HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1986 - 07/14 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING JULY 14, 1986 - 7:30 MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Proeschel, Chairman Clint Miller, Vice -Chairman Helen Johnson, Secretary Richard Saunders Mickey Christakos MEMBERS ABSENT: Gary Edstrom David Medina CITY STAFF PRESENT: Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation I._ CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Proeschel called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes from June 16, 1986, Special Called Meeting. B. Approval of Minutes from June 30, 1986, Special Called Meeting. MOTION: Clint Miller made a motion to approve the Minutes from June 16, 1986, Special Called Meeting, and to approve the Minutes from June 30, 1986, Special Called Meeting, as read. Mickey Christakos seconded the motion. The Motion carried, 5 for, 0 against. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT A. Ford Park Athletic Fields Director Thornton reported that the irrigation system and lighting system are ready for inspection in certain areas of the ballfields. The lights were given a 100 hour burn -in time as required in the specifications. 43 PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED MEETING JULY 14, 1986 The fields will be hydromulched with seed as soon as the inspection is completed. That should allow 6-8 weeks of growing time prior to the onset of the winter months. Thornton indicated that the Fall Softball League may not play on Ford this Fall to allow ample time for the turf to establish itself. There should be no problems with scheduling Spring League games on Ford Ballfields. Ford Park Pool Thornton reported that the daily attendance total for June 9 - July 14, 1986, reached 21,463 participants. He indicated that the daily averages were well above those originally projected and that he would prepare a report on the "break-even" aspect of pool operation for the next regularly scheduled Park and Recreation Board Meeting. Summer Programs Thornton reported that the Summer Programs were at a 608 capacity level in all programs that the Department was offering. He indicated that the pool was a possible reason for the decline in enrollment as well as economic situation for families. The pool offers a cheaper alternative for scheduling children this summer. Thornton indicated that the programs now being offered by the Parks and Recreation Department would continue to operate without the addition of new programing until numbers warrant the development of new alternatives. 1986-87 Budget Thornton presented a brief review of the Budget process the City operates under to the Park Board Members indicating the following calendar outline: May - department budgets submitted to City Manager office 44 L PAGE 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED MEETING JULY 14. 1986 June - Finance Director and City Manager evaluate proposed budgets and summarize data July - individual conferences with each department to review, evaluate, and delete or add funds to proposed budgets August - budget retreat at which time City Council will review, and recommend individual department budgets Thornton presented a review of his proposed budget as it stands after review by the City Managers office. He indicated the addition of three full time maintenance positions, three part time summer maintenance positions, and one part time Special Activities Coordinator. He also reported the addition of a front -in loader, turf truck, push mowers and weed eaters, utility trailer, drafting equipment and software for a new computer system. He reported that the level of maintenance will improve in all areas during the upcoming budget year. He indicated that Hillside Fields would not receive the funding originally requested, but that scheduling would be done to reduce the use of Hillside and put more teams on Ford Ballfields. Possible funding for Jupiter to improve facilities is forthcoming. IV. REVIEW AND CONSIDER ACTION ON A REQUEST BY THE ALLEN SPORTS ASSOCIATION TO LOCATE A STORAGE FACILITY AT JUPITER PARK. Director Thornton introduced Mr. Johnny Mayo of the Allen Sports Association to the Park and Recreation Board Members. Mr. Mayo, along with Mr. Bob Brown presented a brief request to move a temporary storage building to Jupiter Park for storage of Allen Sports Association athletic equipment. 