HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1957 - 11/29 - RegularREGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ALLEN November 29 1957 Mayor Watson presiding with Councilmen R.J. McClure, J.C. Hefner, B.H. Popplewell and Roy A. Hefner present, Fred Day - absent. Minutes read and approved: Motion by Roy Hefner for the Allen Water Co. to go 50/50 with J.M. Whisenant on running the (6") six inch line from the corner of Mary Ann Hedgecoxe place north on WEST Ave. E to the New WHISENANT ADDITION a distance of approximately 360 feet at $3.00 per running feet, which would amount to $1,080.00. The Town of Allen to pay $540.00 and Mr. J.M. Whisenant is to connect all present customers to the six inch line. If the cost is less than the said $1,080.00 The Town of Allen will pay only (1/2) one-half of the actual cost. Motion sec. by B.H. Popplewell, four for / none against. Motion by Roy Hefner, in regard to new Water customers where the Water Works System has to run Water Lines more than (100) one hundred feet, the said Water Works System will pay for the first (100) One Hundred feet of 3/4" line, the property owner to pay the rest of the distance. If anything larger than 3/4" pipe is used the customer will pay the equivalent of the price of 3/4" pipe. Motion second by B.H. Popplewell, ayes (4) Four / noes (0) none. Motion by J.C. Hefner to make the TAPPING FEE $45.00 (forty-five dollars) all over TOWN, subject to raise when needed to meet the cost of setting METER & MAKING TAP. Sec. by B.H. Popplewell, ayes (4) four / noes (0) none. Motion to adjourn Minutes read and approved this the 12 day of Dec 1957