HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1957 - 07/25 - RegularRegular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Allen, Allen Tex. July 25 1957 Minutes read and approved Members Present Mayor: V.B. Watson Aldermen: R.J. McClure " Fred Day " B.H. Popplewell " Roy A. Hefner Members Absent " J.C. Hefner Motion by Roy Hefner for the MAYOR to get appointment with the bonding lawyer to talk to him about the sewage bond issue, sec. by B.H. Popplewell, ayes (4) four noes (0) none. Motion by Roy Hefner to pay Mr. E.A. Fowler & Sons $696.77 from the REVENUE FUND on the street work, the rest to be paid from the GENERAL FUND, sec. by B.H. Popplewell, ayes (4) four noes (0) none. Motion by B.H. Popplewell to employ Mr. Leon Ussery to audit the City Books for the year 1956 / 57. Sec by Roy Hefner, four for, none against. Motion by Roy Hefner to buy a 3/4 TON refrigerator cooler to be put in the Mayors office, to be paid for from the Revenue Fund, (4) four for, (0) none against. This Motion sec. by Fred Day. Motion to adjourn by Roy Hefner sec by Fred Day These minutes read and approved this the 8 day of Aug 1957 1 Jaid 20 1957 Aeeowrt of street work, low it was paid for. Paid from Town of AU" Ooona Pand -»------ f 1.�i5.f8 w n n n w R•wnae DeRatios 8, Allen SokNi »_N»._ yN•s5 Aller Baptist Okarok T.H. Sreekser ---»---- 25.00 k,7Barrington N X5.90 O n� -N I -- 55.9•� r _4-N--. 25.90 t Rego 8.00 • Odaf »_Nw_- 25.55 25,00 1kn1 Esarss _-_«»__ 25.00 4.A• r 0r. =_»_... 25.00 —w-- 25eN Teta1 G ,may/• 7'f/.�.�in, any• /�•7 2 J's o Paid to B.A. pout a some Ja1p 25 1957. A.O.Stox7 Toa seq. 1