HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1984 - 08/14 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING AUGUST 14, 1984, 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Workman, Chairman Bob Outman, Secretary Helen Johnson David Morgan MEMBERS ABSENT• Wayne Austin CITY STAFF PRESENT: Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Workman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. II. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes of July 9, 1984 MOTION: There was a motion made by David Morgan and seconded by Helen Johnson to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried, 4 for 0 against. III. DIRECTORS REPORT A. Director Mark Thornton presented an update on the progress of the Tomlin properties. The first presentation to the City Council was tabled. The second presentation to City Council was presented with the floodplain being presented as open space on both sides of Watters Branch, there are now 29 acres of open space to be used as seen fit by the City. What is not needed or used will revert back to Tomlin Properties, but the City has first choice as to keeping the property or giving it back. Tomlin properties will come before the City Council again this Thursday, August 16, 1984. Chairman, Ron Workman questioned if the 18 acres needed by the City/School would be available. 33 PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED MEETING AUGUST 13, 1984 Thornton assured the Parks and Recreation Board Members that the City is protected by the proposal currently before the City Council. At time of platting, City can still obtain additional 9 acres if needed. Development Review Director Thornton reported that the 9 step Development Review process approved by the Parks and Recreation Board at their meeting on July 9, 1984, was taken to City Council as an information only item to make them aware of the opportunity for input on new developments. City Council was very favorable to any input by the Parks and Recreation Board. Chairman workman questioned whether or not the Planning and Zoning Commission saw any conflict with the Development Review process. El Director Thornton indicated that he had reviewed the process with Mr. Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, and he saw no infringement upon. the Planning and Zoning process. Rowlett Creek Study Director Thornton reported that City Staff was in the process of setting a meeting with six developers in the form of a reception. The invitational letter has been drafted, and will be from Mayor Don Rodenbaugh, stating the goals and objectives of the Committee. The letter states that the City will be asking for contributions from the invited developers. The letter should go out this week. Hopefully a large amount of contributions will be made available by the developers involved. The following are developers to whom the letter will be mailed: Folsom Development Bass Development Company Baker Development Company Tomlin Properties Shelley Development, Inc. Utal Development 39 PAGE 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED MEETING AUGUST 13, 1984 Chairman Ron Workman indicated he felt the proposed reception was a positive step - although it was too late and the rate of progress very unsatisfactory. Comprehensive Plan Director Thornton reported that the Comprehensive Plan questionnaire drafted by the Action Committees in conjunction with L.W.F.W. Group Consultants, will be mailed August 14, 1984, to the residents of Allen. Thornton indicated he felt the questionnaire addressed the area of Parks and Recreation well. Proposals are due today, August 13, 1984, from bidding consulting firms. E. Summer Recreation Programs Friday, August 10, 1984, last day of the Summer Recreation Programs for 1984, saw 105 children enrolled in the Playground Program with an average of 25-30 participants a day. Some children came only once, some came daily, and some chose to drop in on an irregular basis. The Playground Program was deemed a success by City Staff. The Day Camp Program saw 122 children enrolled, and City Staff has received very positive feed -back from parents and participants alike. The Open Gym continued to draw 10 - 15 participants on an averaqe, but has seen as high as 20 on some evenings. IV. REVIEW PROPOSED PARKS AND RECREATION 1984-85 BUDGET Thornton reported that the Budget Narrative (included in the Agenda Packet to Parks and Recreation Board Members) relates current activities as well as the proposed activities for 1984-85. The Parks and Recreation Department has brought in 10% of the budgeted amount in revenue through the Summer Recreation Program, League Play, and the proposed User Fee. Chairman Workman indicated the importance of relaying to the Action Committee the need to identify sites for large parks and the need to plan for funding and acquisition of land. 40 PAGE 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED MEETING AUGUST 13, 1984 Director Mark Thornton reported that the Land Acquisition Policy had been presented to the Action Committee on Parks and Recreation, and they were very supportive of the Policy and wanted it incoportated into the process. Thornton indicated the proposed new personnel in the Parks and Recreation Department will improve the summer maintenance program for the City. Day Camp and Playground Program will run simultaneously all summer in 1985, having four sessions of Day Camp. This projection for 1985 was based upon the high demand for the 1984 Day Camp Program as well as feed -back from participants and parents who wanted their children enrolled in the program. Thornton reported that the addition of a Program Coordinator for the Summer Recreation Programs should greatly benefit the service level in the area of Adult Recreation Programs, Senior Citizens, and League Sports. V. REVIEW AND CONSIDER THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FEE STRUCTURE FOR USE OF CITY ATHLETICS Director Thornton presented a brief update on the progress of the Committee formed to study the user fee proposal. At the first meeting, various items were presented regarding the user costs to the taxpayers of Allen. The following are basic maintenance tasks performed to fields, with or without athletic play: mowing, irrigation, pesticide application, fertilizer application, and basic upkeep. To support league play on City facilities, the following tasks are performed: field preparation, chalking, and lighting of facility if lights are available. The entire City is paying for these services and only those involved in league play are receiving the benefits of these tax dollars. Several approaches were examined as possible solutions to user costs and it was decided that a $2.00 per person, per sport, per season solution was the fairest means of continuing support to these users. 41 PAGE 5 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED MEETING AUGUST 13, 1984 The ASA representatives to the Committee brought up a point that the $2.00 user fee may bring on a reduction from budget by this same amount. Thornton recommended that the Parks and Recreation Board submit their recommendation to the City Council in such a manner as to indicate the $2.00 user fee go directly into the budget to thereby free up those same dollars to upgrade facilities. Thornton indicated the arguments against the user fee seemed to be: "What am I getting in return?" The reply given by Thornton to Committee members was that they would be freeing up tax dollars by paying for what they are currently using and not having to pay for. Bob Outman indicated he didn't view the $6,000 revenue from the User Fee as "freeing up", but as a $6,000 savings for the taxpayer. MOTION: Bob Outman made the motion to recommend the following to City Council: In order to assure a more equitable sharing of the cost of maintenance of league facilities by all users, that a User Fee of $2.00 per person, per sport, per season be approved, effective October 1, 1984. David Morgan seconded, the motion carried 4 for 0 against. Bob outman indicated the Boards appreciation for the manner in which Director Mark Thornton went to a Committee to discuss and propose the User Fee. He also wanted as a future agenda item, some type of expression of appreciation to the Allen Sports Association Board by the Parks and Recreation Board. VI. REVIEW AND CONSIDER A RECOMMENDATION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 306 TO CHANGE THE SIZE OF PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD FROM FIVE 151 MEMBERS TO SEVEN (7) MEMBERS. Chairman Ron Workman indicated the need to increase the size of the Parks and Recreation Board to better generate interaction and discussion on 42 PAGE 5 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED MEETING AUGUST 13, 1984 The ASA representatives to the Committee brought up a point that the $2.00 user fee may bring on a reduction from budget by this same amount. Thornton recommended that the Parks and Recreation Board submit their recommendation to the City Council in such a manner as to indicate the $2.00 user fee go directly into the budget to thereby free up those same dollars to upgrade facilities. Thornton indicated the arguments against the user fee seemed to be: "What am I getting in return?" The reply given by Thornton to Committee members was that they would be freeing up tax dollars by paying for what they are currently using and not having to pay for. Bob Outman indicated he didn't view the $6,000 revenue from the User Fee as "freeing up", but as a $6,000 savings for the taxpayer. MOTION: Ron Workman made the motion to recommend the following to City Council: In order to assure a more equitable sharing of the cost of maintenance of league facilities by all users, that a User Fee of $2.00 per person, per sport, per season be approved, effective October 1, 1984. David Morgan seconded, the motion carried 4 for 0 against. Bob Outman indicated the Boards appreciation for the manner in which Director Mark Thornton went to a Committee to discuss and propose the User Fee. He also wanted as a future agenda item, some type of expression of appreciation to the Allen Sports Association Board by the Parks and Recreation Board. VI. REVIEW AND CONSIDER A RECOMMENDATION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 306 TO CHANGE THE SIZE OF PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD FROM FIVE (5) MEMBERS TO SEVEN (7) MEMBERS. Chairman Ron Workman indicated the need to increase the size of the Parks and Recreation Board to better generate interaction and discussion on 43 f PAGE 6 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED MEETING AUGUST 13, 1984 Board Agenda topics. Under the current size of the Board, there is not enough discussion generated, and most decisions are unanimous. A larger Board would at least insure more input to Board decisions. MOTION: Bob Outman made the motion to recommend to the City Council the following: The Parks and Recreation Board unanimously recommends to the Allen City Council, the total number of members of the Parks Board be increased from five (5) to seven (7) members and that Ordinance #306 be amended to show this increase. David Morgan seconded, the motion carried 4 for 0 against. VII. OTHER BUSINESS Mark Thornton indicated that a letter of resignation was expected in his office from Board Member Wayne Austin, who has now moved from Allen, and upon receipt of that letter a new Board member will be appointed. VIII. ADJOURN There being no further business, MOTION: Helen Johnson moved to adjourn, Bob Outman seconded. The motion carried, 4 for 0 against. (" These minutes approved as read this JCday of 1984. Ron Workman, Chairman Bob Outman, Secretary 44