HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1986 - 01/13 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING JANUARY 13, 1996 - 7:30 PM MEMBERS PRESENT Don Proeschel, Chairman Clint Miller, Vice -Chairman Hclen Johnson, Secretary Mickey Christakos Richard Saunders Gary Edstrom David Medina CITY STAFF PPESENT: Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Don Proeschel, called the meet;.nc to ��� order at 7:40 P.m. II. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes from December 9, 1965, Regular Called Meecinc. MOTION: There was a motion made by Clint Miller and seconded by Mickey Christakos to approve the Minutes ..ith corrections as noted. The motion carried, 7 for, 0 against. IrI. -acCm�n�e none nm A. Explorer Post Director Mark Thornton informed the Board that Mr. Jim Allen, Head Advisor to the Post was scheduled to appear before the Park Board, but due to illness was unable to attend. Mr. Dick Corcoran of the Boy Scouts of America had a previous engagement, but both would cry to rescheule for the February Parks and Recreation Board Meeting. Mickey Christakos inquired as to when and where the Post was ®{ meeting, and was informed that they meet the first and third Mondays at the Municipal Annex. 12 PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED y 1 JANUARY 13, 1986 Main Street Director Thornton presented the Board with a Master Landscaping Plan drawing proposed by SWA Group of Houston. He reported that the City Council had approved $300,000 funding for the landscaping of the area and lighting in Phase i of the process. Sesquicentennial Park Thornton presented an overview of the proposed Sesquicentennial Park along with a gift list of proposed funding for the landscaping of the Park. He presented a sample of the pave stone to be used for walkways within the Park to the Board. He also gave a brief update on the proposed brochure for the funding opportunities for indi,7iduals, businesses, and civic organizations. D. Greenbelt Study Director Thornton resorted that he had a meeting scheduled with Albert Halff and Associates for Tuesday, January 14, 1986, at which time he would set up a calendar of meetings for the Steering Committee to continue the process. -hointon also informed the Board that the Citv had met with FEMA and the Corps of Engineers a l �, o - -ca ., se o_ Greenbelt Study. VFFMA realized that we were doing some floodplain studying and that for a small add- itional fee a complete re -study could he performed with new maps dated 1987. (Bv coincidence, Albert Halff contracts floodplain mapping for. the Corps and FEMA.) On December 20, FE14A, the Corps, and Albert Halff met to work out the details which in summary, Halff will do all. additional work needed to update our Flood Insurance mans and FEMA will cover all additional fees. Bill Kuno, with FEMA, stated that upon completion, every stream and tributary will be mapped, giving Allen "the most complete floodplain map within this FEMA region. 13 PAGE 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED MEETING JANUARY 13, 1986 IV. DISCUSS EXAMPLES OF POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUALS Thornton presented examples of Policy and Procedures Manuals from Garland, Abilene, Irving, and Duncanville to the Parks and Recreation Board members for their review. He 'indicated that he had written to various departments around the state, and found out that some have no Policy Manual at all, while others operate ander seperate ordinances. Thornton indicated that he hoped to have organizational outlines of manuals prepared by the next meeting of the Park Board. V. UPDATE ON FORD PARK CONSTRUCTION Thornton gave a slide presentation of the progress since the November meeting on the Ballfields and Pool construction at Ford Park. He indicated that with unusually high rainfall in October and November, the milder weather in December and currently for the month of January, had presented perfect conditions for concrete work at the site. VI. OTHER BUSINESS Richard Saunders inquired as to the progress of Barnes Development Company with the Golf Course Proposal for west Allen. It was reported that Barnes had completed their financial arrangements, and -were now in the process of developing a cs_ntat_on for the Planning and Zoniv, C_a..._..___... Clint Miller indicated he would like to abstain from any discussion or vote when the proposed development comes before the Parks and Recreation Board due to his firms professional involvement in the planning of the Barnes Development. VII. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. 14 PAGE 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED MEETING di JANUARY 13, 1986 i These minutes approved as read this 106k day of 2zkW4 N_ , 1986. hc7u ll%� s� Don Proeschel, Chairman Hel n John. on, Secretary C 15