HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 2014 - 09/23 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 Present Stephen Terrell, Mayor Councilmembers: Gary L Caplinger, Mayor Pro Tem Burt Rizer Ross Obermeyer Joey Herald Robin L. Sedlacek Baine Brooks City Staff: Peter H. Vargas, City Manager (absent) Shelli Siemer, Assistant City Manager Shelley B George, City Secretary Teresa Warren, Director, Public and Media Relations Office 1 Eric Ellwanger, Assistant to the City Manager Pete Smith, City Attorney Workshop Session With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the Workshop Session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Terrell at 6 26 p m. on Tuesday, September 23, 2014, in the Council Conference Room of the Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas • Update Regarding the Contract Renewal with Golf Resources at Phe Courses at Watters Creek • Update Regarding Comprehensive Plan and ALDC Amendments • Committee Updates from City Council Liaisons • Questions on Current Agenda With no further discussion, the Workshop Session of the Allen City Council was adjourned at 7 00 p in on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum of the Councilmembers present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Terrell at 7:06 p.m. on Tuesday, September 23, 2014, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Cit) Hall, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas. Pledge of Allegiance ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 L Citizens' Comments. Consent Agenda PAGE 2 MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Herald and a second by Councilmember Obermeyer, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as follows. 2. Approve Minutes of the September 9, 2014, Regular Meeting. 3. Adopt a Resolution Designating The Allen American as the Official Newspaper of the City of Allen for Fiscal Year 20142015. RESOLUTION NO. 3252-9-14(R): A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, DESIGNATING THE ALLEN AMERICAN AS THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO CONTRACT WITH THE ALLEN AMERICAN, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DA "I E 4. Adopt a Resolution Approving an Employee Funded Retirement Health Savings (RHS) Plan. RESOLUTION NO. 3253-9-14(RI: A RESOLU"FION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ADOPTING A RETIREMENT HEALTH SAVINGS (RHS) PLAN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 5, Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Apply For, Accept, Reject, Alter, or Terminate a One -Year Grant from the State of Texas, Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division to Fund a Family Violence Investigation and Prevention Officer RESOLUTION NO. 32549-14(R): A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, TO APPLY FOR, ACCEPT, REJECT, ALTER, OR TERMINATE GRANT 4 2780701 A GRANT FROM THE STATE OF TEXAS, OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR, CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION PROVIDING FUNDING FOR A FAMILY VIOLENCE INVESTIGATION AND PREVENTION OFFICER, IF AWARDED; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with Cynthia Porter Gore as Alternate Municipal Court Judge for a Period of Two Years Beginning on October 1, 2014. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Facilities Agreement with JBGL Exchange LLC, and The Village at Twin Creeks Master Community, Inc. Related to Maintenance of Non -Standard Street Signs, Street Lights, and Pavement. I ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 PAGE 3 8. Award Bid and Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Purchase of Playground Safety Surface Material with Soil Express, Ltd. for an Amount Not to Exceed $62,860 with the Option for Two, One -Year Renewals. 9. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Birkhoff, Hendricks, and Carter, L.L.P. in an Amount Not to Exceed $68,250 for the 2014 Water, Sewer, & Roadway Impact Fee Update. 10. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Metalmorphosis, LLC in the Amount of $100,000 for the Design, Implementation, Fabrication and Installation of Artistic Bridge Enhancements as Part of the Cottonwood Creek Trail Project, and Establish a Project Budget of $105,000. 11. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Professional Service Contract with Bury-DFW, Inc. in the Amount of $217,900 for the Design of the Montgomery Boulevard Extension Project. 12. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Professional Services Agreement for One Year with the Option to Renew Three Additional One Year Terms with Richards/Hayashi LLC, dba Latitude, for Strategic Marketing Planning and Management Services for an Amount Not to Exceed $255,100. 