HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1988 - 04/11 - RegularMINUTES PARRS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING APRIL 11, 1988 - 7:30 P.M. Don Proeschel, Chairman Helen Johnson, Secretary Ray Lewis Tom Clark Richard Saunders MEMBERS ABSENT Carol Laakso CITY STAFF PRESENT Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation Ed Voss, Program Coordinator Sandy McGowan, Special Activities Coordinator I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Don Proeschel called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. II. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN Chairman Don Proeschel opened the floor for nominations for the office of vice chairman. Richard Saunders nominated Ray Lewis for the office of vice chairman. There being no further nominations, the nominations were closed and Ray Lewis was elected by acclamation. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MARCH 14, 1988, REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Tom Clark moved to accept the Minutes from March 14, 1988, Regular Called Meeting, as presented. Richard Saunders seconded and the motion carried 4 for, 0 against. 25 PAGE 2 MINUTES - PARKS ANS RECREATION BOARD APRIL 11, 1988 IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Special Use Facility Update Thornton reported that regarding the Special Use Facility, no activity had occurred since the last meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board. The City has received a letter from the Texin's Association stating that as of this time, they no longer wish to negotiate the property with the City. Thornton reported that staff has been investigating several alternative property sites and evaluating them as to their characteristics and whether those characteristics meet the needs of the City and criteria set forth in the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife Grant guidelines. B. Personnel Mark Thornton introduced Mr. Ed Voss to the Park Board, explaining that Ed had come to the City of Allen Parks and Recreation Department from the City of Plano, and would be working with the athletics, day camp, fish camp, and various new programs for the City Parks and Recreation Department. Ed Voss presented a brief outline of his programs to the Parks and Recreation Board as well as presented some new ideas for programs to be introduced this coming summer. Among those new programs being implemented will be a Football Camp coached by Mr. Ken Purcell of Allen High School Athletic Department. The Allen Independent School District has also indicated an interest in bringing their currently scheduled Basketball Camp under the City's summer programs for the summer of 1989. Mr. Voss has proposed a Golf Clinic to be conducted at the driving range on Stacy Road, as well as a Tennis Clinic to be conducted at Ford Park, adult basketball (3 on 3, 1/2 court) to be conducted during the open gym program, and possibly incorporating the Striding Eagle Track Program as time goes by, in addition to the programs currently in place. Mrs. Sandy McGowan gave a brief update on the Senior Citizens Program, including information on the cookbook currently being put together by the Senior Citizens 27 PAGE 3 MINUTES - PARKS ANS RECREATION BOARD APRIL 11, 1988 from recipes gathered at potluck luncheons. She indicated that next week the Seniors would be taking their first overnight trip to the LBJ Ranch, and the following morning leaving for a river boat cruise. Sandy reported that the Red Cross Chapter from Allen High School has an Adopt -A -Grandparent program whereby two volunteers from the Allen Senior Citizens Program go to the High School on a weekly basis and eat lunch with the students from the Red Cross. Sandy also indicated the proposed new programs in aquatics that is planned for the summer, those being a diving class, water aerobics, and an infant and mother swim class. Thornton indicated that Ed Voss had background knowle- dge of the Macintosh Computer System and would be utilizing that background to produce the summer brochure as well as assist other departments in training on that machine. Thornton reported that he would ask both Sandy and Ed to come to the Park and Recreation Board Meetings from time to time and report directly to the Board on their activities and plans. C. OZONE SYSTEM AT FORD POOL Thornton began with a brief background talk on the ozone systems and how they work to disinfect water systems. He indicated that ozone has long been in use in Europe to clean public water with a high rate of success. He reported that our supplier of chlorine gas will no longer deliver due to liability and safety concerns. That supplier has offered to convert our system to use liquid chlorine or bleach for $2,000. Following research into the ozone system of disinfection, Thornton learned that as much as a 90% reduction of chlorine has been achieved in parts of the country by switching to the ozone system. Mr. Lawrence Hans, the pool consultant used for Ford Park Pool is recommending this system also. Thornton has located a supplier who will install the ozone system into Ford Pool at no cost for 60 days - should the City not see a reduction in chlorine used, there will be no cost and the system will be removed. Thornton reported that the City of Austin has the ozone system in place at the pool that Ford Pool is designed W. PAGE 4 MINUTES - PARKS ANS RECREATION BOARD APRIL 11, 1988 after, and that they have experienced a 60%-80% reduction in chlorine usage. A savings of $4,700 could be realized in one summer of operation, and the pool could remain full during the winter months. Thornton feels that the chemical levels will be much easier to maintain under the ozone system than was experienced with the chlorine system. V. REVIEW AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION ON GRANTING AN EASENENT TO TU ELECTRIC ALONG THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY OF STORY PARE Mr. Mark Anthony from the TU