45 IT L PAGE 4 PARRS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED MEETING JULY 14, 1986 After a lenghty discussion between the representatives of Allen Sports Association and the Parks and Recreation Board Members, it was determined that liability insurance would probably be required of the Allen Sports Association and that the cost of such insurance would be prohbitive for them to maintain. It was then proposed that the building be donated to the City and would then fall under the blanket liability insurance that is carried by the City of Allen. Board Member, Clint Miller expressed his appreciation of the position Allen Sports Association was in, as well as the work done in the community by their volunteer organization. He also expressed his concern that the Park and Recreation Board would be setting a precedence for providing space for all future and existing organizations in tae City. Chairman Proeschel offered the alternative of approving a clause in the agreement that would allow for 60-90 day notice to Allen Sports Association when removal was required. After a brief discussion of possible alternatives, it was determined that this item would be tabled until the next regular Park and Recreation Board meeting, at which time a set of options will be presented and reviewed. MOTION: Richard Saunders moved to table this item until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board. Helen Johnson seconded and the motion carried, 5 for, 0 against. Director Thornton reported that after review, it would take the form of a recommendation to the City Council for a final decision. REVIEW AND CONSIDER ACTION REGARDING ATHLETIC FIELD USE RESERVATION POLICY. Thornton presented a copy of the Athletic Field Use Reservation Policy that was drafted at the June 30, 1986, Special Called Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board. After a brief review of the policy, 46 PAGE 5 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED MEETING JULY 14, 1986 MOTION: Clint Miller moved to accept the policy as presented. Richard Saunders seconded the motion, and it carried, 5 for, 0 against. VI. REVIEW AND CONSIDER ACTION REGARDING THE UTAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF THREE LAKES IN THE FLOODPLAIN AT THE INTERSECTION OF ALMA ROAD AND ROWLETT CREEK Director Thornton introduced Mr. Pete Boecher of the firm of Jones and Boyd to the Parks and Recreation Board Members. Mr. Beecher presented a brief description of what they were proposing in the Utal Development of west Allen. After a discussion of the maintenace levels required for ponds, access for maintenance, and proposed trail system in area, MOTION: Mickey Christakos moved to recommend to Council the acceptance of the proposal as presented, but reflecting concern over level of maintenance that can be maintained in area. Clint Miller seconded and the motion carried, 5 for, 0 against. VII. REVIEW AND CONSIDER ACTION ON THE BID STRUCTURE FOR FORD PARK PHASE II. Thornton reported that there was approximately $630,000 for remainder of Ford Park. Engineering estimates are $720,000, but Thornton indicated he felt that was high. Thornton recommended that the Grant obligations be taken care of first, then the rest go into actual bid, with add alternates being group shelters, additional walkways, etc. Thornton said he would bring finalized bid sheet to the next meeting. VIII. REVIEW AND CONSIDER ACTION REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF A TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE GRANT FOR THE ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE CURRENTLY KNOWN AS THE TEXINS ROD AND GUN CLUB. 47 PAGE 6 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED MEETING JULY 14, 1986 Thornton reported a brief history of the Grant Application process and that he had visited with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department on July 1, 1986 regarding the Grant Application. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department indicated a strong interest at that time in the possibility of purchasing the Texins Rod and Gun Club. This possibility was presented to City Council on July 7, 1986, at their workshop. Thornton indicated he had visited with Dick Brown, of the Texins Association and indicated their willingness to work with the City in the possible acquisition of their facility. MOTION: Clint Miller moved to recommend the Resolution to City Council as written. Mickev Christakos seconded and the motion passed, 4 for, 1 against. IX. REVIEW AND CONSIDER ACTION TO GIVE STAFF DIRECTION REGARDING PRACTICE FIELD USE BY TEAMS NOT PLAYING IN LEAGUES IN ALLEN Thornton reported that the current policy for softball teams not participating in City leagues is that they are not allowed practice due to the lack of facilities. Thornton reported that there are Allen children participating in "metro" leagues - there only being enough participants for one team, therefore, they participate in leagues all over the metroplex. These teams do not pay a User Fee as other teams who do play in Allen pay. Thornton asked the Board for some guidelines as to a policy regarding practice facilities for teams not playing in Allen. MOTION: Richard Saunders moved to establish a policy whereby Allen players, paying a User Fee, be given first priority for practice facilities in the City. Mickey Christakos seconded the motion and it carried, 5 for, 0 against. 48 PAGE 7 PARES AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR CALLED MEETING JULY 14, 1986 ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. These minutes approved as read this ��L day of 1986. Don Proeschel, Chairman He o aon4 a y i EW