HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1998 - 09/17 - RegularP
SEPTEMBER 17, 1998
Stephen Terrell, Mayor
David Kerr, Mayor Pro Tem
Lonnie Thomas
Doug Gallagher
Susan Bartlemay
Kenneth Fulk
Melissa Owen
City Staff:
Michael Stanger, Acting City Manager
Judy Morrison, City Secretary (absent)
Shelley George, Administrative Secretary
Call to Order and Announce a O for at is Present (Agenda Item 1)
With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, dinner and the pre -meeting workshop session of the
Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Terrell at 6.25 p.m. on Thursday, September 17, 1998, in
the Council Chambers of the Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas.
Discuss Current Agenda (Agenda Item II)
There was no discussion held regarding current agenda items
Policy Agenda (Agenda Item III)
A. Quality of Life Policy, Philosophy/Environmental Scan
• Minimum Housing Standards
Acting City Manager Michael Stanger introduced the two speakers for the evening. The
speakers were Ms. Norma Brown, Neighborhood Revitalization Specialist for the City of
Rowlett and Allen Property Maintenance Inspector Jerry Williams
Ms. Brown reviewed minimum housing standards for the City of Dallas and City of
Rowlett. She stated that the need for minimum housing standards is a quality of life issue.
SEPTEMBER 17, 1998
Ms. Brown distributed copies of the City of Dallas' minimum housing standards. Dallas
established a board composed of community members, architects, engineers, church
representatives, and social workers. The board hears cases on substandard structures after
Code Enforcement has been unsuccessful in compliance resolution Dallas also has a
special committee of inspectors that conduct apartment inspections. The fees generated
help offset the costs of the positions required for this type of enforcement. Apartment
inspections are completed annually using a team approach. The City of Rowlett adopted
the 1997 Minimum Housing Codes. Rowlett also has a board similar to Dallas.
Council questioned the number of apartments in Rowlett and the effect the inspectors have
had on the appearance of the apartments.
Ms. Brown stated that the inspectors effect can be seen in the Central Business District.
Several demolitions have been completed in this area. Grants are available for
redevelopment in income eligible areas
Property Maintenance Inspector Jerry Williams, who has worked for the City of Plano,
reviewed Plano's inspection process. The City of Plano uses a team approach to inspect
the outside appearances of apartment complexes. Interior inspections of apartments are
conducted under the Health Code and in emergency cases, the Health Code may be used
to enter single-family dwellings. The City of Plano is finalizing an Ordinance that
establishes a program to register single-family rental homes. Before adoption, Plano will
have to justify registration and entry into private residences.
Acting City Manager Michael Stanger stated the next step in the process is to conduct a
"partnership" discussion with different groups in the community At the next Council
meeting, representatives from several groups will be invited to participate in the pre -
meeting workshop to discuss minimum housing standards
B. Revitalization Plan for Boards and Commissions
• Select One or More Boards for Attention First
Council appointed Councilmembers Fulk and Owen to an Ad Hoc Committee to study and
establish procedures for evaluating boards.
C. Consider Amending Council/Staff Linkage Policy 4.3 to Add Monitoring Schedule for Ends
Council agreed to the proposed schedule for submitting monitoring reports. A resolution will
be brought forth at the next Council meeting.
The workshop session recessed at 7 13 p.m.
Executive Session (Agenda Item XIII)
In accordance with The Texas Government Code, Legal, Section 551.071, Property, Section
551.072, Personnel, Section 551074, Staff Presentations, Section 551.075, the Allen City Council convened
into Executive Session at 7:20 p.m. on Thursday, September 17, 1998, in the Council Chambers of the Allen
Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas, in order to continue discussing matters pertaining to:
• Litigation - City of Parker Settlement
• Personnel - Board Appointments
• Staff Briefing - Development Finance Tools
The Executive Session recessed at 7:35 p.m.
With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the regular session of the Allen City Council was
reconvened by Mayor Terrell at 7 45 p in on Thursday, September 17, 1998, in the Council Chambers of the
Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas.
