HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1987 - 09/14 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING j SEPTEMBER 14, 1987 - 7:30 P.M. J MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Proeschel, Chairman Mickey Christakos, Secretary Ray Lewis Richard Saunders Carol Laakso MEMBERS ABSENT: Gary Edstrom CITY STAFF PRESENT: Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Proeschel called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. II. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes from August 10, 1987, Regular Called Meeting. MOTION: Mickey Christakos moved to approve the Minutes as presented from August 10, 1987, Regular Called Meeting. Carol Laakso seconded and the motion carried, 5 for, 0 against. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT A. Special Use Facility Mark Thornton reported that the City Council had approved the bids for two independent appraisers to do the required appraisals to meet the require- ments of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Grant. Thornton reported that the appraisals should be completed in 21-28 days, and should be to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department by mid-October. Thornton reported that the Texins Rod and Gun Club Association has let a contract on a parcel 103 PAGE 2 PARRS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES j SEPTEMBER 14, 1987 I J of land with a contingency based on the sale of the Allen site. Thornton, working with the realtor representing the Texins Association, has suggested they ask for an extension on that contract due to the fact that our dates for closing on the City contract are indefenite. B. Ford Park Swimming Pool Thornton reported to the Board that Ford Park Swimming Pool had been closed on August 27, rather than the scheduled date of August 30, due to the shortage of staff to safely operate the facility. He indicated that by August 27, we only had two guards remaining to operate the pool and had worked three private parties on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday because those only required two guards on duty. Thornton explained that last year we had hired mainly high school students, who were involved in either football, band, or drill team, and this year we hired mostly college students who had to leave mid to late August for their respective college campus. Ford Park, Phase II Construction Thornton indicated that construction was winding - down at Ford Park and that he would have a Dedication Ceremony proposal ready for the next Park and Recreation Board Meeting. He reported that the hydro -mulch was in, electrical parts for tennis courts are in, and all but one 200 foot section of concrete for the jogging trail. Don Proeschel questioned when the nets would be installed at Ford Tennis Courts, and Thornton indicated that he wanted better grass coverage around the courts prior to installing the nets. D. Personnel Mark Thornton reported that the Recreation Supervisor, Trey Goodman, had left the City of Allen to go to work for the City of Addison on September 4. While he will be missed, Thornton felt this was a positive move professionaly for Trey. Thornton indicated he would have a 104 L L PAGE 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES SEPTEMBER 14, 1987 Resolution ready for the next Park Board Meeting for the Board to approve regarding Trey Goodman's 4h years of planning and implementing programs with the City of Allen. Thornton also indicated that he would probably not advertise to fill that position until mid-October, or later. E. Appointments to the Board Thornton reported that Places 2, 4, and 6 were currently up for re -appointment, along with Place 7 vacated by Clint Miller. Carol Laakso, and Don Proeschel have asked to be re -appointed, while Mickey Christakos has chosen not to seek re -appointment. Thornton indicated that 19 applications had been made to be appointed to the Park and Recreation Board and that City Council was currently in the process of inter- viewing prospective Board Members. Those appointments will be made September 17, at the City Council Meeting. IV. REVIEW STAFF PRESENTATION FOR THE UPCOMING NRPA CONVENTION Thornton reported that one week from today, September 21, he along with David Morgan of Halff and Associates, and Dr. James Mertes of Texas Tech University, would be presenting under the catagory of National Issues to the National Recreation and Park Association convening in New Orleans. The topic will be related to the Greenbelt Study made by the City of Allen. Thornton briefly reviewed the history of the study, along with the relationship to the Presidents Commission on Americans Outdoors Study of connecting greenbelt and linear parks. He indicated the concept and goals of both studies were almost identical in nature. David Morgan will be presenting the technical aspects of the Study, while Dr. Mertes will be presenting the Parks and Recreation aspect of greenbelt parks. Thornton presented a brief video tape to the Board members. REVIEW POLICY MANUAL AND UPCOMING SCHEDULE Thornton reported that from October to April were the best months for him to have time to work on the Policy Manual since the growing season would be slowing 105 PAGE 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES y SEPTEMBER 14, 1987 down and requiring less of his time to oversee. At the next Park Board Meeting, the chapters remaining will be reviewed along with a discussion of the direction the Board wants to take. This will allow the newly appointed Board Members to get some background on the Policy Manual. VI. OTHER BUSINESS Chairman Don Proeschel questioned the status of the Sesquicentennial Park planned for downtown Allen. Thornton reported that the proposed fountain - sculpture had been reviewed with Mrs. McDermott and sent back for revisions. The new concepts are now being reviewed. Proeschel also wanted to know time frame for proposed Recreation Center for Allen. Thornton indicated that it could possibly be open by January, 1991. Chairman Proeschel presented the Board members with information on the Collin County Open Space Committee and briefly reviewed that information with members. Ray Lewis indicated that representatives of the Allen Sports Association had asked for more control of fire ants on the McDermott Soccer Fields, and Thornton indicated that he would check into the application of more pesticides on the playing surface, but indicated that the area around the actual playing surface could not be controlled. Lewis also indicated the desire for more fertilizer application to those same playing fields. Thornton indicated that due to the lateness of the growing season, that would probably not be feasible. VII. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. / These minutes approved as read this day of October, 1987. Don Proeschel, Chairman 106