HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 2000 - 04/06 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
APRIL 6, 2000
Stephen Terrell, Mayor
David Kerr, Mayor Pro Tem
Lonnie Thomas
Doug Gallagher (absent)
Susan Bartlemay (absent)
Kenneth Fulk
Melissa Owen
City Staff:
Peter H. Vargas, City Manager
Judy Morrison, City Secretary
Peter G. Smith, City Attorney
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen City Council was called to
order by Mayor Terrell at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 6, 2000, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Public
Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. Items discussed in the preceding workshop included
• Update Regarding the Library Master Plan
• Briefing Regarding the Allen Arts Alliance Cultural Arts Strategic Plan 2000
• Discussion Regarding North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) Board Member
Pledee of Allegiance
Public Recognition
1. Citizens' Comments.
2. Presentation of a Silent Hero Certificate to Ms. Jennifer Davis, Dispatcher with the Allen Police
3. Presentation of Plaques -of -Appreciation to Former Members of Various City Boards.
APRIL 6, 2000
Mayor Terrell presented Plaques -of -Appreciation to the following former board members for their
service to the City of Allen:
• Claudia Kelley, Allen Community Development Corporation, June 1996 — April 2000
• Kevin Kerr, Planning and Zoning Commission, July 1998 —April 2000
4. Presentation of a Proclamation to the Rape Crisis Center of Collin County.
Councilmember Owen stepped down from the Council bench
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr and a second by Councilmember Fulk, the
Council voted four (4) for and none (0) opposed to approve and adopt all items on the consent
agenda as follows:
5. Approve Minutes of the March 16, 2000, Regular Meeting.
6. Adopt a Resolution Approving the Library Master Plan for the City of Allen.
Resolution No. 1812-4-00(R): A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Approving the Library Master Plan for the Allen Public Library and Its Goals for Library Services.
7. Award Bid and Authorize Execution of a Contract with Randall & Blake, Inc., in the Amount of
$730,000 for the Development of the Suncreek Neighborhood Park and an Alternate Bid Item for
the Bolin Park Restroom and Concession Buildings.
Council authorized the City Manager to execute a contract with Randall & Blake, Inc., in the amount of
$730,000 for the development of the Suncreek Neighborhood Park and an alternate bid item for the
Bolin Park restroom and concession buildings.
8. Authorize Execution of a Contract, on behalf of the Allen Community Development Corporation
(CDC), with MESA Design Group in the Amount of $42,500 for Design Services Related to the
Development of a Recreational Trails Master Plan/Landscape Architectural Services.
Council authorized the City Manager to execute a contract with MESA Design Group in the amount of
$42,500 for design services related to the developmcnt of a Recreational Trails Master Plan including
landscape architectural services.
9. Authorize a Contract with Metroplex Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Wireless Services in the
Amount of $12,000 per Year for Placement of Cellular Antennae on the Custer Water Tower.
Council authorized the City Manager to execute a five-year contract with the Metroplex Telephone
Company, d/b/a AT&T Wireless Services, in the amount of $12,000 per year with a rate increase of 5%
each year for the placement of Cellular Antennae on the Custer Water Tower.
APRIL 6, 2000 PAGE 3
10. Receive Tax Assessor -Collector's Reports for January 2000 and February 2000.
11. Receive CIP (Capital Improvement Program) Status Report.
The motion carried.
Councilmember Owen returned to the Council bench.
12. Consider All Matters Incident and Related to the Issuance and Sale of $11,100,000 General
Obligation Bonds, Series 2000, Including the Receipt of Bids Therefor, and the Adoption of an
Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of Such Bonds for (1) Expanding the Existing Police and
Courts Facility; (2) Construction of a New Central Fire Station and Administrative Facility; (3)
Street and Drainage Improvements; and (4) the Design and Construction of a Natatorium and
Park Roads.
Ordinance No. 18134-00: An Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of "City of Allen, Texas, General
Obligation Bonds, Series 2000", Specifying the Terms and Features of Said Bonds; Levying a Continuing
Direct Annual Ad Valorem Tax for the Payment of Said Bonds; and Resolving Other Matters Incident and
Related to the Issuance, Sale, Payment and Delivery of Said Bonds, Including the Approval and Execution
of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and the Approval and Distribution of an Official Statement; and
Providing an Effective Date.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Fulk and a second by Councilmember Owen, the
Council voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to accept the bid of Dean Witter Reynolds for
the purchase of the $11,100,000 "City of Allen, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2000"
at a true interest cost of 5.487% and to approve and adopt Ordinance No. 1813-4-00 as
previously captioned and recommended. The motion carried.
13. Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider the Adoption of an Ordinance Rezoning 50± Acres of
Land from Agriculture/Open Space to Planned Development No. 88 Containing Shopping Center
and Single Family Residential Uses for Allen Exchange J.V. on Property Located at the Northeast
Corner of Exchange Parkway and Malone Road.
Mayor Terrell opened the public hearing and asked for anyone speaking either for or against the request
to do so at this time.
David Blom stated he had not had the opportunity to analyze the impact of this development on
neighboring projects. He expressed opposition to the proposed development since several questions
remain unanswered He requested Council table consideration of this request.
�.j With no one else speaking either for or against the request, Mayor Terrell closed the public hearing.
1 APRIL 6, 2000
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr and a second by Councilmember Falk, the
Council voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to table consideration of this item to the May 4,
2000, Council meeting to allow time for the proponent to resolve issues with surrounding
property owners. Council encouraged the proponent to resolve the following issues before
returning on May 4: 1) consider the relocation of gas station to the southwest comer; 2) define
open space; and 3) reduction of Shopping Center zoning. The motion carried.
14. Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider the Adoption of an Ordinance Retuning H± Acres of
Land Currently Zoned Agriculture/Open Space for an Amendment to Planned Development No.
54, Tract 26, for Residential and Community Facilities Uses for Twin Creeks Phase 4C on
Property Located South of Exchange Parkway and East of Alma Drive.
Mayor Terrell opened the public hearing and asked for anyone speaking either for or against the request
to do so at this time.
With no one speaking either for or against the request. Mayor Terrell closed the public hearing.
Ordinance No. 1814-4-00: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Amending
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 1425-5-96 and Zoning Map, as Previously Amended, by Granting a
Change in Zoning from Agriculture Open Space to Planned Development No. 54, Tract 26 for "R4" Single
Family Residential District and "CF" Community Facilities for 10 834 Acres of Land Situated in the
Catherine Parson Survey, Abstract No. 711, City Of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and Being Further
Described in Exhibit "A" Attached Hereto; Providing for Development Regulations and a Concept Plan
Attached Hereto as Exhibit "B"; Providing for a Repealing Clause; Providing for a Severability Clause;
Providing for a Savings Clause; Providing for a Penally of Fine not to Exceed the Sum of Two Thousand
Dollars ($2,000) for Each Offense, and Providing for an Effecu%e Date.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Falk and a second by Councilmember Owen, the
Council voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to approve and adopt Ordinance No. 1814-4-00
as previously captioned for an amendment n, Tract 26 of Planned Development No. 54. The
motion carried.
15. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning the Annexation of 18± Acres of Land Located at the
Northeast Corner of Custer Road and Hedgcoxe Road.
Mayor Terrell opened the public hearing and asked Ibr anyone speaking either for or against the request
to do so at this time.
With no one speaking either for or against the request, Mayor Terrell closed the public hearing.
No action was required on this item at this time.
16. Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider a Request to Establish Reinvestment Zone #23 for
Enterprise Business Park D-2, L.P., and Adopt an Ordinance Implementing Reinvestment Zone
#23 and Approval of a Tax Abatement Agreement.
APRIL 6, 2000
Mayor Terrell opened the public hearing and asked for anyone speaking either for or against the request
to do so at this time.
With no one speaking either for or against the request, Mayor Terrell closed the public hearing.
Ordinance No. 1815-4-00: An Ordinance of the Cih Council of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
Designating Reinvestment Zone No. 23 (Enterprise Business Park D-2, L P), Providing Eligibility of the
Zone for Commercial -Industrial Tax Abatement; Containing Findings that the Area Qualifies to be
Designated as a Reinvestment Zone and the Improvements Sought are Feasible and Practicable and of
Benefit to the Land and the City; Providing for a Severability Clause; Providing for a Repealing Clause;
and Providing for the Effective Date of Said Ordinance.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Thomas and a second by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr, the
Council voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to approve and adopt Ordinance No. 1815-4-00
as previously captioned and to authorize the Nlayor to execute documents necessary to provide
the proposed tax abatement schedule of 409n for ten years in support of the construction of a
90,000 square foot office budding by Enterprise Business Park D-2, L.P The motion carried.
Other Business
17. Calendar
• April 8 —Spring Spruce Up 2000
• April 8—Allen Civic Ballet, 7:00 p.m., Lowery Freshman Center Auditorium
• July 1 —Allen USA
18. Items of Interest
The regular session recessed at 9:20 p.m.
Executive Session
In accordance with The Texas Local Government Code, Legal, Section 551.071, Property, Section 551.072,
Personnel, Section 551.074, the Allen City Council convened into Executive Session at 9:25 p.m. on Thursday,
April 6, 2000, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Public Librarv, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas, in
order to continue discussing matters pertaining to:
• Consider Appointments to Vacancies on Various City Boerds/Commission
• Evaluation of City Secretary
• Evaluation of City Manager
The Executive Session adjourned at 9*44 pin on Thursday, April 6, 2000.
APRIL 6, 2000 PAGE 6
19. Reconvene and Consider Action on Items Discussed during Executive Session.
The Allen City Council reconvened into regular session at 9.45 p.m. on Thursday, April 6, 2000, in the
Council Chambers of the Allen Public Library The following action was taken on items discussed
during Executive Session.
The Council Interview Committee placed the following names as a slate of nominations for the specific
places on the following boards.
Allen Arts Alliance
Expiration Date
Place No. 1
- Debra Sielert
September 30, 2001
Place No. 6
- Cynthia Kaleta
September 30, 2002
Allen Community Development Corporation
Expiration Date
Place No. 2
- Barbara Peavy
September 30, 2002
Planning and Zoning
Expiration Date
Place No. 5
- Gary Caplinger
September 30, 2001
Place No. 6
- Lauri Blake
September 30, 2002
Sign Control Board
Expiration Date
Place No. 3
- Frank Brown
September 30, 2001
MOTION: Upon a motion by Councilmember Falk and a second by Councilmember Owen, the Council
voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed that nominations cease and that the slate of individuals
previously nominated be appointed by acclamation to the designated places on the Allen Arts
Alliance, Allen Community Development Corporation Board, Planning and Zoning
Commission and Sign Control Board, respectively, and to move Councilmember Owen to the
position of liaison on the Keep Allen Beaotitul Board, creating a vacancy in Place No. 6. The
motion carried.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Thomas and a second by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr, the
Council voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the regular session of the Allen City
Council at 9'47 p.m. on Thursday, April 6, 2000. The motion carried.
APRIL 6, 2000 PAGE 7
These minutes approved on the 20th day of April, 2000.
Stephen errell, MAYOR