Public Reco�ition (Agenda Item IV)
• Citizens' Comments
Ms Bobbie Clinkenbeard, 310 Forest Grove Drive, Richardson, Texas, spoke on behalf of the
Collin County Historic Preservation Group, Inc Ms. Clinkenbeard stated that her group has
asked to be included in the Collin County Bond Program for the restoration of the Old Collin
County Courthouse. She asked to appear on the next Council agenda to discuss information
Pertaining to the restoration process.
Council asked if the proposed $3.5 million would be enough to complete the restoration.
Ms Clinkenbeard replied that the amount was based on the 1989 survey and included an inflation
factor and money for furniture and landscaping.
Consent Apenda (Agenda Item V)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Gallagher and a second by Councilmember Owen,
the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve and adopt all items on the
Consent Agenda as recommended and as follows,
A. Approve Minutes of the August 31, 1998, Public Hearing on the In Rate.
B Approve Minutes of the August 31, 1998, Special Called Meeting.
C. Approve Minutes of the September 3, 1998, Regular Meeting.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Councilmember Folk and a second by Councilmember Gallagher, the
Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve the recommendation of the
Planning and Zoning Commission to place permanent zoning of Corridor Commercial zoning
on 72.02 acres of land The motion carried.
Public Hearing to Consider the Recommendation of (Agenda Item XI)
the Planning and Zoning Commission to Place
Planned Development Zoning with Single -Family
Residential, Community Facilities and Shopping
Center Uses on Property Located West of Malone
Road between Exchange Parkway and Stacy Road
Planner Marcie Diamond stated that the proponent has requested Council table this item until
September 17
Mayor Terrell opened the public hearing and asked for anyone speaking either for or against the
request to do so at this time.
With no one speaking either for or against the request at this time, Mayor Terrell left the public
hearing open.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr and a second by Councilmember Bartlemay, the
Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to table this item to the September 17, 1998,
Council meeting at which time the public hearing will be continued for public comment. The
motion carried.
Public Hearing to Consider the Recommendation of (Agenda Item XII)
the Planning and Zoning Commission to Place
Permanent Zoning of Residential -5 and Corridor
Commercial on Property Located between Ahna
Drive and Watters Road along the Future Extension
of Ridgeview Drive
Planner Marcie Diamond reviewed the request. The original request considered by staff and the
Planning and Zoning Commission did not include a provision for community facility uses as designated on
the Comprehensive Plan, therefore, the "A" tracts were placed under a Planned Development District to
allow for the provision of zoning for a community park and a fire station
Mr Richard Ferrara requested a change be made to height restrictions to include standard height and
width restrictions which follow standards for FAA proximity to Kitty Hawk airstrip.
Mayor Terrell opened the public hearing and asked for anyone speaking either for or against the
request to do so at this time.
Mr. Donald Stovall, 2006 W Kittyhawk Drive, Allen, Texas, did not express opposition to the
request but expressed opposition to the proposed water tower He requested that the City receive FAA
approval on water tower placement. He thanked the Allen Police Department for their regular patrol of the
Mr. Tom Gandy, 2024 W Kittyhawk Drive, Allen, Texas, stated that the Kittyhawk neighborhood
wants to be good neighbors and shared several instances of this including child field trips, senior needs,
search for pets, etc. He is in favor of the request but asks for airstrip consideration regarding the water
Mr. Jim Rushing, 2000 W Kittyhawk Drive, Allen, Texas, stated that if the developers placed
height restrictions on the area, he would give his approval of the request.
With no one else speaking either for or against the request, Mayor Terrell closed the public hearing.
In the event that the airstrip disappears, the FAA restrictions also would be removed.
The dedicated parkland is on the east side of the creek which credits the residential on the west side
of he creek.
The Alma Road alignment question has been discussed with adjacent property owners
A facilities agreement will be executed prior to issuance of final plat.
