HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1988 - 08/08 - RegularMINUTES PARES AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING AUGUST 8. 1988 - 7:30 P.M. Don Proeschel, Chairman Helen Johnson, Secretary Richard Saunders Rick Allen Dan Easter Ray Lewis MEMBERS ABSENT Tom Clark CITY STAFF PRESENT Jon McCarty, City Manager Ed Voss, Program Coordinator I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Don Proeschel called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM REGULAR CALI.iin MEETING ON JULY 11, 1988 MOTION: Richard Saunders moved to accept the Minutes from July 11, Regular Called Meeting as presented, Rick Allen seconded, and the motion carried 6 for, 0 against. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT A. Cottonwood Bend Playground Status City Manager, Jon McCarty presented a conceptual drawing of the Cottonwood Bend Playground project, and indicated that the project was now complete and the final billing from SVA Concrete had been received and approved for payment by City Council. Jon updated the Board on the fact that the developer had dedicated this area with the 48 PAGE 2 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AUGUST 8, 1988 sprinkler system and grass installed. During the installation of the playground area, irrigation lines had to be cut, and starting this week, the Parks and Recreation Maintenance workers will be re-routing the sprinkler system lines. Richard Saunders asked if the area was large enough to hold a backstop or soccer goal to be used as a practice field. Ed Voss indicated that the original intent for this site was strictly a neighborhood usage park, with playground equipment and open spaces. Parks and Recreation Department FY1988-89 Budget Review City Manager made a brief presentation on the budget process as mandated in the City Charter. A portion of the process is that he must present a balanced budget to City Council that must contain certain criteria. He referred the Board Members to the Budget Message, reviewing in particular the assessed value of property and also the sales tax in the City of Allen. Jon reported that the City of Allen lost value during the last year, with assessed value being less. Therefore, the City must increase the tax rate just to match the dollars brought in last year. He reported that 3 years ago, $335,000 was paid to North Texas Municipal Water District, and next year, over $1,000,000 will be paid to North Texas Municipal Water District. Jon also reported on the sales tax per capita last year in Allen, compared to surrounding cities: Allen $25.00 McKinney $52.00 Plano $67.00 Dallas $77.00 Due to the lower revenue forecast, the need for additional revenue sources is seen as an important issue for the City. The Personnel Authorizations for the Parks and Recreation Department were reviewed, as well as the capital outlay items which will include a new mower, file cabinet, and replacement pickup. 49 PAGE 3 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AUGUST 8, 1988 This weekend the Council will hold their annual Budget Retreat, and review with department heads, the budget on a line item by line item basis. There will be two public hearings on the proposed budget, adopted on September 15, and made effective October 1, 1988. Helen Johnson questioned the increased amount budgeted for Pool Instructors, and the City Manager indicated he would follow up on that item and report back to the Board. The increased dollar amount for Summer Recreation was also questioned, and it was indicated that it was to cover the new Open Gym Program costs. C. Director's Position Vacancy Jon McCarty reported that as of this date, nineteen applications had been received by the City Manager's office, and that he would not be surprised to see 40 applications before the process is over. He reviewed with the Board the fact that the City Charter says that the Director will be appointed by the City Manager, subject to City Council approval and Park and Recreation Board recommendation. Following a brief discussion of the Boards involvement in this process, it was determined that all Board members would review all qualified applications, then a three member steering committee sit in on the initial interview process. City Manager will forward copies of all qualified applications to the individual Park Board Members possibly prior to the September 12 meeting, along with a suggested point rating system. Update on Reed Park Renovations McCarty reported that the old hydraulic irrigation valves had been replaced with electric valves, the security lighting system has been re -wired, and an electrical meter installed. Yet to be done is the overseeding of the park site, and the lighting of ' the park signs to be replaced. r, E. Update on Status for Scheduled Practice for Ballfield Lights 50 PAGE 4 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AUGUST 8, 1988 McCarty reported that at the last meeting of the City Council (August 4) and ordinance allowing fees to be charged for lighted practice fields was signed and will take effect beginning October 1, 1988. He indicated that Council raised concerns