HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1998 - 08/20 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 20, 1998 Present: Stephen Terrell, Mayor Councilmembers• David Kerr, Mayor Pro Tem Lonnie Thomas Doug Gallagher Susan Bartlemay Kenneth Fulk Melissa Owen City Staff: Michael Stanger, Acting City Manager Judy Morrison, City Secretary DINNER AND PRE -MEETING WORKSHOP Call to Order and Announce a Ouoriun is Present (Agenda Item I) With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, dinner and the workshop session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Terrell at 6:40 p in on Thursday, August 20, 1998, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. Discuss Current Aaenda (Agenda Item 11) A Consent Agenda Item C, "Receive Capital Improvements Program Status Report " Discussion was held regarding the lune 12, 1999, election date and the CIP calendar. B. Statutory Agenda Item A, "Adopt an Ordinance Establishing Certain Departments Repealing Conflicting Ordinances and Authorizing the City Manager to Assign Work." Discussion was held regarding the establishment of certain departments and expenditure authority Items not budgeted will need Council approval. [ 1i ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 20, 1998 PAGE 2 Item D, "Schedule a Public Hearing on the Proposed Tax Rate for August 31, 1998 " A question was raised regarding how the tax rate is calculated. C. Agenda No discussion was held. Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item III) A. Preview Future Agendas The Workshop Session was recessed at 7:30 p.m. Executive Session (Agenda Item Ih The Executive Session was not held. Reconvene and Consider Action on Items Discussed (Agenda Item V) Durine Executive Session REGULAR MEETING - 7:35 P.M. With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the regular session of the Allen City Council was reconvened by Mayor Terrell at 7.35 p.m. on Thursday, August 20, 1998, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. Public Recoenition • Citizens' Comments. (Agenda Item VI) Mr. Martin Tucker with Troop 837, Allen, Texas, spoke regarding the troop earning a badge for Citizenship in the Community An eagle project must also be completed. Scouts often become leaders in society Mr. Kevin Kerr, 1013 Ashland Court, Allen, Texas, spoke regarding his letter sent earlier regarding the Comprehensive Plan. He encouraged adherence to the Comprehensive Plan Mr Gayne Ek, 918 Glen Rose, Allen, Texas, expressed concern regarding EAS charges on his phone bill. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 20, 1998 PAGE 3 Consent Aeenda (Agenda Item VII) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr and a second by Councilmember Owen, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as recommended and as follows: A. Approve Minutes of the July 31, August 1 and 2, 1998, FY 1998-99 Budget Retreat. B. Approve Minutes of the August 6, 1998, Regular Meeting. C. Receive Capital Improvements Program Status Report. Statutory Agenda (Agenda Rem VHI) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Owen and a second by Councilmember Bartlemay, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve and adopt all items on the Statutory Agenda as recommended and as follows: A. Adopt an Ordinance Establishing Certain Departments Repealing Conflicting Ordinances and Authorizing the City Manager to Assign Work. Ordinance No. 1623-8-98: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Providing for Certain Administrative Departments; Authorizing the City Manager to Establish and Change Divisions Within Departments and to Assign Their Work; Repealing Ordinance Nos. 427-1-83 and 1336-5-95; Providing a Severability Clause; and Providing an Effective Date. B. Approve a Resolution Confirming Action of City Council on July 16, 1998, to Amend Executive Limitations Policy 3 5 with Respect to City Manager's Authority Over Expenditures. Resolution No. 1624-8-98(R): A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Amending the Council's Executive Limitations Policies by Limiting the City Manager's Authority over Expenditures; and Providing an Effective Date. Adopt an Ordinance Confirming Action of City Council on August 6, 1998, to Amend Floodplam-Planned Development No. 58 on Approximately 148+ Acres of Land Located North of Exchange Parkway, West of SH 5 and East of the Southern Pacific Railroad as Requested by LUG Lands, Inc. H ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 20, 1995 PAGE 4 Ordinance No. 1625-8-98: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Amending Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 1425.5-96, as Previously Amended, and Amending Ordinance No. 1409-3-96 (Planned Development No. 58) by Including the Attachment of Exhibit "D," Land Use Plan, Exhibit "E," Legal Description, Exhibit "F," Concept Plan for Tract 3B, Exhibit "G," Concept Plan For Tract 4, and Exhibit "H," Area and Use Regulations, on the Following -Described Tracts of Land: Tract 2A-55.4 Acres in the Henry Weisel Survey, Abstract No. 1026, and the L. K. Pegues Survey, Abstract 702; Tract 2B-0.7 Acres in the L. K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 702; Tract 2C-4.2 Acres in the L. K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 702; Tract 3A-35.5 Acres in the Henry Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 1026; Tract 3B-21.6 Acres in the Henry Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 1026; Tract 4-20.8 Acres in the Henry Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 1026; and Tract 5-14 Acres in the Henry Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 1026, City of Allen, Coffin County, Texas; Providing for a Penalty of Fine Not to Exceed the Sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for Each Offense; Providing for a Severability Clause; and Providing