Council requested a less dense residential area with larger lots along the creek line
Mr. Bill Campbell, Jr., reviewed with Council the background and history of this project including
the west side sewer system. He asked Council approve this request for zoning.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr and a second by Councilmember Thomas, the Council
voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve the recommendation of the Planning and
Zoning Commission with the following amendments: 1) streets adjacent to the west side of the
creek be a single -loaded street which can be broken with intersections and turns, with 9,000
square foot mudmum lots, the two tiers of lots behind this row of homes will be a minimum of
8.500 square foot lots and the remainder of homes be on 7,500 square foot lots. Tract B-3 will
remain R-5 straight zoning; 2) The building site restrictions shall be limited to the FAA
guidelines and if Kitty Hawk airstrip ceases to exist, the restrictions shall also be vacated; 3)
The facilities agreement shall be executed at the time of platting; 4) The ordinance requirements
regarding the amount of open space dedication of high and dry land be fulfilled; 5) The
prescriptive right-of-way be dedicated to the city at time of platting; and 6) All flood plain be
dedicated at time of platting. The motion carried.
SEPTEMBER 17, 1998
Approve a Resolution Designating the Allen American as the Official Newspaper for the City
of Allen during the 1998-99 Fiscal Year.
Resolution No. 1633-9-98(R): A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Designating the Allen American the Official Newspaper of the City
of Allen, Collin County, Texas for FY 1998-1999.
E. Receive Capital Improvements Program Status Report.
The motion carried.
Statutory Aeenda (Agenda Item VI)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr and a second by Councilmember Bartlemay,
the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve and adopt all items on the
Statutory Agenda as recommended and as follows:
A. Adopt an Ordinance Confirming Action of City Council on September 3, 1998, to Place
Permanent Zoning of Corridor Commercial on Approximately 108.996 Acres of Land Located
ESouth of Stacy Road between US 75 and SH 5.
Ordinance No. 1634-9-98: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
Amending Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 1425-5-%, as Previously Amended, to
Change the Zoning from Agricultural Open Space (AO) to Planned Development -Corridor
Commercial (PD -CC) on the Following -Described Tract of Land: 108.99 Acres of Land
Situated in the Henry Weisel Survey, Abstract No. 1026, City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas; Providing for Exhibit "A" Land Use Plan; Providing for Exhibit "B" Legal
Description; Providing for Exhibit "C" Area and Use Regulations; Providing for a Penalty
of Fine Not to Exceed the Sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for Each Offense;
Providing for a Severability Clause; and Providing for the Effective Date of Said
B. Adopt an Ordinance Confirming Action of City Council on September 3, 1998, to Place
Permanent Zoning of Corridor Commercial on Approximately 72.02 Acres of Land Located
South of Stacy Road and East of US 75
Ordinance No. 1635-9-98: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
Amending Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 1425-5-%, as Previously Amended, to
Change the Zoning from Agricultural Open Space (AO) to Corridor Commercial (CC) on
the Following -Described Tract of Land: 72.02 Acres of Land Located in the F. Wilmeth
Survey, Abstract No. 999, and the Henry Weisel Survey, Abstract No. 1026, City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas Providing for Exhibit "A" Land Use Plan and Exhibit "B" Legal
Description; Providing for a Penalty of Fine Not to Exceed the Sum of Two Thousand
Dollars ($2,000.00) for Each Offense; Providing for a Severability Clause; and Providing
for the Effective Date of Said Ordinance.
C. Adopt an Ordinance Confirming Action of City Council on September 3, 1998, to Place a
Specific Use Permit for Service Station on Property Located at the Southwest Corner of
Bethany Drive and Allen Heights Drive
Ordinance No. 1636-9-98: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
Amending Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 1425-5-96, as Previously Amended, and
Ordinance No. 507-5-84, Planned Development No. 22 (PD No. 22), by Approving Specific
Use Permit No. 60 for a Service Station on the Following -Described Tract of Land: 0.918
Acres (40,000 Square Feet) Located in Tract 2 of Exhibit "G" of Planned Development No.
22 in the R. C. Whisenant Survey, Abstract No. 1012, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas;
Providing for Exhibit "M" Site Plan, Exhibit "N" Concept Elevations and Exhibit "O" Legal
Description; Providing for a Penalty of Fine Not to Exceed the Sum of Two Thousand
Dollars ($2,000.00) for Each Offense; Providing for a Severability Clause; and Providing
for the Effective Date of Said Ordinance.
