HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1998 - 08/18 - Special CalledPresent
Stephen Terrell, Mayor
Lonnie Thomas (absent)
David Kerr. Mayor Pro Tem
Doug Gallagher
Susan Bartlemay
Kenneth Fulk
Melissa Owen
City Staff:
Michael Stanger, Acting City Manager
Judy Morrison, City Secretary
Linda Vaughan, Finance Director
Call to Order and Announce a Ouorum is Present (Agenda Item 1)
With a quomm of the Councilmembers present, the special called session of the Public Hearing on the
Budget of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr at 7:38 p.m. on Tuesday,
August 18, 1998, in the Municipal Court Chambers of the Allen Police and Courts Building, Three Allen
Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas.
Public Hearing on the Budget as Required by Article (Agenda Item II)
4.04 of the Allen City Charter
Acting City Manager Michael Stanger reviewed revisions to the FY 1998-99 budget.
Council requested additional information regarding the 20 -year any age retirement option available in
TMRS. Council left this item on the table for additional information from staff and stated that an ordinance
would need to be prepared prior to January 1, 1999, to effect this change, if Council authorizes.
Discussion was held regarding using an existing home on Butler for office space rather than leasing a
doublewide trailer.
CIP expenses could be repaid with bond funds at a later date. Council would like to see the amount
of current bonds sold and unused to review any liability Since neighboring cities show through feasibility
studies that golf courses are needed, Council questioned the need to fund this unless it is to determine an
actual location within Allen.
AUGUST 18, 1998 - 7:00 P.M.
Stephen Terrell, Mayor
Lonnie Thomas (absent)
David Kerr. Mayor Pro Tem
Doug Gallagher
Susan Bartlemay
Kenneth Fulk
Melissa Owen
City Staff:
Michael Stanger, Acting City Manager
Judy Morrison, City Secretary
Linda Vaughan, Finance Director
Call to Order and Announce a Ouorum is Present (Agenda Item 1)
With a quomm of the Councilmembers present, the special called session of the Public Hearing on the
Budget of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr at 7:38 p.m. on Tuesday,
August 18, 1998, in the Municipal Court Chambers of the Allen Police and Courts Building, Three Allen
Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas.
Public Hearing on the Budget as Required by Article (Agenda Item II)
4.04 of the Allen City Charter
Acting City Manager Michael Stanger reviewed revisions to the FY 1998-99 budget.
Council requested additional information regarding the 20 -year any age retirement option available in
TMRS. Council left this item on the table for additional information from staff and stated that an ordinance
would need to be prepared prior to January 1, 1999, to effect this change, if Council authorizes.
Discussion was held regarding using an existing home on Butler for office space rather than leasing a
doublewide trailer.
CIP expenses could be repaid with bond funds at a later date. Council would like to see the amount
of current bonds sold and unused to review any liability Since neighboring cities show through feasibility
studies that golf courses are needed, Council questioned the need to fund this unless it is to determine an
actual location within Allen.
AUGUST 18, 1998 PAGE 2
Discussion was held regarding staffing an attorney Council requested that this item be considered
after the first of the year. Until that time, Council asked that an attorney begin attending Council meetings
effective the first meeting in October
Council expressed concern regarding the lack of city vehicles available to employees other than police
and fire for city business. Council will try to support vehicles for other city employees in future years.
Council requested additional information regarding the tax rate needed to zero out revenues over
expenses on the three-year projection.
Council questioned if the drainage fee could be used for the Mustang Creek Project. If this funding
could be moved, additional money should be able to be allocated to the library The yearly salaries should be
an adequate general reserve fund balance to the drainage fund since it will continually be funded.
Mayor Terrell opened the public hearing and asked for anyone speaking either for or against the
budget to do so at this time.
With no one speaking either for or against the request, Mayor Terrell closed the public hearing.
Items of Interest (Agenda Item III)
Council discussed items coming up for regular meeting. Council may request sign plans be placed on
the Sign Board agenda to return to Council first meeting of November
(Agenda Item M
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councdmember Banlemay and a second by Councilmember
Gallagher, the Council voted sic (6) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the special called
session of the Allen City Council at 9:33 p.m. on Tuesday, August 18, 1998 The motion
These minutes approved on the 3rd day of September, 1998.
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Stepyheenn ^ f— Terrell, MAYOR