for the Effective Date of Said Ordinance. D Schedule a Public Hearing on the Proposed Tax Rate for August 31, 1998. E. Authorize a Contract and Approve a Budget for Sidewalk Construction on Rivercrest Boulevard and Roaring Springs Drive. Council authorized the Acting City Manager to execute a contract with Texas Standard Construction for the amount of $239,966 plus a contingency of $10,034 for a total budget of $250,000 for the construction of the CDC Sidewalks #1. The motion carried. Presentation of Report by Elizabeth Morris, Insight (Agenda Item IX) Research, Concerning Economic Development Ms Elizabeth Morris, President and Chief Economist, Insight Research Corporation, presented the results of the Comparative Analysis of New Development Prototypes, Ten Year Impact Analysis of Economic, Employment and Tax Benefits, Economic, Employment and Tax Impact and Cost/Benefit Analyses, The City has received significant and measurable benefits from the contributions of the AEDC's economic development program. Not only has the community benefited by experiencing its assistance in lowering city tax rates, which have decreased by 21% since 1992, but also by experiencing the program's success as a major force in both a 41% increase in the city's tax base and a 38`70 increase in its employment base In support of future land planning decisions, Insight Research Corporation has completed a comparative analysis of the economic, employment and tax benefits of seven hypothetical types of development, which might be proposed for a typical twenty -acre tract in Allen, Texas. In addition, the ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 20, 1998 PAGE 5 analysts calculates and compares the resulting net cost -to -benefit relationship associated with each land use by taking total tax benefits and subtracting the costs of public service for each use. The following table demonstrates the Ten -Year Cumulative Cost/Benefit Comparisons: Total Benefit Public Service Cost Net Benefit HQ/ADM/MIS Office - 200,000 SF $3,564,699 -$1,245,232 $2,319,467 Shopping Center - 200,000 SF $7,536,781 -$915,622 $6,621,159 Traditional Mfg. - 160,000 SF $1,947,028 -$260,071 $1,686,957 High Tech Mfg. - 184,000 SF $4,651,109 -$599,116 $4,051,993 Single Family - $125,000 $1,046,182 -$548,922 $497,260 Single Family - $250,000 $2,072,700 -$590,042 $1,482,658 Multi -Family - Moderate $2,775,399 -$2,212,506 $562,893 Public Hearing to Consider the Recommendation of (Agenda Item 7p the Sign Control Board to Amend the Sign Regulations Ordinance Community Development Director Bill Petty provided an overview regarding the background of the sign ordinance and the process followed by the Sign Control Board. He reviewed the proposed changes and discussed the Retail/Commercial Districts including those areas adjacent to US 75 and SH 121. He presented photos of various signs in Allen and Plano for comparisons. Mayor Terrell opened the public hearing and asked for anyone speaking either for or against the requests to do so at this time. Mr Brian Yost, 1302 Lighthouse Lane, Allen, Texas, stated that his neighborhood's homeowners group is not opposed to business. Their group looked at various cities' signage and desires the City of Allen develop with desirable aesthetics. He requested that the entire City should be aesthetically pleasing, not only the overlay districts. Businesses move to cities because of how it looks. He stated that he finds businesses in the yellow pages or word of mouth, not by driving down the road He urged the Council to pass a strict ordinance to keep Allen beautiful. Mr. Jim Wilson, 610 Rainforest Lane, Allen, Texas, concluded that monument signs are much more pleasing aesthetically than pole signs. Shapes and textures on monument signs can prove to be a real asset for Allen. Ms. Heidi Smalley, 1121 Hampton Drive, Allen, Texas, felt that the sign issue could unite the community Businesses that are pleasing and provide a good product will ensure repeat customers. Mr. Gayne Ek, 918 Glen Rose, Allen, Texas, stated that signs help customers locate businesses. A pole sign among pole signs is clutter. The higher they are, the more visible they are in residential areas. Ms. Sandy Sanders, 920 Tyler Court, Allen, Texas, expressed applause for the concern of citizens on this issue. We have a chance to do things right from the ground up. Make it beautiful ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 20, 1998 PAGE 6 Mr John Sprague of the Allen Chamber of Commerce presented a petition with signatures from 65 business owners expressing opposition to the proposed changes. Although aesthetics counts, signs are of utmost importance to businesses. Unsightly signs are an exception or a variance to the current sign ordinance. Tax revenue generated by retail businesses alleviates the tax burden for all citizens. The City should continue using the existing sign ordinance and review exceptions to the current sign ordinance. Ms. Kathleen Zimmer, 813 Rolling Meadows, Allen, Texas, expressed support for monument signs. Ms. Michelle Lawhom, 1413 Brandon Court, Allen, Texas, stated that she owns a business without a pole sign. Service and quality are what keeps repeat customers. Mr. Tom Foegle, 606 Sabine Court, Allen, Texas, works for a large chain, but does not depend on signage for repeatability He expressed opposition to pole signs. Mr. Rudy Rivas, 909 Springbrook, Allen, Texas, focused on the current signs. They need to be removed when the business changes hands. Ms. Cindy Lazzara, 1432 Quanah Court, Allen, Texas, noted many small businesses do not have large signs but that it is the big businesses that have big signs. Ms. Debbie Cosgrove, 1309 Lighthouse Lane, Allen, Texas, stated that a larger face sign is allowed in surrounding cities where pole signs are not allowed. Ms Theresa Glantzberg, 1420 Lighthouse Lane, Allen, Texas, stated