The motion carried
Report of Results from the Water/Sewer Rate Study, (Agenda Item VII)
Presented by KPMG Peat Marwick LLP
Acting City Manager Michael Stanger introduced Mr. Alan Mullins of KPMG Peat Marwick L L.P
Mr. Mullins presented an analysis of the findings for the Water/Sewer Rate Study He asked Council
for its input before submitting the final report. The analysis was performed using the following major
assumptions: 1) Projected water consumption and customer growth is based on actual consumption trends in
Fiscal Years Ending 1994 through 1998;. 2) Additional debt issuances will occur as scheduled in the City's
Capital Improvements Plan, 3) Operating and maintenance expenses, equipment purchases and capital asset
acquisitions are included based on trend analysis, the proposed 1999 budget, and assumptions of management,
4) Debt service coverage used in this analysis is 1.20 times maximum annual debt service; and, 5) Residential
wastewater customer rates are based on a maximum of ten thousand gallons of water consumption.
Based on the findings, KPMG recommends the City consider one of the following actions:
• Adjust the user rates and customer charges as reflected in Tab 2, "Findings and Conclusions", to
provide for debt service coverage and cash needs. The cost allocations used to develop the
proposed rates more directly reflect the costs of water and wastewater services.
• Leave the current rates in place and use the additional revenues to offset the Capital Improvement
Requirements anticipated within the next two years. This would reduce future total debt costs by
partially cash financing the infrastructure needs. Similarly, the additional revenues could be used
to offset the need for rate increases anticipated in future years.
Discussion was held regarding adjusting rates between services while maintaining the current overall
rate Council questioned the new debt mentioned in Schedule H, "Water/Sewer Debt Service."
Public Works Director George Conner explained that the $9 million sale would cover the three current
projects. The proposed $12 million includes the $9 million and adds additional money for a fourth project
SEPTEMBER 17, 1998
Council asked the consultant to include the following information in the study -
Include definitions of each term used within the Schedules.
• Show several scenarios that demonstrate ways of adjusting the rates, i.e. no decrease in rates but
branch rates out over the years showing which year a rate increase would occur
• Include an information schedule that reflects the 1998 costs if allocated on the same basis as future
• Include a schedule phasing in the shift of water and wasterwater costs over the study period.
TABLED ITEM: Public Hearing to Consider the (Agenda Item VIII)
Recommendation of the Planning and Zoning
Commission to Place Planned Development Zoning
with Single -Family Residential, Community
Facilities and Shopping Center Uses on Property
Located West of Malone Road between Exchange
Parkway and Stacy Road
MOTION: Upon a motion by Councilmember Gallagher and a second by Councilmember Banlemay, the
Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to remove this item from the table. The
motion carried.
Planner Marcie Diamond reviewed the request for a Planned Development District for single-family,
community facilities and shopping center uses on a 376.46 -acre tract of land. The extension of Allen Heights Drive
is proposed to traverse this property This property was originally zoned in 1986 for single firmly residential,
community facilities and shopping center, with deed restrictions that limited the number of dwelling emits to 1,257
The current request includes the zoning of 1986, incorporates the recommendations of the 1998 Thoroughfare Plan,
and allows for an additional lot size of 6,000 square foot. Ms. Diamond stated her opinion that the request satisfies
the Comprehensive Plan in that it complies with the land uses and residential densities. The Planning and Zoning
Commission recommended approval of the request with staffs recommendation, subject to the following: 1) The
Use and Area regulations being revised to delete the SUP requirement for parks in the single-family district, 2) The
Use and Area regulations being amended to include the following wording in SF -1, SF -2 and SF -3 Districts: "All
maim residential buildings shall have exterior construction of a minimum of 75 % brick, tiles, cement, concrete, stone
or similar materials", 3) The traffic improvement recommendations as outlined in the memo from Public Works
Director George Conner dated July 1, 1998, and, 4) A facilities agreement being entered into prior to approval of
the first final plat within this Planned Development District These changes are reflected in the Use and Area
Reguhhom in the Council packet.
