HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 2018 - 01/16 - Regular r =
TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2018 - 6:30 P.M.
ALLEN, TX 75013
Ponder, Susan Smith, Ryan Smith, Andrea, Education Specialist
Wallace, Chris Shaikh, Elias Kliewer, Donna, Waste Services Manager
Webre, Troy Kacines, Susan
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum present, the Keep Allen Beautiful regular meeting was called to order by Chair
Elias Shaikh at 6:36 pin on Tuesday, January 16, 2018 in the City Hall Basement Conference
Room B of City Hall, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, TX 75002.
1. Approve Minutes of October 17, 2017 Meeting in the City Hall Basement-Meeting
Room B, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, TX. A motion to approve the minutes of
October 17, 2017 was made by Troy Webre and seconded by Susan Ponder, with all in
2. Receive Financial Report. Donna Kliewer reported that there was $16,977.01 in the
American National Bank account. A discussion was held to explain how funds were
used. A motion to accept the financial report was made by Ryan Smith and seconded by
Sommer Bernard, with all in favor.
3. Receive Update on KAB Events and Projects.
• Arbor Day Celebration—October 28, 2017—After Action Report—Ryan Smith and
Sommer Bernard reported that they enjoyed working the booth, playing games with
attendees, and handing out KAB t-shirts. Attendance was down due to the cold
weather,but it was a fun event.
• Trees for Allen—October 28, 2017—After Action Report—Donna Kliewer reported
that not all the trees were picked up at the designated time and alternate pickup
arrangements had to be made.
• Allen Recycles Day/Recycled Art Contest—November 4, 2017—After Action Report
—A discussion was held about improvements to this event, but all agreed that it ran
smoothly. Some residents missed the large sign directing them to the electronics
collection and the Salvation Army needed more workers and trucks. The ceremony
for the Recycled Art Contest went well and the winners were excited to meet the
305 CENTURY PARKWAY•ALLEN,TEXAS 75013 • 214.509.4100
WEB: www.cityofallen.org•EMAIL: coa@cityofallen.org
• Rotary Holiday Parade—December 3, 2017—After Action Report— Sommer Bernard
reported that it was a lot of fun. She enjoyed walking with the winners of the
Recycled Art Contest and their families.
• Keep America Beautiful Conference—January 17— 19, 2018—Update—Donna
Kliewer reported that the conference was in Dallas at the Fairmont Hotel. There are
funds available for board members to attend on any of the conference days.
• Arbor Day Poster Contest—January 26, 2018—Update—Andrea Smith reported that
the contest rules and curriculum were sent out to the 4t1 and 5th,grade science teachers
and the PTA Environmental Chairs in the Allen ISD. The informational posters are
due on January 26, 2018, and board members are invited to help judge.
• GCAA Application—February 6, 2018 —Update—Andrea Smith reported that the
application criteria were included in the meeting packet for board members to review.
Donna Kliewer reported that she would begin working on the application after the
Keep America Beautiful Conference.
• KTB Individual and Organization Award Applications—February 16, 2018—Update
—Andrea Smith reported that she would like to submit the Allen Garden Club for the
Civic Organization award. Denise Webre has been contacted for information.
• KTB Youth and Educator Award Applications—April 30, 2018—Update—
Discussion was held about potential candidates. Andrea Smith reported that Becky
Purdue would be an excellent candidate for the Educator Award, and that Cheatham
Elementary would be a great candidate for the Educational Institution category.
• Eggscellent Family Adventure—March 24, 2018 —Update—Andrea Smith reported
that this is a Parks &Recreation event. It is as a great venue in which to advertise
• Earthfest—April 7, 2018—Update—Elias Shaikh and Donna Kliewer gave a brief
overview of the event.
• Great American Cleanup—April 28, 2018 —Update—Donna Kliewer reported that
this event is similar to the Allen Recycles Day event except includes trash, metal, and
brush collection. She stated that the Salvation Army and ACO would both attend.
She also reported that burgers and hot dogs would be served to the volunteers for
4. Discussion of Outreach Initiatives. Donna Kliewer reported that staff is continuing their
educational outreach efforts.
A motion to adjourn the regular session of the Keep Allen Beautiful board meeting was made by
Susan Ponder and seconded by Chris Wallace, with all in favor. The regular session of the Keep
Allen Beautiful board adjourned at 7:40 pm on Tuesday, January 16, 2018.
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Donna Kliewer, ATTEST Chair, Elias Shaikh