HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 2017 - 03/21 - Regular CITY OF ALLEN
TUESDAY,MARCH 21,2017- 6:30 P.M.
ALLEN,TX 75013
Ponder, Susan Baez, Cheryl Diaz, Josue,Education Specialist
Wallace, Chris Shaikh, Elias Smith,Andrea, Education Specialist
Webre,Troy Schallhorn,Mark Kliewer,Donna,Waste Services
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum present, the Keep Allen Beautiful regular meeting was called to order by Chair Susan
Ponder at 6:34 pm on Tuesday, March 21, 2017 in the City Hall Basement Conference Room B of City
Hall, 305 Century Parkway,Allen,TX 75002.
1. Approve Minutes of February 21,2017 Meeting in the Conference Room of the Municipal
Service Center,301 Century Parkway,Allen,TX. A motion to approve the minutes of
February 21, 2017 with amendments was made by Chris Wallace and seconded by Mark
Schallhorn, with all in favor.
2. Receive Financial Report. Josue Diaz reported that there was $12,601.94 the American National
Bank account.Donna Kliewer reported$500 was moved from the permanently restricted portion
of the KAB fund for the 2017 scholarship.The current balance is $14,981. Donna Kliewer
reported that Madeline Pence was selected for this year's scholarship. A motion to accept the
financial report was made by Chris Wallace and seconded by Cheryl Baez, with all in favor.
3. Grant Request—Library Demo Garden.Donna Kliewer relayed a funding and materials
request from Gail Donaldson,Water Conservation Manager, for flowers for the library demo
garden. A discussion was held. A motion to provide mulch,wheel barrels and tools was made by
Troy Webre and seconded by Chris Wallace,with all in favor.
4. Receive Update on KAB Events and Projects.
• KTB Awards—February 17, 2017—Update—Andrea Smith reported that we had won two
(2) awards from KTB (Community Services Department in the Government/City category for
Population 50,000— 149,000 and the Public and Media Relations Office for the Electronic
Media Award).
• Allen ISD Eagle Run—February 25, 2017—Josue Diaz reported that the KAB booth received
192 unique visitors and the event provided quality interactions for education.A discussion
was held.
• Annual Report to Council—February 28, 2017—Susan Ponder reported that her presentation
was well received and that Mardy Brown's daughter and son-in-law attended and were
recognized by Councilman Joey Herald.
305 CENTURY PARKWAY•ALLEN,TEXAS 75013 • 214.509.4100
WEB: www.cityofallen.org•EMAIL: coa@cityofallen.org
• Litter Index—March 1, 2017—Josue Diaz reports that the City of Allen received a score of
1.05 out of four(4) on the litter index.This is the lowest score on record. Community
members do the litter index every year. It measures the amount of litter, graffiti, illegal signs,
outdoor storage, and abandoned junk there is in the City.
• Reuse-A-Shoe—March 27—April 14, 2017—Andrea Smith reported that eight schools were
currently participating and that a girl scout might be collecting shoes from the Lowry
Freshman Center and High School.Normally 8 to 10 participate in the contest.This year the
shoes are going to Soles4Souls.
• Earthfest—April 1, 2017—Josue Diaz reported that there were 25 groups currently registered
for Earthfest. Andrea Smith reported that the KAB booth would be supporting the National
Wildlife Federation's Butterfly Heroes pledge to protect pollinators.The booth will also have
a photo booth, a sorting game, and a landfill game.
• Great American Cleanup—April 15,2017—Josue Diaz reported that the GAC needs 10 more
volunteers, flyers have gone out and vendors have been verified.
5. Discussion of Outreach Initiatives—Andrea Smith reported that Keep Texas Beautiful is June 12-
14, 2017. Chris Wallace said she was available to attend the conference.
A motion to adjourn the regular session of the Keep Allen Beautiful board meeting was made by Chris
Wallace and seconded by Elias Shaikh, with all in favor.The regular session of the Keep Allen Beautiful
board was adjourned at 7:26 pm on Tuesday,March 21, 2017.
Donna Kliewer, ATTEST Chair, Susan Ponder