Mr. Brad Meyers of Caner and Burgess spoke on behalf of the proponent. He asked that the number of
dwelling units remain at 1,257 and that an additional product size he added. The proponent has met with residents
of Buckingham Estates regarding their concerns with buffering along the realignment of Allen Heights Drive. The
residents agreed to the proponent providing a 15- foot landscape buffering in addition to the 10 -foot parkway along
Allen Heights Drive adjacent to Buckingham Estates.
Mayor Terrell stated that the public hearing was still open and asked for anyone speaking either for
or against the request to do so at this time.
SEPTEMBER 17, 1995
Mr. Bob Shelton, 3505 Teasley Lane, Denton, Texas, stated he is currently under contract for this
property with plans to proceed with closing if successful with zoning.
Ms. Sue Ruder, 130 Buckingham Lane, expressed appreciation to the developers for working with
the residents to solve the buffering along Allen Heights Drive
With no one else speaking either for or against the request, Mayor Terrell closed the public hearing.
Discussion was held regarding whether the planting materials described in the 25 -foot landscape buffer
would comply with the City's Landscape Ordinance and if a sidewalk would be included within the buffer. Council
expressed concern that the request does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan. Council questioned the
allowance for the length of cul-de-sacs to exceed the 600 -foot requirement established by the Fire Marshall.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Councilmember Bartlemay and a second by Councilmember Gallagher, the
Council voted four (4) for and three (3) opposed with Mayor Terrell, Mayor Pro Tem Kerr
and Councilmember Folk casting negative votes, to approve the recommendation of the Planning
and Zoning Commission for this request with the following amendments: 1) A 15 -foot landscape
buffer be provided between Buckingham Estates and the extension of Allen Heights Drive; 2)
Planting materials used in the Landscape buffer most comply with the City's Landscape Ordinance;
3) Sidewalks be provided along both sides of Allen Heights Drive; and, 4) Minimum lot size of
6,000 square foot with a minimum average lot size of 7,500 square foot. The motion carried.
Mayor Pro Tem Kerr stated no hardship existed on this case and that there was no reason to change the
zoning. He stated this was bad zoning to go forward with this tonight and the zoning change increased rhe value of
this property with realigning Allen Heights Drive
Councilmember Fulk concurred with Mayor Pro Tem Kerr statements. He stated the change in zoning
creates an average of R-5 throughout the entire development.
Mayor Terrell also concurred with Mayor Pro Tem Ken'. He stated he did not understand the smaller lot
sizes and that this zoning creates a domino effect with adjacent properties.
Public Hearing to Consider the Recommendation of (Agenda Item 17Q
the Planning and Zoning Commission to Place
Permanent Zoning of Flood Plain -Planned
Development on 13.736 Acres of Land Located at
the Southwest Corner of McDermott Drive and
Suncreek Drive as Requested by Richard James
Planner Marcie Diamond reviewed the request to provide FP- PD - single family zoning to allow for
49 lots with a minimum square feet of 5,000 at a gross density of 3.56 dwelling units per acre. The tract is
relatively flat, with wooded areas along the creek areas and a tree line between this property and Tract 3 of
Suncreek. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the request subject to revisions to
the Use and Area regulations to allow an option to have either public or private streets within this
development. Staff recommends approval of this request because it provides a buffer between the church
facilities to the north and the single family to south. It complies with the Comprehensive Plan in terms of
densities, provision of open space, hike and bike trails and single loaded streets.
Mr Warren Packer, proponent, introduced his partner Richard Vlad. He stated that they are high-
end custom homebuilders. The proposed development would be upscale with homes priced in the $200,000
price range. The property is challenging with the amount of floodplain and the narrowest at the neck A hike
and bike trail will be included in the floodplain. A decision has not been made as to the whether the
community will be gated or not. The home that is presently located on the property will be moved.
Mayor Terrell opened the public hearing and asked for anyone speaking either for or against the
request to do so at this time.
With no one speaking either for or against the request, Mayor Terrell closed the public hearing
Council questioned if the requirement for Open Space could include flood fringe.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Councihnember Gallagher and a second by Councilmember Bartlemay, the
Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve the recommendation of the
Planning and Zoning Commission for this request with an amendment that homes be built
centered on the lot. The motion carried.
Council recessed for a ten-minute break.
