Zoning Commission - Kenneth Falk, Chair Have been updating the Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance over the last couple of years City's "Star Gazing" event brought several astronomers to Allen — the astronomers mentioned that Allen is one of the few cities in this area to have a "Lighting Ordinance" [the ordinance requires that the lighting he kept close to the ground] — this in rum enables the astronomers to get a better view of the heavens at night Guidelines for redevelopment of the CBD Comprehensive Plan Update — questionnaire/survey is going out to the citizenry within the next month — where do the citizens expect Allen to be in 10 years, 20 years, 30 years? Review Thoroughfare Plan ALLEN CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION JANUARY 30, 1997 PAGE 7 Comprehensive Plan — be proactive with the development and location of school sites — secure sites in advance of the subdivision development hnpact Fee Study and Ordinance — at present, the City is divided into various districts [water and sewer utilities, development and estimate roads and their costs, advise developer of their share to pay] — possibly consolidate into one (1) district and use the money where it is needed — by law, this document needs to be reviewed every few years In 1998, review the impact of the revisions of the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances Library Board - Fritz Dietrich, Chair Increase in usage of library by almost 20% over 1995 Adult usage of the library is up by 50% Children' usage of the library is up by 75 % Program with "Friends of the Library" Book program where children "write" their own books — very successful Second Boor expanion of the library — monies are there Expand CD Rom and Internet — access to other cities and libraries Want to add more copies of the Award Winning Books that the schools recommend the children read Need a CD musical collection Make the library a "People's Library" Community Development Corporation - Debbie Stout, Chair First meeting was held in August of 1996 — filed Articles of Incorporation, By-laws and visited with Staff regarding requests for possible projects using the 4B sales tax monies Two (2) Town Hall Meetings — low attendance at first one due to icy weather; second meeting had a good turnout A request has been made to assist with Allen Station Park, Phase I — $1 million for capital improvements Public Hearing on February 17 — can review comments from the citizen Many projects will benefit from the 4B sales tax (Agenda Item V) There were no additional question from the participants. Mayor Lilly stated that as a team, we need to review "where we are" and "where we are going." The Council, Staff and Boards/Commission need to work together and all will benefit. Mayor Lilly stated that the Council and Boards/Commission will try to meet two (2) to three (3) times a year. The City is growing very rapidly and communication is an important key to keep things moving efficiently and smoothly MPJ ALLEN CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION JANUARY 30, 1997 Lj PAGE 8 AAd4 (Agenda Item VI) The Connect with Mission Conference Meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. on Thursday, January 31, 1997 These minutes approved on the 20th day of February , 1997 ATTEST: Ji dy Mo icon, CMC, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED: Kevin L. Lilly, MAYOR .