13. Receive the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Status Reports. 14. Receive the Summary of Property Tax Collections as of August 2014. The motion carried. 15. Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance Establishing Reinvestment Zone 9 31 on Land on Century Parkway Between Millennium Drive and McDermott Drive in Allen, Texas and Approve a Tax Abatement Agreement with AIIenPlace Office Building 1, LLC Supporting Construction of Phase I of AIIenPlace Office Complex. Mayor Terrell opened the public hearing and asked anyone wishing to speak for or against this item to do so at this time. With no one speaking, Mayor Terrell closed the public hearing. ORDINANCE NO. 3255-9-14: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, DESIGNATING REINVESTMENT ZONE NO 31 (ALLEN PLACE OFFICE BUILDING I, LLC), PROVIDING ELIGIBILITY OF THE ZONE FOR COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL TAX ABATEMENT, CONTAINING FINDINGS THAT THE AREA QUALIFIES TO BE DESIGNATED AS A REINVESTMENT ZONE AND THE IMPROVEMENTS SOUGHT ARE FEASIBLE AND PRACTICABLE AND OF BENEFIT TO THE LAND AND THE CITY, PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALING CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 PAGE 4 1 MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Obermeyer and a second by Councilmember Brooks, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to adopt Ordinance No. 3255- 9-14, as previously captioned, establishing Reinvestment Zone 431 and to approve a Tax Abatement Agreement with AIIenPlace Office Building 1, LLC supporting construction of Phase I of AIIenPlace Office Complex The motion carried. Councilmember Obermeyer recused himself from the Council dais for Agenda Item 16. 16. Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance to Amend the Development Regulations of Planned Development No. 54, and Adopt a Concept Plan and Building Elevations for a Portion of Planned Development PD No. 54 Generally Located Southeast of the Intersection of Alma Drive and Exchange Parkway. Mayor Terrell opened the public hearing and asked anyone w ishing to speak for or against this item to do so at this time MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Caplinger and a second by Councilmember Herald, the Council voted seven (6) for and none (0) opposed to continue the public hearing on this item to the City Council Regular Meeting scheduled at 7'00 p.m on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 The motion carried. Councilmember Obermeyer returned to the Council dais. Other Business 17. Items of Interest. Council wished happy birthday to Shelli Siemer and Katie Herald The following individuals spoke in opposition of this item Greg Jacobs, 1421 Salado Drive Allen, Texas, Deborah Jacobs, 1421 Salado Drive, Allen, Texas, Jud Arrington, 1228 Granger Drive, Allen, Texas, Steve Aman, 1220 Granger Drive, Allen, Texas; and, Chris Fair, 1102 Italy Drive, Allen, Texas The following individuals did not speak but wished to record their opposition for this item: Steve Prom, 1106 Winnsboro Court, Allen, Texas; Sherry Aman, 1220 Granger Drive, Allen, Texas; Joe Talarico, 1012 Cross Plains Drive, Allen, Texas; Joni Houston -Jones, 1408 Salado Drive, Allen, Texas; Kyle Jacobs, 1421 Salado Drive, Allen, Texas, Karol Mayer, 1227 Brenham Drive, Allen, Texas; Katie Kolm, 1227 Brenham Drive, Allen, Texas, Kelley Shaw-Proia, 1106 Winnsboro Court, Allen, Texas, Rick Van Dyke, 1218 Sana Sada Court, Allen, Texas; Freddie Kemp, 1214 Rio Grande Court, Allen, Texas, Jennifer Carter, 1234 Granger Drive, Allen, Texas; and, Jason Franzen, 1221 Concho Drive, Allen, Texas MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Caplinger and a second by Councilmember Herald, the Council voted seven (6) for and none (0) opposed to continue the public hearing on this item to the City Council Regular Meeting scheduled at 7'00 p.m on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 The motion carried. Councilmember Obermeyer returned to the Council dais. Other Business 17. Items of Interest. Council wished happy birthday to Shelli Siemer and Katie Herald ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 PAGE 5 1 18. Calendar. Executive Session The Executive Session was not held Adjournment MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Herald and a second by Councilmember Brooks, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Allen City Council at 8'01 p in on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 The motion carried. These minutes approved on the 14" day of October 2014. ATTEST: (� Sbelley B. George, MC, CITY SE TARP I APPROVED: Stephen errell, MAYOR