Public Hearing to Consider the Recommendation (Agenda Item 7t)
of the Planting and Zoning Commission to
Establish Planned Development Zoning on 64.09±
Acres of Land Located South of Bethany Drive
and West of FM 2551 as Requested by Ronald
Haynes, Jr. on behalf of the Reid Family Trust
Planner Marcie Diamond advised Council the sign for this property was not posted ten days prior to
the City Council public hearing as required by the Zoning Ordinance. Notification of the public hearing
appeared in the Allen American. Council, therefore, has the option to waive the sign requirement or to
reschedule the public hearing to October 15.
Council elected to waive the requirement and proceed with the public hearing.
Planner Marcie Diamond reviewed the request to establish Platmetl Development zoning for R-7, CF and
IR uses on 64 09 ± acres of lard. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the request
contingent on staff recommendations with the following conditions: 1) at the time of platting, the
subdivisions should be designed in such a manner to incorporate curvilinear street patterns and similar
designs, the collector street shall be constructed to standard width from Malone to F.M. 2551 prior to the
development of the elementary school, 2) a SUP shall be required for a service station in the LR tract: 3)
prior to submission of a preliminary plat on any portion of this tract, the property owner(s) will consummate
SEPTEMBER 17, 1998
a facility agreement to determine the timing and/or funding of the thoroughfare improvements adjacent to this
tract; 4) and, omitting the item regarding density reduction.
Mr. Ron Haynes, proponent, reviewed his proposal with Council. The Allen Independent School
District is proposing a school site on this property instead of the location in Lucas. A park site planned
adjacent to the school site would serve as a temporary retention area for rainwater runoff He requested
approval of his request for R-7 zoning with a minimum lot size of 5,500. This would be a continuation of the
zoning on the adjacent tract.
Mayor Terrell opened the public hearing and asked for anyone speaking either for or against the
request to do so at this time.
With no one speaking either for or against the request, Mayor Terrell closed the public hearing.
Discussion was held regarding the use of the private park as a temporary retention area for rainwater
runoff. Council questioned whether park dedication fees would be due at the time of platting
Staff stated that dedication fees would be due for the park.
■.� MOTION: Upon a motion by Councilmember Fulk and a second by Councdmember Gallagher, the
Er1 Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve the recommendation of the
Planning and Zoning Commission for this request with the addition of staffs recommendation
for a reduction in the overall gross residential density by incorporating a mixture of units with
maximum of 50% of the units to be 5,500 square feet and the remaining to be a minimum of
7,500 square feet to be in accordance with the recommendations of the 1998 Comprehensive
Plan The larger lots should be provided within the eastern portion of the property in close
proximity to the lower density residential envisioned in the communities to the east. The
motion carried.
Gover amrce Self -Evaluation (Agenda Item XI)
Acting City Manager Michael Stanger reviewed his trip to the City of Bryan's City Council meeting.
He will present a formal report later. A videotape of the Council meeting is available for Council's review
Council stated that it liked the new Agenda setup especially the Policy Agenda being held in the pre -
meeting workshop.
Discussion was held regarding Council motions It was discussed that Councilmembers make
comments regarding the motion prior to voting rather than after voting.
Mr. Ronald Haynes, proponent, asked Council to reconsider its action on Agenda Item X by denying
the zoning. He stated that the zoning would not work for the project he had planned
EAttorney Pete Smith advised Council of the options available. These options are to reconsider
Council's action tonight, wait until the next Council meeting and reconsider at that time, or to leave the zoning
SEPTEMBER 17, 1998
as approved. Attorney Pete Smith informed Council that it could pull items on the Statutory Agenda for
reconsideration at the next meeting
MOTION: A motion was made by Councilmember Bartlemay to reconsider Council's action and to table
Agenda Item X to allow the proponent time to resubmit his request. The motion died for lack
of a second.
Other Business (Agenda Item XII)
A. Accept Monitoring Reports.
• Treatment of Citizens Policy (EL 3.1)
• Treatment of Staff Policy (EL 3 2)
Acting City Manager Michael Stanger presented the monitoring reports. He asked for
Council's input Discussion was held regarding the telephone policy for handling abusive
customers. Council asked staff to provide better and more objective information to support
the monitoring report.
