HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1983 - 12/12 - RegularCITY OF ALLEN
DECEMBER 12, 1983
7:30 p.m.
Members Present:
David Morgan
Helen Johnson
Ron Workman
Bob Outman (arrived at 8:20 p.m.)
Members Absent:
Wayne Austin
City Staff Present:
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation
Trey Goodman, Recreation Supervisor
I. Call to Order
The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was called to
order by Chairman Workman at 7:36 p.m.
II. Approval of Consent Agenda
MOTION: Upon a motion by David Morgan and seconded by Helen Johnson,
the Board voted 3 - 0 to approve the Consent Agenda. The
motion carried.
III. Director's Report
A. Eligibility Requirements for 1984
Parks and Recreation Director Mark Thornton, informed the Board that
the Texas Amateur Atheistic Federation has recently changed the
eligibility requirements of sports participants. Due to the new
rules being somewhat vague, Thornton stated he would mail information
to Board members for review before the first meeting in January.
B. Ford Park Update
Thornton discussed the current status of the application for Land
and Water Conservation Funding for Ford Park. Decision for approval
of the application will not be made by state authorities until March.
There was discussion on whether or not it would be appropriate for
certain City staff and/or Board members to go to Austin to help
expedite the process. No action was taken.
DECEMBER 12, 1983
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IV. Review of Final Plans and Construction Schedule for Rolling Hills Park
Thornton presented to the Board a drawing of Rolling Hills Park and
how it will look once developed. Thornton also described in detail
the various steps in developing the park. Discussion of park access
by the handicapped took place as well as the barriers that would be
encountered. It was noted that the upright timbers may be a problem
to wheelchair traffic.
Also discussed was whether the fence was to be constructed of chain
link or wood. Thornton said that wood would be more aesthetically
pleasing as well as harder to climb over. Johnson expressed concern
about vandalism on the fence, particularly graffiti and spray paint.
Thornton suggested planting wall climbing plants and shrubs along the
fence to keep away any attempts of vandalism on the fence.
V. Land Acquisition Policy
A. Review and approve goals for the Land Acquisition Policy
Thornton presented the Board with a copy of the proposed statement
of goals for the Land Acquisition Policy. Thornton stated that
the policy will take the form of a resolution. Bob Outman and Ron
Workman suggested that there be two minor word changes.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Helen Johnson and seconded by Bob
Outman, the Board voted 4 - 0 to approve the goals
statement for the Land Acquisition Policy.
B. Develop Policy Statement for the Amount of Land Needed and Facilities
to be Developed
Thornton informed the Board that he is presently working on a
preliminary draft for the Land Acquisition Policy and that he will
present the Board with a copy at the next regular called meeting.
VI. Rowlett Creek Study
A. Discussion on Proposed Funding for the Rowlett Creek Study
Workman stated that there were individuals who may elect to fund the
entire project but that it may not be to the best interest of the
study to allow it. Funding should come from a broader base.
Workman also stated that the pace of this project was moving too
slow. In order to alleviate the situation, he suggested forming a
subcommittee with the City Manager Jon McCarty and with a City
Councilman. The subcommittee would be in charge of contacting
possible sources of funding as well as members of the Rowlett Creek
1 Committee. No action was taken.
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IVI. Rowlett Creek Study (cont'd)
B. Review and approve the Rowlett Creek Study Committee Structure
There was a lengthy discussion on how many members should be
allowed on the Rowlett Creek Study Committee. There was concern
that if the number of members was decreased the representation
from each group would decline. There was also concern that the
present amount of 15 members would make the committee too large
to be workable.
Further discussion was held as to a possible solution which ranged
from 9 to 15 members. It was suggested that there be 11 members;
1 councilman, 1 planning & zoning commission member, 2 park board
members, 2 land owners, 2 developers, and 3 at -large members.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Helen Johnson and seconded by David
Morgan, the Board voted 3 for and 1 opposed to approve a
committee composed of 11 members as stated above, with
Bob Outman casting the negative vote due to the decrease
in 15 committee members. The motion carried.
C. Proposal to Include the Tributaries of Rowlett Creek in the
9 Rowlett Creek Plan
1 Discussion was held on whether or not the various tributaries
should be included in the initial bid for the Rowlett Creek Study.
Workman expressed concern that it may raise the cost of the study
as well as diluting interest by parties interested in the develop-
ment of land West of U.S. 75. Concern was also expressed that
time may be lost in implementing the plan if all work on the plan
thus far had to be revised to include the tributaries.
Thornton suggested that an alternative bid which included the
other tributaries in the study be allowed. This will allow a
decision on the matter at a later time.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Bob Outman and seconded by Helen
Johnson, the Board voted 4 - 0 to approve the addition
of an addendum to allow an alternate bid for the study
which will include all tributaries. The motion carried.
D. Review Narrative and Slides for Possible Use in the Rowlett Creek
Information Brochure
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Bob Outman and seconded by David
Morgan, the Board voted 4 - 0 to table this item for
later discussion. The motion carried.
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VI. Rowlett Creek Study (cont'd)
E. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Bob Outman and seconded by David
Morgan, Ron Workman was appointed as liaison between the
Rowlett Creek Action Committee and the Park Board in
order to investigate funding and interest by possible
participants to serve on the committee. The Board voted
4 - 0 to approve the appointment. The motion carried.
Workman assured the Board that this would not take decision making
away from the Board but rather to gather information and to present
it to the Board in order to speed up the process.
F. Spending Cap for Rowlett Creek Study
Discussion was held on -he effects of setting a $75,000 spending
cap for the Rowlett Creak Study. There was concern that if this
limit was publicized, the bids would in fact all show the spending
limit and a truly competitive bid would not be realized. It was
suggested that if a cap was set, then judgment of bids could be
based on depth of services for the price rather than by lowest
bidder. No action was taken.
There being no further business
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Bob Outman and seconded by David
Morgan, the Board voted 4 - 0 to adjourn the meeting.
The motion carried.
These minutes approved as read this ?,day of 1984.
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Ron Workman, Chairman Bob Outman, Secretary