HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1997 - 05/27 - WorkshopStephen Terrell, Mayor Lonnie Thomas David Kerr, Mayor Pro Tem Doug Gallagher Dave Powyszynski Kenneth Fulk (absent) Melissa Owen Jon McCarty, City Manager Judy Morrison, City Secretary Michael Stanger, Assistant City Manager Linda Vaughan, Chief Accountant Bill Petty, Community Development Director Call to Order and Announce a Ouoram is Present (Agenda Item I) The Workshop Session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Terrell at 7,40 p in. on Tuesday, May 27, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Public Library, Two Civic Circle, Allen, Texas. A quorum was reached at 7,43 p.m. (Agenda Item II) City Manager Jon McCarty announced to the Council that Don Horton with the City of Waco has accepted the position of Parks and Recreation Director for the City of Allen. He will begin July 10. Assistant City Manager Michael Stanger provided detailed information regarding facility needs. Questions used in determination of the needs included* 1) Building a building to serve the City for ultimate buildout or for a temporary need; and, 2) Highly centralized or less centralized City government. Certain criteria were used to weigh facility needs: 1) Service to public; 2) Up -front costs; 3) Acceptability to the public; 4) Flexibility to adapt to the future; 5) Administrative efficiency; and, 6) Overall (long -run) costs. The Committee gathered information from neighboring cities in the 30,000 - 50,000 population and larger populated cities were also calculated for use with regard to future growth. Allen currently has a ratio of 6.5 employees per 1,000 population. The smaller cities (30,000 - 50,000 population) indicated a ratio of 8.5 per 1,000 population and the larger cities indicated a ratio of 11.5 per 1,000 population Mr. Stanger reviewed the cost summary with regard to total cost for the year 2010 and final buildout cost. The costs included office space, site work, contingencies, etc. ALLEN CPCY COUNCIL SPECIAL CALLED WORKSHOP MAY 27, 1997 - 7:30 P.M. ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY Present: COUNCIL CHAMBERS Stephen Terrell, Mayor Lonnie Thomas David Kerr, Mayor Pro Tem Doug Gallagher Dave Powyszynski Kenneth Fulk (absent) Melissa Owen Jon McCarty, City Manager Judy Morrison, City Secretary Michael Stanger, Assistant City Manager Linda Vaughan, Chief Accountant Bill Petty, Community Development Director Call to Order and Announce a Ouoram is Present (Agenda Item I) The Workshop Session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Terrell at 7,40 p in. on Tuesday, May 27, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Public Library, Two Civic Circle, Allen, Texas. A quorum was reached at 7,43 p.m. (Agenda Item II) City Manager Jon McCarty announced to the Council that Don Horton with the City of Waco has accepted the position of Parks and Recreation Director for the City of Allen. He will begin July 10. Assistant City Manager Michael Stanger provided detailed information regarding facility needs. Questions used in determination of the needs included* 1) Building a building to serve the City for ultimate buildout or for a temporary need; and, 2) Highly centralized or less centralized City government. Certain criteria were used to weigh facility needs: 1) Service to public; 2) Up -front costs; 3) Acceptability to the public; 4) Flexibility to adapt to the future; 5) Administrative efficiency; and, 6) Overall (long -run) costs. The Committee gathered information from neighboring cities in the 30,000 - 50,000 population and larger populated cities were also calculated for use with regard to future growth. Allen currently has a ratio of 6.5 employees per 1,000 population. The smaller cities (30,000 - 50,000 population) indicated a ratio of 8.5 per 1,000 population and the larger cities indicated a ratio of 11.5 per 1,000 population Mr. Stanger reviewed the cost summary with regard to total cost for the year 2010 and final buildout cost. The costs included office space, site work, contingencies, etc. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL CALLED WORKSHOP MAY 27, 1997 PAGE 2 Based on the study findings and ratings assigned by the Facilities Study Committee, Alternative 1 with building capacity to serve through 2010 requiring $6,725,647 is being recommended for Council's consideration. Council requested more detailed numbers not only with costs, but also employee ratios. Council felt that issues need to be addressed such as image, service provision, efficiency of service, and future growth of City government. Chief Accountant Linda Vaughan reviewed five options for financing City Hall facilities. Those options included bond sale, certificates of obligation, bank loan, lease/purchase, and tax notes. Based on study findings and ratings assigned by the Facilities Study Committee, Alternative 1, which is the bond sale, is recommended for Council's consideration. Criteria used in the funding mechanisms included: 1) Voter approval; 2) Avoid tax rate increase; 3) Protect current bond ratings; 4) Ability to meet level of funding needed; and, 5) Ease of implementation. Council requested information regarding how this bond election might affect or fit in with the next CIP sale of money in 1998. Ms. Vaughan also reviewed the tax structure for the 1996-97 fiscal year along with debt service requirements and debt service schedules for $6,725,647 She also reviewed the calculation of current year tax revenues to include new growth and increased value of prior years property Council took a brief recess. Community Development Director Bill Petty discussed the nine sites the Committee reviewed along with the cost of infrastructure and land cost. Those sites include: 1) Cottonwood Creek Corridor (Allen Station Park); 2) Site between existing Library and Police station; 3) Site adjacent to City Municipal Annex; 4) Northwest comer of Allen Heights and Bethany Drive next to new Animal Control; 5) Five acres on Millennium Parkway just east of Amerihost Hotel, 6) Main street at water tower and baseball fields (Hillside); 7) North side of Main Street between Ash and Birch Streets in Central Business District (old Mosley site); 8) Exchange and Rivercrest north of Allen Station Park; and, 9) Northwest corner of Alma and McDermott. Criteria used by the Committee included: 1) Voter Approval; 2) Cost Factor, 3) Highest/Best Use; 4) Convenience; 5) Proximity to Existing; 6) Parking Availability; and, 7) Future Needs/Expansion. The Committee suggested that Council needs to deal with the exact location after funds are in hand. Chair Joe Farmer recapped the Committee process. One of the biggest problems of a facility like this is an advocacy group. The older we get as a community, the less we will have an advocacy group and, therefore, it is imperative that work be done quickly on this project. Council thanked the Committee for its work and appreciated the final project as presented this evening. Item of In[ rest to the Co i (Agenda Item III) Community Development Director Bill Petty presented survey result information regarding priority ranking of the City Hall. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL CALLED WORKSHOP MAY 27, 1997 PAGE 3 City Secretary Judy Morrison reviewed requirements for bond elections and a possible calendar regarding a bond election for the City of Allen. Council agreed that an agenda item would appear on the July 3 Agenda to call the election for September 13. Council also set a workshop date for June 17 beginning at 7:00 p.m. to set into motion a plan of action for communication and finalization on this election. Decisions to be made include cost of building, purchase of land, items to make this happen, the need, CBD, vision creation and campaign strategy (Agenda item IV) MOTION: Upon a motion by Councihnember Owen and a second by Councilmember Gallagher, the Council voted (6) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the Special Called Workshop at 11.14 p.m. on Tuesday, May 27, 1997 The motion carried. These minutes approved on the 51h of June , 1997 ATTEST: dy MoAison, CMC, CITY SECRETARY I APPROVED: Stephen Terrell, MAYOR