that residents would be able to see monument signs along roadways. Ms. Cheryl Vocelka, 822 Fawn Valley Drive, Allen, Texas, did not speak but wished to express her opposition to the sign ordinance She expressed that McDermott Drive is not a residential street and signs are needed to attract customers. With no one else speaking either for or against the requests, Mayor Terrell closed the public hearing. Discussion was held regarding the main issues of pole signs versus monument signs. Council expressed hope that businesses and citizens would unite on this issue. Several questions were raised regarding the ordinance and information was requested regarding standards for monument signage. It was suggested that facing signage be reviewed in the process. Council felt that the proposed City electronic bulletin board should comply with the Ordinance. It was discussed that Council review sign plans Council needs greater oversight on that issue. Discussion was held regarding whether murals that are associated with national chains, such as Joe's Crab Shack, should be considered as signage. C ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 20, 1998 PAGE 7 Council questioned whether residents would be willing to pay a little more for products as a result of the higher costs for maintenance of monument signs. Council requested that larger monument signs be considered if advertising space is limited. Certain areas along US 75 and SH 121 will need specific restrictions regarding signage. Council addressed the following issues regarding Staffs' memo summarizing the proposed changes: Point I Criteria for monument signs should include design, materials, copy footage, and incentives for use. Point 2, 9 The word "Mural" is not defined. In some instances, murals could be allowed. Point 5 Include the word "Licensed" before the word "engineer's." Point 9 Allowance if approved by Sign Board for "special exception" in Commercial/Retail areas. Point 10 Add "60 days with a one time exception of 60 days with proof of initial order." Also on page 41, last sentence remove the words "change in ownership" and "alteration." Point 11 Delete as stated Staff can approve all signs in compliance with Ordinance. Only variances will go before the Sign Control Board and Council for approval Sign plans containing variances would go before Council for approval. Also on page 44, delete N7 Additional issues to be addressed are: Monument setbacks; Differences in Class 1 and 3; Consistency, location and obstruction of signs; changing of business ownership. Any products produced by the Ad Hoc Committee should be made available for Council review prior to the Committee's final report on September 17 MOTION: Upon a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr and a second by Councilmember Gallagher, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to table this item and send the proposed Sign Ordinance to a City Council Ad Hoc Committee for review of the entire Ordinance with final report and recommendations due to Council prior to or at the September 17 meeting. The Committee will consist of three Councilmembers, three business leaders and three residents The motion carried. Council requested that developers be asked to delay any sign approval until the Committee's final report on or prior to September 17 Mr. Jeff Nolan, Chairman, Sign Control Board, expressed displeasure that Council seemed to use the Sign Board as a scapegoat. He requested Council vote on the issue and not take to an ad hoc committee. E ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 20, 1998 PAGE 8 Policy Agenda (Agenda Item XI) A. Discussion of Quality of Life Policy- Philosophy/Environmental Scan • Apartment Design • Minimum Housing Standards • Neighborhood Integrity Ordinance B. Consider a Revitalization Plan for Boards and Commissions. C. Consider Instructions to the Planning and Zoning Commission Regarding Home Occupations Policy Council instructed the Planning and Zoning Commission to develop a policy for consideration by Council in a timely manner. I (Agenda Item XII) (Agenda Item XIII) Public Hearing on Tax Rate Board Appointment Interviews • TML Annual Conference - October 28-31, 1998 • Setting Public Hearing Dates Staff will begin setting public hearing dates. • Setting New Council Meeting Times Policy Governance will be in beginning and updates can be done by staff memo. • School Bond Election Staff will prepare a resolution of support for Council's consideration. • North Texas Regional Transportation Summit - September 10.11, 1998 • The Oldam Group Mr Oldani will meet with Council on August 31, 1998, to provide an update on the City Manager Search. Governance Self -Evaluation No discussion was held. Other Business A Calendar August 31, 1998 September 15, 1998 B. Items of Interest I (Agenda Item XII) (Agenda Item XIII) Public Hearing on Tax Rate Board Appointment Interviews • TML Annual Conference - October 28-31, 1998 • Setting Public Hearing Dates Staff will begin setting public hearing dates. • Setting New Council Meeting Times Policy Governance will be in beginning and updates can be done by staff memo. • School Bond Election Staff will prepare a resolution of support for Council's consideration. • North Texas Regional Transportation Summit - September 10.11, 1998 • The Oldam Group Mr Oldani will meet with Council on August 31, 1998, to provide an update on the City Manager Search. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 20, 1995 PAGE 9 (Agenda Item XIV) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Gallagher and a second by Councilmember Banlemay, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council at 12.15 a.m. on Friday, August 7, 1998 The motion carried. These minutes approved on the 20th day of August, 1998. ATTEST: Juffy Mo on, CMC, CITY SECRETARY P, APPROVED: Stephen Terrell, MAYOR