HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1985 - 09/09 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING SEPTEMBER 9, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Proeschel, Chairman Mickey Christakos, Vice -Chairman Helen Johnson, Secretary Clint Miller Richard Saunders David Medina MEMBERS ABSENT: Gary Edstrom CITY STAFF PRESENT Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Don Proeschel, called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. II. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes from August 12, 1985, Regular Called Meeting. MOTION: There was a motion made by Clint Miller and seconded by Mickey Christakos to approve the Minutes from August 12, 1985, as read. The motion carried, 4 for, 0 against. III. DIRECTORS REPORT A. Ford Park Director Mark Thornton presented an update on Ford Park. The ground breaking ceremony was held on Tuesday, September 3, with invited dignitaries present. Schrickel, Rollins, and Associates called today and informed Thornton of a problem with the pool fitting in the area called out in the survey from Moak Surveyors. 109 s A PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED MEETING SEPTEMBER 9, 1985 Upon inspection, it was determined that the pool site could be moved 50 feet to the north and that it would actually accomodate the pool better in that new site. The ball fields were located properly, and the center lines and base lines are already layed out. Thornton reported that the Pool and Ballfield projects were being handled as two entirely different projects in terms of crews working on them. Mickey Christakos inquired as to the liability incurred by the City while the pool is being dug. Thornton indicated that a blanket policy held by Hannah Construction would cover that aspect of the construction and also that the contractor would be installing a chain link fence around the excavation. Also, additional police patrols have been requested by staff especially during the 3:30 - 6:00 p.m. time frame when middle school students are released from school. B. Sesquicentennial Committee Thornton reported that 60 pounds of bluebonnet seeds had been planted by the State Highway Department today_ The seeds had to be planted at this time in order to bloom for the celebration. There will also be extensive landscaping around the area of old City Hall. Main Street Project The SWA Group of Houston is doing special design for areas medians and downtown area. Some special designs for the downtown area may include possible benches, period lighting, plants, etc. IV. UPDATE ON GREENBELT STUDY BY ALBERT HALFF AND ASSOCIATES Mr. David Morgan of Albert Halff and Associates made a presentation to the Board indicating their general plans for the study. He indicated they are now in their data acquisition mode, gathering information. He indicated that upon 110 PAGE 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED MEETING SEPTEMBER 9, 1985 completion of this data, extensive maps will be developed in an overlay format indicating land uses in Allen, land uses in Frisco, Plano, and McKinney, Hydrolics Study, existing land use and ownership. Several alternatives will be developed and a recommendation made to the Steering Committee, as well as the Parks and Recreation Board Members. Chairman Don Proeschel asked when a recommendation could be made to the Park and Recreation Board. Morgan indicated that sometime mid -winter would probably be a reasonable time frame. Mickey Christakos questioned if the study was on schedule at this point. Morgan indicated that it was on schedule. Richard Sanuders inquired about the public meetings. Morgan said the City Council of Allen felt two public meetings would be adequate. Chairman Proeschel expressed concern over the Golf Course Community currently proposed for Allen, and the need to make a decision on the land use without the benefit of the Greenbelt/ Linear Park Study. Morgan indicated that this was a concern for Halff and Associates also, but realistically, the City could not put all development within the City on hold pending the completion of the Study. Richard Saunders asked if the flood plain studies being done for the Study would be as the land is now. Morgan indicated that the final flood plain maps would be based on projected build out. David Medina inquired if a matrix could be made available to him and Morgan indicated that Mark Thornton had that information and it was available. V. REVIEW AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION ON THE PROPOSED GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ON THE WEST SIDE OF ALLEN. 111 PAGE 4 PARRS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED MEETING SEPTEMBER 9, 1985 Representatives from Barnes Development Company and Willard Baker Company were present and made a presentation to the Board regarding their proposed development for Allen. Following their presentation and a brief discussion by Board Members, Director Mark Thornton presented a brief background and history on this piece of property. Thornton indicated that this was the third Country Club Addition proposed for this land. He also read from the Comprehensive Plan regarding a municipal golf course. Thornton told the Board that this was not the last chance for the City to have a Municipal Golf Course. Land could be purchased by the City and some cities prefer not to have their golf course in the flood plain as this piece of property is. He stated that his opinion would be that he agreed with the concept in regard to the open space concept. He would, however, stress to developers 1) how they would address the linear park and park and school site; 2) flood control - detailed flood control plan; 3) concern regarding element of Greenbelt on West Rowlett Branch. Several Board members expressed their approval of the concept as presented. VI REVIEW PROPOSED PROCEDURE OUTLINE FOR THE DEVELOP- MENT OF -A POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL FOR PARKS AND RECREATION. Director, Mark Thornton spoke breiefly on the format used for the development of the Land Acquisition Policy, and indicated he felt a similar outline would be an appropriate place to start on the development of a Policy and Procedures Manual for Parks and Recreation Department. Thornton indicated the need for a written policy for every aspect of operation of the department should that be the use of fields, naming of parks, or anything that effects the use of City parks. Thornton reported that it may take up to a month to collect data from other cities regarding their policies. At that point, an outline will be done, then the body will be done by staff. Parks and Recreation Board Members will make changes and review. Upon completion, the final policy will go to City Council for approval. 112 PAGE 4 PARRS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED MEETING SEPTEMBER 9, 1985 David Medina inquired if the Policy needed to be reviewed by an attorney. Thornton indicated that the policy could go to the City Attorney for review before asking for City Council approval. Richard Saunders inquired as to the time frame needed in which to complete the policy. Thornton indicated that it will be completed during this fiscal year, 85-86. VII. OTHER BUSINESS A. N.R.P.A. Congress Thornton reported that all board members should have received information regarding the October Congress in the current issure of the N.R.P.A. magazine. He also requested that if any were interested in attending a portion of the Congress, to please let him know. B. Board Appointments Thornton reported that appointments to place 2, 4, and 6 will be made at the next City Council meeting. VIII. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. These minutes approved as read this /4-kkday of 0C.f _u , 1985. I\ W UIlJ /: iR?��yi.//If�`� � � 1. i �. �r=l Vin.• � Don Proeschel, Chairman Helen Johnson, Secretary 113