HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 2007 - 07/24 - RegularE ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 24, 2007 Present: Stephen Terrell, Mayor (absent) Councilmembers: Debbie Stout, Mayor Pro Tem Ross Obermeyer Mark Pacheco Robin L. Sedlacek Gary L. Caplinger Jeff McGregor City Staff: Peter H. Vargas, City Manager Shelli Siemer, Assistant City Manager Shelley B George, City Secretary Pete Smith, City Attorney Workshop Session With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the Workshop Session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Stout at 6:12 p.m. on Tuesday, July 24, 2007, in the Council Conference Room of the Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas. Items discussed in the workshop included: Review Proposed Resolutions for Water Conservation Plan and Water Rates With no further discussion, the Workshop Session of the Allen City Council was adjourned at 7:08 p.m. on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Stout at 7 12 p.m. on Tuesday, July 24, 2007, in the Council Chambers of the Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas. Pledge of Allegiance ■�^ Public Recognition �` 1. Citizens' Comments. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 24, 2007 PAGE John Penzenik, 806 Fairwood Dirve, Allen, Texas, expressed concern over residents' lack of compliance with the requirement regulating the storage of polycarts He requested the City educate residents on the law Ravmond Johnson, 740 Fairlawn Street, Allen, Texas, expressed concern over the proposed Arena project Sara Smith, 1533 High County Lane, Allen, Texas, expressed concern over residents parking company trucks on residential roadways. 2. Recognition of the Allen Senior Recreation Center Volunteers for 6,667 Volunteer Hours at the Center. 3. Recognition of the City of Allen Finance Department as the Recipient of the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award by the Government Finance Officers Association. Consent Aeenda MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Obermeyer and a second by Councilmember Sedlacek, Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to adopt the consent agenda as follows: 4. Approve Minutes of the July 10, 2007, Regular Meeting. 5. Adopt an Ordinance Adopting and Enacting the Allen Land Development Code, 2007 Edition, for the City of Allen. ORDINANCE NO. 2639-7-07: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ADOPTING AND ENACTING A NEW ALLEN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE FOR THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING THE SAME; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES NOT INCLUDED THEREIN, EXCEPT AS HEREINAFTER PROVIDED; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 6. Adopt a Resolution Authorizing City Staff, the City's Financial Advisor, and the City's Bond Counsel to Proceed with the Arrangements for the Sale of Revenue Bonds by the Allen Community Development Corporation and the Allen Economic Development Corporation. RESOLUTION NO. 2640-7-07(R): A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING APPROPRIATE PERSONNEL AND CONSULTANTS TO PROCEED WITH ARRANGEMENTS AND THE PREPARATION OF DOCUMENTS FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF REVENUE BONDS BY THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND THE ALLEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, AND RESOLVING OTHER MATTERS INCIDENT AND RELATED THERETO. Acknowledge Receipt of the Proposed 2007-2008 City Budget and the Proposed 2008-2012 Capital Improvement Program as Submitted by the City Manager in Accordance with Article ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 24, 2007 IV, Section 4.02 of the City Charter. PAGE 8. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Halff Associates, Inc. to Provide Surveying Services for the Rowlett Creek Floodplain on the McDermott Tract, for an Amount Not to Exceed 531,850, and Establish a Project Budget of $35,000. 9. Authorize the City Manager to Accept the Dedication of Land from Mary McDermott Cook and the Purchase of Land from Margaret McDermott for Fire Station #5 for the Purchase Price of $70,000, Subject to the Conditions Identified in the Attached Letters. 10. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Professional Services Contract for the Design of Sewer Line Rehabilitation in the Allenwood Estates Subdivision, with Lockwood, Andrews and Newman, Inc., for an Amount Not to Exceed $90,000. 11. Authorize the City Manager to Approve an Annual Contract for Document Scanning, Imaging, and Microfiche Services, from DataBank D11X, LLC., in the Annual Estimated Expenditure of $32,237.50 with Four One -Year Options to Renew Under the Same Terms and Conditions. 12. Motion to Authorize a Payment of $41,116.95 to Maxim Motorsport for the Construction of Motorsport Court (Allen Central Drive). 13. Receive the CIP (Capital Improvement Program) Status Report. 14. Receive the Summary of Property Tax Collections as of June 2007. The motion carried. 15. Adopt a Resolution Suspending the 25% Drought Contingency Plan Stage Three Water Rate Surcharge and Set New Rates for Residential and Commercial Water Services. RESOLUTION NO. 2641-7-07(R): A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING SANITARY SEWER CHARGES AND WATER SERVICE CHARGES, SUSPENDING THE 25% DROUGHT CONTINGENCY PLAN STAGE 3 WATER RATE SURCHARGE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Pacheco and a second by Councilmember Caplinger, the Council voted five (5) for and one (1) opposed with Councilmember Obermeyer casting the negative vote, to adopt Resolution No. 2641-7-07(R) to suspend the 25% Drought Contingency Plan Stage 3 water rate surcharge and set new rates for residential and commercial water service as illustrated in Resolution Option Ia. The motion carried. 16. Motion to Set Tuesday, August 14, 2007, and Tuesday, August 28, 2007, at 7:00 P.M. at Allen i City Hall, One Allen Civic Plaza, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, as the Dates, Time, and Place for the First and Second Public Hearings on the City's Proposed Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget in Accordance with Article IV, Section 4.04 of the City Charter. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 24, 2007 PAGE MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Pacheco and a second by Councilmember McGregor, the Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to set Tuesday, August 14, 2007, and Tuesday, August 28, 2007, at 7.00 p.m. at Allen City Hall, One Allen Civic Plaza, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, as the dates, time, and place for the first and second Public Hearings on the City's proposed Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget in accordance with Article IV, Section 4.04 of the City Charter. The motion carried. 17. Motion to Set Tuesday, August 14, 2007, and Tuesday August 28, 2007, at 7:00 P.M. at Allen City Hall, One Allen Civic Plaza, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, as the Dates, Time, and Place for the First and Second Public Hearings on the Proposed City Tax Rate of 55.8 cents per $100 of Appraised Value for the Fiscal Year 2007-2008. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember McGregor and a second by Councilmember Obermeyer, the Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to set Tuesday, August 14, 2007, and Tuesday, August 28, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. at Allen City Hall, One Allen Civic Plaza, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, as the dates, time and place for the first and second Public Hearings on the proposed City Tax Rate of 55.8 cents per $100 of appraised value for the Fiscal Year 2007-2008. The motion carried. Other Business 18. Calendar. August 2 —Allen Ducks Unlimited Annual Banquet • August 6-14 — "Fill the Bus" Campaign August 7-10 — 2007 Transportation Summit, Irving, Texas • August 10-12 — City Council Budget Workshop August 13 — New Teacher Reception Hosted by Chamber of Commerce 19. Items of Interest. The Executive Session was not held. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Pacheco and a second by Councilmember McGregor. the Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Allen City Council at 748 p.m. on Tuesday. July 24, 2007 The motion carred. I ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 24, 2007 PAGE 5 These minutes approved on the 14' day of August, 2007 APPROVED - Stephen lerrell, MAYOR ATTEST: C 6L� Shelley B. Georg , RMC, CITY SE TARY L