Electric Office in McKinney was introduced to the Board and made a brief presentation on the needs of TU Electric regarding the easement at Story Park. Mr. Anthony indicated where TU needed the easement (about 15 feet along the southern boundary of the property) and detailed why this was important to the current homeowners as well as anticipated homeowners in the southeastern part of Allen. He reported that there were currently 16,000 KVA on the existing line, and that the maximum rating for that line is 16,500. It is projected that by winter of this year, that 18,000 KVA will be on line. TU is striving to provide reliable service for those customers, and to do so would require the addition of a line to the south side of Story. Following a brief discussion regarding the overhead lines, size, pole height, City guidelines regarding overhead lines, minimum and maximum cable height and size, the following Motion was made: MOTION: Tom Clark made a motion to recommend City Council grant an easement to TU Electric for 15 feet along the Southern Boundary of Story Park. Ray Lewis seconded, and the motion carried, 4 for, 0 against with Board member Richard Saunders abstaining from the vote. VI. REVIEW AND CONSIDER RECOWMMATION OF FEES AND CHARGES FOR PARKS AND RECREATION Thornton began his presentation by reporting that the fees and charges for Parks and Recreation had been in effect for three years without revision. He had asked Ed Voss to look at those current fees and propose a new set of fees for the Board to consider. Thornton indicated that those fees set Y.Y: PAGE 5 MINUTES - PARKS ANS RECREATION BOARD J APRIL 11, 1988 1 for aquatics were set by ordinance by City Council and would therefore need to be placed in the form of an amendment to the current ordinance. Thornton briefly reviewed with the Board the proposed fee structure, and brought to their attention the fact that there is currently no distinction between those who were residents and tax payers of the City of Allen, and those who lived outside the City limits, and were therefore not paying any taxation to the City of Allen. Following a brief discussion regarding raising the fees for non-resident swim pass holders, the following Motion was made: MOTION: Tom Clark made a motion to recommend to City Council that the non-resident season passes for Ford Pool be raised to $30, $65, and $90 respectively. Richard Saunders seconded, and the motion passed 5 ' for, 0 against. Richard Saunders expressed an interest in raising the non- resident user fees for athletics also, and Thornton indicated that he would be bringing that issue before the Board once the Fees and Charges Policy had been passed by the City Council. VII. OTffit BUSINESS Collin County Open Space Chairman Don Proeschel presented the Open Space Bond Program Recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Board for their information and encouraged anyone having an interest in working toward the upcoming Bond Election to please let him know. The Bonds for preservation of open space, parks around Lake Lavon, County Youth Park and Outdoor Education Camp total $29.6 million. B. Thornton presented a drawing of the proposed 5 acre Cottonwood Bend Park and informed the Board that the developer had irrigated the property, as well as planted grass and put in roads around the park site prior to dedicating the site to the City of Allen. A playground is proposed for this area with sidewalks and all, PAGE 6 MINUTES - PARKS ANS RECREATION BOARD APRIL 11, 1988 possibly some benches with lattice work. There is a possibility of providing two playgrounds, to meet the needs of the very young as well as the older children. Thornton indicated that at the next Park Board meeting, the naming of the park site would be before the Board, so members might be giving that item some thought prior to the meeting in May. Chairman Don Proeschel called for any further Other Business and Board member Ray Lewis indicated that he had been approached by ASA to report wet fields for the games on Saturday, April 9. Thornton indicated he would check and make sure there were no leaks in the irrigation system and follow up on this item. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Homular, co -league directors for the "under 6" Allen Sports Association soccer teams asked to make comment and question the City procedure on various items. Some of the items addressed were as follows: concession procedures, bidding procedures, field reservations for soccer practice, lack of good communication between ASA, Parks and Recreation Board, School District Thornton indicated that the concessionaire was let for bid and will come up for renewal, State law mandates that the best bid be accepted, even though it may not be an Allen resident, items going out for bid are advertised in the Allen American prior to deadline. He also indicated that the City was not approached prior to the benefit tournament held at Ford regarding the concessions being run by ASA for that tournament, but he did indicate that the fees were waived for the field usage by the City in return for volunteers cleaning up the fields after the tournament. He reviewed the contract the City has with James Odell, concessionaire for the City, and explained how that contract was worded. Thornton indicated that part of the job description for the Program Coordinator was to work closely with the Allen Sports Association to promote better communication between the two entities. Richard Saunders indicated that the Community Education Advisory Council wants to plant a living Christmas Tree, and were looking to the Board for input on where to locate that tree. Several suggestions were made, Rfl PAGE 7 MINUTES - PARKS ANS RECREATION BOARD APRIL 11, 1988 and one of those being the west side of the Sesquicentennial Park area. VIII. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. These minutes approved as read this L 3�day of May, 1988. 0�� � � Don Proeschel, Chairman H en Johnso V Secretary 'i 32