B. Calendar
• Set Wednesday, September 30, 1998, for the Joint Council/AEDC Meeting
• Consider Dates for Joint Meeting with AISD Board - October 22, 1998
C. Items of Interest
There were no items of interest discussed.
The regular session recessed at 11 22 p in.
Executive Session
(Agenda Item XIII)
In accordance with The Texas Government Code, Legal, Section 551.071, Property, Section
551.072, Personnel, Section 551.074, Staff Presentations, Section 551.075, the Allen City Council
reconvened into Executive Session at 11.30 p in on Thursday, September 17, 1998, in the Council Chambers
of the Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas, in order to continue discussing matters
pertaining to:
• Litigation - City of Parker Settlement
• Personnel - Board Appointments
• Staff Briefing - Development Finance Tools
The Executive Session adjourned at 12.30 a.m. on Friday, September 18, 1998.
Reconvene and Consider Action on Items Discussed (Agenda Item XIV)
During Executive Session
SEPTEMBER 17. 1998
The Allen City Council reconvened into regular session at 12 32 a.m. on Friday, September 18, 1998,
in the Council Chambers of the Allen Public Library The Boards and Commission Interview Committee
placed the following names as a slate of nominations for the specific places on the following boards:
Board of Admstment Expiration Date
Place No 2 - Robert Engle September 30, 2000
Place No 4 - David Prall September 30, 2000
Alternate Place No. 2 - Jerry Higgins September 30, 2000
Cable TV & Telecommunications Advisory Committee
Place No. 2 - Carl M. Johnson
Place No 4 - Eric Willard
Place No. 6 - R€my Tholen
Allen Community Development Corporation
Place No. 2 - Claudia Kelley
Place No 4 - Debbie Stout
Place No. 6 - Carl Clemencich, Jr
Allen Economic Development Corporation
Place No. 4 - John Poer
Place No 5 - Jim Brazeal
Keep Allen Beautiful
Place No. 2
Place No. 4
Place No. 6
Allen Library Board
Place No
Place No.
Place No.
Parks and Recreation Board
Place No. 2
Place No. 4
Place No. 6
- Brent Horak
- Patricia Buckley
- Melissa Owen
- Frank Snidow
- Rhonda Page Grigg
- Deloris Teel
Planning and Zoning Commission
Place No. 2 -
Place No. 4 -
Place No. 6 -
Kevin Pierce
Jim Waldbauer
Anne Campbell
Expiration Date
September30, 2000
September 30, 2000
September 30, 2000
Expiration Date
September 30, 2000
September 30, 2000
September 30, 2000
Expiration Dale
September 30, 2001
September 30, 2001
Expiration Dale
September 30, 2000
September 30, 2000
September 30, 2000
Expiration Dale
September 30, 2000
September 30, 2000
September 30, 2000
Exmration Date
September 30, 2000
September 30, 2000
September 30, 2000
Expiration Date
Mark Pacheco September 30, 2000
Ross Obermeyer September 30, 2000
Pamela Smith September 30, 2000
SEPTEMBER 17, 1998 PAGE 12
Shm Control Board Expiration Date
Place No. 1 - Steven Knaack September 30, 2000
Place No 2 - Kenneth Harvey September 30, 1998
Place No 4 - Fritz Dietrich September 30, 2000
City Health Officer Expiration Date
City Health Officer - John Connolly September 30, 2000
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Thomas and a second by Councilmember Fulk, the
Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed that nominations cease and that the slate of
individuals previously nominated be appointed by acclamation to the designated places on the
Board of Adjustment, Cable TV & Telecommunications Advisory Committee, Allen
Community Development Corporation Board, Allen Economic Development Corporation
Board, Keep Allen Beautiful, Library Board, Parks and Recreation Board, Planning & Zoning
Commission, Sign Control Board and City Health Officer respectively The motion carried.
(Agenda Item ICV)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr and a second by Councilmember Owen, the
Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the regular session of the Allen
City Council at 12:35 a.m. on Friday, September 18, 1998. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 1st day of October, 1998
"_ P"0-
Stephen Terrell, MAYOR