HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1986 - 06/16 - Special CalledMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SPECIAL CALLED MEETING JUNE 16, 1986 - 7:30 MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Proeschel, Chairman Helen Johnson, Secretary Mickey Christakos Richard Saunders MEMBERS ABSENT: Clint Miller, Vice -Chairman David Medina Gary Edstrom CITY STAFF PRESENT: Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Proeschel called the meeting to order �r at 7:40 p.m. II. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes from May 12, 1986, Regular Called Meeting MOTION: Mickey Christakos made a motion to approve the Minutes from the May 12, 1986 Regular Called Meeting, as read. Helen Johnson seconded the motion. The motion carried, 4 for, 0 against. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT A. Summer Programs Report Thornton reported that this was the first day of camp for Day Camp and Fish Camp. The Fish Camp got rained out, but will be made up this coming Saturday. The Day Camp was moved to Reed Elementary Gymnasium late in the day due to rain. There are openings in all sessions of Day Camp, Counselor in Training, and Fish Camp programs. 36 PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - SPECIAL CALLED MEETING JUNE 16, 1986 Thornton reported the Learn to Swim Program also began today with no major problems reported. Helen Johnson questioned the length of the classes, concern expressed over children not being kept the full 30 minutes. Thornton indicated that that was probably due to the first day of operation. Director Thornton reported that the pool had averaged 485 people in attendance on a daily basis since the opening of the pool Memorial Day Weekend. Revenues were approximately $11,000 which is more than 1/3 the total projected revenue for the entire summer. These figures include the Learn to Swim Program, as well as the Season Passes sold at the pool. He reported that he will monitor cost to see if the pool can operate on a "break even" basis. The City Council at their last meeting added two more lifeguards to the staff. B. Greenbelt Study Mark Thornton reported that the Study would be finalized at the July 1, 1986, meeting of the Steering Committee for the Greenbelt/Linear Park Study. C. Ford Park Phase II Director Thornton reported that he had given the figure of $600,000 to Schrikel Rollins to budget Phase II of Ford Park. Boney Construction has been given approval to proceed with the construction of all parking lots at Ford Park with a great reduction in expense to the City over the original bid amount. Thornton reported vandalism at Ford Park Sunday evening, June 15, 1986, with no major damage incurred. Thornton reported to the Board that he would have detailed report on funding available for Ford Park Phase II at the next regular scheduled meeting. 37 PAGE 3 PARRS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - SPECIAL CALLED MEETING JUNE 16, 1986 Athletics Policy Thornton indicated the possible need for a special workshop with the Allen Sports Association and the YMCA organization regarding Field Request Policies and Facility Use Agreement. Monday evening, June 30, 1986 was agreed upon as a tenative date for the proposed joint workshop, 7:30 p.m. at Municipal Annex. IV. REVIEW AND DISCUSS ITEMS RELATED TO FORD POOL A. Programming Thornton reported that the pool hours have been extended from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings to give adults who are working time to reach their home, and come out to the pool for a swim. Middle School Night was a successful evening, with High School Night having a fairly good crowd on Friday night. Helen Johnson asked about the pool opening on Saturday mornings, and Thornton indicated that those hours were being reserved for the Swim Team use, as well as make-up time for swim lessons should weather force the cancellation of a class. Thornton indicated the need for a Swim Team Coach before the program can proceed. B. Rules and Regulations Director Thornton reported the need for modification on General Rules and Regulations #2 which is currently worded: "Children under 6 years of age must be accompanied and supervised in the water by a responsible person at least 18 years of age." 38 PAGE 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - SPECIAL CALLED MEETING JUNE 16, 1986 Thornton also recommended the addition of a rule prohibiting the use of barbeque grills inside the pool facility during regular scheduled swim times. MOTION: Mickey Chirstakos made a motion to modify rule #2 by adding the following sentence to the existing rule: "The ratio required is one child with one adult, with the exception being a parent with their own children with one or more being 6 years of age and younger." The motion also included the addition of the following rule to the rules and regulations: "The use of barbeque and cooking equipment is prohibited during the regular scheduled operating hours of the pool facility." Richard Saunders seconded the motion. The motion carried, 4 for, 0 against. V. REVIEW AND CONSIDER ACTION REGARDING A TP&L EASEMENT CROSSING WAITERS BRANCH Before consideration of this agenda item, Park Board Member Richard Saunders advised that he would have to abstain from consideration of this item due to a possible conflict of interest. Due to the absence of three Park Board Members, it left the Board without a quorum to act on this item, therefore, it was postponed until the next Regular Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board. VI. REVIEW AND CONSIDER ACTION ON SHADOW LAKES GREENBELT Director Thornton presented a proposed drawing of the area to be developed in Allen. Following a brief discussion, MOTION: Mickey Christakcs moved to accept the proposed park property in the Shadow Lakes Development. The Board also recommended that staff be involved in the planning of the area and that the construction of the park follow City standards. Specifically 8' sidewalks for multi -use trails. Helen Johnson seconded the motion. The Motion carried 4 for, 0 against. RY: I PAGE S PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - SPECIAL CALLED MEETING JUNE 16, 1986 VII. OTHER BUSINESS Thornton indicated that he would have a review of his proposed budget at the next regular Park Board Meeting. Chairman Don Proeschel indicated he had visited with Jim Allen of the Explorer Post and he indicated they were trying to find one of the members to take over the position of Patrol Leader. Due to the summer activities, the Explorer Post was expecting a low activity level at this time. VIII.ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. These minutes approved as read this —444bday ofL4, 1986. �-/' Jy dY 1 F�(�i' J L�' Don Pro eschel, Chairman Helen Johnson, S�cr ary 40