over the fair and equitable administration of the policy, therefore, the phrase "the Director of Parks and Recreation is directed to ensure that the fee can be equitably and fairly administered to users of the individual parks during the separate playing seasons." IV. DISCUSS OPEN GYM PROGRAM PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES Ed Voss, Program Coordinator for the Parks and Recreation Department, presented an update on the Open Gym Program which is set to begin October 1, 1988. He reported that after conversing with Bobby Curtis of the AISD Facilities Department, Reed Gym would be open around the year for the City's Open Gym Program. Mr. Voss proposed the hours of operation to be: 6-9 pm, Monday - Thursday Closed Friday 1-5 pm, Saturday Closed Sunday Ed indicated that the hours not being utilized by the Open Gym Program could be utilized by other groups. Richard Saunders questioned if volleyball could be played during that time since the main emphasis would be on basketball. Voss indicated that yes, basketball could be divided into half court, and half of the gym could be used for volleyball play. Voss also indicated that he would be the City representative on site and responsible for gym usage. He also reported that the gym would operate 52 weeks out of the year, less certain holiday times (such as Thanksgiving, and Christmas Holidays). Don Proeschel asked if Allen residents would be allowed to bring a non-resident guest. Voss indicated that currently there is no procedure to check drivers license, but that there was concern that the program not be over -run with residents from other cities. Dan Easter expressed concern over the proposed Sunday closing of the program, especially during the winter 51 PAGE 5 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AUGUST 8, 1988 months. It was determined that this option could be explored b p y the staff. MOTION: Rick Allen moved to approve the proposed hours of operation, those being: 6-9 pm, Monday - Thursday Closed Friday 1-5 pm, Saturday Closed Sunday with the stipulation that the operation on Sundays be explored for the Open Gym Program. Dan Easter seconded, and the motion carried 6 for, 0 against. V. UPDATE ON COLLIN COUNTY OPEN SPACE BOND PROGRAM Don Proeschel reported that a Resolution in support of all Bond Propositions had been passed by the City Council and distributed copies of same to Board members. He also indicated that volunteers were need to man phone banks Friday evening to encourage voters to go to the polls on Saturday. Proeschel also reviewed how some of the existing bond funds have been used in regard to the open space in Collin County. VI. UPDATE ON POLICY FOR NAMING PUBLIC FACILITIES COMMITTEE Helen Johnson presented a report on the committee consisting of three Park Board Members, as well as representatives from the Library Board formed to develop a policy regarding the naming of public facilities. A copy of the final recommendation was provided to Board Members, along with a list of suggestions for the naming of the plaza area in the municipal complex. City Council will receive this proposal along with the list of proposals listed by priority. VII. UPDATE ON SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAMS Ed Voss reported on the summer recreation programs, with the following statistics being provided to Board members: AQUATICS• 52 PAGE 6 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AUGUST 8. 1988 L VIII. Learn to Swim Water Aerobics C.O.A.S.T. Swimming Passes Swimming Pool Rentals Swimming Pool Entries Total: 366 swimmers (38 classes) Total: 24 swimmers Total: 68 swimmers (16 swimmers qualified for State TAAF meet in Bryan, Tx) Total: 824 Total: 44 (2,085 entries) Total: 23,577 (as of 8/5/88) SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAMS: Day Camp Fish Camp Instructional Tennis Clinics Football Camp Golf Camp Counselor -in -Training Open Gym Program Total: 172 campers (29% increase) Total: 65 campers (80 % increase) Total: 77 participants Total: 42 campers Total: 15 campers Total: 17 campers Total: 283 Average Ray Lewis inquired about the status of the Special Use Facility, and Jon McCarty indicated that he had no news to report, other than the fact that the contract had not been signed by the Texins Association as of this date. He reported having seen work crews at the site, but had no contact with the seller. Helen Johnson asked about the ozone system installed at Ford Pool. McCarty indicated that the system is working, probably not as efficiently as earlier predicted, due in part to training of personnel in 53 C PAGE 7 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AUGUST 8, 1988 operation of system and cutting back on chlorine usage in the evenings. Helen Johnson also inquired if the Board would like to send a letter of appreciate to the Coaches from Allen High School who conducted the Football Camp this summer. It was decided that staff would draft a letter for review by the Secretary and Chairman of the Park Board and copied to City Council. Ix. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 124h day of September, 1988. Don Proe c e� man 54